Jingle Chunshui showed a smiling expression, and said, "Then let me experience how strong the Holy Shield of Sky City is."


Sky City, the training ground.

After resting for a while, Dongshiro cheered up and regained his appearance as a young adult. At this time, he was staring nervously at the two people who were confronting each other in the training ground.

Captain of the Eighth Division, Kyoraku Shunsui.

Shield of the Holy Guardian, Koyatai Stark.

Although the two faced each other once in the decisive battle in Karakura Town, due to Lin Qiong's warning in advance, the two fish-fishing monsters were paddling from beginning to end, and they were not able to fight with all their strength in the true sense.

"Fate is such a wonderful thing."

Stark raised his hand and scratched his face, and said helplessly: "Half a year ago, we were hostile, but we chose to paddle tacitly; half a year later, we were cooperative, but we were ready to fight with all our strength—"

"Hahaha, from what you said, it seems to be true."

Jingle Chunshui couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, he tilted his head and looked at Stark in front of him a few times, and said, "However, compared with half a year ago, you give people a completely different impression."

Half a year ago, Stark gave people a feeling of decadence and depression, as if he was facing a rotten monster who had lost his goal in life; while Stark, half a year later, gave people a completely new feeling .

"This is..."

Stark glanced at Lilinette who was standing on the edge of the training ground, shouting and dancing to cheer for him, and his good friends (Nicole and Zoe) standing beside her, with a doting look on his lips. Smiling, said: "Probably because I found the meaning of life."

Since his birth, he has been in extreme loneliness because of his too powerful Reiatsu, so he had to split Lilinette to accompany him.Although he later joined Xuye Palace, but under the leadership of Aizen, the relationship between Ten Blades' colleagues is really not much better.

However, this situation changed completely after he joined Sky City.Under the leadership of Lin Qiong, a comedian, the members of Sky City are much more humane than Void Night Palace—of course, after joining Sky City, Ten Blades have evolved from Void to False God, filling the gap. The empty relationship inside.

"It seems that you are very satisfied with your life now."

Jingle Chunshui smiled, he pulled out his crazy bones, and said in a low voice: "Okay! Let's end the chat here."

"That's exactly what I mean—"

Stark crossed his hands in front of him, and two pistols shaped like the Dominator in the Psycho-Pass appeared in his palms, and the energy channels on the surface were flowing with blue spiritual pressure.

"call out--"

Looking at the two sci-fi style weapons in Stark's hands, Jingle Chunshui couldn't help but blow a whistle that any man could understand, and exclaimed, "Isn't this too handsome? Damn, I'm a little envious. "

"Really? But my ability is not worthy of such a handsome weapon——"

Stark shrugged his shoulders helplessly and complained: "I can neither control time nor water, nor can I control thunder or superhuman speed."

With a calm smile on Jingle Chunshui's face, he said calmly: "However, your ranking is higher than them."

Hold back and I pretend!You think I don't know, you old boy is as bad as I am!

"Hahaha, this is just a concession among colleagues."

Stark showed a slightly embarrassed smile. After twirling the gun on his finger for a week, he pointed the gun at Shun Shui Kyungraku again and said: "I have one and only one ability, and that is to launch Virtual flash—is it accurate?"

"False Flash Filling One Shot."

"call out--"

A pale blue flash shot out from the muzzle of Stark's "Dominator" in his right hand, but under his reminder, Jingle Chunshui, who had been prepared for a long time, had already dodged the shot sideways, which made him sweat high-intensity false flashes.

'If other Daxu's virtual flashes are water guns, yours is almost like Barrett, right? '

Jingle Chunshui couldn't help but wiped off his cold sweat, and then complained: "Isn't the power of your false flash too exaggerated? Aren't you afraid of accidentally hurting the surrounding flowers and plants?"

"Hehe, Beijing band leader, you can rest assured—"

At this moment, Aizan, who looked like an old man walking in the park after retirement, walked to the edge of the training ground with a smile and calmly explained: "There is a special barrier around the training ground in Sky City. , and the special material is also used under the feet, which can collect all the scattered spiritual pressure and convert it into the energy source here."

Simply put, clean and hygienic, economical and environmentally friendly!

As long as you fight more, not to mention the Sky City, you can even save the "electricity bill" of Aincrad!


Chapter 0456 how to fight it?

Jingle Chunshui: "..."

He turned his head and took a look, just in time to see the scene where the last gleam of spiritual pressure was absorbed by the magic circle, which immediately made him a little nervous.

"Aqiong, your city in the sky is not poor, right?"

Jingraku Shunsui pointed to the training ground below him and couldn't help but said: "You're not going to rip off your own skin, are you? Now I even suspect that you encouraged me to spar with the people of the Shield of Saints just to rip me off. of wool.”

"Yes, yes, I'm just here to take advantage of you."

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "I'm just asking if you still want to fight?"

"Hey, this sparring has already started, how can there be any reason to give up halfway?"

Jingle Chunshui chuckled, after he untied the Zanpakuto, he held a machete in each hand, and said happily: "Then, I have to be a little~slight~ serious."

"Just let the horses come."

Stark smiled slightly, and he re-pointed the gun at Jingle Shunsui with a "click", "False flash reload, second shot."

"Boom bang—"

Two false flashes that could not be seen in any order shot out from Stark's muzzle, and Jingle Shunsui did not hesitate to cast the Duan Kong of abandoning singing, and then took advantage of the half-second delay of Duan Kong, embarrassed Hid aside.

"Response very quickly——"

Stark smiled. He kept raising the gun and said, "False Flash Refill·Three rounds."

"Hey Hey hey--"

Jingle Chunshui couldn't care about his image anymore, he jumped to the side in embarrassment, then put his right hand on the ground, and ran forward again for a short distance in relay, only then barely avoided Stark's false flash.

Looking back at the three false flashes that gradually disappeared on the barrier, Jingle Chunshui couldn't help but said to Stark: "I said, isn't your ability that every time you use the false flash, it will be one more than the last time?" Send it? Is there no limit to this ability?"

Guigui, if ten or twenty shots are added together, who can withstand this power?

"You have misunderstood. My ability does not mean that every time I fire a false flash, I will have one more shot than the previous one."

Stark twirled the gun on his index finger again, and explained: "The reason why I only have one more shot each time is just to give you a process of adaptation step by step."

Jingle Chunshui: "?"

God damn step by step!

He took a breath, and said a little unsteadily, "So what exactly is your ability?"

"Well, how do you say..."

Stark scratched his head, and then said with some embarrassment: "My ability is just an easy-to-understand, unpretentious 'Infinite Reload False Flash'."

You call this kind of ability plain and simple?Oh, you have learned from A Qiong, right?

Jingle Chunshui couldn't help rubbing the bridge of his nose, and asked weakly: "Let me ask, is it really infinite reloading?"

"Well, as of now..."

Stark recalled it and said: "The highest record is that one hundred and three thousand rounds were fired in one breath."

"Ten... one hundred thousand..."

Kyōraku Shunsui thought about the image of a hundred thousand Barretts being fired at him. He couldn't help but shudder, then waved his right hand and said: "No fight, no fight! What else?" Beating? Bullying, right?"

"Oh, Chunshui-san! You misunderstood—"

Lin Qiong quickly persuaded: "Although Stark's ability seems exaggerated, it is still very easy to crack!"

Jingle Chunshui glanced at Lin Qiong suspiciously, and asked, "How easy is it?"

"There are two options—"

"Plan [-], your firepower is stronger, and he can't lift his head up!"

"Option two, your defense is stronger so that he can't break through your defense!"

"Look, isn't it really simple?"

Jingle Chunshui: "..."

He was silent for two seconds, then slowly released his initial solution, sneered, and said, "I admit defeat!"

Are you fucking speaking human language?What do you mean by stronger firepower and stronger defense?

It's time for a dog!

Please go and talk to old man Shan about this kind of thing, okay?I think that in the current Guarding Team Thirteen, only Old Man Shan has more firepower than him—and it has to be Old Man Shan who swastikas!

"do not fight?"

Stark asked with some disappointment.

Jingle Chunshui waved his hands and said, "No more fights, no more! Although we are all monsters, our ability compatibility is too poor, and I will be at a disadvantage in a fight."

Jingle Chunshui's first solution has been shown in front of Stark, and he has long lost the mystery of the first sight kill, but it is impossible for him to release his swastika in such a situation where there are all friendly troops around.

So what to do!

I can only admit defeat.

"How about I lower the firepower output? Ten rounds? Or five rounds?"

Stark smacked his lips, trying to keep Jingle Chunshui—not to mention, training with guests is considered performance, and he can get bonuses, "If it's not enough, three shots are fine? One shot at a time is not unacceptable... "

"Hey, hey, don't you look down on me too much when you say that? I'm also a veteran captain..."


"So one shot at a time is enough, a bunch of old bones can't stand the firepower."

Hearing this, Stark couldn't help sighing from the bottom of his heart: "You really deserve to be A Qiong's good friend!"

Lin Qiong:?

Why do I feel like I've been scolded?



Under Stark's deliberate release of water, he and Jingle Shunsui had a tense, hearty, and wonderful [-]-[-] match-one thing to say, Hitsugaya watched the pair of dogs and men from the sidelines. When thinking about what happened to me, thinking of what happened to me, I almost gritted my back molars with hatred.

"Oh, it can't be compared."

After the end, Jingle Chunshui, who was sweating profusely, sat down on the bench, then waved his hands weakly, and said, "Ah Qiong, your family's Guardian Shield is really too exaggerated."

Having said that, Jingle Chunshui pondered, if he could plant the foreshadowing in advance in a 1V1 environment, and then use the swastika, it would not be impossible to kill Stark - he didn't know that he had evolved into a false god The Stark also mastered the swastika.

"so so."

Lin Qiong smiled reservedly, then winked and moved to Jingle Chunshui's side, and said in a low voice, "Chunshui Sang, do you want to continue to compete with this~why~ powerful Holy Shield in the future?"

Jingle Chunshui showed a helpless expression, and then said angrily: "I knew you had no good intentions in pushing me to take the stage—you probably have your eye on us, the captains of the Guarding Team Thirteen, right?"

"Hey, isn't this a matter of mutual benefit?"

Lin Qiong put his arms around Jingle Chunshui's shoulders enthusiastically, and said, "The healing technology of our Holy Shield is the best in the world. Is there any more perfect opponent than us?"

"Tsk tsk, I don't think Old Man Shan will agree."

Jingle Chunshui shook his head, and said disapprovingly: "Old Man Shan is very suspicious, and he will definitely be worried that the information about Shijie and Xijie of us captains will be leaked."

"Are you fooling me with Saraki Kenpachi?"

Lin Qiong let go of Jingle Chunshui's shoulders angrily, and said, "I don't believe that you can find out information in a sparring session! Besides, the information about Shijie and Xijie of your court guard [-]th team is not early. exposed?"

"You can't even say that~"

Jingle Chunshui smiled, and said a little slyly: "At least the swastika between me and Fuzhu has not been exposed, right?"

Lin Qiong glanced at the handsome man, resisted the urge to say the name "Hua Tian Kuang Gu·Hei Pine Heart" in his ear, and said angrily: "Anyway, it's not us who suffer."

'Ahem, that's right...'

Kyoraku Shunsui scratched his face depressed, "After all, if Captain Hitsugaya can't even beat the silver-patterned subordinates, the gold content of the Protector's Shield can be seen..."

Old man Shan, you have to stand up!


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