The way Kurosaki Ichigo found was to become a "powerful foreign aid" for the sports club in the school - thanks to his natural strong physical fitness and cultivated reflexes, he was almost invincible among his peers.

Over time, after school, representatives of sports clubs would often come to Kurosaki Ichigo and seek his help!

For Kurosaki Ichigo, he only needs to play for a few 10 minutes, and he can get tens of thousands of yen in remuneration, why not do it?

For sports clubs, they only need to spend tens of thousands of yen, and they can get better results by inviting strong foreign aid in the life and death situation. Why not do it?

This is WinWin, a win-win situation!

However, today's Kurosaki Ichigo did not sit in the classroom today, waiting for the club representative to come to negotiate, but grabbed his schoolbag and chose to leave.

'Could it be that……'

Looking at Ichigo Kurosaki's retreating figure in the corridor with surprised eyes, Uryu Ishida fell into deep thought: 'Kurosaki is no longer satisfied with the school's income, and finally decided to sell his strong body. Are you going to please those rich women? '

As the only son of the director of the Karaza General Hospital, Ishida Uryu said that he is still quite aware of how good-looking, handsome athletic men like Kurosaki Ichigo, who look thin when dressed, and fleshy when undressed, are popular with rich women.

'No, no, no, he is your good friend, how can you try to figure him out with such eyes and thoughts? '

Ishida Uryu shook his head, then sneaked up after him, thinking: "You have to witness this fact with your own eyes!" '

As a result, Ishida Uryu successfully saw Kurosaki Ichigo meet a woman in a white dress with a butterfly mask on her face at the intersection near the school.

Ishida Uryu: Σ( ° △ °|||)

He took off his glasses tremblingly, then wiped the dust off the mirror tremblingly, and murmured: "Don't panic, don't panic! Tell me, maybe we just met for some reason! Observe again, and then Watch and see—”

He put on his glasses again and followed, but before he walked ten meters away, he saw the lady say a few words to Kurosaki Ichigo, and then Kurosaki held her hand helplessly. hand.

Ishida Uryu:!

Then, the two walked into a nearby men's clothing store with high consumption, and the woman paid for Heisaki to change his whole body of clothes, and took him to the hair salon opposite, where the director designed it for him. a hairstyle.

Ishida Uryu:! !

Then, with a new hairstyle and new clothes, Kurosaki, with a helpless expression, took the lady's hand and went to watch a comedy movie. After the show, he went to a western restaurant to enjoy a candlelight meal dinner.

Ishida Uryu:! ! !

In the end, Kurosaki Ichigo bid farewell to the lady in the night. Before the two separated, he bowed his head and kissed the back of the other's arm with some reluctance and reluctance.

Ishida Uryu:! ! ! !

He stomped his feet on the spot with grief, and said in a low voice: "Kurosaki, you are confused, you are confused! You actually went to befriend a rich woman! Are you worthy of Inoue like this?"

You are confused!

Just when Uryū Ishida wanted to take out the Chuachua and shoot two arrows at Kurosaki Ichigo, a doubtful voice sounded behind him: "Uryū-chan, what is worthy of Inoue? What happened to her?"


Ishida Uryu was startled, he turned around hastily, then looked warily at the rich woman who came behind him at some point, and asked, "Who are you?!"

Masaki Kurosaki pointed at his face, and then as if he realized something, he hurriedly lifted off his mask and said in a dumbfounded voice: "It's me, me!"

After the mask's "Akalin" effect disappeared, Ishida Uryu slapped himself on the face suddenly, and said with a dumbfounded expression: "Aunt Masaki, how could it be you!?"

"Have you forgotten? The young master said in the last meeting that you can almost fool Xiaoyihu into joining the gang!"

Kurosaki Masaki grinned and made a "yeah" gesture, and said, "So I volunteered and applied for the attack! It won't be fooling my son's mission and someone is going to grab it from me, right?"

"I'm sorry Aunt Masaki, I was almost ready to rob you..."

Ishida Uryu averted his gaze. In order to cover up his guilty conscience, he pushed his glasses subconsciously, and then changed the subject: "That, that! Aunt Masaki, haven't you met Uncle Kurosaki yet? Then You don’t have a place to live in Karakura Town, do you? Why don’t you live in my house? My house is quite big, and there are many vacant rooms.”

"Well, I was planning to stay in a hotel! But since Xiao Yulong invited him..."

Kurosaki Masaki blinked her eyes, then patted Ishida Uryu's head with a smile, and said, "Then I'm bothering you!"

"Do not disturb do not disturb!"

Ishida Uryu hurriedly waved his hands, and confessed in his heart: "Please take it as an apology for my series of suspicions today!" '

Uryū Ishida: Red bean puree Gua Nasai!

Chapter 0445 Stop Struggling

When Ishida Uryu returned home with Kurosaki Masaki, the titular sister-in-law, Ishida Ryuzuru was sitting on the sofa in the living room, with his back to the door, elegantly looking at the newspaper in his hand.

"I came back a little later than usual today."

Ishida Ryugen said without looking back: "Did we encounter some difficult enemy?"

"No, today's enemy is very easy, Inoue-san's Arc Sky Slashing Blade will solve it—"

Ishida Uryu shook his head, then bent down, took out a pair of cotton slippers for guests from the shoe cabinet, put them gently on the ground, and said, "Long Xian, today... or the next few days, There may be guests staying at home."

"Guest? Is he a companion of your organization? That's really strange. With a personality like yours, you can make friends who are willing to stay at your house."

Shi Tianlongxian raised his eyebrows, he maintained his posture of reading the newspaper, and said, "Stay here, anyway, there is a vacant room at home."

Ishida Uryu: "?"

It's not your perverted mouth...

Forget it, dear father.

Ishida Uryu took a deep breath, and then asked in a low voice: "Aren't you going to see who the guest is?"

"That's your companion and has nothing to do with me, so I'm not interested in who he/she is."

Ishida Longxian gracefully turned a page of the newspaper, then read the words on it, and said: "Since you brought back the guests, then naturally you will be in charge of entertaining them - no one is a sophomore in high school, and the guests at home Do you still want to entertain your father? No way, no way, no way?"


Ishida Uryu clenched his fists tightly, he really wanted to enter the holy body now, and then rushed to Bangbang to give his father two punches!

How could he be so underwhelmed? ?

Seeing that his silly son had stopped talking, Ishida Longxian said, "Okay, go and entertain your companions—I don't think I need to teach you step by step how to do it step by step?"


Ishida Uryu replied word by word. He glared at his old man, and then walked towards the second floor angrily, making Kurosaki Masaki laugh so hard that he nearly hiccupped.

'Oh, it turns out that the relationship between Yulong Jiang and his cousin is so bad? '

Kurosaki Masaki covered her mouth, and then walked towards the second floor with cheerful steps. When passing by Ishida Munezuru, she greeted him cheerfully: "Excuse me, cousin~"


Ishida Zongxian nodded subconsciously at first, but soon he realized something was wrong, and put down the newspaper in his hand with a question mark on his face like Tom: "Huh?"

What is she calling me?




5 minute later.


Looking at Kurosaki Masaki who was sitting on the sofa watching SpongeBob SquarePants, Ishida Tatsururu was silent for a few seconds, then rubbed the bridge of his nose with his hands, and said to his silly son, "If you don't explain to me, what is this?" Condition?"

"The companion of the organization is gone."

Ishida Uryu averted his gaze from Kurosaki Masaki, then sat calmly on the dining table and ate a half-price bento from a convenience store, and said, "Anyway, you are my guest, so I don't need you to worry about it. Shall I entertain you?"

'Put your father's fart on—'

Ishida Longxian glared at his unfilial son, and then said with a gloomy face: "If you don't explain clearly to me, your pocket money will be reduced by 90.00% from now on."

"Are you the devil?"

"I would rather hear you call my dear father."


Uryu Ishida rubbed his head, then pointed weakly at Masaki Kurosaki and said: "As you can see, your cousin, my sister-in-law, the mother of Kurosaki's classmate, the wife of Uncle Kurosaki, Masaki Kurosaki—— She is resurrected."

"It's really a simple and easy-to-understand explanation!"

Ishida Longxian broke the wooden chopsticks in his hand with a "click", and then said through gritted teeth, "Please explain to me, what exactly does resurrection mean!?"

"Is it resurrection?"

Ishida Uryu glanced at his father with a matter-of-fact expression. He lowered his head and took a bite of the fried pork cutlet in the lunch box, and explained: "Young Master has the power of resurrection, and now he has resurrected the wife of Captain Kuchiki Byakuya of Division [-]. And Shiba Haiyan, the former vice-captain of the Thirteenth Division—in terms of seniority, he is probably Kurosaki-san’s cousin.”

Ishida Ryūshū rubbed the bridge of his nose unacceptably, he couldn't tell for a moment whether he was surprised by the information, or should he complain about his son accepting the information so easily?

This shit is resurrection!

"By the way, according to the rules of the Guardian Shield, if I work there for ten years, I can resurrect my mother."

Ishida Uryu swiped the little blue bird on his mobile phone, looking at the latest trends in handmade products, and without looking up, he dropped a nuclear bomb on the dragon string, which shocked his old bean and said nothing. not come out.

All he can think about now is——

Ma Le criticized the unfilial son, such important information, why did you tell me now! ?

The more Ishida Longxian thought about it, the more angry he became, so when Ishida Uryu swiped his phone, his chopsticks came out like a dragon, and he stuffed all the fried pork cutlets in his lunch box into his mouth, and then covered his swollen cheeks like a hamster. ran up to the second floor.

A few minutes later, Ishida Uryu showed a dumbfounded expression when he saw the bento left with shredded cabbage, salted radish and rice.

He murmured: "Are you taking the bamboo shoots?"



The next day, when Ishida Uryu rubbed his eyes and walked down from the second floor, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

His father, who had hardly cooked once in ten years, was actually wearing an apron with white lace and a black and white dumpling panda pattern on it, cooking breakfast! ?

He looked at his sister-in-law who was sitting at the table, with a questioning expression of "what's going on".

"I said I was in charge of breakfast—"

Kurosaki Masaki looked at Ishida Uryu innocently, "In the end, my cousin kicked me out of the kitchen."

"Tsk tsk, can he still make breakfast?"

Ishida Uryu walked into the kitchen with a look of disdain, wanting to see how his old man would make breakfast, and then he saw something that shocked him for the rest of his life——

His dad was actually vacuuming, trying to suck up the extra pepper that was accidentally spilled on fried eggs! ! !

As Uryū Ishida stared blankly, with a "whoosh" sound, the vacuum cleaner did not suck away the excess pepper. Instead, it sucked the fried eggs into the pipe.

Ishida Uryu covered his face, and then let out a silent sigh: 'What on earth was I expecting? '

He walked forward with a speechless expression, then patted the shoulder of Lao Dou, who was numb because the fried egg was sucked away, and said sadly: "Stop struggling, let my sister do it."


Two 10 minutes later.

"Masaki-chan's specialty, bacon, egg, lettuce, and cheese sandwich!"

Accompanied by Kurosaki Masaki's happy voice, she put a few sandwiches on the table, and then said confidently: "Try it! I learned the sauce of this sandwich from the young lady. oh!"

Ishida Uryu picked up a sandwich that was cut into a triangle shape with anticipation, and said, "It's the sauce that I learned from the lady? It's definitely delicious, right?"

Kurosaki Masaki showed off with winks and winks: "Hey! I can only say—absolutely!"

"Then I must try it!"

Ishida Uryū opened his mouth and bit off a piece, then chewed it for a few times with his eyes closed. He suddenly covered his mouth with his other hand in surprise and said in disbelief: "Isn't this too delicious? My sky!"

"Right, right?"

Kurosaki Masaki was obviously very happy, and she couldn't wait to say, "Hey! It's all thanks to the sauce! I'm going to make a few more today, and you can also bring a copy to Xiao Yihuo."

"Okay, leave it to me."

Ishida Uryu nodded, and then complimented in a low voice: "Even if I learned cooking from the eldest lady, it is because my sister-in-law has a foundation in cooking, unlike some people, haha."

The vacuum cleaner sucks up pepper, haha!

Ishida Ryustring: "?"

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