Stark rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "How should I put it? Seeing them so happy, and then thinking of the scene where I was beaten to death for Aizen's plan and those troublesome captains in this world, there is a very strange feeling. Mixed feelings."

Lin Qiong squinted at him, and complained: "What nonsense? Killing and fighting? You and Jingle Chunshui were fishing from the beginning, okay? Not even a hair was hurt!"

Rukia: "..."

Although, this is something the leader of the Beijing band can do!


The movement of Lin Qiong's discussion here naturally attracted the attention of the mahjong quartet. They turned their heads in surprise and looked at Lin Qiong and others at the door.


Chadu stood up from his seat, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Well, I have nothing to do, let's rub a few rubs with them."

Little, what are you rubbing?

Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then waved his hands and said, "It's okay! If it weren't for you, I would have almost forgotten the three broken faces here."

Dorudoni, Tiruti, Guntenbain: "?"

It is our fault that the sense of existence is low, I am really sorry!


Lin Qiong sat down on his seat and said with a grin, "Are you voluntarily going to Sky City with me? Or were you broken and dragged to Sky City where I can heal you?"

Is this a fucking multiple choice question?Is the city in the sky some kind of dark and evil force...

The three of them looked at the line behind Lin Qiong, and stared at the No. 60, No. [-], No. [-] blades here, and couldn't help shivering.

Well, it seems that it is indeed——

Chapter 0440 Ishida Uryu, who made you like this

After the trio voluntarily surrendered, Lin Qiong went to revive Nirvana Mayuri, and then opened the black hole leading to the world of souls, allowing the "reinforcement of Kurosaki Ichigo" from the world of souls to return.

"Speaking of which, how is your battle going?"

Lin Qiong maintained his dark voice leading to the world of corpses and souls, and asked Ishida Uryu curiously: "How many moves did you spend to defeat Nirvana Yuri?"

"Before I did it, I let him release the Swastika, and then listened to him chattering about his new ability for 5 minutes..."

Ishida Uryu pushed his glasses indifferently, and the lenses reflected a strange light under the cold moonlight of Xuye Palace, "After he finished his introduction, I entered the holy body, eliminating the need for him to introduce himself. He then fired three arrows, which pierced his left testicle, right testicle, and his forehead—hehehe, congratulations for becoming a yin and yang that matches his yin and yang face Man, it's really nice to be gelled."

Lin Qiong: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Others: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Stone, Ishida-kun!You, how did you become like this! ?

Lin Qiong rested his right hand on his chin, and fell into a deep panic. He didn't understand, what kind of wicked thing was it that cultivated the serious Ishida Uryu in the original book into what he is now!

This is too bad!



Castle in the Sky.

"Welcome to the city of the sky, everyone—"

After stepping into the square of Sky City, Lin Qiong smiled and said to Inoue Orihime, Dorudoni, Tiruti and Gangtenbain who came to Sky City for the first time, "I hope you You can have a good time here.”

"Master, don't worry, I will take them for a stroll, as for Inoue-san..."

Chadu Taitora smiled honestly, then glanced at Inoue Hao who was beside Inoue Orihime, and said with a smile: "It seems that the rest of us don't need to worry."

"That is!"

Inoue Hao glanced at the handsome guys in front of him with a wary expression and said, "I will entertain our Orihime! There is no need for handsome... outsiders like you to participate!"

Ishida Uryu pushed his glasses: "Did he just plan to say handsome glasses man?" '

Stark scratched his hair: 'Is he going to say handsome uncle? '

Yami rubbed his chin: "Is he going to say handsome muscular man?" '

"Okay, okay, anyway, members other than Ten Blades can move freely first, as for Ten Blades..."

Lin Qiong waved his hands, then scratched his face helplessly, and said, "Let's wake up Bailegang first, and then go find Alan!"


Castle in the Sky.


When Lin Qiong walked into the laboratory with six Ten Blades, what he saw was Aizen sitting in front of Ms. Wanshitong and listening carefully like a primary school student.

To be honest, it's a little weird.

What's even more strange is that Lin Qiong actually saw "light" in Lan Ran's eyes—the light of hope.

"What are you talking about?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but raised his hand and knocked on the door of the laboratory, and couldn't help asking: "Is it the most cost-effective way to order at McDonald's, or is Crazy Thursday worthwhile?"

When Miss Wan Shitong heard Lin Qiong's voice, she couldn't help but smile in the direction of the door and joked: "You have plenty of money anyway, why do you care about cost-effectiveness?"

"It makes sense! But I think the biggest resistance to me eating Maimai and Kenken may be Erina and the secretary—"

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, and then said delicately: "If I say in front of them that I want to eat Maimai or Kenken, they will definitely say..."

At this time, Miss Wanshitong said in unison with Lin Qiong: "We are preparing three meals for you, but you still want to eat these things? Do you look down on us?"

"Hahaha, that's true—"

Lin Qiong immediately showed a satisfied expression. He sat down on the sofa, then looked at Lan Ran, and said, "Alan, what have you heard from Miss Wanshitong?"

"Know everything...?"

Lan Ran repeated the name, and then said with emotion from the bottom of her heart: "She is indeed a know-it-all! In front of her, I only know how small and narrow I am, and at the same time, I have admiration for Qiongjun."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He stared at Ms. All Things in a daze, and couldn't help but ask: "My dear Miss All Things, you couldn't be Alan using brainwashing methods? Otherwise, why would he feel admiration for me??"

"Qianjun, you misunderstood! Ms. Know everything just told me some truths about this world, as well as knowledge beyond my reach."

Aizen took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly. Just thinking of the three words "different world" made him feel a surge of emotion, and he had to take a deep breath to calm down, "As for my admiration for King Qiong The reason is also very simple - if I were sitting in the position of Lord Qiong, I would not have the confidence to be as approachable as Lord Qiong."

Although Aizen didn't understand what he said, Lin Qiong and Ms. Wanshitong, who are familiar with his urination, understood what he wanted to express-before Aizen had not evolved with Bengyu, he felt that he would stand on the sky!If he was the one who obtained the world-transmitting gate, he would probably be inflated hundreds or thousands of times.

"Actually, I'm not as approachable as you said, at least sometimes I'm pretty... um... pretty arrogant." Lin Qiong subconsciously touched Miss Know-it-all's absolute domain, and said: "For example, I can obviously be in I beat you at the beginning, but I just watched you fuse with the collapsed jade, and completed the first, second, and third stages of evolution, and then beat you when you were the most inflated—"

Aizen: "..."

Although what you said was all the truth, but you said it so bluntly, it was somewhat shocking.

"Qiongjun, do you think I can't see your plan?"

Aizen shook his head helplessly, and said, "If you hadn't defeated me in the strongest form, I might not have convinced you—this kind of behavior can only show that Lord Qiong has absolute confidence in his own strength." self-confidence."

As expected of Aizen, not only good at brainwashing, but also good at whitewashing!

"Ha, then I'll accept Alan's compliment."

Lin Qiong laughed. He put his hands on the table and leaned in front of Lan Ran, then squinted his eyes and said, "So, I have a very important question to ask Ah Lan."

Lan Ran met Lin Qiong's gaze without fear, and said, "Mr. Qiong, it doesn't matter what you say."

"Then I'll ask—"

Lin Qiong smiled, opened his eyes, and asked softly: "Alan, is your goal now still the throne of nothingness?"

"Hehe, Lord Qiong, your temptation seems a bit too contemptuous of me—"

After Lan Ran heard Lin Qiong's question, she couldn't help but shook her head with a smile, and said, "Mr. Qiong, do you think that with my current vision, I will still be satisfied with that empty throne?"

"Hey, I'm relieved~"

Lin Qiong laughed, and he couldn't help stretching.Then he waved his hands and said, "Then I will hand over the Holy Shield to you to lead, is there any problem?"

Lan Ran smiled slightly, and said, "Jun Qiong is really good at calling people."

"Don't come here! Don't think I can't see it, you want to get an appointment from me—" Lin Qiong curled his lips, and said angrily: "If I really don't give you a job, you have to improve Be alert, fully alert, okay?"

"Hehe, that's true, then I would like to thank Lord Qiong for his trust."

Lan Ran smiled lightly. He glanced at the ten blades who came in behind Lin Qiong, and said, "Jun Qiong specially brought the ten blades to see me. Could it be that he is going to let them join the shield of the guardian?"

"I have this idea. After all, Ten Blades can be regarded as an elite carefully selected by you from the virtual circle..."

Before Lin Qiong finished speaking, Heribel next to him interrupted him a little excitedly: "Wait a minute, Aqiong! Have you forgotten what Aizen did and said before? He said bluntly Never considered us as companions, and..."

Before she finished speaking, she was pinned down on the chair by Lan Ran's deliberate downgrade spiritual pressure, unable to utter a word.

"Tiya Harribel, I don't remember raising you to be an idiot who doesn't know etiquette."

Aizen looked at her with disdainful eyes in disappointment, and said: "Qianjun is the leader of the entire Sky City, and I am the leader of the Holy Shield appointed by him—the communication between us, When is it your turn to point fingers?"

It's like when the emperor was explaining the work to the prefect, a policeman jumped out and interrupted the emperor's story, and then expressed his own opinion-man, you are really not afraid of death.

"Okay, okay, don't be so tense—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand helplessly, and after offsetting the spiritual pressure released by Lan Ran with his own spiritual pressure, he said, "The second purpose of my calling everyone together today is to resolve the conflicts between you."

"I see! Lord Qiong doesn't want his subordinates to be separated, does he?"

Aizen nodded lightly to express his understanding, and he stood up with a smile, then, under the shocked eyes of the Ten Blades, he bent towards them and said in a low voice: "I express my sincerity for my previous remarks. My apologies, and I hope that in the days to come, we can live in harmony and friendship under Qiongjun's command."

Lin Qiong couldn't help sighing from the bottom of his heart: "This kid Lan Ran can bend and stretch, Kazakhs!" '

"Okay, okay, don't look confused!"

Lin Qiong smiled and comforted the tangled Ten Blades (mainly the first, third, and sixth), and said, "It's a good start now, and everyone can get used to it slowly——Next, Let's talk about something more important—"

Having said that, he looked at Ten Blades, and said with a smile: "—about the matter of making everyone evolve from broken faces to false gods!"

Chapter 0441 Little Ibrahimovic was born to be sucked by Daddy

"Broken face?"


"False God?"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, a big question mark appeared on the heads of all ten blades. They looked at Lin Qiong blankly, unable to connect the above words at all.

"The so-called False God refers to..."

Lin Qiong briefly explained the concept of False God and its benefits to the Ten Blades present. Balegang, Grimmjow and Yammina's faces glowed red when they heard that they wanted to turn into False God on the spot.

"In other words, the reason why that poison-using brat was able to defeat me is because she evolved into a virtual god, and her upper limit is much higher than that of me, a tile-level Arrancar?"

Bailegang folded his hands on his chest, let out a displeased "hum", and said, "It's like sub-level can defeat Wa-level Daxu?"

"No, no, it can't be explained that way! Because one of the prerequisites for evolving into a False God is to grow into a Valstord-level Daxu."

Lin Qiong rested his chin and thought for two seconds, then said, "So strictly speaking, she should have defeated Yachukas when she defeated you?"


After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Grimmjow and Yami, who were still a little excited, collapsed at that moment, and they leaned on the back of the sofa without love in their lives.

As Yachukas, it's really Gobanasai.

Bailegang raised his right hand, then clenched it tightly, and said excitedly: "Then the old man who was originally a Vastord-level master can directly evolve?"

"Well, it's possible, but there are some precautions for evolving into a false god—"

Lin Qiong scratched his head, then simply pushed Miss Wanshitong forward for 10 minutes, and said solemnly: "For specific matters, please consult my Miss Wanshitong!"

Miss Know-It-All: "?"

She turned her head at a 45-degree angle to look at Lin Qiong behind her, and said, "Can you tell me, what are you going to do when you leave the matter to me?"

"Of course I went to Erina."

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