"Hey this guy..."

Yami and Chadu looked at each other, damn it, this is so inflated!

fuck him!

In Kurosaki Ichigo's flustered expression, Yami hugged him from behind, and Yami lifted his left leg, and then the two of them worked together to lift Kurosaki Ichigo who was struggling towards the tree Hit!

Aruba's punishment!


Lin Qiong, bedroom.

"Hey hey, my beloved concubine, my beloved concubine, where are you—"

Lin Qiong, who was wearing a blindfold and a bathrobe, held up his hands at this time, and moved towards the direction of movement, muttering: "Aifei Erina, I heard your voice Oh~~"

Sitting sideways on the sofa, the eldest lady who was watching the muted TV turned her head: "?"

She glanced at Lin Qiong who was spreading his hands like a faint king, and then looked at the secretary who was huddling in the corner with his hands covering his mouth, not daring to breathe.


Satisfied, the eldest lady gestured a thumbs up to the secretary, and then mercilessly withdrew her gaze from the other party's tearful eyes begging for help, and started watching the TV again.

She even went back a few seconds to make up for the plot she hadn't seen just now.

'Miss ah ah ah——'

The secretary felt his heart was bleeding.

Just when Lin Qiong was about to throw himself on the secretary, a heart-piercing scream came from outside the window.


Lin Qiong tore off the blindfold on his face, then ran to the balcony, stretched his head and looked in the direction of the screams, and immediately showed a gloating expression.

"It turns out that Kurosaki Ichigo is being killed by Aruba—"

Lin Qiong put his hands on the fence of the balcony, then turned his head and shouted to the eldest lady: "Erina, I'll go and deal with Kurosaki Ichigo first, and I'll play with you when I come back."

"All right."

While nibbling melon seeds, the eldest lady waved her left hand casually, while the secretary took the opportunity to sit beside her resentfully, and whispered, "Miss, the young master was only ten centimeters away from me just now."


The eldest lady threw the melon seed husks in her hand into the trash, then stretched out her hand to hold the hand of the secretary, and said solemnly: "Fei Shazi, you have worked hard!"

The secretary: "For the sake of the eldest lady, I don't have to work hard at all!"

The eldest lady withdrew her hand contentedly, and said, "Then I will continue to ask you next time."

Secretary: "Eh? Eh!?"


"Meet you again, Kurosaki boy."

Lin Qiong squatted on the ground, looked at Kurosaki Ichigo who was covering his gear with both hands, and greeted with a smile: "I haven't seen you in half a year, how have you been recently?"

"Yes, it's you!"

When Kurosaki Ichigo saw Lin Qiong's face, he immediately got up from the ground.He didn't care about the slight sadness, and said hastily: "You resurrected my mother?"

"I not only resurrected your mother, I also resurrected your nominal cousin."

Lin Qiong waved at Kurosaki Ichigo, then turned around and walked towards Ms. Know-it-all's laboratory, and said, "You should already know, right? Your father's old surname is Shiba, that is to say, you met him on Liuhun Street." Shiba Kuzuru and Shiba Haiyan are related by blood to him."

"Although I already guessed it, I was still surprised to hear it with my own ears."

Kurosaki Ichigo followed Lin Qiong's footsteps, and then asked curiously: "Then what is the relationship between my father and them?"

Lin Qiong rubbed his chin and said, "Konghe, Ganjiu, and Haiyan, who was resurrected by me, all have to call your father uncle, so the three of them are all your cousins."

Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly showed a very tangled expression, he pinched the bridge of his nose in pain, and muttered: "Iwa, is Ganju bigger than me? Damn it!"

"Hahahaha, maybe you can use rock-paper-scissors to make the griffon call you big brother instead?"

Lin Qiong pushed open the door of the laboratory with a smile, and said, "Alan, I brought Little Strawberry to see you!"


Just when Kurosaki Ichigo was wondering who the "Alan" in Lin Qiong's mouth was, a familiar figure came out of the room—it was a man with short brown hair, wearing glasses, and exuding the air of a good old man The man, wearing a black uniform with gold patterns, is obviously a member of the Guardian Shield.

'Is he A Lan?I always feel so familiar—”

Kurosaki Ichigo looked suspiciously at Aizen, who had returned to the look of the [-]th squad, and thought: "It's just, where did you see it?" '

"Hehe, long time no see, Kurosaki Ichigo."

At this moment, a familiar, magnetic bass came out of Aizen's mouth: "I've been waiting for you here for a long time."

'This voice is...'

Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously made a defensive movement, exclaiming: "You are Aizen!?"

"Don't make such a ridiculous expression, Kurosaki Ichigo."

Aizen glanced at him, and then said calmly: "Yelling like this will only lower my opinion of you."

"Don't be so nervous! Ishida-kun should have told you—"

Lin Qiong also patted Kurosaki Ichigo on the shoulder, and explained: "After Aizen was defeated by me, he joined Sky Castle and is now working under my hands."

"Okay, I seem to have said so."

Kurosaki Ichigo nodded in a daze, and then muttered in a low voice: "Master, mainly, I didn't expect Aizen to be so unrestricted by you!"

This is Aizen! ?

From Kurosaki Ichigo's point of view, even putting Aizen in shackles, chains, and covering his body with various spells that restrict his activities is not an exaggeration!

After all, this is blue dye! !

Lin Qiong walked into the laboratory and said to Kurosaki Ichigo: "In my hometown, there is a saying that people who are suspicious don't need to be suspicious, so I don't plan to impose too many restrictions on Aizen."

Aizen, who was walking in the front, smiled slightly and explained: "Of course! Kurosaki Ichigo, you can also understand that this is A Qiong's absolute confidence in his own strength."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the two people bragging about business, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth—why did he feel that he was the extra one here?

"Kurosaki-kun, sit down! Do you want a snack?"

Lin Qiong pushed the basket containing the handmade cookies in front of Kurosaki Ichigo, and then said with a smile: "Since you came here with Aunt Masaki, then you should agree to join my Castle in the Sky, right? ?”

"Anyway, whether it's my mother, Sadatari, or Ishida, I have no reason not to join."

Kurosaki Ichigo scratched his head, and asked for proof: "It's just, can you really restore my strength?"

"Kurosaki Ichigo, don't use your narrow eyes to see things in Sky Castle."

The corners of Aizen's mouth raised slightly, and he stretched out his hand to the cookie on the table, and said, "Things you think are impossible are easy for us."

Kurosaki Ichigo stretched out his hand to block Aizen's hand reaching for Cookie, then hugged the basket in front of him, looking at Aizen with rebellious eyes.

Aizen: "..."

He laughed and said: "Kurosaki Ichigo, you are so childish."

"You widow me?"

Kurosaki Ichigo glared at Aizen, and he said confidently: "Master Qiong, cough, Master Qiong gave it to me! You want you to find him yourself!"

Aizen: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, and then said seriously: "Kurosaki Ichigo, you have to know one thing - this laboratory belongs to Ms. Know-it-all, and as her assistant, I count as one-eighth of it. a host, and you are just a guest!"

"I do not care!"

Kurosaki Ichigo maintained his food-protecting posture and said, "If you want to eat, ask him for it. Anyway, I won't give you this portion."

In fact, Kurosaki Ichigo doesn't like eating cookies that much, but he said that as long as he can add trouble to Aizen, then he will be happy.

"Oh! You and your childishness make me laugh!"

Lan Ranqi laughed, he bent down and took out a bag of Oreos from the coffee table, then glanced at Kurosaki Ichigo with a proud face, and said, "You don't even know how many snacks Qiong Jun has hidden here, But I have already observed it for half a year, and I have a clear grasp of it!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

No, what the hell are you doing investigating where I hide my snacks?

are you crazy?

Chapter 0449 I cheat, you can do whatever you want

Lin Qiong: "..."

He glanced at Aizen with inexplicable pride on his face, then hesitated for a few seconds, and asked.

"Alan, where are my chocolate wafers?"

"The first cabinet, in the upper left corner."

"And what about my Ferrero?"

"The third cabinet is stacked inside."

"Where's my dried mango?"

"The drawer on the left side of the coffee table."


Lin Qiong put his hand on his chin, then couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, and said, "For a while, I didn't know how to express my inner emotions."

Defying the sky, it's too defiant.

What made you the way you are?Is it Bengyu?still me?

"Master, this is just the result of daily observation of you."

Aizen touched the glasses with her fingers, and then said gracefully: "For example, I also know that you like to eat salty and sweet snacks at the same time, so that it will neither be too sweet nor too salty. "


Lin Qiong interrupted Lan Ran's narration, and said with twitching corners of his eyes: "Then what, Lan, today's protagonist is Little Strawberry, so let's focus on him."


Aizen nodded, looked at Kurosaki Ichigo who was sipping biscuits, and said, "Kurosaki Ichigo, how much do you know about yourself?"

"Well, I'm not sure exactly."

Kurosaki Ichigo scratched his head, and he said frankly: "I just learned from my mother that I have the power of Shinigami, Hollow, and Quincy in my body at the same time."

"With such a basic understanding, then I can rest assured!"

Aizen nodded gently, put his hands on the table in front of him, interlaced his fingers, and asked with a smile: "Kurosaki Ichigo, do you realize that after you got involved in the fate I arranged for you, Your body only embodies the characteristics of Shinigami and Void—but the power of the Quincy Master has never appeared on you."

Needless to say, the power of the god of death, and the power of the void is awakened accidentally in order to regain the power of the god of death after his chain knot and hammer were broken by Kuchiki Byakuya-of course, it is not ruled out that this may be The result of Kisuke Urahara's deliberate guidance.

"It seems to be right."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at his palm in a daze, and said, "If my mother hadn't told me, I wouldn't even know that I still have the power of Quincy within me."

"According to my speculation, there are two reasons for this result—"

Aizen chuckled, and he raised his finger.

"One, it's because you haven't come into contact with anything related to the Quincy after you were born, so the power of the Quincy in your body has been in an inactive state."

"Secondly, it is because after Kuchiki Rukia gave you the power of the god of death, the power of the god of death in your body was activated first, which further backlogged the power of the Quincy Master, making it even more silent."

After hearing Aizen's analysis, Kurosaki Ichigo showed a stunned expression. He looked at his palm thoughtfully and said: "No wonder I never felt the power of the Quincy in my body..."

Listening to the conversation between Aizen and Kurosaki Ichigo, Lin Qiong and Miss Know-It-All couldn’t help but look at each other——

If they didn't have God's perspective and knew in advance that "Uncle Zangetsu" was actually the Quincy power in Ichigo Kurosaki's body, the two of them might have felt that Aizen's guess was correct.

Lin Qiong and Miss Passenger reached a consensus——

There is no need to correct Aizen's guess!After all, it is enough for Kurosaki Ichigo to be a trinity!

"Alan is right! It is precisely because the power in your body is too disordered that I decided to invite you to join the Sky City after your power completely disappears——"

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