Facing the menacing freezing, Harribel just calmly raised her slender right leg wrapped in jeans, and then stomped hard on the ground.

The next moment, a storm of Reiatsu visible to the naked eye spread from her right foot, abruptly stopping the ice swung by Hitsugaya Toshirō in mid-air.

"Relying on Reiatsu alone..."

Obviously, such a record made Hitsugaya Toshiro widen his eyes in surprise, and then he turned into a stronger fighting spirit and said: "Interesting! It seems that you are indeed a little different from half a year ago."

"so so."

Harribel replied in a muffled voice.

This is not because she is being modest, but she is really depressed - when she was in Ten Blades, she was able to rank in the top three, but now that she has joined the Shield of the Saint, she cannot even rank in the top five. go!And it is foreseeable that after Kurosaki Ichigo grows up, her ranking will definitely drop one place...

Damn, the more you think about it, the more angry you are!

It's all this little white-haired dwarf's fault!

Harribel glared at Toshirō Hitsugaya, and decided to vent her anger on this brat.

Hitsugaya: 6

Chapter 0452

"Conquer him, Emperor Shark Empress—"

Accompanied by Heribel's singing, her demon armament appeared in her hand——compared to the Queen of Swords in the form of Returning Blade, the shape of the Queen of Demon Armor in the form of Demon Armor did not change much, only in terms of material , changed from a fractured long sword similar to a Daxu mask to a jade long blade with a faint light.

"Little devil—"

Harribel raised the long sword in her hand, pointed the tip of the sword at Hitsugaya in front, and said: "Although I'm sorry for you, the compatibility of our abilities seems to be very poor."


Xiaobai stood on the ground, looked at Harribel with unruly eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Then let me see why she has such a bad compatibility!"

"Don't die—"

After Harribel waved the king shark vigorously, a stream of high-pressure water invisible to the naked eye spewed out from the tip of the sword, cutting through the ice layer created by Xiaobai in just an instant, and flying towards his neck .

In the next second, Xiaobai, who had no time to dodge, was slashed by Heribel's high-pressure water flow, and his head flew into the air with a trace of astonishment, then fell to the ground, and rolled to Chisentao's feet.


The next moment, Chu Sentao covered her mouth with her hands and let out a scream: "Xiaobai!!"

"Idiot Taozi, calm down!"

At this time, Matsumoto Ranwu on the side covered Chisentao's mouth, and whispered in her ear: "That's just an ice puppet made by the captain."

"Ice... ice puppet?"

After hearing Matsumoto Ranju's words, Dai Sentao subconsciously looked at Xiaobai's head that fell on the ground——only then did she realize that the head that fell on the ground was actually a lifelike ice cube. head.

"Scared, scared me to death."

With a pale face, Xiao Taozi patted her chest, then said in a low voice, "I, I thought Xiaobai had been tricked."


Matsumoto Ranju's expression was a bit subtle, she really wanted to tell Xiao Taozi that standing in front of her at this time was the captain of the [-]th Division of the Gotei [-]th Team, known as the most talented young Shinigami of the Gotei [-]th Team in the past century , has the strongest ice and snow Zanpakuto...

But she changed her mind, if it was Gin Ichimaru who was fighting at this time, her performance would not be much better than that of Xiao Taozi, right?After all, there is a saying that teaches something...

Concern is chaos.

Thinking of this, Rangiku Matsumoto couldn't help but carefully glanced at Ichimaru Gin, only to find that the other party was also looking at her, a kind of sweetness that had a sympathetic heart suddenly flooded into Rangiku Matsumoto's heart, and she couldn't help but stare at Ichimaru shyly Yin, the result greeted the other party with a fox-like smile.


She finished speaking to Ichimaru Gin with her lips.


Ichimaru Gin replied with his mouth.

'Fool! '

Rangiku Matsumoto felt her face getting a little hot. She subconsciously covered her face with her sleeves, and then glared hard at Gin Ichimaru, who was smiling like a fox.

'like! '

Ichimaru Gin's smile was even better. He smiled and stroked the amulet given by Rangiku Matsumoto in his arms, feeling 30.00% happier.

'Damn silver! '

Sensing that she was at a disadvantage, Rangiku Matsumoto looked around and found that no one was looking at her, so she immediately blew a kiss to Ichimaru Gin, and then she got her wish and saw her boyfriend's flushed face.

'Hey, I won! '

Realizing that she was occupying the top in this "love and stare" game, Matsumoto Rangiku immediately shook her upper body happily, but she didn't know that she might be pushed hard tonight.

Hitsugaya: I'm fighting, you two are flirting, right?



"Did you escape?"

Harribel looked at the ice puppet that fell on the ground, and couldn't help raising her eyebrows, then looked at the sky obliquely above, and praised: "The reaction is still very good."


Hitsugaya was panting with some lingering fear—one thing to say, he really reacted temporarily after hearing Harribel's words "don't die", and then used the ice puppet transposition technique to make himself out of danger.

The evidence is a small wound on his face at this time, and the painful bloodstain is just like he is sending a warning.

"It's just that I avoided it, but I didn't completely avoid it."

Harribel looked at the wound on Hitsugaya's face, and said softly: "From the moment you were injured, the outcome has already been decided."

Hitsugaya twitched the corner of his mouth, and he mocked in a low voice: "With such a loud tone, you are not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue? Did you make you so happy when you first saw me being killed?"

"It looks like you didn't notice it."

Harribel lowered the big sword in her right hand, and she pressed the tip of the sword to the floor, and said softly: "Didn't you notice that your face seems a little wet?"

"Wet? Isn't that normal?"

Hitsugaya frowned, and subconsciously retorted: "I was wounded by your water blade, so there are water stains on the wound... Wait!"

Hitsugaya reacted abruptly - he is in a state of 卍液, and with the power of Hirinmaru, the whole atmosphere may be frozen by freezing air, how could there be water stains on his face? ?

"It seems that you have reacted."

Seeing the astonishment on Hitsugaya's face, Harribel couldn't help showing a slight smile, and said in a low voice, "But it was too slow! That drop of water has flowed down your blood vessels and into your heart—"


Tints of cold sweat flowed from Hitsugaya Toshiro's face, he subconsciously sensed his own body with Reiatsu, and sure enough, he noticed a strange inspiration in his heart.

"Surrender, brat."

Harribel leaned on her weapon and said with a chuckle, "Your life is already in my hands. I only need one thought, and the water droplets in your heart will boil quickly, killing your heart within half a second." The blood in your body evaporates, turning your chest into a big hole."

After hearing Heribel's words, Chisentao on the sidelines suddenly felt her heart lift up. She clasped her hands nervously on her chest, and looked at Hitsugaya in the field worriedly.

"I see, is it boiling quickly?"

The corner of Hitsugaya’s mouth pulled out a crazy arc, he stared at Heribel in front of him, and said in a low voice: “You said that our abilities are not compatible—I want to return this sentence to you now !"

He poked hard at his chest, a trace of cold spiritual pressure poured into his heart along his fingers, and then tightly wrapped the strange drop of water in it.

A smug smile appeared on the corner of Hitsugaya's mouth, and he said softly: "It seems that our abilities are really not compatible, and your ultimate move has been cracked by me."

Harribel just glanced at him with a strange expression, condensed an ice blade in front of Hitsugaya, and then asked with his stiff expression: "You don't think that my ability is just Control running water and boiling water?"

Hitsugaya looked at his chest blankly, and couldn't help but ask: "Can you still control ice?"

"I can only control the liquid, but it's not a problem to shape it into the shape I need."

Harribel leisurely shouldered her big sword, and said calmly: "You have already played tricks once, are you going to do it again?"

The "sly trick" in her mouth refers to Hitsugaya's remedial behavior after she revealed her own water drop and hidden thunder - if this was a life-and-death battle, Hitsugaya would have been killed by Chujian long ago, Still save a hammer?


Hitsugaya scratched his head irritably, then stamped his feet incompetently and furiously, and said, "Isn't this kind of ability too shameless?"

Why does this ability to kill at first sight exist?It's so disgusting, it's so fucking disgusting, so disgusting that Hitsugaya is as disgusting as a stupid top laner meeting an ADC top laner with displacement.

He can't wait to send Harribel a one-minute telegram on the public screen, okay?

Pinch it.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, Hitsugaya felt that he was aggrieved.

He had just entered the 卍术, the only attack was a tentative swing of an ice blade!The results of it?As a result, I was killed by Chuxian!

Is it in the river?This is not in the river!

"One trick! You take one trick from me—"

Hitsugaya is now showing a bit of shamelessness, he is holding the Hirinwan in his hand through gritted teeth, with a shy blush on his face, "If you take it, I will admit defeat!"

"it is good."

Harribel nodded calmly, and after she raised the Huangmao in her hand again, a fiery scorching current emerged from the blade, quickly wrapping the entire blade, "Let the horse come here!"

Toshirō Hitsugaya was silent for a few seconds, then held the handle of the knife with both hands, stabbed the tip of the knife heavily into the ground in front of him, and shouted, "Daguren Hirinmaru Millennium Ice Prison!"


The icicles visible to the naked eye spread along the blade of Dahonglian Binglun Wan towards Harribel, and in just two seconds, a cuboid icicle with a side length of ten meters and a height of 20 meters was formed.


Toshirō Hitsugaya let out a heavy panting sound as he leaned on his sword a little out of strength, and then he looked expectantly at Harribel who was locked in the center of the Millennium Ice Prison.

'Don't break free don't break free don't break free...'

At this time, Hitsugaya was like a mobile game player who was playing Ten Company, making crazy prayers in his heart - but as we all know, the shipment prayers of Ten Company players often did not come true.


Accompanied by the crisp sound of ice crystals shattering, Hitsugaya's face suddenly turned pale like a little friend who discovered that the screen was lit with purple light.


The next moment, ice flakes were flying all over the sky, and the sun shone on the ice dust, refracting a beautiful rainbow halo—of course, Hitsugaya was in a terrible mood.

He looked at Heribel lightly falling to the ground with an ugly expression, then with a sullen face, he said with difficulty: "I, I admit defeat."

Chapter 0453 Two people meet again

The sparring is over, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that Hitsugaya is very upset, very upset.

It can be seen from his expression as if he stepped on the defense, he wished to freeze time and space and go back to a few minutes ago, telling his past self to be careful of Harribel's first kill.

This is so frustrating.

"Okay, okay, little Dongshiro, don't show such an expression——"

Kurosaki Isshin patted Hitsugaya on the shoulder and said enthusiastically: "Wouldn't it be nice to win it back next time?"

Hitsugaya was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously asked: "Can there be a next time?"

"Why can't there be? Sky City is very supportive of the people under it to learn from each other."

Isshin Kurosaki said matter-of-factly: "After all, Sky City's medical technology is the best in the world, and it even has resurrection technology, so there is no need to worry about accidentally injuring teammates during the competition."

Even he couldn't hold back sometimes to go on stage and exchange ideas with the subordinate officials--he didn't want to think about the members of the Holy Shield. Those people were all monsters among monsters, and he didn't even dare to think about it.

"Yeah, that's what it is."

Hitsugaya couldn't help looking at Heribel, who was surrounded by Apache, Mira, and Sunsun, who was frantically flattering her, and then said in a low voice: "I have already known her ability to kill at the first sight, and I will definitely do it next time." Impossible to be recruited again!"


Kurosaki Isshin's expression was a little subtle, he raised his hand and patted Hitsugaya's shoulder, and then encouraged: "Come on, Xiaobai—but this is just my personal suggestion, you can try to start from the next time." The subordinate officers began to challenge."

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