"Stupid red-haired tattooed baboon! Don't talk nonsense if you don't know anything, shame on—"

Hearing Renji's soliloquy, Nirvana Yuri couldn't help scolding angrily, "Is your Reiatsu perception as baboon-level as your appearance? Can't you perceive Under the baptism of the white flame, are the spirits that make up that big man rejuvenating?"

A Sanjing was so angry that he was about to evolve into a giant baboon. He clenched his fists tightly and thought, "Damn it!I knew I kicked him too much when I hit him just now! '

"It's amazing, this phenomenon is really amazing!"

Like a fanatical believer who has discovered the truth of the world, Nirvana raised his hands high and said in a fanatical and excited voice: "It is actually possible to re-inject vitality into a 'dead' spirit child and make it 'resurrected'. What is the principle?"

It's a pity that Nie Yuli is not a crazy scientific research girl, so Lin Qiong didn't plan to answer his doubts, but raised Kuka Rob in his arms and said, "Little Rob, look, your master will be here soon." To be resurrected!"

"Wang Woo!"

Kukarob also seemed to sense Yami's spiritual pressure that was gradually beginning to recover. Its little tail suddenly began to shake like a windmill, making Lin Qiong laugh "Hahaha".

Soon, Yami's figure shrouded in white flames began to shrink visible to the naked eye, and he quickly returned to his posture before returning to the blade. Then, with a roar of "ha", the flames dispersed from his body.

"The 0th Tenth Blade, Yami Rialgo, revive!"

Yami clenched his hands and raised them on both sides of his body, making a powerful gesture, and laughed: "Aqiong, did you really resurrect me? Hahahaha!"

He announced that from today on, Aqiong is his half-brother!

Of course, the premise is that this guy won’t let him eat gummy bears. That stuff is not for the Ten Blades to eat - I suggest giving it to Aizen, he has awesome anus and can eat ten of them in one go!

Indigo Dye: 6

"That's a must! When did your brother Qiong lie to you?"

Lin Qiong patted Yami's arm cheerfully, and said, "Let's go, let's go to resurrect the sixth Leopard first, and then go to Ulquiola."

As for [-]?

Tsk!Whoever loves it should go!



After resurrecting Grimmjow, everyone came to the canopy of the Void Night Palace.

"That is--"

As soon as they got on the sky cover, everyone saw a hemispherical shield with a diameter of about ten meters, and in the middle of the shield was...


Kuchiki Rukia widened her eyes and exclaimed, "Ishida-kun!?"

"Ah! Kuchiki-san—"

Hearing Rukia's shout, Inoue first waved to her happily, then happily turned to look at a man with short black hair beside him, and said, "Ni-chan! Kuchiki-san and the others really came here! "

"Because all of this is within the young master's calculation—"

Inoue Hao explained with a smile, then stood up and walked towards Lin Qiong with Ishida Uryu beside him, and said, "Master! Although Ulquiola has been treated urgently, he has already been treated by Kurosaki-kun. I lost part of my internal organs under the attack, so I guess it won't last long."

"Don't worry, Inoue-san."

Ishida Uryu calmly pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said, "Since the young master has come, it means everything is fine."

Inoue Hao nodded and said, "Indeed."

Ishida Uryu put down his hands and said, "Indeed."

Captains: 6

The members of the Guardian Shield are all Qiongfu, right?

Chapter 0439 what is the small rub?

Under the gazes of many captains "-_-", Lin Qiong patted the shoulders of Inoue Hao and Ishida Uryu with a smile, and said, "Thank you for your hard work, is it boring to stay up there?"

"No way."

Hao Inoue waved his hand cheerfully, pointed to the corner, and said, "Ishida-kun and I watched Orihime play The Binding of Isaac while eating snacks, so happy."

Ishida Uryu nodded calmly, and said: "I have to say, Inoue-san is very suitable to be the anchor of the young master—whether it is virtual or real. She plays games very well."


Orihime Inoue clenched his fists and waved his hands up and down angrily: "Ni-chan and Ishida-san are both idiots! They're villains! They're big villains! Woooooooo—"

Cai, Cai, can you blame her for things like this?Isn't that just dying 12 times on the first floor?Is it her fault that she can't get a power item?No matter how you think about it, it's the prop room's fault!


"Ahem, it's good that you don't feel bored."

Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, then walked towards Ulquiola who was lying on the ground, and sighed: "Old Wu, why did you make yourself like this? I told you before the war started. , Just touch the fish! You don’t even have a salary, what kind of life are you playing?”

Grimmjow: "..."

Is it my illusion?Always felt like I was shot too.

Behind Lin Qiong, Nirvana Mayuri rubbed her little hands like a fly excitedly, looked at the enchantment that enveloped the four of Ishida Uryu with curious eyes, and said to herself: " So, is this layer of enchantment blocking our spiritual pressure detection? That's why we didn't realize that there is still life on the canopy..."


At this moment, an undisguised, bored click of the tongue sounded from the empty sky.


Nirvana Yuri narrowed his eyes, then looked at Ishida Uryu who was pushing his glasses with his middle finger and staring at him with cold eyes, grinning and said: "Isn't this Mr. Quincy? It's been a long time I can't see you~ Oh, your presence is really..."

Just when Nirvana was about to satirize Ishida Uryu with vicious words, Lin Qiong, who was about to take out the iridescent feather to treat Ulquiola, turned his head and reminded: "Mr. Nirvana, I suggest Before you start to taunt, you should first observe the uniform patterns on the members of the Guardian Shield present."


Nirvana Mayuri squinted his eyes, tilted his head, his eyes swept over Kuchiki Hima, Shiba Haiyan, Ishida Uryu and Inoue Hao, and then whispered: "Gold and silver?"

"That's right! The official members with only the golden pattern are similar to the ten blades in the broken face, while the reserve members with the silver pattern are similar to the subordinate officers in the broken face."

Lin Qiong nodded with a chuckle, and explained: "Although combat power is not the only criterion for being selected, if you want to become a full member, if you don't have the combat power to easily defeat Blade, you will definitely not be able to."

If the only criterion for establishing a formal member is combat ability, then Bridget should be the main candidate, not Shiba Haiyan.

Grimmjow: "?"

Thanks, I feel offended.

Niryuuri let out a meaningful sigh of "Huo——", then looked at Shiba Haiyan and Ishida Uryu who were wearing gold-patterned uniforms, and said: "In other words, these two 'official members' San, both have the ability to relax. Is it possible to defeat the blade's strength?"

"You can experience it with your own body."

Ishida Uryu pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose indifferently (using his middle finger) and said, "I will entertain you with great enthusiasm."

"Oh? What a shame to say—"

Nirvana Mayuri showed a playful smile, "Ishida Uryu! After I was defeated by you last time, I conducted in-depth research on you—do you understand? You have no secrets in front of me!"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Lin Qiong coughed twice. He pointed at the gap in the sky cover and said, "What about that? How about you two go down and have a fight? Don't worry, I can resurrect even the dead."

Asai Renji: "..."

Kuchiki Rukia: "..."

I've seen someone who is on fire, but I've never seen someone who is on fire like this. You are really not afraid of killing people.

"Just to my liking."

Ishida Uryu took a deep breath, gently stroked his chest with his hand, bowed towards Lin Qiong, and said, "Master, then I will educate this impolite yin and yang face with big yellow teeth. "

Asai Renji: "!"

He announced that Ishida Uryu was his half-brother!Good scolding, brother!

Nirvana Mayuri: "?"

He gritted his teeth, showed a cold smile, and said, "Alright! Let me teach you a lesson!"

Lin Qiong added: "Friends who are interested in their discussions can go and watch on their own, but remember to protect yourself."

Then Asai Renji and Zaraki Kenpachi followed along—by the way, Nirvana, as Nirvana Mayuri's binding equipment, also followed.

"Hey! Ah Qiong——"

Baqian Liuhuan, who temporarily lost her mount, lay on Lin Qiong's back. She shook her legs curiously and asked, "Which of the two of them do you think can win?"

"There is no doubt that it is the rain dragon——"

Lin Qiong put the iridescent feather on Ulquiorra's body, and replied without thinking: "Not only will I win, but I will win very easily."

Ishida Uryu, who possesses the perfect holy body of "God's Purification", is the deadly nemesis of poison experts like Nirvana Mayori, right?Even if you poison, one of me will count as my loser.

The next moment, a white flame burned Ulquiola's body, but this time the holy fire was not performing the power of "resurrection", but the power of "healing".

When the last cluster of flames was extinguished from Ulquiola's body, he opened his eyes suddenly, then sat up, glanced at the shamen around him, and said in a low voice: "It seems, blue Ran-sama's plan has failed."

Use an affirmative sentence.

"That must be!"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows. He stretched out his hand and pulled Ulquiola up from the ground, and said, "Alan is now working in Sky City to pay off his debts, so you can come along."

Ulquiola was silent for two seconds, then nodded slightly, and said, "Okay."

At this point, the ten-blade poaching campaign is established!


"Did I forget anyone else?"

Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, and then showed a puzzled expression: "There should be another member among the members who came to Xuquan this time, right?"

After being silent for a second, two seconds, three seconds...

Lin Qiong, Lucia, and Inoue: "Ah——"




Lin Qiong and others found Chadu in the underground palace at the outermost edge of Xuye Palace, and when they found him, he was talking with three guards of the underground palace—Dorudoni, Tiruti, and Gang Tenbain— playing mahjong.


Chadu pushed away the cards in front of him with an expressionless face and said softly: "Four dark carvings, one green, three times full."

Tiruti played the six-of-a-kind card: "Σ( ° △ °|||)——"

She let out a mournful "Wow--", then flew out backwards clutching her chest, and fell heavily to the corner of the wall - those who didn't know thought she was beaten twice by Bangbang head-on.

"Tiruti, you..."

Doludoni stroked his mustache, and then said a little speechlessly: "From the big three yuan of Gang Tenbain, to my [-]-faced national warrior warrior, and now to the four-dark engraved single-rider plus green one color , The guns you fired are getting bigger and bigger."

Gangten Byrne with the orange afro nodded, and he couldn't help but said, "Have you been retrograde recently? I have a little recipe to improve your luck. Do you want to give it to you? Your unlucky is a bit too much."

"Shut up, you three European dogs! How can anyone stand upright and listen to the solo riders of three yuan, thirteen faces and four dark carvings in less than ten rounds?"

Tiruti sat in the corner, crying and kicking his legs, shouting, "You guys should die, why don't you die—especially Chadu, are you worthy of your skin color?"

Cha Du was silent for a few seconds, and said, "I have the blood of Mestizo."

Tiruti: "0_o?"

She couldn't help but ask: "What is that?"

Chatata Taihu thought for a while and simply explained: "In short, it is a 'mixed child born of Europeans and other races', so I have European ancestry."

Tiruti: "Σ( ° △ °|||)!"

She put her head in her hands and cried out in grief: "Liar! I am desperate for this world where the whole world is European dogs!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Other captains: "..."

The other ten blades: "..."

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