Aizen smiled gently and said, "Thank you for your concern! I don't take this kind of heat seriously."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Bridget looked at the nose and the heart, nodded her head in a proper manner, and patted her rainbow fart: "As expected of Mr. Aizen, Si Guo dropped his stockings!"

Aizen smiled, and he didn't say anything, but folded his hands in his cuffs and said softly: "Before I officially help you evolve, there is one thing I hope you will be familiar with - from the Void God to the Spirit Race, although it is not As for losing all power in order to incarnate, like evolving from a broken face to a virtual god, it is inevitable to usher in a sharp drop in spiritual pressure."

The Void Gods nodded.

"Then, let's begin."

With a particularly patient smile on the corner of Aizen's mouth, he said softly: "I wish you all can evolve successfully once and become the most perfect creature."


Castle in the Sky.


"Alan, how are you doing recently?"

Lin Qiong held a piece of Wangwang crushed ice in his mouth, and sat on the sofa and asked Aizen who was recording data, "Did anything unexpected happen?"

"Accident? How could there be an accident?"

Aizen smiled gently, and he said in a natural tone: "Although this is the first time that the False God has evolved towards the Spirit Race, the data templates for the evolution are all adjusted by me and Ms. Know-it-all - there is absolutely no possibility of overturning. .”

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and then said to Miss Wanshitong: "My dear Miss Wanshitong, if I make a bet with Lanran later, I will bet on whether the car will overturn, and the bet is Lanran's women's clothing, and then you Do you have time to modify the data secretly?"

Miss Wanshitong thought for a while, and said: "If it is my dear A Qiong's request, then I will reluctantly agree to you."

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up, grinned and said, "As expected of my dear Miss Know-It-All, open and bright!"

Miss Know-it-All bent her beautiful eyes and said, "Who made me your dearest Miss Know-it-all?"

Aizen: "?"

You are noble, you are amazing!

You oboe let me wear women's clothes.

He took off his glasses, then rubbed the bridge of his nose with his hands, and said, "Qianjun, you have once again refreshed my understanding of you."

"I'll take it as you're praising me."

Lin Qiong smiled, propped his chin, and said to Ai Ran: "Speaking of it, Alan! Recently, Chisentao has been applying to be an exchange ambassador in Sky City over in Soul Soul Realm. What do you say?" Do I agree or not?"

"Hehe, Chisen?"

There was a slight smile on the corner of Aizen's mouth, and he said gently: "If Lord Qiong thinks it will be more interesting to let her guard here, then agree to it—not to mention anything else, but as a handy tool, Chisen is still Quite qualified."

"Wow, what a scumbag's speech!"

Lin Qiong shook his head smacking his tongue and said, "I'm looking forward to you so much!"

"Longing? Which emotion doesn't make any sense."

Aizen shook his head indifferently, and said calmly: "Longing is the furthest distance from understanding."

Chapter 0451: Soul Exchange Team

Castle in the Sky.

Training Course.

Under the watchful eyes of the chosen members of the Guardian Shield and subordinate officers, a dark crack appeared above the training ground.

There is no doubt that this is a black cavity.


Clear footsteps came from the darkness, and several figures gradually became clearer.

Captain of the third division, Ichimaru Gin;

Vice-captain of the [-]th squad, Himori Momo;

Captain of the Eighth Division, Shunsui Kyōraku;

Nanao Ise, vice-captain of the Eighth Division;

Captain of the [-]th division, Toshiro Hitsugaya;

Matsumoto Rangiku, vice-captain of the [-]th Division.

"Welcome welcome, warm welcome!"

Lin Qiong applauded first, and behind him, even Lan Ran followed suit with a gentle face, perfectly highlighting his absolute status as a leader.

Jingle Chunshui: "..."

I can't hold back anymore, I'm having fun with my brother, right?

He looked left and right, then exchanged glances with Ichimaru Gin, the two of them took the hand of the girl beside them and took half a step back, leaving only Hitsugaya Toshiro and Himorimo standing at the front of the line, welcoming Warm hospitality.

"Oh my, I really didn't expect that the Soul Society would be so enthusiastic about this exchange meeting——"

Lin Qiong greeted him with a smile on his face, then took Xiaobai's hand and shook it up and down twice, and said, "Have you eaten yet? If you haven't eaten, how about some?"

"no need."

Hitsugaya Toshiro declined Lin Qiong's invitation with a twitching corner of his mouth, and he said, "We're here this time..."

"Winter Lion-"

The sudden sound made the second half of Hitsugaya's words stuck in his throat. He looked in the direction of the other party's voice with a look of lovelessness, and found that Kurosaki Isshin was pulling his wife's hand. Hand, waving his right hand at him.

"Hey, this way!"

After seeing Hitsugaya looking over, Kurosaki Isshin immediately waved his right hand more enthusiastically, and he said loudly: "Xiaobai! Look over here——"

Hitsugaya's entire face darkened, he glared at Kurosaki Isshin, and then whispered to Lin Qiong, "That, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"it's okay no problem."

Lin Qiong happily waved his hand towards Hitsugaya, then put his other hand behind his back, and gave a thumbs up to Herosaki Yixin, "We are old acquaintances, so don't be so unfamiliar! Come on , I'll take you to dinner—”

Hitsugaya nodded in a daze, and only after he followed Lin Qiong for more than ten meters in a daze did he wake up from his dream—wait a minute, why did I come over for dinner out of nowhere?

He looked around with a question mark on his face——

On the left, Ichimaru Gin is holding Matsumoto Rangiku's hand with a smile on his face, discussing something with her in a low voice;

On the right, the old acquaintance Jingle Shunsui is introducing it like Ise Nanao who came to Sky Castle for the first time;

Behind, Xiao Taozi was following Lin Qiong with fluttering eyes. She was wearing a gold-patterned uniform, but her hairstyle and attire had returned to the blue dye of the fifth team.

Not good, very bad!

Hitsugaya couldn't help but raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, why did he feel that if there was a fight, he might fight alone?


Under Hitsugaya's uneasy scrutiny, everyone came to the cafeteria of Sky City.

"Come on, Winter Shiro—"

Kurosaki sat in front of Hitsugaya with a plate full of joy, and said enthusiastically, "This is the 'Super Children's Set Meal' I specially ordered for you. It's delicious!"

"Super... super children's meal?"

With a stiff face, Hitsugaya lowered his head and looked at the lunch that Kurosaki Isshin brought over, the fried rice wrapped in tomato sauce, a small flag stuck on the rice ball, and the hamburger and fried chicken beside it, I couldn't help but twitched my eyelids and said, "Ex-Captain Yixin, thank you so much!"

"Puff, puff-"

Matsumoto Rangiku who was on the side had already laughed so hard that he fell into Ichimaru Gin's arms, and said out of breath: "This, this set meal is too, so suitable for you, captain~~hahahaha——"


Hitsugu couldn't even speak in anger, he hammered the table angrily, and then yelled: "Even if I, Ritsugu, starve to death, I will die outside, and I will not eat a bite of these things if I jump from here Children’s meal!”


"It smells so good——"

Hitsugaya wiped the sauce from the corner of his mouth with a paper towel, then glared at Matsumoto Rangiku who was giggling, and said solemnly: "I just don't want to waste it! Didn't you see the slogan posted in the restaurant? Who knows what's on the plate?" , every particle is hard work!"


Matsumoto Rangiku nodded with a smile on her face. She quietly glanced at the four stacked plates, worried that Hitsugaya would become angry, so she retracted her gaze and said, "One thing to say, one from Sky City The food is indeed much better than that of the Thirteenth Division—the chefs in the team building should really come here to learn."

Hearing Matsumoto Rangiku's words, Kurosaki Isshin curled his lips with some disdain—come on, little Rangiku, don't you think that the cooking skills in the Sky Castle cafeteria can be learned casually?


My wife didn't even learn it!This group of brainy cooks in the soul world should wash up and sleep.

"Damn, so envious!"

Matsumoto Ranju obviously just said it casually. At this time, she was hammering the table with a face of reluctance, and then hugged Hina Morita next to her like an uncle who had lost love after drinking, and said, "I am so envious of Tao Zi! Woooooo , you can stay here, you must be able to eat such delicious food every day, right?"

"Matsu, Senior Matsumoto..."

The shy little Taozi twisted her body like a little embarrassment, but what she didn't know was that the more obedient she was, the more Matsumoto Ranju wanted to bully her.

"However, Tao Zi must care more about someone than the delicious food here, right?"

Rangiku Matsumoto put his arms around Morita's shoulders, and let out a strange "hehehe" laugh: "Momoko must seize the opportunity this time!"

"Matsu, senior Matsumoto oh-oh-"

The extremely shy little Momoko was blushing at this moment, she was hitting Matsumoto Rangiku's chest with her small fists, and the surge after wave made Ichimaru Gin almost couldn't help drawing his sword and looking around in a daze .

Who can stand this?Did you use this to test the cadres?


At this moment, Hitsugaya Toshiro snorted viciously, then glared at Matsumoto Rangiku with an unfriendly expression, and said with a straight neck, "Matsumoto, don't talk nonsense!"

How dare you joke about such a thing?Have you forgotten how much harm that bastard Aizen did to Chu Sen when he betrayed the world of souls?

Matsumoto Rangiku glanced at his captain innocently, then lowered his head carefully, and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

'Captain, it's meaningless if you get angry at me! '

"Ren Lanran beats Chu Sen, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, you don't care about it!" '

"Tsk tsk, it's not like you haven't seen Chisen writing an application every week for more than half a year in order to see Aizen..."

'Crazy! '


After having lunch, the following is the long-awaited repertoire.

"I won't show mercy this time."

Toshirō Hitsugaya looked at Tiya Herribel in front of him with Hirinmaru in his hand, and said seriously: "Let's finish the unfinished battle in Karakura Town last time."

"Really confident."

With a black mask on her face and a single ponytail, Harribel, who was dressed a bit like K/DA Akali's Rap CoolGirl style, put her hands in the pockets of her small vest, and said casually: "It's just , you will not be my opponent."

During the decisive battle in Karakura town half a year ago, Hitsugaya Toshiro's combat power might have surpassed Heribel's by a little, but his strength was limited; but now that Heribel has evolved into a virtual god and mastered the swastika, even The two of them are stacked together, and that is not Herribel's opponent.

"What a big tone! Don't you know? In the past six months, in order to defeat someone, I have been training myself all the time—"

Holding the handle of the knife with both hands, Hitsugaya grinned and said, "I am no longer the same as I was in Karakura Town!"

"Is there a possibility, I already feel the spiritual pressure in your body that is completely different from half a year ago..."

Harribel tilted her head, and her handsome face under the mask showed a handsome smile, "But you are still not my opponent."

"Then try it!"

Hitsugaya held the handle of the knife with both hands, then took a deep breath, and said in a low voice, "卍解·Dahonglian Binglunwan!!"


A Reiatsu that seemed to be able to freeze moisture in the air gushed out of Hitsugaya Toshirō's body, and his body was wrapped with dragon wings and tail made of ice.


Toshirō Hitsugaya waved the Hirinmaru in his hand towards Heribel, starting from the tip of the knife, the ice marks visible to the naked eye spread to the cool girl in front.

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