Lin Qiong put up a thumbs up with a sassy face, and said energetically: "I've been busy with cheating Alan recently, and I don't have much time to spend with her!"

Miss Know-It-All: "..."

She raised her hand and rubbed her head, then sighed helplessly: "For a while, we didn't know whether to praise you for being affectionate or praise you for being a scumbag."

You only care about your Erina and let my old lady work overtime for you, right?

"Oh, please! Please, please - help Aqiong!"

Lin Qiong looked at Miss Know-It-All with a pitiful look, then clasped his hands and said, "Miss Lafite, who is omnipotent and omniscient, gentle, virtuous, beautiful, generous and charming!"

Miss Wanshitong sighed helplessly, then angrily kicked Lin Qiong's half of the buttocks with her left foot wrapped in black silk, and said, "Hurry up, hurry up! How old are you, and you're still acting like a baby here."

"Hey, Aqiong loves you——"

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand and made a heartfelt gesture to Miss Wanshitong, and then jumped out of the laboratory with cheerful steps—the cheerful back made Miss Wanshitong shake her head endlessly.

There is no way, the host I chose, I have to pamper myself desperately!

"All right--"

When Lin Qiong's aura was far away, Miss Wanshitong withdrew her gaze, then glanced indifferently at Ten Blades in the room, and said, "Next, I will communicate with you."




Accompanied by Lin Qiong's elongated voice, he pushed open the bedroom door with a "bang", and then flew towards the bed with a "wow". However, his body did not fall on the bed, but was thrown by a Wrapped in a layer of light blue spiritual power, it floated in mid-air.

"Ah, ah, ah?"

Lin Qiong made Conan's voice. He looked at the attendant who was standing next to the secretary with an innocent face and said, "Um, what is going on?"

"Master, have you forgotten?"

The secretary looked at his young master helplessly, and said, "Miss is still angry, so I didn't forgive you."


Lin Qiong seemed to remember that before he went to Xuye Palace to revive the other Ten Blades, he seemed to be unable to hold back and bullied the eldest lady a little bit, and she even yelled that Lin Qiong would eat celery and coriander tonight.

'No, I have to think of a way, otherwise I'm afraid I won't send it tonight -'

Lin Qiong hung cross-legged upside down in the air, then cleared his throat solemnly, and sang loudly: "Secretary, are you ready?"

The secretary trembled all over, and subconsciously sang along: "Okay, young master!"

"A little louder!"

"Okay! Master!!"

"Oh~~~~Who lives in Yuanyue's big villa?"


"Gentle, virtuous and considerate!"


Just when Lin Qiong was about to continue singing, the eldest lady who had been huddled under the blanket like an ostrich suddenly lifted the blanket and sat up, then patted the blanket angrily, and shouted: "Feisha! Why would you Sing along with him!!"

The promised sisters are united, united against each other, united front, you fly and I follow?

Why did you betray him before you had even spoken three sentences with him?

"Ahem, miss, listen to my sophistry, ah no, listen to my explanation!"

"Tell me, I'm listening—"

"Actually, this is all the young master's fault. Who asked him to adapt this song that is so magical and brainwashing?"

"Yes, it's all Qiong's fault!"

Lin Qiong:?

Lin Qiong: 6

You just threw the blame on me in just a few words, right?

"Are you being reasonable?"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and looked dissatisfied.

"Can this also be blamed on me?"

"Master! As the head of the family, you have to shoulder the important responsibilities of the family!"

"The important responsibility in your family refers to the scapegoat?"

"Just tell me if this black pot is heavy or not!"

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, and then found that he had no way to refute—the scapegoat was heavy and heavy without looking at it!


Seeing Lin Qiong's speechless expression, the eldest lady and the secretary suddenly burst into laughter, and the atmosphere in the room was also relaxed - more importantly, the caretaker put Lin Qiong on the bed.

It looks like you passed the first level?

Lin Qiong smacked his lips, then crawled up to the eldest lady's side with both hands and feet, buried his face in her arms, and moaned, "Tie Tie, Erina Tie Tie!"

"Don't stick it, don't stick it! You just came back from the outside, and you are covered in ashes!!"

The eldest lady supported Lin Qiong's face with her hands in anger, and said pretending to be disgusted: "It's so dirty, I won't stick with you! Go take a bath!"

"Bath? Ehehe~"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and then showed a slightly changed smile. He quickly picked up the eldest lady who was lying on the bed, and ran towards the bathroom: "Of course you have to take a bath together~ Jie Jie Jie ~~"


The eldest lady pretended to be flustered and screamed, but the sharp-eyed secretary could clearly see that her feet were dangling happily!

Secretary: "..."


I should be in the room, not in the room, right?



When Lin Qiong, whose face was full of aftertaste, walked out of the bathroom with the rosy-faced eldest lady, the secretary squatted in front of the TV and played Rhythm Paradise with an expressionless face.

The content of the level is probably a knife and a pair of dogs and men.

Lin Qiong: "..."

Miss: "..."

The two looked at each other, and then looked at the secretary who was holding the handle intently in front of her with uneasy eyes——under her control, the knife-wielding "swish, swipe, swipe" three combos, and cut off Three pairs of dogs and men.

Lin Qiong whispered to the eldest lady's ear, and whispered: "Tell me, will she stand by our bed one day while we are sleeping soundly?"

The eldest lady gave him a sideways look, and said angrily, "What are you thinking? This is Feisha!"

After finishing speaking, the eldest lady gave him a "look at me" wink, then let go of his hand, walked behind the secretary, and hugged her.

"Hey, Feisha—"

The eldest lady put her mouth close to the secretary's ear and whispered, "Could it be that I'm jealous because I was intimate with Qiong and ignored you?"

"Gu! It's not that I'm jealous, it's just that..."

The secretary's body became stiff in an instant, and the game that lost her control also missed several rhythm points, and officially declared a failure: "Miss, can you make your voice quieter..."

"Cough, cough, cough—"

The eldest lady, who had a face of ease just now, suddenly gave up, coughed awkwardly, and then glared at Lin Qiong who was looking at her innocently.

Lin Qiong: 'Do you blame me? '

Missy: 'Otherwise? '

Lin Qiong: 'Okay, blame me! '

The eldest lady withdrew her gaze contentedly, and then put her hands on the secretary's waist and stroked it, making the little secretary's face turn red: "Fei Shazi, I have come up with a new dish! You, want to Do you want to eat?"

The secretary nodded excitedly, showing the expression of a puppy eager to get the bone, and whimpered, "I think, I want the reward from the eldest lady."

"So cute~"

The eldest lady stroked the secretary's hair contentedly, and then gave Lin Qiong a look with a proud look on her face: Did you see that, I'll just say it!This is Crimson Sand!

Lin Qiong:?

Lin Qiong:......

Lin Qiong: 6

He covered his face: "I thought you said 'she is the most trusted and intimate Feisha', but you said 'she is the easiest Feisha to deal with'? '

crying!The secretary is crying...

Well, she is still crying!He was laughing like a heartless fool.

Lin Qiong sat on the bed and shook his head helplessly, then threw himself on the pillow, and buried his face in the hair of Fairy Ibrahimovic with a "Σ( ° △ °|||)" expression on her face, strangely Shouted: "Hey hey, little Eevee was born to be sucked by Daddy! I suck, I suck—"

Ibrahimovic: "Boy Booy! Booy!!"

Boom, save, save, save me, Master Feng Wang!Our trainer is crazy! !

Feng Wang squatting on the bird stand:?

She thought for a while, then flapped her wings and came to Lin Qiong's head, patted his head with her wings, and said, "Make room for me, I'll suck it too!"

Ibrahimovic: "Boy?"

Yao, Yaoshou! !

Chapter 0442 I really don't see it

When Lin Qiong lifted his face from Ibrahimovic's arms contentedly, the little Ibrahimovic was already flushed, his eyes were silky, he was panting, trembling all over, his tongue was sticking out slightly, and his eyes were rolled up.

"Phew, I am satisfied, I am satisfied!"

Lin Qiong rolled into a big character and lay on the bed, then looked at Feng Wang who fell on his chest, and couldn't help but said: "I said, why don't you find a fairy Ibrahimovic to bless you? I guarantee that the popularity of the fairy is absolutely No lower than Suicune!"

Phoenix King:?

She glanced at Lin Qiong and couldn't help but say: "You are so awesome, you even picked a name? And why did you only mention Suicune's name?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's because in my world, before Suicune collapsed, he was considered the most popular among the three holy beasts?"

Phoenix King:?



Fairy Ibrahimovic:?

Everyone put their eyes on Lin Qiong, those curious big eyes were sending the same message——

Suicune collapsed?Elaborate!

"Oh, why are you so gossiping all of a sudden?"

Lin Qiong sat up, looked at the people gathered in front of him with a smile, and said: "It's just that the animation planners made Suicune look like a stupid dog in a certain episode, and he was embarrassed and was thrown into his grandma's house. Let people say that this is not Suicune, but a water dog."

"Good guy!"

Phoenix King moved from Lin Qiong's chest to his knees, and then urged: "Why don't you just let me appreciate this? I want to see how stupid Suicune is in the parallel world!"

Lin Qiong: 6

You like to see the people under your control embarrass you, right?

"Although the Suicune in that episode was indeed shaped like a water dog, the Suicune in another parallel world is notoriously handsome!"

Lin Qiong showed a gloating expression, "Compared to that, the Phoenix King in that parallel world is very inferior. Not only was he captured and abducted children all over the world, but he was also forcibly pulled out of the rainbow feather, and even I even lost to a boar."

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