Hinata blushed and waved her hands, as nervous as a fan who has been praised by an idol, "I, I'm just guessing based on the preferences of Captain Aizen..."

"That's amazing, too."

Aizen smiled slightly, and he took advantage of the opportunity to sit on the bench in the garden, and then said thoughtfully: "Since Chu Sen has achieved his goal, then the round just now will be counted as Chu Sen's victory."

Chisentao: "Huh?"

Aizen didn't seem to realize how flattered she was, and said slowly: "Since we have won the victory, we naturally need a reward - well, Hinamori, what reward do you hope to get?"

"I, I want to follow Captain Aizen as before..."

This sentence almost blurted out from Xiao Taozi's mouth, but in the end she suppressed it abruptly, and changed her words: "Then, that, it's not as good as Captain Aizen, and try a tacit challenge, how about it?" ?”


A playful smile appeared on the corner of Aizen's mouth. He glanced at Chu Sen in front of him, pondered for a few seconds, and said, "So, what is the question that Chu Sen wants me to answer?"

"This, this..."

Chu Sen lowered his head nervously, and said in a low voice: "No, how about asking Captain Aizen to guess what is my favorite food... right?"

"This question..."

Aizen was taken aback for a moment, then glanced unobtrusively at Chisentao who was clutching the corner of her clothes uneasily, and said softly: "Then I'll try it—well, is there any food that Chisen likes?"

Hinamori Momo raised her head in anticipation and nervousness, staring at Aizen in front of her with her big, fluttering eyes.

Aizen deliberately pondered for a few seconds, as if he was thinking about what he was going to ask for the first question, and with his silence, Hinamori's mood became more uneasy.

Does it take so long to think about the first question?Could it be that Captain Aizen really doesn't understand me at all, at all?

A trace of disappointment inevitably rose in Chu Sen's heart.

Finally, after being silent for nearly 30 seconds, Aizen smiled and raised his finger, and said, "Then, my first question is——Chisen, is your favorite food peaches?"


After being stunned for a few seconds, Chu Sen suddenly showed a surprised expression.

The little girl quickly nodded her head, and said in a cheerful tone that anyone could hear: "Captain Lanran is so good, he answered it in one go!"

Could it be that Captain Aizan also pays attention to me and knows me well?Otherwise, otherwise, why don't you even ask me and answer my question directly?

As everyone knows, Aizen is looking at her with the eyes of a puppet.

'Hinsen, you are still the same as before. '

Aizen seemed to see the silk thread controlling Chu Sentao hanging on his finger. He knew that as long as he moved his finger slightly, the puppet would move according to his own ideas.


There is no need for this.

"It's just based on what I know about Chisen."

Aizen maintained Hina's favorite gentle smile on her face, and explained: "If my memory is not wrong, in the first week when Hina joined the team, you revealed that your favorite food is peaches. The food I hate is plums."

"woo woo woo woo……"

After Xiao Taozi heard Aizen's words, she was immediately moved to tears.

The little girl Jia Jia only had one sentence in her mind -

Captain Aizan still remembers what I said, he has me in his heart!He must have me in his heart! !

"How old is he, and he still cries."

Lanran bent down, patted Chu Sentao's head lightly, and said softly: "Don't cry, Chu Sen, walk with me."


Chisen wiped away his tears, then showed a happy smile, and followed Aizen in a desperate manner, but...

There was probably no room for those flowers in her eyes.



"This child..."

Looking at the two people in the picture, Lin Qiong couldn't help showing a complicated expression, and said, "Isn't this completely eaten to death?"

This Aizen is simply more powerful than the CPU!

UFOs still rely on attacking you, denying you to kidnap you, but what about Aizen?He just affirms you, encourages you, and then makes you unable to leave him...

Day, isn’t this Kato Megumi?

'Hiss, Kazakhs...'

Lin Qiong wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, then glanced at the melon-eating captains behind him, and said solemnly: "It's terrible to be sick!"

Jingle Chunshui: "?"

Ichimaru Gin: "?"

Ise Nanao: "?"

Matsumoto Rangiku: "?"

The four of them looked at Lin Qiong in a daze, wondering why this person suddenly said that it's scary to be sick.

"Ahem, it's just a feeling."

Lin Qiong coughed twice, and then said seriously: "Compared to this, how long has Old Man Shan granted you leave? Can you stay here for half a month?"

"Half a month? You think highly of Old Man Shan too."

Jingle Chunshui waved his hands dumbfounded, and said helplessly, "It would be nice if we could stay for half a day—we have to go back after dinner!"

Otherwise, it would be old man Shan who greeted them with a slumped old man's face.

Chapter 0455

"I'm telling you, half a day? Is this old man squeezing you like this?"

After Lin Qiong heard what Jingle Chunshui said, he showed a surprised expression. He couldn't help waving his hands and said: "I said you can just find another job! We have five insurances, one gold, five days off, two [-]-to-[-] and no overtime." Son, and..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Jing Le Chunshui was horrified and interrupted Lin Qiong's description. He said with a look of pain on his face: "Damn A Qiong, don't disturb my Taoist mind!"

"The moment your Dao heart is disturbed, does it prove that you have already begun to be tempted?"

Lin Qiong waved his hands, then shook his head with regret, and said, "Hey, I really want to arrange you and Stark together, and watch you two fish together."

Jingle Chunshui: "..."

He raised his hand and scratched his face, and said speechlessly, "What's your quirk? Do you like to watch people under your hands touch fish?"

Shouldn't a boss use a whip to urge his subordinates to work?

"Doesn't this prove that the working environment in our Sky City is laid-back?"

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, stood up from his seat, and then asked curiously: "Speaking of which, is Xiaobai still at the training ground?"


Jingraku Shunsui said with a subtle expression: "If nothing else happens, he should be doing it..."

Positioning match?



"How, how is it possible..."

Hitsugaya Toshiro was pale and lay on the ground in an orz posture with a shaken face. Hyōrinmaru lay alone in his hand like a cup of the sage's time, exuding an aura of loneliness.

Lost, lost again.

After he lost to Harribel, he challenged Ulquiola unbelievingly.

Unlike Heribel, Xiao Wuke, who had no friendship with him, had no intention of showing mercy at all, and the beatings made the melon-eaters nearby couldn't bear to look directly at him.

After the disastrous defeat to Ulquiola, Xiaobai lay down on the training ground for 10 minutes with a dazed expression on his face covered in bruises, and then regained his composure, ready to challenge the next member of the Guardian Shield.


Zhibo Haiyan?Can't beat it!

Grimmjow?Was hanged and beaten!

Teeth dense?Don't break the defense!

Chadu Taihu?Was knocked over with a punch.

After successive defeats, Hitsugaya Toshiro lay on the training ground again, recalling in his mind the advice that Kyoraku Shusui had given him before—after realizing that he was really no match for the Holy Shield, Xiaobai Finally, he let go of his pride and set his sights on the subordinate officer of the Shield of the Saint.


I can't fucking beat it!

Bridget?Her toxin turned Xiaobai into a carpet, lying on the ground unable to move;

Lugia?Xiaobai, who was slashed by his sword, couldn't take care of himself and almost doubted his life;

Pochi?After he started to move, Xiaobai couldn't even find his figure.

Lose, lose, lose, lose!

"I think it's really difficult for you to challenge the Silver Streak members right from the start."

Peixue scratched his head, he squatted on the ground and poked Xiaobai's head, and said, "Should I lower my goal and try a reserve member with copper patterns?"

To be reasonable, after Hitsugaya heard Peixue's comfort, he was so wronged that he almost cried out—is he too fucking bully?The opponent I chose at the beginning was the gold pattern, but now I have lowered it to the silver pattern, but you advised me not to be too high-sighted, and try the copper pattern first?

Then if your city in the sky still has iron-striped uniforms, should I be more pragmatic and challenge the iron-striped players? ?

"Aba Aba..."

Hitsugaya's eyes were very erratic, like a dementia, which shocked Jingle Shunsui who came over.

"Tuigui, there is nothing wrong with this baby's lifeblood—"

Jingle Chunshui didn't care about discussing with Lin Qiong about the suitable occasions for white silk and black silk, and hurriedly trot to Hitsugaya's side, then squatted down, and asked, "Captain Hitsugaya, what happened?"

"It's just, I just lost the competition..."

Hitsugaya leaned into Kyoraku Shunsui's arms and said with a pout.

Jingraku Shunsui immediately comforted his youngest darling: "Uh, lost? It's okay. It's a competition. It's normal to lose and win."

"No, I didn't win..."


"I didn't win a game..."

Hitsugaya showed a loveless expression, and said: "From the gold pattern to the silver pattern, I have never won."


Now, Jingle Chunshui couldn't hold back any longer.

He stared wide-eyed at Lin Qiong beside him, and asked, "Ah Qiong, no, brother Qiong! Isn't the combat power of your city in the sky too exaggerated?!"

Captain, this is the captain! ?

Although it is said that Hitsugaya has not yet realized his potential into combat power due to his age, but no matter what he has mastered the 卍解, an out-and-out captain-level shinigami!

The results of it?

In the end, you can't even beat your subordinate officials?You fucking joked a lot! Hey!

"Ahem, so-so."

Lin Qiong smiled reservedly, then squeezed his eyes at Jingle Chunshui, and said, "Chunshuisang, do you want to try it too? Exercise your muscles and bones, and exercise your body!"

Jingle Shunsui did not immediately respond to Lin Qiong's invitation, but squinted and stared at Lin Qiong for a few seconds, then stood up, and gently sent Hitsugaya to Ichimaru Gin's arms.

"Since A Qiong invited you so sincerely——"

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