One thing to say is that even the top subordinate officers are no match for him. Although Hitsugaya is known as the super genius of the new generation of Soul Society and possesses a Zanpakutō of the level of the Prime Minister, he still has Too young, and Death's growth is too slow.

"It may take hundreds or even thousands of years for Shiro Dong to realize his talent..."

Kurosaki thought about it.

Unfortunately, Hitsugaya did not feel his good intentions, but said in a disapproving tone: "The subordinate officer should be the target's vice-captain, right? Then my target must be the elected member. "

Kurosaki Yixin shook his head secretly, thinking: "Gua Wazi, the current Guardian Shield is completely different from the Guardian Shield half a year ago!" '

Where is the scariest place of False God and Spirit Race?

First of all, it greatly increases the limit of creatures. Take Bridget as an example. Originally, her limit was the subordinate officer-level Arrancar. In the plot, she was probably defeated by Rukia Kuchiki with attribute restraint. character of.

But what about after becoming a False God (and now evolved into an Eldar)?If her current fighting power is put into the original book, she will be able to fight against the Star Cross Knights who have entered the Holy Body.

Secondly, it greatly increases the speed of biological progress. As Isshin Kurosaki said, the life cycle of the Shinigami is too long, so their progress is often based on "ten years" or even "hundred years". unit to carry out.

But the False Gods/Spirits are not like this. They often evolve completely within a week or a month, and half a year can almost make them stronger like a reborn.


Compared to Hitsugaya, who was "too young to see the reality clearly", Kyōraku Shunsui, who had a sharp eye, could tell something was wrong at a glance.

"I said, Aqiong, that Harribel's strength is not right—"

Jingle Chunshui held a small cup of hot tea in his hand, sipped it, then squinted his eyes and stared at Heribel, who had already lifted the release, and said casually: "You boy, are you hiding something serious? matter?"

"No no!"

Lin Qiong waved his hands with a smile, and said modestly: "Chunshuisang, you have misunderstood me! How could I hide something?"

"Tsk tsk, you can lie to my brother, but don't lie to yourself."

Jingraku Shunsui blew a breath into the tea, then looked down at the ripples on the water surface caused by him, and said: "The strength of the blond beauty is definitely more than what she shows."

Lin Qiong smiled reservedly and said, "Maybe? I don't know too well."

"Tsk tsk, dishonesty."

Seeing that Lin Qiong was always secretive, Jingle Chunshui didn't bother to continue asking, but yawned lazily, and then said in a loud voice: "Oh, the environment is good, there are many beautiful girls, and the food in the cafeteria It's delicious - I don't even want to leave."

"Then stay here."

Lin Qiong smiled, and he said: "After all, Chu Sentao is just a vice-captain, and being a garrison envoy is not enough, so it is reasonable for a veteran captain like you to take her for a while, right?"

"Don't, don't, don't tempt me."

Jingle Chunshui put up his hands in front of him like a yellow ape, and said with a wry smile: "If old man Shan finds out, he's probably going to chase after him from the team building of the first team I cut down to the team building of the [-]th Division."

"Hey, what a big deal!"

Lin Qiong patted his chest generously, and then said carelessly: "Don't worry, I will take action!"

"Come on, your actions will only add fuel to the fire and make Old Man Shan suspect that I am having an affair with Hueco Mundo——"

"Fornication or something, don't speak so harshly!"

"That's pretty much what it means anyway."

"Hey, what a pity! Originally, I prepared a lot of good things to share with Chun Shui-san."

"Hiss! Aqiong, don't tempt me! I'm too old to withstand temptation—"

Nanao Ise, who was following behind the two, couldn't help pushing the glasses on the bridge of her nose expressionlessly, and then silently wrote down a note in her heart.

X year X month X day.

The leader of the Kyoto band is acting inappropriately in Hueco Mundo again.

I remember this hatred.


Laputa, Garden.


Panting slightly, Chisentao looked at Aizen who was sitting on the bench with a slightly nervous expression, and couldn't help thinking in her heart: "Captain Aizen's outfit is exactly the same as when he was in the fifth team!"Is he also missing the days when he was in the fifth team? '

If Aizen heard Chisentao's inner voice, he would probably laugh out loud——

Chisen, what are you fantasizing about?The reason why I dress up like this is just because this kind of dress can cover up my sharpness.

After all, the leader of Sky City is Lin Qiong, not Aizen.

At this time, Aizen who was reading a book raised his head, looked at Hina Mori who was hiding behind the bushes, and then showed a gentle smile that was exactly the same as when he was in the fifth team, and said: "Long time no see , Chisen."

"Blue, Captain Aizen..."

When Hinamori heard Aizen calling her name, she subconsciously took a step forward in excitement, then stopped hesitantly, and said with wandering eyes: "Well, um, did I disturb you?"

'Are you referring to the undisguised sound of footsteps that I could even hear from 50 meters away, or the sound of breathing that was so clear that it seemed to be ringing in my ears after approaching? '

Lan Ran slandered a few words in her heart, then maintained a gentle attitude, and said in an unhurried tone: "There is no such thing! I just feel a little tired from reading."

I don't know if it's because Aizen's dress is the same as that of the fifth team, which made Chimori feel kind, or because his unhurried tone infected Chimori and made her no longer nervous...

In short, her nervous mood and tense body seemed to be slightly relaxed.

"That, that, Captain Aizan—"

Chisen cautiously moved towards Aizen's direction, and whispered, "Captain Aizen's attire is the same as before."

Aizen said softly, "Maybe it's because of my current attire that makes me feel more at ease."

Hearing his words, Hina immediately imagined nearly 200 million words of Aizen's arduous inner journey, and finally imagined a picture of a bruised man hiding alone in a corner and licking his wound.

No wonder Aizen said something like "dream is the furthest distance from understanding".

"Do you have time to walk with me?"

Aizen looked at Chisen who was thinking about something with her head down, and said with a light smile, "I really like the scenery of this garden."

Otherwise, I wouldn't have chosen this place as a place to read - the key is that this small garden doesn't have any annoying little things like mosquitoes.

Violet: Who do you look down on?The mosquitoes in the entire Sky City are my electronic monitoring, where is there any living space for wild mosquitoes?Come one by one, come one by one!


Hinamori obviously didn't expect that Aizen would invite her on a date (in her eyes, it was a date). A look of surprise suddenly appeared on her face, and then she nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, yes! I I, I have a lot of time!”

"Really? Let's go then."

Aizen smiled and stood up, put his hands in his sleeves, and walked slowly towards the path in the garden, while Chisentao followed behind Aizen, staring at Aizen's eyes intently. back.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Hina Mori seems to feel that the back of Aizen at this time overlaps with the back of Aizen she saw when she was in the world of souls. Almost exactly the same.

'It's back, everything's back...'

Chu Sen was so excited that he couldn't help but raised his hand to wipe the teardrops from the corners of his eyes, feeling that his inner emotions were agitated, and he couldn't say anything for a while.

Compared with Chu Sen who was so excited that he couldn't speak, Aizen was much calmer. He gently stretched out his right hand, held a small flower, and said softly: "Chi Sen, what do you think?" In this garden, which flower will be my favorite?"

Chapter 0454 blue dye = Kato Megumi?


Obviously, Chisentao, who was immersed in her fantasy, did not expect that Aizen would ask her such a question suddenly, causing the little girl to be stunned for several seconds.

After regaining her senses, she made a sound of "Hey, hey-" while turning her little head, looking around at the surrounding flowers, as if she wanted to call out the "most beautiful" in Aizen's mouth. favorite flower".

"Chisen, don't be so nervous."

Seeing Chu Sentao's nervous appearance, Aizen couldn't help comforting in a low voice: "This is just a small game, don't take it too seriously."

"This, how is this possible!"

Chu Sen pursed her lips solemnly, and said in a low voice, "This is the test of Captain Aizen, and I will definitely pass it!"

'I didn't say it was a test. '

Aizen shook his head helplessly, he really just found a topic because he saw that Chu Sen was too nervous - but it seemed that it made the child even more nervous.

Aizen pondered for a few seconds, then smiled, stretched out his hands, patted his body gently, and said with a smile: "How about this - Hinamori, let's play an interesting little game?"


Little Taozi raised her head blankly and asked a little bit: "Alan, what game does Captain Aizen want to play?"

"Tacit challenge."

Lanran raised her right index finger and said in a low voice, "Didn't I ask Chu Sen just now, which flower do you think is my favorite?"


"Based on that question, Chisen can ask me five questions in turn, and then use these five questions to narrow down the scope of the answer."

Aizen put his hands back into his sleeves and said with a smile: "How is it? Is Hinamori confident that he can find the answer?"

'Through five questions, narrow down the answers...'

Although Xiao Taozi is a fan of Aizen, she still has certain abilities, otherwise she would not be selected by Aizen as the vice-captain to help him deal with affairs, so she quickly understood the game of "tacit challenge" In the end how to play.

So, after pondering for a few seconds, she raised her head again, solemnly and carefully observed the surrounding flowers, and then said softly: "The first question, may I ask Captain Aizen, the flower you like is now in full bloom or not?"

Hearing Chisen's question, Aizen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said in a low voice, "It's in full bloom."


Chisen breathed a sigh of relief. This is obviously good news for her - if the flowers are not in full bloom, she must rely on her own knowledge of flowers to recall those flowers that have not yet bloomed. The difficulty is obvious. Be taller.

"Then, the second question..."



Monitor indoors.

"Chew, chew—"

Lin Qiong held a burrito rolled with shredded potatoes, tenderloin and fried eggs in his hand, looked at Aizen and Hinamori on the screen, and said to the melon-eaters behind him: "What do you think... chew... …How are these two people…chewchew…how are they doing?”

"I think so..."

Matsumoto Rangiku crossed her arms, and she said with a look of a love teacher: "Aren't they pretty good? I feel that if you add a filter to this picture, you can watch it as a romance show!"

"Vice-captain Matsumoto, you are purely out of love."

Ise Nanao sipped the sugar water in the bowl, and then said solemnly: "Have you forgotten, after Aizen's betrayal, how Hina Mori lived in the Soul Realm?"

The phrase "shape like withered" is the perfect way to describe it!

"But what can we do?"

Matsumoto Rangiku turned his head helplessly, shrugged his shoulders towards Ise Nanao, and said, "Vice Captain Ise, I know you don't like Aizen very much—actually, I don't like Aizen either, but we can How to do it?"

Yes, what can they do?

Zi Feiyu, know the joy of fish?

The child is not Hinamori, but is Hinamori’s wish to be safe?

Maybe the silly girl is willing to be deceived by Aizen, and she is willing to follow Aizen's ass?


Apparently, Nanao Ise also understood what Matsumoto Rangiku meant. Looking at Hina Morimo with a smile on the corner of her mouth and bright eyes on the screen, the glasses girl couldn't help but sighed, and said to herself: "Since Aizen After the captain's betrayal, I haven't seen Chu Sen like this for a long time."

"Who isn't?"

Matsumoto Rangiku murmured.

For a moment, the two female vice-captains looked at each other again, and then sighed again at the same time.

Silly peach, why bother?


"Congratulations, Chisen."

After Hinamori said the answer she had guessed, Aizen gently raised his slender hands, clapped his hands in front of him, and said: "I didn't expect that you didn't even use up five questions. You just used Just three questions and I guessed my favorite flower now.”

"No, it's not as powerful as Captain Aizen said."

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