After Lin Qiong saw the reluctance in Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes, he raised his finger with a smile and said, "However, the most important thing in our organization is the humanistic care for members, so if you can convince old man Shan, I will I don’t mind sending them back to Seireitei every Friday night to visit their relatives and come back on Monday morning if there is no mission.”


Kuchiki Byakuya, who was reluctant one second, showed a heart-beating expression the next second—that is to say, can sleep with Fei Zhen three days a week?

Like this, it seems not bad?

Kuchiki Byakuya pondered for a few seconds, then calmly said: "Mr. Qiong, please open the black cavity leading to the Soul Realm."

Lord, go and convince the captain now!I bet the dignity and glory of the Kuchiki family, Feizhen, I am determined!

"Well, Kuchiki-san, please wait a moment—"

Lin Qiong pointed with a smile at Zaraki Kenpachi, who was sitting on the rubble next to him and exuding the aura of a beast, and said: "Since I appeared, this gentleman has been exuding fighting spirit. If I If we don’t take care of it, I’m afraid he will just cut it down.”


The pink-haired little loli Yachiryu lying on Saraki Kenpachi's shoulders shook her legs, and said happily: "It seems that Aqiong is really powerful, and he can actually make Ajian endure for so long!"

"Hahaha, of course!"

Zaraki Kenpachi carried his tattered Zanpakuto, with a wild expression on his face, and said excitedly: "This time, cutting in the virtual circle is not enjoyable at all. I didn't expect to be able to do it before leaving." Met such a big fish! Hahaha—”

Lin Qiong laughed: "Oh, I'm very happy to be favored by Mr. Saraki, but maybe I'm not an ordinary big fish, but a great white shark that can eat you in one bite~"

Harribel: "?"

Hi, being a shark ben, it feels like you're implying something.

"Hahahaha, then just let the horse come over!"

Zaraki Kenpachi (without blindfold) raised the Zanpakuto in his hand with ecstasy, and rushed towards Lin Qiong, and the Yachiryu on his shoulder was when Saraki Kenpachi ejected and started, The little hand let go, and it landed lightly on the ground - so why are you so proficient at Yaqianliu?How many people did you witness Kenpachi Zaragi cut down?

"Oh, a one-handed sword?"

Lin Qiong looked at Zaraki Kenpachi, who was holding a sword in one hand, and couldn't help but scratch his face and said, "If that's all..."


Zaraki Kenpachi's blade slashed at Lin Qiong's chest, but there was a sound of gold and iron intersecting, which immediately made the smile on Zaraki Kenpachi's face freeze.

Lin Qiong raised his head, looked at Saraki Kenpachi, who was taller than him, and said with a chuckle, "...But even my defense can't be broken."

"Interesting, interesting!"

Zaragi Kenpachi smiled instead of anger, he grinned and revealed a sharp villainous laugh: "Hahahaha, it's so interesting! You are much more energetic than those sissy ten-edged swords!"

Stark: "?"

Harribel: "?"

Thanks, was offended.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Lin Qiong smiled at Zaragi Kenpachi, and then suggested: "Mr. Zaraki, why don't we play a game?"


Saraki Kenpachi held the sword, and asked a little confused: "What game?"

"It's simple—"

Lin Qiong raised his index finger and said, "If Mr. Saraki can break through my defense and injure me, I will fight with you."


Zaraki Kenpachi's expression turned cold, he grinned, and said in a beastly way: "I really have been underestimated! What about Valstord's steel skin? Cut it off for you to see—"

After the words fell, Zaraki Kenpachi held the handle of the Zanpakuto with both hands, and then in the shocked eyes of Kuchiki Byakuya, Asai Renji, Kuchiki Rukia and others, he swung the only way of the sword he mastered— - Kendo · two sections.

The golden sword pressed towards Lin Qiong's chest with the momentum of splitting mountains and seas, and behind the sword pressure was Saraki Kenpachi's ferocious beast face.


Looking at this scene, Yaqianliu couldn't help pressing his hair with his hands, and exclaimed: "A Jian was underestimated, he looks very angry!"

Nirvana Mayori showed a speechless expression: "Being underestimated like this, it's a ghost if you don't get angry, right?"However, Jie Jie Jie, the more intense the fight, the better—this is a great opportunity to collect data on this face-off! '

He tried a color on Nie Yinmeng, and the little girl nodded in a subtle way, and then began to collect data.


In the next moment, under the eyes of everyone, the sword pressure slashed directly on Lin Qiong's chest. The violent collision caused the golden sword pressure to shatter into scattered energy, but still did not leave even a trace.

Zaraki Kenpachi: "..."

It seemed that even he was surprised by such a result. It was the first time he saw something that he couldn't cut in such a big life.

"Oh, it seems that my defense is still a little bit better——"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand humbly, raised his thumb and index finger to draw a little distance, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Saraki still needs to work harder if he wants to break through my defense."

Zaraki Kenpachi grinned, then raised the sword in his hand with scarlet eyes, and began to slash randomly. Every time the knife came down, golden swords would scatter in all directions, making Asai Renji and Kuchiki Rukia and Rukia clicked their tongues.

As expected of Captain Saraki, who didn't know how to understand and became the captain, this sword pressure is too exaggerated!But that broken face is more exaggerated, right?To actually stand there and let Captain Saraki cut it. The key point is that Captain Saraki still can't cut it. This is the most embarrassing thing!

What a joke! ?If the broken faces of the virtual circle are all of this level, then the soul world should not fight at all, and the French salute happily like the French, and the job will be over!



The dull collision sounded again and again, and Kenpachi Saragi, who swung his sword with all his strength, finally fell into exhaustion after swinging a hundred and eighty swords in a row.

"Mr. Saragi, it seems that you can't break through my defense now—"

Lin Qiong put his hand on Saraki Kenpachi's chest with a smile, and then gently pushed forward, a force that Saraki Kenpachi could not resist came from his palm, making him sit on the ground, " Then, please rest for a while, and then go back to the Soul Realm with Captain Deadwood and the others."

Chapter 0438 is all dome blowing, right?

"Okay, amazing!"

Renji Asai opened his mouth wide, and said in disbelief: "Captain Saraki is powerless in his hands!? This broken face may be even more powerful than Captain Kuchiki!"

Kuchiki Byakuya:"?"

"Yes, indeed! Big brother's swastika should not be very good in terms of attack power..."

Kuchiki Rukia also nodded blankly, and said: "Facing the steel skin that can resist Captain Saraki's sword pressure without a scratch, it should be more weak."

Kuchiki Byakuya:"!?"

If it was just Renji Asai who questioned his own strength, then Kuchiki Byakuya would at most put a question mark on him, and then put him in shoes for a while in the days to come—let’s tentatively say ten years!Anyway, ten years is just a flick of a finger for the god of death.

However, his sister, Kuchiki Rukia is also questioning his strength?Can this be tolerated?This will not work!Although his Qianben Sakura Jingyan is not a Zanpakuto that is known for its destructive power, but the Baidi Sword that brings together all the blades, broke through his broken steel skin... um...

Forget it, for the sake of his revival of Feizhen, don't care about it like him.


Lin Qiong stretched, then lazily slapped his shoulders, and said, "Okay, Mr. Reapers, take a good rest. I'll go and see the remaining ten blades, and I'll send you back."

 "The remaining ten blades?"

Nirvana tilted her head, then revealed a schadenfreude smile, and said, "That may disappoint you~ According to my investigation, there is no living Pomian in this Void Night Palace."

According to Nirvana Mayuri's investigation——

No. 10 → 0 Ten Blades, hacked to death by Kuchiki Byakuya and Saraki Kenpachi;

The 9th Ten Blade was crushed by Shiba Haiyan;

The 8th blade was burned to ashes by Ishida Uryu;

The 7th ten blades, twisted into meat sauce by Kuchiki Byakuya;

The 6th Ten Blades, after being defeated by Kurosaki Ichigo, was beheaded by Neutra;

The 5th blade was cut into rotten meat by Saraki Kenpachi;

The 4th Ten Blades disappeared after the battle with Kurosaki Ichigo, but the Reiatsu feedback has disappeared.

——The most appropriate word to describe these Arrancars is annihilation.

"Well, in terms of common sense, the ten blades stationed in the Void Night Palace may really all be dead."

Lin Qiong glanced at Nirvana Yuri, then raised a finger with a smile, and said, "But, Mr. Nirvana, you have already seen Kuchiki Hima and Shiba Haiyan..."

Before Lin Qiong finished speaking, Nie Yuli let out an exaggerated exclamation of "ohhhhhhhhhhh—" and then showed a somewhat distorted smile: "Could it be that this Mr. Bad Face is going to Demonstrate the ability to resurrect?"

Lin Qiong smiled reservedly, then looked at the curious Kuchiki Rukia and Kusaka Yachiryu, and said, "If you are interested, why don't you come with me?"

This kind of offer is really impossible to refuse!



The first stop was the place where Yami died the closest to everyone.

At this time, his huge, even somewhat bloated body was lying on the desert without a sound, and a dog-shaped broken face was turning around near Yami's head, yelling "barking" from time to time.

When Lin Qiong and the others walked towards Yami, the dog-shaped Pomian (No. 35) named Kukarob turned around hastily, then arched his back, and showed a grinning face towards Lin Qiong and the others. fierce look.

However, after Lin Qiong and others passed the exam, Kukarob immediately recognized that the visitor seemed to be his master's companion, so he quickly put away his fierce look and greeted him with his tongue out.


The puppy with a skull on its head circled around Lin Qiong's feet a few times, and then groaned softly, as if telling Lin Qiong that Yami had died.

"Relax, Kukarob."

Lin Qiong bent down, stretched out his hands and hugged Kukarob into his arms, then stretched out his hands and scratched its chin, and said with a smile: "Yami will not die, as I said, Aizen is here It's useless."


Kukarob tilted his head, and then called out "woohoo". It was not clear whether he understood what Lin Qiong said.

"But it's really scary—"

Stark couldn't help but looked at Yami's body, and said: "Speaking of which, this is the first time I've seen Yami-jun's returning blade shape, is the size actually exaggerated like this?"

"It's the first time I've seen it too."

Harribel also showed a slightly shocked expression, and said: "Such a huge volume, just moving it, it seems like a natural disaster, right?"

Just like Ultraman Gaia's final boss Zog, even if it doesn't use any light skills, it can easily destroy a city with its height of 666 meters and weight of 66 tons.


Zaragi Kenpachi (Limited Edition of Eight Thousand Stream Mounts) showed a disdainful expression, and said, "Isn't he hacked to death by Lao Tzu? No matter how big it is, it's just a target."

Lin Qiong scratched his face, and he didn't know how to evaluate the two ten-bladed Stark and Yami——

Stark's death at the hands of Haru Kyōraku, the first Kai, can be explained by his lack of fighting spirit, but Yami, the Arrancar who changed from number 10 to number 0 and is known as the "Ten Strongest Blades", has great expressiveness. It really stretches the crotch.

It was exactly the same as Saraki Kenpachi said, a pure target, being beaten from beginning to end, giving people the feeling that there was nothing but blood.

What a shame!

"Ahem, the dead are great, the dead are great."

Lin Qiong coughed twice, then took out a feather shining with seven colors from his arms and said, "Okay, I'm going to resurrect Yami, please don't do anything again later."

Nie Yuli looked at the iridescent feather in Lin Qiong's hand, and he could sense an unusually active spirit from the iridescent feather.

'interesting!A spirit that has been active to such an extent can actually maintain a fixed form? '

Nirvana Mayuri couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, making himself more focused.

'Could it be that this unusually active spirit is the essence of his resurrection ability? '

Lin Qiong ignored Nie Yuli's brainstorming, he just gently pasted the iridescent feather on Yami's body, and said in a low voice: "Burning holy fire, burn its remnants, life is as happy as death is Why are you afraid-"


The next moment, a cluster of white flames appeared on the iridescent feather, and the flame quickly spread to the entire feather, and then further spread to Yami's corpse.

"Hey, is this really okay?"

A Sanjing Renji's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but said, "Why do I feel that this is not so much a resurrection, but a cremation?"

Are you going to have a "ignition" and then switch to gas range transition? ?

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