That's why you turned down a deal to exchange fried chicken nuggets for rainbow feathers! ?Is an iridescent feather nothing more than a fried chicken nugget in your eyes?

Wow grass!I don't agree!

Chapter 0458 sweat, flow down

Lin Qiong seemed to have seen Feng Wang's indignant emotions, and couldn't help pointing to the thirty or forty rainbow-colored feathers on the table with black lines all over his head, and said, "I have so many of these things. What's the use of changing a few more?"

"Damn it, the Rainbow Feather is one of the materials of Holy Ash, and it is a super, super powerful treasure!"

"The premise is to use the holy fire to burn the iridescent feather. The question is, where do I get the holy fire?"

"me me!"

"Crazy? I have you by my side, and I still need the holy ashes of the hammer?"


King Feng opened his mouth and muttered: "Fuck, why do you think what you said makes sense?"

"When you are here, you don't need the sacred fire to resurrect others; when you are gone, the rainbow feathers without the sacred fire are useless."

Lin Qiong spread out his hands to make a summary, and then said solemnly: "To sum up, the rainbow-colored feathers are useless."

"No, no, wait a minute, let me stroke it!"

A big question mark popped up on Phoenix King's head, she was a little skeptical and said to herself, "What do you mean, the rainbow feather seems to be useless? No, then I'll make this thing up." What are you doing?"

Secretary children: 6

Lin Qiong propped his chin, and complained: "You ask me, who am I asking? I didn't make this rainbow feather."

"Hey! No! The Rainbow Feather is proof that he is the Hero of the Rainbow, right?"

Feng Wang reacted, she quickly patted her chest with her wings, and said with a sigh of relief: "The rainbow feather can detect the heart of the hero of the rainbow, if the heart of the hero of the rainbow is covered by haze, it will lose If there is no light, then the hero of the rainbow will also lose his qualifications!"

Hearing this, Lin Qiong couldn't help clapping his hands and chuckled, and said, "You are very reasonable! Then here comes the question, you gave me nearly forty rainbow-colored feathers, because you were afraid that I would not pass the test, so you stuffed me with a bunch of resurrection feathers." Coins?"

"Cough cough!"

As if he was choked by the words "Resurrection Coin", Phoenix King coughed several times, then poked his neck and said, "It's too early for a trainer like you who doesn't respect me, Phoenix King, to become the Hero of the Rainbow." Ten thousand years!"

"Ah yes yes yes! What you said makes a lot of sense—"

Lin Qiong nodded perfunctorily, then continued to point to the feathers, and said, "So what's the use of you stuffing me with so many feathers? I've already tied three of my rainbow-colored feather shuttlecocks."

"Bastard, is the rainbow feather used for you?"

"Otherwise? I don't know how to use sacred fire."

"Damn it, isn't it the holy fire?"

Feng Wang was in a hurry, she raised her left foot and stepped on Lin Qiong's knee, and said cursingly: "Call me your wind speed dog! I will pass on the sacred fire to it!"

"Okay! The boss is generous, and the boss is in good health. The boss has a long life!"

Lin Qiong happily winked at the secretary at the time, and the secretary who got the order ran towards the stairs non-stop—okay, this is equivalent to having forty quick-effect resurrections in one go Medicine, cool!

King Feng: "?"

She tilted her head in confusion and said, "Why do I feel like you're scolding me?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He tilted his head in confusion, and said, "Are you sick? What did I say to you?"

"You call me a short-lived ghost!"

Feng Wang reacted, she rushed to Lin Qiong's chest cursing, then angrily pecked his chest muscle with her bird's beak, and said, "Damn it, you can only live to be a hundred years old!"

Lin Qiong: 6

He couldn't help but grabbed Feng Wang's beak, and then said helplessly: "Okay, I was negligent! Forget if you reach out and understand if you can live for hundreds of thousands of years, then you live long, One hundred thousand years old, right?"

"It's almost there."

The Phoenix King landed on Lin Qiong's finger contentedly, then raised his head triumphantly, and said, "I am a great Phoenix King, I forgive you!"

It's so easy to fool.

Just when Lin Qiong was slandering Feng Wang in his heart, two brisk footsteps walked towards the sofa, and then the eldest lady's smiling voice sounded: "Qiong, what are you talking about with Feng Wang?"

"The generous and generous Lord Feng Wang decided to pass on the sacred fire to Feng Speed ​​Dog."

Lin Qiong, who was leaning on the sofa, turned to look at the eldest lady and Uozhihua Lie who were walking over, and said with a smile: "Do you want to spar later?"

"That's all for today."

With a quiet smile on her face, Unokanaretsu waved her hands lightly, and she said with a light smile, "In terms of physical strength, I can't compare to Miss Erina, if I keep fighting, I'm afraid I won't even have the spiritual pressure left gone."

"Fengfeng, go and turn on the light."

Lin Qiong raised the Phoenix King in his hand, pointed to the switch at the door, and said, "It's up to you, use the super speed!"

King Feng: "?"

She looked at Lin Qiong unmoved and asked: "Are you okay? I am a first-level god, and you want me to turn on the light for you with great speed? Are you..."

Lin Qiong: "You will have a piece of the chicken chop at night."

"... making the best use of everything!"

Feng Wang rushed over to turn on the light, then flew back to Lin Qiong's finger, and said with a look on his face: "I like to turn on the light with super speed! No one can stop me, and Rogia can't stop me!" no!"

"Worthy of being the strongest level [-] god in the Chengdu area, domineering!"

Lin Qiong gave his thumb and rainbow fart without hesitation, and said, "Compared to you, Rogia is just a white bird that can fly!"


"The majestic god of the sea, the attribute is super flying? It's just ridiculous!"

"As expected of my good brother, this statement won my heart!"

Feng Wang nodded his head, and then added: "But even so, the chicken chops for dinner must not be forgotten."

"I'm not going to give you a piece of chicken chop."

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, then turned his head to look at the training ground where the eldest lady fought with Uzhihuali, and couldn't help but smacked his tongue and said, "Guigui, after the fight, I'm afraid there won't be a drop of old blood in your body." gone."

After Feng Wang glanced at the training field covered in blood, he immediately showed a disgusted expression, and muttered, "It's so bloody again."

"Sorry, after entering the combat state, I can't control myself."

Uozhihualie smiled softly and explained in a low voice: "But Mr. Qiong, you can rest assured that all this blood came from my body - your lady has not suffered any injuries."

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose, and jokingly said, "Looking at the blood all over the place and Captain Unohana who is unscathed, I can't help but doubt that your Dao level is so high. People, rule people at the same time, right?"

"Hahahaha, maybe it's really what Mr. Qiong said—"

Uzhihualie couldn't help laughing, she sat on the sofa with a smile on her face, picked up the teacups and poured a cup of tea for Tuo herself and the eldest lady, and sighed: "After seeing the sword skills of the eldest lady, Afterwards, Jean Lie not only lamented that he was like the frog at the bottom of the well, but he could only see the sky as big as the mouth of the well, but he was complacent."

These words are from the heart of Uozhihualie!

After losing to Kenpachi Saragi in Ruukon Street that year, she regarded Kenpachi Saragi as the strongest swordsman in the world, the strongest Kenpachi.However, after a few days of sparring with the eldest lady, she couldn't help but feel a ridiculous emotion.

'How arrogant am I to judge others as the best in the world in my own eyes -'

Uno Hanalie gently blew on the hot black tea, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"It's not impossible! If we only talk about swordsmanship, Sister Lie still has a lot to learn."

The eldest lady waved her hand, and she said softly: "The reason why I can occupy the top in the sparring is only because of my strong physical fitness."

"Miss, don't need to comfort me!"

Uozhihualie waved his hand and said with a smile: "Isn't it the result of your hard work that you can cultivate such a strong body?"


The eldest lady showed a subtle look, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Sister Lie is absurd."

Lin Qiong looked at the two who were starting to be humble again, and couldn't help but exchanged glances with Feng Wang on his finger.


The next second, Feng Wang suddenly screamed, and then fell into Lin Qiong's palm, his whole body twitching.

"Feng Wang! Feng Wang, what's wrong with you, Feng Wang——"

With tears in his eyes, Lin Qiong let out an anxious and painful cry: "Feng, what's wrong with you, Feng!"

"I, I fought Rogia for [-] rounds back then. Although I was slightly better, it hurt my heart after all—"

King Feng lay dying in Lin Qiong's palm, choked with sobs and said, "Before I die, I only have one wish, Xi, I hope to see the flowers in the garden, Ge... Ge... What kind of flowers are there! "

"Good! Good! I'll take you to see it, you must hold on—"

Lin Qiong resisted the desire to complain, held Feng Wang in his palm, hurriedly ran towards the stairs of the training room, and shouted: "Don't stop!!"

When he walked out of the gate, he also took the Poké Ball containing the wind speed dog in the secretary's hand.

Miss: "..."

She covered her head helplessly, and then let out a long sigh.

This fool!



After half a year.

Standing on the balcony on the second floor, Lin Qiong looked at Toshirō Hitsugaya who was competing with Lugia in the training ground, and said to the know-it-all cat and cat lying on the handrail: "Xiaobai has made great progress in the past six months. , now I can fight back and forth with Rogia who has used the swastika."

At this time, Xiaobai can at least beat himself in the same period of the three original works, right?

"It's not just Xiaobai who has made great progress."

The know-it-all cat swung its tail and said with a chuckle: "The total combat power of the Gotei Thirteen Team is now at least double that of the original."

"Doesn't that mean that the members of the Star Cross Knights will be devastated?"

Lin Qiong immediately revealed a gloating expression, and said, "One thing to say, I still really want to see the picture of those guys making their debut on stage, only to have their faces swollen."

"Before Urahara Kisuke develops the Invasion Drug, the picture you expect probably won't appear."

Know-it-all Maomao shook his head, and said helplessly: "After all, the swastika is still quite heavy for the god of death... Oh? There are guests coming!"

The next moment, with the shadow suddenly appearing on the training ground, a man wearing a military cap with a haughty expression stepped out of the shadow under the watchful eyes of the Guardian Shield and the Captain of the Soul Society.

He closed his eyes and adjusted the military cap on his head, and then said contemptuously, "Is this the virtual circle? Hmph, the air quality is so-so, but I don't know how much... how much..."

The man who opened his eyes looked at the large group of captains and Arrancars (actually Eldar) surrounding him, and couldn't help but fall into silence.

Sweat, streaming down.

Chapter 0459 Hey, so angry


The one who responded first was the most irritable Yami.

He raised his right hand and plucked his ear, and then showed a provocative expression that seemed like a neon street standard bum and bad boy, and said, "Huh? What does this scumbag mean about Jiba cat?"

"He didn't disclose any useful information."

Ishida Uryu appeared beside Yami, he pushed his glasses calmly, and said, "It's just that I'm familiar with his aura."

"Hey, Quincy?"

Saraki Kenpachi, who was naked from the upper body, was carrying his big sword, looked at Kiruje Opi with cold sweat on his forehead with a smirk on his face, and laughed wildly: "Hahahaha! Can you cut him down? Hey, I can Killed him?"

Kirujie: "..."

No, what's the situation?

Didn't Your Majesty say that there is no more than one of the ten blades in the virtual circle, and there are only three or two chickens and cats left, who can be completely suppressed with just a few gestures? ?

why now...

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