Lin Qiong smiled at Kurosaki Ichigo, and then said: "Kurosaki boy, starting this afternoon, we will arrange new training content for you to help you awaken the power of Shinigami, Hollow, and Quincy at the same time. Let you awaken your true power!"

"Real power?"

Kurosaki Ichigo showed a somewhat expectant expression, he clenched his fist tightly, and said in a low voice: "I, look forward to it!"

"I'm looking forward to it too."

The corner of Aizen's mouth also evoked a smile, he looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with eyes full of expectation, and whispered in his heart: "Kurosaki Ichigo, let me see, my most perfect work, after all How far can it grow! '



Laputa, restaurant.


Orihime Inoue, who was holding the plate, saw Kurosaki Ichigo sitting in the dining room, and immediately ran over with surprise on his face, and said, "Have you finally joined Sky Castle?"

"Yo, Inoue!"

Kurosaki Ichigo waved at Inoue Orihime with a smile on his face, and said, "That's right! Starting today, I will officially join Sky Castle."


For the joining of Kurosaki Ichigo, Inoue Orihime burst out with extra enthusiasm and joy. She sat in front of Kurosaki Ichigo with a plate, and then said proudly: "Kurosaki-kun! The past six months! Time, I have eaten all kinds of dishes in the canteen of Sky City for you in advance!"

"Well, thank you so much."

Kurosaki Ichigo showed a subtle expression, and he asked, "Then, Inoue, which dish do you think is the best?"

Inoue Orihime: "!"

She was slightly startled, then lowered her head in embarrassment, poked her fingers and said, "This, that, actually, um, they're actually quite delicious."

So what have you eaten in the past six months! ?lonely?

Kurosaki Ichigo pulled the corner of his mouth.

Orihime Inoue immediately lowered her head with tears in her eyes, and asked pitifully, "Whoa, Kurosaki-kun, am I useless..."

"Yeah, you can't say that!"

Kurosaki Ichigo quickly comforted: "This, that, at least Inoue came to the conclusion that all the canteen dishes in Laputa are delicious, right?"


Inoue suddenly showed a happy expression, she nodded happily, and said, "Although, although they are all delicious, but, if it is 'Inoue's special recommendation', I still have a record!"

Kurosaki Ichigo showed a surprised expression: "Oh! What are there?"

"Kurosaki-kun, wait a minute, let me see—"

Inoue took out a notebook from his pocket, opened it in front of Kurosaki Ichigo, and read seriously: "There are some delicious ones..."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Is there...?"

"Sweet and sour pork tenderloin stewed with pork trotters and beef balls, boiled fish-flavored shredded pork tenderloin..."

One dish after another came out of Inoue's mouth, and Kurosaki Ichigo's head was suddenly covered with black lines.

Well, Inoue!If the number of recommended dishes exceeds twenty... thirty... forty dishes, then this recommended dish will lose its meaning!

You can simply sum it up with the sentence "the food in the cafeteria is delicious"!

Inoue, who was sitting opposite him, seemed to realize that she was getting a bit wordy, and she couldn't help but blushed, and then concluded: "Anyway, anyway! The food in the cafeteria is delicious!"

What else can Kurosaki Ichigo say?

He could only nod helplessly, then patted his hands together in front of him, and said sincerely: "Thank you very much for Inoue's early stepping, Arigado!"

Although it doesn't seem to be of any use.


Inoue happily put away his notebook, then shook his upper body happily, and began to enjoy today's delicious lunch. Seeing her eating quietly and deliciously, Ichigo not only thought: "In the end, , the "delicious" in Inouekou is simply a reference value, right?In her eyes, everything seems to be delicious...'

The thought lasted only until he put his head down and took his first bite of lunch.

Kurosaki Ichigo: ヽ(Д)ノ

He opened his mouth wide and couldn't help saying, "It's delicious!"

"Right, right?"

Inoue looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with a smile, and said, "Kurosaki-kun, if you feel that it is not enough after eating, you can continue to add more rice and vegetables - I eat two big plates every day!"

Kurosaki Ichigo smiled and nodded, he made a strong movement, and eagerly said: "Okay, let's set a small goal first, and eat it in three big dishes!"



In another corner of the restaurant.

"ton ton ton—"

Hao Inoue watched with tears streaming down his face as the little cabbage at home took the initiative to go to the pig. He picked up the beer on the table bitterly, and directly poured the bitter wine into his throat to hurt his heart.

"Oh, don't cry—"

Lin Qiong sat next to Inoue Hao, then reached out and patted his shoulder, suggesting: "If you really can't swallow this breath, just practice with Yijigu more while he is still recovering strength - To tell you the truth, Yijigu's potential is definitely the strongest in the entire Guardian Shield. When he grows up, there won't be many opportunities to beat him upright and still be thanked by him."


Hearing this passage, Inoue Hao suddenly showed a heart-wrenching expression as if he had opened up the second channel of Ren and Du. He looked around for a while, then put his arm around Lin Qiong's shoulder, and whispered: "Master, tell the truth, How long will it take for that kid Ichigo to overtake me?"

"for how long……"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds and said, "A rough estimate, about a week?"

"Just, just a week!?"

Hao Inoue opened his mouth in a daze, and said in disbelief, "Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"That's no exaggeration!"

Lin Qiong reached out and patted Hao Inoue on the shoulder, and said with a serious face: "Kurosaki Ichigo's potential is unmatched in the entire Guardian Shield—he mastered the swastika in three days. , became a captain-level hunk."

Of course, what is more important is that Kurosaki Ichigo is the "protagonist" of the realm world, the "loved/favored son of the world", and he is born with various unreasonable bonuses in the realm world.

Kurosaki Ichigo: Don't compare yourself with my brother, he is cheating, you can't compare.

Chapter 0450 longing is the distance to understand, the furthest distance

Sky City, the training ground.

Aizen put his hands in his sleeves, with a gentle smile on his face, and said to Kurosaki Ichigo standing in front of him: "Kurosaki Ichigo! From today on, I will give you a systematic education to the greatest extent possible. to bring out the power within you.”

"Hey, why did you come to teach me?"

Kurosaki Ichigo showed a slightly reluctant expression, he looked at Aizen suspiciously, and said, "Could it be because I didn't give you snacks just now, so you deliberately came to revenge on me, right?"

"Kurosaki Ichigo, your vision really makes me feel ridiculous."

Aizen glanced at Kurosaki Ichigo with contempt, he pushed his glasses, and said: "No matter in strength or vision, I am the most worthy of the Guardian Shield, let me teach you, you should Feel honored, not questioned, understand?"

"alright, I got it."

Kurosaki Ichigo nodded, looked at Aizen seriously, and said with a hint of arrogance: "However, don't be easily surpassed by me, Aizen!"

"Hehe, just let the horse come here, Kurosaki Ichigo!"

Aizen's lenses reflected the sun's rays, he looked at Kurosaki Ichigo, and said, "If you want to surpass me, you can't do it with just one mouth!"



Kurosaki Ichigo really deserves to be the "child of destiny" in the realm world, and his "potential ability" was even selected as one of Yuhabach's five special combat powers.

"Tuigui, you really deserve to be the leading actor—"

Leaning on the window sill, Lin Qiong looked through the window at Kurosaki Ichigo, who was having a lively fight with Grimmjow, and even slightly bent his head. He couldn't help but smack his tongue and said, "It's only a month if it's full of fights, right?"

"About exactly one month."

The young lady in a white shawl came to Lin Qiong's side. She looked down at Kurosaki Ichigo who had entered the swastika state and was waving the sky lock Zhanyue hacking, and said, "I can only say that this guy The panel is just too solid—is this the power of the Holy Trinity?"

Under the deliberate guidance of Aizen and Miss Wanshitong, Kurosaki Ichigo no longer awakened with the power of Shinigami as the main body, but perfectly awakened the power of the trinity of Shinigami, Hollow, and Quincy—this is beyond False God, a brand new template named "Spirit Race".

"Actually, Ichigo should keep a hand in this posture, right?"

Lin Qiong supported his chin, and muttered: "I remember his strongest posture, it should be the swastika plus the holy body?"


The secretary nodded and said, "If Kurosaki-kun enters the state of swastika and holy body, he should be able to defeat Grimmjow in a tenth of a second."

"Tut tut-"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but shook his head, smacked his tongue and said, "Poor Ge Laoliu, he only suppressed Kurosaki Ichigo for a month, and now he will be suppressed again."

There is no way, the improvement brought by the Trinity is far, far, far, far higher than the improvement brought about by evolving into a False God.

"However, the data of the Spirit Race is almost collected, right?"

The eldest lady hugged Lin Qiong's waist from behind curiously, pressed her heart against Lin Qiong's back, and asked, "Does that mean that other members of the Guardian Shield can also evolve into spirit races?" gone?"

"Theoretically it can be done—"

Accompanied by the sound of the know-it-all cat, a cat covered in white lightly jumped onto the window sill, landed in front of Lin Qiong, and said gracefully: "It's just that in order to collect more detailed data, I still It is recommended that members of the Silver Streak class try to evolve first."

For example, Bridget, Rogia, etc., and the "three-digit" and "subordinate officials" brought over from the Void Night Palace-now they are all subordinate members of the silver streak level.

"It's fine for you to be responsible for this kind of thing, as long as you don't delay it for too long."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "In more than a year, the Thousand-Year Blood War will begin, right? Tsk, tsk, I'm already prepared to ambush those Quincy!"

"I can count them all."

The know-it-all cat licked its paws, and then said with a smile: "We still have about eleven months to prepare—don't worry, before the millennium bloody battle begins, I will give you a powerful Juhabach's jaw dropped from the shield of the patron saint!"

"Oh, then I'm looking forward to it!"

Lin Qiong immediately raised the know-it-all cat and cat with anticipation, then put her on his head, and said, "But having said that, through Kurosaki Ichigo's Eldar physique, has any suitable data been collected? "

"It's been a good harvest."

Know-it-all Maomao yawned, she lazily flicked her tail, and said, "Thanks to these unfavorable cooperation, the source force cultivation method has been further completed——Next, we will find a new world to test After a while, if there is no problem, it can be officially put into use.”

"Oh oh oh, blah blah blah—"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands and said with admiration: "As expected of Miss Know-It-All, you are really reliable!"

Know-it-all cats stretched out their own cat claws, patted Lin Qiong's face with pink meat balls, and snorted: "Don't think that if you praise me like this, I will be in a good mood, and then I will let you kiss and hug me." Hold it high?"

"Jie Jie! How dare a kitten resist his own shit-shoveling officer?"

Without saying a word, Lin Qiong took off the "know-it-all cat hat" on her head, then buried her face in her hair with a smirk, took a deep breath, and said, "Just this feel, It’s so cool!”

The eldest lady at the side couldn't help but shook her head, and said to the secretary next to her, "Ah Qiong's playing is really perverted!"


The secretary nodded his head symbolically and perfunctorily, then glanced at the eldest lady in a subtle way, then quickly withdrew his gaze, and whispered in his heart: "Miss, are you really ashamed to say this?" words?As your chief little follower, I feel that you and the young master have changed too much from this...'




Aizen pushed his glasses with a smile on his face, then looked at the ten silver-streaked members standing in front of him, and said, "You all successfully stood out from the many subordinate-level False Gods, and got the chance to evolve first."

The ten virtual gods in front of them didn't make a sound, they just looked at Ai Ran with fanatical and expectant eyes, and Ai Ran couldn't help laughing at the impatient look: "It seems that I don't need further confirmation ——should no one choose to quit at this time, right?"

Bridget complained in her heart: 'Is this not nonsense?For the sake of this quota, we can't wait to punch out all our brains, the stupid X will quit at this time, right?Damn, those eyes are so cute, it's so talkative, I really want to rush up to Bang Bang and give him two punches. '

Aizen was moved and looked at Bridget, smiled and said: "Bridget, do you have anything to say?"


Bridget shook her head resolutely, and she lowered her eyebrows and said pleasantly: "I'm just worried that the sun will be too strong. It will be bad if Mr. Aizen gets exposed to the sun."

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