It's hard, my fucking fist is hard!

He glanced at the two people who were enjoying themselves happily, and then at himself who was alone.

Can't stand it!

He opened his mouth, and found even more depressingly that he couldn't find a chance to intervene at all, and there was no room for interjection at all.



After breakfast, Ishida Uryu bowed to Kurosaki Masaki who was standing at the door with two bento boxes, and said, "Then, sister, I'm going out."

"Be careful on the road~"

Kurosaki Masaki waved at Ishida Uryu, and after the other party closed the door, she turned around, glanced at Ishida Ryuuzu who was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper with a stinking face, and said with a smile: " Cousin's son is really outstanding, and he will definitely inherit his cousin's mantle in the future."

"Hmph, there is no need for him to inherit."

Ishida Longxian snorted coldly, then seemed to remember something, pushed his glasses with some disdain, and said: "Besides, in order to revive Ye Hui, he will work for that young master for ten years-hmph, wait for him When I started working, I was already 27 years old."

Kurosaki Masaki glanced at Ishida Ryuzuru strangely, and said, "Working for the young master is not a formal job, and it doesn't affect Uryu-kun's university entrance in this world at all—"

Ishida Ryustring: "..."

Relying on his strong iceberg face, he stopped his old blushing tendency, and then said fiercely: "The Herosaki family should not care about the matters of the Ishida family! You should pay more attention to your good-for-nothing husband." !"

Crazy, how can anyone make an art photo of his dead wife and hang it in the living room hugging and howling every day!Mard throws the stick!

"Hey hey, I'll go back and have a look today~"

Kurosaki Masaki said, took off the apron on her body and put it on the back of the chair, then looked at her cousin with a teasing face, and said with a smirk: "Cousin, don't do strange things with the apron I wore ~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kurosaki Masaki laughed "Oh ho ho ho", pushed open the door and ran out happily, leaving Ishida Ryugen with one hand in his pocket and an expressionless face.

He turned his head, looked at the apron on the back of the chair that still seemed to be emitting his cousin's body temperature, and then stretched out his hand...

Throw it in the washing machine.

Don't do weird things!Won't!

Chapter 0446 Kurosaki Ichigo's Date Battle

A week has passed since I was targeted by that strange woman.

During this week, there was neither a strange alien fiancée falling from the sky; nor a strange monster fiancée falling from the sky; nor a strange neon number one beauty fiancée falling from the sky...

For Kurosaki Ichigo, the only "extraordinary" thing this week is that he has to go on a date with that strange woman every day after school, and she will guide him carefully. Son, what should I do to bring out my boyfriend power.

"Really, is she my mother?"

Kurosaki Ichigo held a popsicle in his mouth, and complained to Ishida Uryu with a speechless expression: "Why should she point out how I will date my girlfriend in the future?"

Ishida Uryu bit the popsicle in his mouth, then looked away thoughtfully: "Maybe, because she is really your mother?" '

By the way, sister, couldn't you meet Kurosaki-kun sooner?Could it be that you are really going to let him recognize you?No way?

He's that talented Kurosaki-kun who is talented in studies, but if he encounters things other than studies, he will become an idiot, huh?You expect him to recognize your identity, it is more reliable to expect him to suddenly open up and find a girlfriend.

Even though it's unlikely, hehehe...

"I say--"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at his friend, and then said with some dissatisfaction: "Are the rules over there really so strict? Even if I mainly want you to be in charge of me, isn't it okay?"

Ishida Uryu was silent for a few seconds, then sighed and said, "Sorry, Kurosaki-kun."

Don't think about this matter. There is no way I can compete with Sister Masaki for this job - regardless of whether I can or not, if I have this idea, I will be cursed by my sister-in-law putting up a scarecrow in the middle of the night.

Thieves pull terror.

"So, what is the purpose of that woman!"

Kurosaki scratched his head defensively, and said, "Why do you date me every day, and then give me marks for my behavior?"

Ishida Uryu pondered for a few seconds, then tentatively said: "Kurosaki-kun, is there a possibility that she really wants to cultivate your ability to date girls?"

"Huh? How is this possible!"

Kurosaki Ichigo waved his hand and said angrily: "Didn't I already tell you this? She's not my mother, so why did she cultivate this ability in me?"

'I also said that she is your mother...'

Ishida Uryu held his face, feeling that this topic had reached a dead end.

'Then, the only way to solve the problem is... eh?Disintegration ideas? '

Ishida Uryu seemed to have thought of something, and said to Kurosaki Ichigo: "Kurosaki-kun, you said she would date you every night, right? So what else? Did she say anything else?"


Kurosaki Ichigo scratched his head, then remembered something and said, "Oh, yes! After every date, she would tell me something like - what is your score today - or something like that."

"That's it! That's it!"

Ishida Uryu hurriedly grabbed Kurosaki Ichigo's shoulders and said: "Don't you think this is like an exam? The reason why I date you day after day is because your 'dating assessment' score has not reached The standard in her mind!”

"I understand!"

Kurosaki Ichigo showed a dazed expression. He stood up from his seat, then happily patted Ishida Uryu on the shoulder, and said, "I know what to do! Thank you, Ishida——"

Seeing the back of Kurosaki Ichigo leaving, Ishida Uryu couldn't help sighing, then scratched his face, and muttered helplessly: "I really worked hard!"

I have to guide you by insinuating, I'm so amazing.


After Ishida Uryu woke up Kurosaki Ichigo, he began to adjust himself, recalling what he had learned about dating this week, and started a dating simulation in his mind.

The mental training was effective. After the day's date, Kurosaki Ichigo got a high score of 94 points for the first time in the hands of Kurosaki Masaki.

Kurosaki Masaki couldn't help showing a satisfied smile, and said, "Ichigo, your progress makes me very happy and satisfied."

Hearing the words, Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly showed a happy expression, and he hurriedly asked: "In this case, have I passed the test?"

"Hmph, you've realized it, have you been testing me for the past few days?"

Kurosaki Masaki nodded with her arms crossed, she nodded vigorously and said, "Okay! Let's say you have passed the first stage of the test!"

"The first stage!?"

Kurosaki Ichigo was taken aback, and he asked in disbelief: "Could it be that there is a second stage!? There shouldn't be a third, fourth stage!? Wouldn't that be endless?"

"No, no! There is only one second stage left!"

Kurosaki Masaki hurriedly waved her hand, comforting the frizzy Kurosaki Ichigo, and said, "And the second stage is much simpler than the first stage! You can easily pass the test!"


Kurosaki Ichigo's face felt a little stinky, but he considered that it took him a week to complete the first stage of the assessment. If he gave up now, wouldn't it be equivalent to wasting all his efforts as a hobby?

So, he asked in a muffled voice: "Then what is the second stage of the assessment?"

"Hey hey, the second stage is still dating! It's just that the date this time isn't me—"

Kurosaki Masaki raised her finger with a smile on her face, and then said with a smirk: "You want to accompany my two daughters on a date! If you can satisfy them, you will pass the test!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Huh?"


a few days later.


in the afternoon.


Wearing a white dress and a mask, Kurosaki Masaki showed the two little princesses beside her with a smile——

The height of both of them seems to be around 135cm;

The slightly taller sister has light brown hair;

The younger sister who is slightly shorter has black hair.

"These two are my daughters! They are also the ones you are dating today—"

Kurosaki Masaki squatted between the two daughters, looked at Kurosaki Ichigo and asked: "Little Ichigo, you shouldn't let me down, let them down, right?"

"Do not worry!"

Kurosaki Ichigo patted himself on the chest, and then responded with sharp eyes like a warrior: "I will definitely offer, the most perfect date I can do with my current self!"

"Then I'm relieved~"

Saying this, Kurosaki Masaki smiled and handed the hands of her two daughters to Kurosaki Ichigo, and after he took them, he waved to him and said, "Remember to take good care of them."

Kurosaki Ichigo nodded and said, "Okay!"

So, he walked into the amusement park with his two younger sisters who were still a little bit shy.

After a while, a man with short black hair appeared next to her, and looked at Kurosaki Ichigo who was queuing in front with a prickly look, and said angrily: "Masaki! Ichigo is an idiot with What can you date with Baby Youzi and Baby Xiali?"

"Oh~? Could it be that you want to date Yuzi and Xia Li more than dating me?"

Kurosaki Masaki looked at Kurosaki Isshin with a smile, and a slight blackness emanated from her body: "Are you dissatisfied with me? Ah~na~da~"


Kurosaki Yishin trembled a few times, then shook his head vigorously, and hurriedly said: "No! Absolutely no such meaning! I feel supreme that I can date such a beautiful and gentle beauty as Ms. Masaki glory!"

"Then let's go quickly~"

Kurosaki Masaki reached out to hold Kurosaki Isshin's hand, and then pulled him into the amusement park with a smile.

Why did Ichigo go on a date with his sister?

the reason is simple!Since his death, how long has it been since these four people have come out to play with such a family?

Even if it is a family member, if you don't "express" the love in your heart, it is impossible!


Hmph, it's really hard for me to maintain this family!



the other side.

After Kurosaki Ichigo pulled the two masked little lolis into the amusement park, he squatted down with a smile on his face, and said in a low voice: "Two little princesses, I wonder if you two have anything today? What device do you particularly want to play on?"

The two little lolita shook their heads shyly.

Kurosaki nodded wholeheartedly, and he asked: "I understand! Then I will make today's date plan, is that okay?"

The two little lolis nodded slightly.

"Then, how about we start with less exciting projects in the morning?"

There was a sassy smile on Kurosaki Ichigo's face, and he said softly: "For example, coffee cups, how about go-karts? But considering the clothes you are wearing, equipment such as trampolines and sticky boards may not be able to play gone."

Paste board is to let girls wear that kind of special clothes on the surface, and then let the male partner (or staff) throw it to the wall with a strange structure, so that the girl can "stick" to the wall - this is a recent trend An item, but obviously not for two little lolitas in princess dresses.

"No, it's fine."

The black-haired Loli took courage and whispered: "Just play with coffee cups and go-karts - in fact, we can even play with pirate ships and roller coasters!"

"Haha, those two kinds of projects are of course planned - come to the amusement park and don't play the pirate ship; roller coaster, jumping machine and haunted house, it would be too wasteful!"

Kurosaki Ichigo smiled and said, "But like I said just now, let's play something less exciting in the morning!"

"Okay, okay."

The little loli with light brown hair nodded nervously and obediently, and said, "Then, then we can just listen to O'Neill!"

"it is good!"

Kurokama Ichigo raised his right hand, made a strong gesture, and said confidently: "Princesses, please rest assured, today I will definitely make you feel the most perfect date!"

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