
Soul Realm.

Goutei Thirteenth Division, First Division, Team House.

"...that's how it is."

Jingle Chunshui sat on the tatami, said with a slightly serious expression: "Old Man Shan, I think A Qiong's suggestion can indeed be considered."

"Uh, cough, cough... Captain Hitsugaya, you can't even defeat the subordinate officials?"

After hearing the shocking news, Shishiro Ukitake couldn't help coughing, "Chunshui, you, cough cough, are you kidding me?"

"Am I joking about such a thing?"

Jingle Chunshui shook his head helplessly, and he said with a serious face: "I also had a sparring with one of the opponent's main candidates, and when the opponent was extremely aggressive, I reluctantly made a [-]-[-] split with the opponent. "

The reduction from one hundred thousand false flashes per second to one false flash per second is indeed an extreme release of water.

After hearing what Jingle Chunshui said, old man Shan couldn't help closing his eyes and fell into deep thought. Seeing his appearance, Jingle Chunshui and Ukitake Shishiro couldn't help but look at each other.

The old man Shan looks very tangled wow!

I have never seen him hesitate for so long on one matter before. It seems that Aqiong's Sky City has indeed brought him a lot of pressure.

"Spring Water—"

After a long time, Old Man Shan slowly opened his eyes, and then said in a deep voice, "Notice, let's hold a captain meeting."


Kyoraku Shunsui and Ukitake Jushiro looked at each other again, then slowly backed away and left the First Team's team building.


"Old Man Shan has already agreed."

In the corridor, Jingle Chunshui said in a low voice: "If he doesn't agree, this captain meeting will not be held at all."

"Ahem, yes, that's true."

Shishiro Ukitake nodded lightly, and said: "Leaving aside the other captains, Captain Kuchiki of the Sixth Division, Captain Hitsugaya of the Tenth Division, and Captain Saraki of the Eleventh Division will definitely vote in favor. "


Jingle Chunshui walked beside Ukitake Shishirō, thinking to himself: "Besides, Captain Unokana of the [-]th Division will probably be unable to hold back, right?" '

The flowers of Mao are strong... No, the flowers of Mao are eight thousand streams.

The most vicious and powerful one in the history of Soul Society...

The first sword eight.

Chapter 0457 Childish Phoenix King

virtual circle.

Castle in the Sky.

At this time, nearly ten months have passed since the battle against Aizen, and nearly two months have passed since Xiaobai's defeat in Sky City.

"Dragon scorpion (xian) rack!"

Accompanied by Xiaobai's roar, the Binglun Pill in his hand pressed against Gang Tenbyn's chest in front of him, a blue light visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared, and the cross-shaped ice immediately wrapped him in it.


Hitsugaya knelt on the ground with one knee, then supported the ground with the tip of the knife, and panting, he turned his head and looked at the frozen Gangten Byrne.

One second passed, two seconds passed...

In Hitsugaya's gradually brighter eyes, Gunten Byrne couldn't get out of the ice until the last few tens of seconds—according to the rules of the sparring, he had already lost this round.


With a flick of his right hand, Hitsugaya's spiritual pressure surged, and the dragon rack that blocked Gangtenbain was released, allowing the orange-haired gorilla to escape.

"Hiss, hiss—"

As soon as the ice was lifted, Tengbein folded his hands and rubbed his arms, and then hurriedly ran towards the bathhouse, shouting: "It's cold, it's too cold! I'm going to take a hot bath - "

"Shame on you!"

Tiruti looked at Gangtenbain's embarrassed back, couldn't help complaining a few words, and then said to Dorudoni beside him: "That should be the kid's first victory when he came to us, right?"

Dorudoni touched his moustache and said: "Don't forget, Gunten Byrne hasn't used Swastika yet! This can only be regarded as a victory over water——"

"Hehe, Dorudoni, you can't say that—"

At this time, a magnetic voice sounded from behind the two of them: "Although Captain Hitsugaya only defeated Gangten Byrne, who had been unleashed at the beginning, as a god of death with a long growth cycle, he was able to fight in two months. To progress to this level in less than a short period of time is already a very commendable thing.”


Tiruti and Dorudoni, who were still talking quietly just now, were so frightened that they suddenly turned around and knelt on one knee when they heard the voice coming from behind them.

"Master Aizen——" x2

'Enough, I didn't find anyone approaching at all...'

A drop of cold sweat slipped from the corner of Tiruti's forehead, and then slowly dripped on the ground beside her in her trembling eyes, "Not only his breath, but also the breath of the little girl following him, It was also perfectly erased by him. '

It's so cute, just like your mother ghost!

Damn, my old lady almost scared Xu Dong out.

Dorudoni's mood is not much better than Tiruti's!Under Aizen's interference, Dorudoni did not notice Hinamori Momo's aura. This is enough to prove that Aizen's strength has surpassed him by more than one dimension - as if many Hinamori Momo are not Dorudoni's. Opponents are the same, no matter how many Dorudoni are there, they are no match for Aizen.

"You two don't need to be so polite."

Aizen looked condescendingly at the two kneeling on the ground, the flat mirror on his face reflected a strange light in the sun, making Dorudoni and Tiruti's breathing a little more rapid, "We are all the sky The colleagues in the city should be equal in terms of status."

"No no no—"

With a stiff smile on Tiruti's face, she hurriedly said: "Lan, Lord Aizen is the captain of the Guardian Shield, and we are just subordinate officers. How can this status be the same?"


Dorodoni also nodded, he felt like a little chick standing in front of a poisonous snake, trembling with fear all over his body, "How can we be compared with Lord Aizen?"

"Forget it, you guys back off."

Lanran waved his hands calmly, letting the two False Gods in front of him breathe a sigh of relief, then quickly retreated, and chased in the direction where Tenmbine had just left.

Kazakhstan, too Kazakhstan.

It's like playing Resident Evil and suddenly hearing the footsteps of the tyrant.

"Blue dye..."

Looking at Lan Ran standing on the sidelines, Xiao Bai's eyes were full of disgust and resistance, but when he saw the radiant figure standing beside Lan Ran, he sighed helplessly.

'I'm obviously still a child, why do I feel the feelings of my old father whose cabbage was beaten by a pig? '

Hitsugaya couldn't help complaining in his heart.



the other side.

Castle in the Sky.

Underground training ground.


The rapid clash of swords resounded in the pitch-black space, making Lin Qiong, who was eating melons in the dark, couldn't help but yawned, and Feng Wang, who was sleeping on his chest, was even more unmoved.

The secretary who was beating Lin Qiong's leg said in a low voice, "If the team members of the fourth team see that the gentle captain they have always admired shows such an expression, they will definitely show a broken expression, right?"

To be honest, she was also taken aback by Unozhihuaretsu's expression at the very beginning, why does this gentle big sister act like your mother followed the Yu-Gi-Oh studio once she opened it?

Just as Lin Qiong was about to speak, he suddenly felt a glance glance at his side, and suddenly whispered with numbness on his scalp: "Ahem, in fact, Sister Uzhihua is just a real temperament! Besides, when she is not fighting, she will not fight." It's pretty good too!"

Look away, good!

"That's right—"

The secretary nodded his head, and stopped talking, but Feng Wang, who was squatting on Lin Qiong's chest, opened his eyes, and said quietly: "Actually, I think what the secretary said makes sense, I'm afraid she also cares about herself. The facial expression during the battle, otherwise why would you ask not to turn on the light?"


Lin Qiong, who was covering himself with drinking water, choked directly. He wiped the water stains from the corner of his mouth, and then showed a subtle expression.

'That is to say, is there a possibility that the reason why they don't turn on the lights is because practicing swords in the dark can exercise the ultimate perception, which is more dangerous and exciting than practicing swords with lights on? '

However, Lin Qiong glanced at the Phoenix King who was arranging her feathers with her beak, helplessly stretched out her hand to mess up her feathers, and said, "Don't talk about others behind their backs, you silly bird."


Feng Wang was about to explode in anger. Seeing her soft and beautiful feathers being made so ugly by Lin Qiong, she jumped into the air angrily, and said loudly: "You hateful human being, how dare you provoke the great man?" Lord Fengwang! Today I will let you know my power! Burn, my holy fire, the ultimate secret of Phoenix King..."

"So the lines are too long!"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand with a black face, and grabbed Fengwang's bird's head with precision, then picked up a broad bean with his other hand and stuffed it into Fengwang's mouth.


When Feng Wang sensed the broad beans in his mouth, the task performed by the single-core CPU in his brain suddenly changed from [beating Lin Qiong] to [eating beans], and Lin Qiong took the opportunity to stretch out his fingers to beat the feathers on her body. Neat and neat, soft and beautiful.

When Feng Wang finished eating the beans, another unresponsive thread in her mind started up again, but she was puzzled to find that there seemed to be no problem with the feathers on her body.

'Hey, did I remember something wrong? '

Feng Wang tilted his head, and just as he was about to think carefully, Lin Qiong stuffed another broad bean into his mouth, and immediately put this trivial doubt to the back of his mind.

Do you want to be a Mori so much!Just a few!


The secretary's eyes were subtle and complex as he looked at Feng Wang, who was held in Lin Qiong's palm and combing his feathers with his fingers. People who didn't know the truth might have thought that this was the bird raised by the young master.

After all, you are also the god of fire and life in the elf world, why are you so stupid now?

Is it true that, as Master Arceus said, because the body has been reduced to the size of an ordinary bird, "the heart changes" and the brain becomes stupid?

Just like putting a young soul into an old body, it won't be long before the young soul will be affected by the old body, acting like an old man;

But if you put an old soul into a young body, it won't be long before the old soul will be affected by the young body, and it will become more energetic in its actions.


King Feng stood on Lin Qiong's finger, and after making a crisp bird song, he opened his mouth wide, then stared at Lin Qiong with his dark eyes, signaling him to feed him quickly.

"This broad bean is less than one meter away from you."

Lin Qiong slowly took a few broad beans and pinched them in his palm, then took one and stuffed it into Feng Wang's mouth, muttering, "At your speed, it won't take half a second to go back and forth, right? "

"That's different."

Feng Wang shook his feathers happily, and then said with a high air: "Let you serve me to eat broad beans, which is better than eating by myself. I don't know how beautiful it is! Jie Jie——"


Lin Qiong couldn't hold back anymore. He stretched out his hand and pinched King Feng's beak, then picked her up and shook her, and said angrily, "I fed you broad beans, but you actually said I was serving you? Letter If you don’t believe me, I’ll strip you off tonight? I’ll let you know that the plucked Phoenix King is not as good as a sparrow!”


Feng Wang twisted his head and broke free from Lin Qiong's fingertips, and then said sadly: "Why are you so ignorant? No matter how many people in the elf world want to serve me, they can't find a way out? You still despise me? You still want to serve me?" Pulling out my precious feathers? You are disrespectful!"


A big question mark appeared on Lin Qiong's head. He reached out and groped in his pocket for a while, then took out a large handful (about thirty or forty) of iridescent feathers, and said, "Precious feathers?"

"Cough cough cough-"

Feng Wang immediately choked on her own saliva, she stared blankly at the large bundle of iridescent feathers on the table, and murmured: "This is unscientific! Why don't I remember that I have plucked so many feathers? "


Lin Qiong sneered, and he said angrily: "You remember a hammer? You fucking traded me an iridescent feather for the last black pepper chicken nugget yesterday! If I agreed, I would have one more root!"

Phoenix King:?

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