Phoenix King: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Feng Wang, who had an expression of "this Suicune is inferior" just now, couldn't hold back on the spot. She rushed to Lin Qiong under the eyes of the eldest lady and the secretary, and said a little unsteadily: "Ah! Qiong! You tell me you're fooling me, quick! Tell me it's not true!"

Lin Qiong raised his finger to catch Feng Wang, then shook his head with regret.

Silent is better than sound.

King Feng lowered his head as if he were mourning for his heir, and murmured: "How could it be, how could it be like this, I actually, I actually..."

Lin Qiong thought for a while, and added: "In that world, Rogia's experience was the same as yours."

"Oh, that's fine."

Phoenix King, who was in grief one second, regained his composure the next second, then flapped his wings and said: "As long as I am not embarrassed and Lugia is not embarrassed, then everything will be fine!"

Damn it!

Lin Qiong glanced helplessly at the young lady and the secretary who were laughing together, and then suddenly thought: "Hey, what do you think we will hold an appreciation session?"

Missy: "Ah? Appreciation meeting? What appreciation meeting?"

"I'll go back to Pokémon World later and bring the three holy beasts over!"

Lin Qiong was beaming, and said impatiently: "Then let's appreciate the three holy beasts and the Phoenix King that appear in TV, special episodes, and theatrical versions, how about?"

"Wait a moment!"

Feng Wang suddenly interrupted Lin Qiong loudly, and then said nervously: "Tell me first, in these chapters, has Feng Wang ever been ashamed!"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No."


Feng Wang was relieved, she waved her hand and said, "I agree! You go and bring the three of them here!"

Lin Qiong, Missy, Secretary: "..."

The three of them looked at the Phoenix King with disdain, who was waiting to see the embarrassment of his men.

Lin Qiong couldn't help but said: "Feng Wang, please be more careful! If you continue like this, your image will be completely lost!"

Phoenix King: "Dim sum? What kind of dim sum?"

Lin Qiong: 6



Ten minutes later, Lin Qiong returned to the bedroom with three holy beasts mimicking water, fire, and Leib on his body.

"I'm back, I'm back—"

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong who walked in, and immediately waved her hands happily, and said, "Come on, come on! Whose video shall we see first?"


Lin Qiong thought for a while and then said: "Let's look at Raikou first, then Entei, and finally Suicune - the most important character must appear last, right?"


I'm the most heavyweight role?Difficult, could it be that I have a super handsome picture in the video?No, maybe it's the highlight picture of saving the world?

Thinking of this, Shui Jun, who was lying on Lin Qiong's lap, couldn't help flicking his fish tail in anticipation, and then accidentally slapped Yandi and the other two, and the angry Yandi shot his flaming teeth, and Shui Jun bit his defenses.


Shui Jun, who was squeezed from Lin Qiong's lap by Emperor Yan and Lei Gong, sat in the corner of the bed holding his big tail aggrievedly, and watched the video with others like a bullied eighteenth concubine.

The image of Raigong is a special chapter of 1 hour and 10 minutes called "Legend of Raigong Lei".

"It's normal."

After watching it, the eldest lady commented: "It can only be said to be a standard routine animation."

Feng Wang also nodded in agreement and commented: "But Lei Gong is a bit stupid. At this time, we should call Qi brothers and everyone should go up shoulder to shoulder!"

Thunder God: 6

Lord Feng Wang, you are much more open-minded now than before...I mean.


Next, after everyone watched the theatrical version of Yan Emperor "The Emperor of the Crystal Tower", they all expressed their admiration for Yan Emperor - although it was just a fake Yan Emperor embodied by an unknown totem, it did express the style of Yan Emperor. of.

Finally, it was Suicune's turn, but since there was no theatrical version with him as the main character, Lin Qiong could only "helplessly" play the video of the journey that brought Suicune's chefs despair.


When they saw Suicune rolled on the ground covered by a net like a water dog, Emperor Yan and Lei Gong immediately patted the bed beneath them while laughing insanely—the laugh was so sick that tears almost came The kind that comes out.

Suicune: Σ( ° △ °|||)

He turned his head stiffly, looked at Lin Qiong aggrievedly, and said, "Is this the heavyweight you are talking about?"

"Yes! Isn't this heavyweight enough?"

Lin Qiong showed a shocked expression, and he said with a natural look: "Dangtang Suicune was covered with a fishing net, is there anything more important than this?"

Suicune fell down on the bed in despair, covered his face with his hands, and moaned: "It's true that there are no more, it can't be more embarrassing."

"Do not."

Lin Qiong stroked Suicune, whose body was covered with cold and delicate scales after he had mimicked Suibu, and cruelly broke his fantasy, saying, "Actually, there are more important things than this."

The next moment, Suicune showed the same expression as Sonoda Umi.

Wang Defa?Is there anything more heaven-defying than this?

It wasn't until Suicune saw the plot of "Suicune was subdued by One Ball Superman, and finally admitted the dog as his trainer", he broke the defense.

"What is this, what is this, what is this?"

Shui Jun anxiously turned around on the bed like a dog who wants to pee but can't find the electric pole: "I can't accept it, I can't accept it at all! How can there be such a weak, stupid, useless and shameful person in this world?" Suicune? I'm so fucking..."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but whispered to Feng Wang who was standing on his shoulder: "Even Suicune, who has always been elegant, couldn't help cursing, so you can imagine how embarrassing that Suicune is."

Phoenix King: "Quixi."

"I can't help it!"

Shuijun turned to look at Lin Qiong, then ran in front of him, stood up, supported Lin Qiong's chest with his front paws, and said flatteringly: "Lord Qiong! Can you take me to that parallel world? ?I want to beat that Suicune hard, hard!"

Education Bureau, right?

Lin Qiong glanced at Shuijun with some pity, "I'm going to tell you a good news and a bad news, which one do you listen to first?"


"The bad news is that this image happened in the main world where you are."

" about that?"

"You don't need to go to the parallel world!"

"Hehe, this is really good news!"

Suicune fell on the bed as if he had been played badly, and Feng Wang laughed so hard that he couldn't breathe.

"It's your subordinate anyway, can you stop laughing so exaggeratedly?"

Lin Qiong glanced at this bad guy who was laughing so hard that snot bubbled out of his nose, and couldn't help but complain: "If you had any conscience at all, you wouldn't laugh like this."

"Conscience fed your wind speed dog!"

Feng Wang rolled his eyes, then flapped his wings and abandoned Lin Qiong mercilessly, and landed on the young lady's finger, saying in a clip voice that could make Rockia vomit blood on the spot: "One, one, one! ~Erina-chan~ What's up tonight~"

"Mouth area—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help retching twice, and then successfully met the flying knife in Feng Wang's eyes—unfortunately, considering Lin Qiong's face, this level of eyes could not even break the defense.


The eldest lady couldn't help coughing twice. She was obviously not used to the sudden pinch from Ho-oh. "Hou-oh-chan suddenly asked, is there something you want to eat in particular?"

"Hey hey, it's a little spicy! Only a little—"

Feng Wang twisted his body in embarrassment, Lin Qiong couldn't help but lift up the quilt with that pretentious appearance, and hid with the three holy beasts covering his eyes, who couldn't bear to look straight at him and evaded reality. went in.

"It's really blind."

He said.

Chapter 0443 You are really my good brother

dinner time.

"Just for a break at this point?"

Lin Qiong put a piece of Coca-Cola chicken wings into his own bowl, then looked at Feng Wang with disdain, and said contemptuously, "Where did you put it, you almost bought a small windmill, and you ended up with this?"

"You care about me? I just love this!"

Feng Wang squatted on the edge of the bowl, took a bite of the shredded crab meat covered in crab roe, and immediately showed a fascinated expression, "Ah, full of crab roe, full of crab meat! Delicious! It can't be more delicious!"

Yes, the dish proposed by Feng Wang is a feast of crab roe and crab meat. In a sea bowl as big as a washbasin, most of the basin is filled with crab meat, and then it is covered with crab roe that makes the mouth water, and then stirred just right.

Regardless of whether others are greedy or not, Lin Qiong is a little greedy anyway.

"Erina, I want to eat crab noodles tomorrow morning."


"Use a bowl as big as Fengwang! Fill it with crab meat and crab roe!"


"I still want to eat siu mai, red oil beef siu mai, the kind sprinkled with pepper!"


"Erina is the best!"


Listening to this old couple's conversation, Feng Wang suddenly felt that he had betrayed his morals, and he took a long time to pick up a large pot of crab roe and crab meat, and suddenly he felt that it was so fragrant and not so fragrant.

So she glared at Lin Qiong angrily and cursed: "Do you have table manners! Do you understand?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He pointed to the eldest lady and said, "She also spoke just now."

Feng Wang was straightforward: "You think I'm Rogia? I still understand the truth that no one can offend the cook if you offend anyone!"

Lin Qiong: 6

If you don't dare to offend the eldest lady, you dare to offend the young master, right?

He sneered, then stretched out his spoon with lightning speed, dug a large piece of crab meat covered with crab roe into Feng Wang's big bowl, and stuffed it into his mouth contentedly.

"Hmm! It's delicious! How can it be so delicious? It's so good~"

In Feng Wang's dull expression, Lin Qiong used an exaggerated expression, exaggeratedly chewed the crab meat in his mouth, and exaggeratedly praised, "How can there be such a delicious thing, wow~"


The next moment, Feng Wang, who came back to his senses, rushed to Lin Qiong, then pressed his forehead firmly against Lin Qiong's head, bared his teeth, and screamed hoarsely: "Do you know what you did? ? Do you know what you did!!"

That was a big pot of crab roe mixed with crab meat that she had bought in 10 minutes! 10 minutes! !

As a result, the dog man ate at least one-twentieth of it in one go!

Can this be tolerated?

"Of course I know what I did~"

Lin Qiong winked at King Feng with a smirk on his face, and then said with a terrified face, "This is called my current crime!"

King Feng: "?"

She was silent for two seconds, then jumped into the air, spread her wings, wrapped herself in flames, and screamed: "Lin Qiong, you have angered the God of Life who has survived for tens of thousands of years, now I want to Let you feel the wrath of the Goddess of Life! Ultimate Profound Truth - Phoenix! Wings! Sky! Soaring!"

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