"The front shake is too long, are you a sandwich sauce?"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hands and grabbed the back of Feng Wang's neck, and then complained: "Come on, don't put it here to act, and fix what you want to eat."


Feng Wang, who was still struggling just now, suddenly stopped flapping his wings and kicking his legs.

She landed on the table with a look of excitement, and then, under Lin Qiong's gaze, dragged a piece of Coca-Cola chicken wing, five pieces of boiled fish, and three pieces of sweet and sour pork ribs into her bowl.


Feng Wang excitedly waved his wings towards Lin Qiong, and said, "I knew you would not let me down, so here's to our friendship!"

Then, as a matter of course, she received Lin Qiong's contemptuous look.



About half a year has passed since the end of the "Aizen Incident".

During this period of time, no matter whether it is the virtual circle, the soul world or the present world, there have been many changes——

The first is the virtual circle, to be precise, it is the city in the sky.

Aizen officially gave up on Bengyoku and chose to evolve into a False God. In just half a year, he surpassed Nelu and became the most powerful warrior in the Shield of Saints.

The broken faces of the original ten blades, now after re-training, have far surpassed the strength of the past, and have become the regular members of the Guardian Shield;

Inoue Orihime is determined to join Sky Castle because of the relationship between Inoue Hao, Sado Yasutora, Ishida Uryu and others, coupled with her unwillingness to be dragged behind.

However, Lin Qiong did not let her join the battle-based Guardian Shield, but set up a medical department for her, and arranged Dongxian Yao and Ge Kuang to be her guards.

Followed by the soul world.

Thanks to Lin Qiong's nuclear-weapon-level deterrence, the relationship between Corpse Soul Realm and Void Circle (actually the city of the sky) has eased a lot in the past six months.

At least Shiba Haiyan and Kuchiki Hima can go to Soul World for a few days a week to reunite with their teammates and family members and have a happy weekend;

By the way, the big dog, Bocun Zuozhen, will occasionally have a wave of dark voices aboveboard, and come to Xuquan to find Dongxian for a drink to reminisce about the old days, and imagine a bright future together;

Then there is reality.

About five months ago, Kurosaki Ichigo officially lost the power of Shinigami and degenerated into an "uninspired boy" who couldn't even see his soul. Ryu and Orihime Inoue.

Yes, you read that right, Inoue Orihime is also counted.

Don't look down on her just because she is a medical officer, okay?Although her combat power is not even comparable to that of the Silver Pattern members of the Shield of Saints, it is more than enough to kill dozens of ordinary Hollows below Kilian with arc light.



Kurosaki Ichigo sat on the "King's Throne" and looked at the sky outside the window with an idle expression.

Although he has lost his power for five months, he is still not used to the feeling of nothing in his field of vision - it's not that he misses those annoying ghosts or hollows that pop out suddenly, but After simply staying in a noisy environment for a long time, I suddenly came to a quiet environment, which was somewhat unaccustomed.


At this time, Ishida sat in front of him, looked at him and said, "What's wrong? Is there a feeling of 'emptiness' in Missing's sight again?"

"I don't miss that kind of thing!"

Kurosaki Ichigo rolled his eyes, then put his hands on the table. He jumped forward and complained: "Speaking of which, didn't your Sky City already rule Hueco Mundo? Why are there so many Hollows now? In this world?"

Although Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't see Xu, the three friends would not deliberately avoid him when they acted.

"First of all, humans ruled the earth, and I didn't see them controlling cockroaches from appearing in human houses—"

Ishida Uryu pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and complained calmly: "Secondly, even if the young master completely seals off the virtual circle, the evil in this world may become evil, so there is no end to it."

"What you said makes sense..."

Kurosaki Ichigo showed a disgusted expression, and said, "But why do you use cockroaches as an example? Can't you change it to another creature?"

"Then rats."

"Change again."


"Oh my God--"

Kurosaki Ichigo put his hands on his head, and then said as if giving up thinking: "Okay, let's skip this topic!"

Whether it is cockroaches, mice or mosquitoes, it is very bad.

"Hmm, what do you want to say?"

Ishida Uryu leaned against the wall behind him, crossed his legs gracefully, lowered his head and casually took a bite of the sandwich in his hand—that unrestrained and reckless movement made several girls in the class let out a "Yeah——" Scream.

After all, he is handsome.


Kurosaki Ichigo held his face, and just as he was about to say something, he saw Ishida Uryu suddenly turned his head, squinted his eyes and looked out of the window from the corner of his eye, and said in a low voice, "What do you say? Youxu was born."

"Do you need me to cover you?"

"No, Inoue seems to be there."

Ishida shook his head, stretched out his right hand and pointed in one direction, and said, "Inoue is in the bushes over there."

Kurosaki Ichigo, who was unable to perceive Reiatsu due to the loss of power, suddenly stuck his head out of the window, and then looked in the direction of Ishida's finger——

Inoue, who was squatting in the grass, put his index finger and middle finger on his forehead, and then waved forward casually.

About three seconds later, he heard Ishida say: "Okay, that Hollow has been taken care of by Inoue."


Kurosaki Ichigo came back to his senses. He sat up in the chair and said in a somewhat complicated manner: "Has Inoue become so powerful? With just a wave of his hand, he eliminated the void."

"I can do that."

Ishida Uryu rolled his eyes unwilling to admit defeat, pointed to the direction of the rooftop, and said, "If I was on the rooftop instead of in class, I only need [-] seconds to shoot through that place with my bow and arrow." Just a fake mask."

"Okay, okay, you are all amazing."

Kurosaki Ichigo waved his hands, then held the back of his head with both hands and leaned on the back of the chair, saying, "I am the worst after all!"

Looking at the appearance of his friend, Ishida Uryu was silent for a few seconds, and then said softly: "Kurosaki, do you regret the decision you made?"

"Huh? Why do you ask such a question?"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Ishida Uryū with some confusion and said, "What regrets are there about this kind of thing? If I hadn't stopped Aizen at that time, your young master would have been unable to catch up, right?"

'No, he's totally up to...'

Ishida Uryu felt a trace of guilt emerging in his heart, but this guilt was quickly suppressed by him: "Okay, have you ever thought about regaining the power of the God of Death?"

"Huh? What's the point of getting that kind of thing? God knows how happy my life would be if I couldn't see those ghosts and voids?"

Kurosaki Ichigo didn't seem to want to talk about this topic any more. He stood up from his seat, walked outside the classroom, and said, "I'm going to the bathroom, see you later."

"Ah, see you later."

Ishida withdrew his gaze, then continued to eat the bread leisurely, and said to himself, "Kurosaki, you can lie to my brother, but don't lie to yourself."

Chapter 0444 red bean puree fruit nasai


"Crunch, touch—"

After closing the door casually, Kurosaki Ichigo sat casually on a certain not-so-clean bench on the rooftop, then leaned back on the chair, and looked at an alley not far from the school with tranced eyes.

That's where the Urahara store is.

However, Kurosaki Ichigo, who has completely lost his spiritual power, can no longer see the Urahara store.

"Recover your strength?"

Kurosaki Ichigo raised his right hand, put it in front of his eyes, then slowly and firmly clenched it, and imagined a force gushing out of his body and flowing to his fist.

Obviously, nothing happened.


After letting out a self-deprecating exclamation, Kurosaki Ichigo shook his head and said, "How can I still have a chance to gain power?"

He was between "defeating Aizen" and "Zhanyue", but he chose "defeat Aizen" and gave up "Zhanyue"!

Just when Kurosaki Ichigo started emo at noon, a smiling voice sounded above her head: "Hey, it's not impossible?"


The sudden sound scared Kurosaki Ichigo almost fell from the chair.

He hurriedly raised his head, looked at the brown wavy-haired woman in a gold-patterned uniform and a mask squatting on the roof, and asked, "Who are you!? When did you squat there?"

"Eh? Don't you know me? I fought side by side with you and your father half a year ago—"

Kurosaki Masaki jumped down from the rooftop, landed lightly beside Kurosaki Ichigo, and said with a smile: "As for when did I start squatting there? Well, I probably squatted there since before you came. There it is."

Kurosaki Ichigo covered his face with his hands and wailed, "Didn't you see everything...wait, you said half a year ago? Are you the Quincy of the Holy Shield?"

"Bingo, correct answer—"

Kurosaki Masaki raised her finger with a smile, and said, "Ichigo-chan, do you still remember last year when you and Ishida-kun sneaked into Soul Soul Realm to save Rukia?"

Kurosaki Ichigo asked back: "How can such a thing be forgotten?"

"Then you know? After you entered the Seireitei through the Shiba family's cannonball, Ishida Uryu and Inoue Orihime met the captain of the [-]th Division, Niryuri." Kurosaki Masaki squatted beside Kurosaki Ichigo. Next to him, he looked like he wanted to share a little gossip with him, "In order to defeat Nirvana and protect Inoue Orihime, Ishida Uryū chose to use a technique similar to the last Getsuga Tensho to obtain the power in a short time. With extremely strong power, he successfully defeated Nirvana."


Kurosaki Ichigo felt as if his brain had been hit by a hammer. He looked at Masaki Kurosaki in astonishment, and said in disbelief: "You mean, Ishida lost his strength just like me? But, But……"

Kurosaki Masaki hugged her thighs with both hands, tilted her head and looked at her son with a smile on her face, and asked, "You mean to say, but when you broke into the virtual circle to save Inoue-san, he didn't seem to lose his strength look, right?"

Kurosaki Ichigo nodded: "Yes."

"It's not that I haven't lost my strength, but I've regained my strength."

Kurosaki Masaki stood up from the ground with a "hey", then stretched his waist and walked to the edge of the roof, leaning on the iron net, and said: "By the way, help Ishida Uryu regain the power of Quincy Yes, it is my young master~"

Hearing Kurosaki Masaki's words, Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly recalled that before he came to the rooftop, Ishida Uryu seemed to have asked him if he wanted to regain the power of Shinigami.

'Could it be that Ishida was going to ask me about this at that time? '

Kurosaki Ichigo was silent for a few seconds, then withdrew his gaze from Kurosaki Masaki, and said, "I understand, I will ask Ishida-kun later."

"Hey hey, no way~"

Masaki Kurosaki stretched out his index fingers, crossed them slightly in front of him, and said, "Before I came to this world, the young master told me——I am fully responsible for your affairs~"

After all, Kurosaki Masaki is Kurosaki Ichigo's mother, and even Kurosaki Isshin is not qualified to compete with her for this job-unless he wants to kneel on the washboard.


Kurosaki Ichigo was stunned.

"So, Ichigo-chan~"

Kurosaki Masaki looked at his stunned expression with satisfaction, and said with a wicked sense of humor: "If you want to get some information from me, please do it well ~please me~"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "..."

I don't know why, it should be an occasion where he should be angry, but he has a subtle feeling that what he did is like...

Don't suffer?



this afternoon.

After school.

After losing all his spiritual power, Kurosaki Ichigo seriously thought about his future, and the initial decision he made was "In short, in order to inherit the family clinic, let's become a medical student first" ——Medical student The threshold is not low, so Kurosaki Ichigo had to find a way to start raising the cost of his future cram school, as well as the tuition fees for subsequent admission to university.

The hourly wages obtained by ordinary part-time jobs certainly cannot meet the needs of Kurosaki Ichigo!But here comes the question, how to "make money" faster without breaking the law?

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