Kirujie felt like a little mouse who had stumbled into a group of hungry cats, a sad emotion could not help gushing from his heart: I am a mouse, I want to send it!

"Captain Saraki, don't act in a hurry."

At this time, Aizen, who was followed by Chu Sentao, came out of the crowd. He looked at Ji Lujie in front of him with probing eyes, and said with a smile: "It's really interesting! I didn't expect the Quincy Master who had disappeared for so long It actually started to move again—but the problem is, in my memory, the Quincy should..."

"It should have been exterminated."

Ishida Uryu glanced at Aizen indifferently and said calmly: "If nothing else happens, my father and I should be the only Quincy left in this world."

Kurosaki Masaki: "Huh?"

Ishida Uryu hastily added: "There is also sister-in-law!"

Kurosaki Yuko: "Huh?"

Kurosaki Natsuri: "Huh?"

Ishida Uryu added again: "And the two cousins!"

So the trio of girls from the Kurosaki family nodded contentedly, leaving behind Ishida Uryu who was wiping his sweat on the spot: "Women are really troublesome, they will only affect the speed of my bow—"

"Ishida-kun, according to what you said, the only surviving Quincy in this world should be your father and these people from Sky City."

Aizen smiled slightly, and said softly, "Then, where did this unknown fake Quincy appear from?"

"Pretending to...fake Quincy Master!?"

Hearing Aizen's "slander", Kirujie suddenly showed an angry expression, "Are you kidding me!? Our Star Cross Knights are the most orthodox Quincy Masters!"

'Hooked on—'

There was a smile on the corner of Aizen's mouth, and he said in a calm and suspicious voice: "Star Cross Knights? Sorry, forgive my shallow knowledge, why have I never heard the name of this organization? Ishida-kun, Have you ever heard of it?"

"Sorry, I haven't heard the name of this third-rate organization either."

Ishida Uryu crossed his arms and said in a contemptuous tone: "Maybe it's a fan organization of the Pheasant Quincy? It's like an organization like the Four Heavenly Kings of Kurosawa High School."

Aizen "suddenly realized", and said: "So that's it! The judgment made by the orthodox Quincy Ishida-kun should be correct."

'It's horrible—'

Jingle Chunshui pressed his hat, then silently looked at Aizen and Ishida Uryu who were singing together, and then at the wild Quincy Master whose eyes were red from being stimulated, he couldn't help shaking his head .

Kazakhs, the members of the Castle in the Sky are too Kazakhs.

"Huh, nonsense!!!"

At this time, Ji Lujie, who was so angry that his face was blushing and his neck was thick, roared angrily: "You dare to insult us with the title of Pheasant Killer, you are contemptuous of His Majesty's majesty! Death penalty, death penalty—— "

'His Majesty? '

Aizen narrowed his eyes, he pushed his glasses calmly, then looked at Ishida Uryu, and said in a low voice: "Ishida-kun, this strange Mr. Quincy Master, seems to be very dissatisfied with your speech look."

"He refuses to accept?"

Ishida Yulong raised his left hand indifferently, and the longbow "Arc Sparrow" of Lingzi was bent and unfolded in his hand in an instant, "Then I will let him obey! The Pheasant Mie of the Pheasant Group led by His Majesty the Pheasant Queer—”

"Ahhh, you bastard!!"

As an orthodox soldier, Ji Lujie has the concept of "the emperor humiliates the subject and dies"-Ishida Uryu repeatedly used the derogatory name of "pheasant" to call his proud "star" His membership in the "Knights of the Cross" and even his most revered Majesty really made him extremely angry.


Accompanied by the buzzing sound of metal, Kirujie pulled out the saber from his waist, and the long bow of spirit son unfolded from his blade, forming a strangely shaped "long knife spirit bow".


Watching this scene, Ishida Uryu showed a "slightly" surprised expression, and then said in a teasing tone: "I didn't expect that the Pheasant Quincy could really deploy the Lingzi longbow—but is that your longbow? ?Could it be a rural technology that I found out by myself?"

"Damn you, die, why don't you die—"

Ji Lujie waved the long knife in his hand with an angry face, and several light arrows made of spirit particles shot out from the bowstring immediately, forming the signature attack of the Quincy Master - the holy arrow of destruction.

"Oh my, I never thought that a third-rate pheasant exterminator like you could actually find out the sacred arrow, but..."

After Ishida Uryu pushed his glasses with his right hand, he fired a few holy arrows at random, which collided with the holy arrows sent by Ji Lujie, annihilating them perfectly, "It's too slow! As expected Does the Pheasant Destroyer only have this kind of strength?"


In just a few words, Ji Lujie was already distorted by Ishida Uryu's anger, and he screamed: "You have violated my honor again and again! Once again, I will show The strongest power, let you experience the strength of the orthodox Quincy—”

The next moment, spirit particles visible to the naked eye emerged from his body, quickly forming wings, shoulder straps, wristbands, and short boots made of spirit particles, making him look extraordinarily majestic.

"Did you see it? My posture at this time!!"

Ji Lujie looked at Ishida Uryu in front of him with a ferocious and angry face, and roared: "This is the real posture of Quincy! Now tell me, who is the third-rate Quincy!?"


Ishida Uryu sneered, he looked at Ji Lujie indifferently and disdainfully, and said, "It's just that you have mastered the holy body, does it make you so inflated and proud? A third-rate pheasant exterminator——"


Ji Lujie's expression gradually became stiff, because Ishida Uryu unfolded his perfect holy body "God's Purification" in front of him.

"Did you see it? The third-rate pheasant exterminator——"

Ishida Uryu tilted his head, looked at Ji Lujie proudly, and said, "You know it, I know it too! I know it, but you don't necessarily know it."

"Come on, what are you kidding..."

Ji Lujie couldn't understand at all why this theoretical "third-rate Quincy" in front of him actually mastered the highest form of Quincy, the perfect holy body, which only the most orthodox pure-blooded Quincy could master!

Just when Kirujie was doubting his life, Masaki Kurosaki, who was standing on the sidelines, took a step forward, waved her right hand in front of her, and unfolded her perfect body.

Kirujie:? ?

Kurosaki Yuko and Kurosaki Natsuri, who were following Kurosaki Masaki, looked at each other, and they all entered the state of consummation, and looked at Ji Lujie with arrogance.

Kirujie:? ? ?

How, how is it possible! !

Why, why in this kind of place, four Quincy masters who have mastered the Holy Physique will suddenly pop out——



"Tsk tsk-"

Sitting on the throne, Lin Qiong looked down at Ji Lujie, who was kneeling on the ground with a bruised nose and swollen face, and smacked his tongue: "You guys are so ruthless! Even his mother doesn't know him after dragging him out."


Several Quincy masters who belonged to Sky City who did not want to reveal their lives suddenly laughed, which made Ji Lujie's expression even more aggrieved—if it wasn't for the props that completely blocked the spiritual pressure on him, which made him At this time, his physique was not as good as that of ordinary people, and he couldn't resist at all. He had to jump up and hit Lin Qiong's knee.

"Blue dye-"

Lin Qiong put his eyes on Lan Ran, who was standing at the top of his left hand, and said, "Tell me, how much information you, a black-hearted guy, have dug out of him - let friends in the soul world know about the situation." .”

"Qianjun, you really misunderstood me when you said that."

Aizen smiled disapprovingly, he took a step forward, then glanced at Ji Lujie who was kneeling on the ground, then at Jingle Chunshui in the death camp, and said: "Actually, the leader of the Beijing band should have already deduced Have you found out the origin of this Quincy Master?"

"Oh, I just deduced a little bit of information——"

Jingle Chunshui looked at Aizen innocently, and said, "I'm sure you don't know as much as Aizen's former captain."

"Ha ha."

Lan Ran chuckled, he gently pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said: "If my deduction is not wrong, it is very likely that Mr. Quincy and the army behind him are standing on that side. A Quincy Master who has been written in the history of the Soul World..."

There was a hint of haze in Jingle Shunsui's eyes, and he and Aizen simultaneously said the name: "You Habach."

Aizen glanced at him, and then expressed his own analysis: "Although Ishida-kun has always called him a third-rate pheasant exterminator, according to my estimation, his strength is enough to crush the level of some captains half a year ago— —”

When saying this, Aizen also took a very deliberate look at Suifeng of the second team, Mako Hirako of the fifth team, Hakumura Zuozhen of the seventh team, Liuche Kenxi and the tenth team of the ninth team. Toshiro Hitsugaya of the team.

The captains who were glanced at by him: "..."

Hi, so angry!

Chapter 0460

The captains were angry, very angry.

Because they were underestimated by Aizen.

The captains were even more angry, extremely angry.

Because they have no way to refute.

Even the most stubborn Xiaobai and Broken Bee have to admit that after half a year of sparring with Sky City, they can now beat their own half a year ago.

"Alan, don't say that."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said helplessly, "You have to know one thing, the most hurtful thing is never a lie, but a fact."

Lan Ran showed a dazed expression, then looked at the captains apologetically, and said, "Captains, I am deeply sorry for what I just said."

Captains: ?

Is this your fucking consolation?This is a fucking second stage stimulation!

What is the most hurtful thing is not a lie but a fact, my mother...

Hi, so angry!

"So, who can be called 'Your Majesty' by such a Quincy with strength beyond captain level?"

Aizen looked contentedly at the captains who had become puffer fish, then turned their eyes back to Ji Lujie, and said: "I thought about it, in the history of Quincy, there is one and only one person who has this qualifications."

"...So, indeed, the only possibility is Juhabach."

Mako Hirako exhaled slowly, and said with a gloomy expression: "However, according to the records of Soul Soul World, Yuhabach should have been killed by the captain thousands of years ago."

"This kind of thing can't be said for sure! After all, the Quincy, who was theoretically exterminated, now suddenly has such an army—"

Aizen glanced at Hirako Mako, shook his head lightly and said, "Also, Captain Hirako, don't you think that he is the only member of the 'Star Cross Knights' he is talking about?"


When Mako Hirako heard Aizen talking to him, he immediately showed an unhappy expression, but the problem was that he had to admit that Aizen was right—since they were all Knights, at least they couldn’t be all alone people?It takes two people to fight a group!

"Captain Aizenhara's analysis is correct—"

Jingle Chunshui took a deep breath, and then said with a serious expression: "It seems that Yuhabach should have cheated the captain thousands of years ago, and then hid himself, secretly developing his own power..."

'No, he is really dead. '

Lin Qiong blinked.

"Zizi, zizizi——"

At this moment, accompanied by a certain electric sound, the voice of A Jin, the deputy director of the Technology Development Bureau, came out from the pagers on the captains: "Tight... love... everyone..."

Captains: "?"

They unanimously took out the pagers in their hands, and then injected their spiritual pressure—the originally seriously disturbing voice suddenly became clear.

"Emergency! Seireitei was attacked by a group of people who called themselves the 'Invisible Empire'—"

"The deputy captain of the first team, Takuchojiro, is confirmed to be dead!"

"Captains, please come back quickly—"

"One more time!"

"An emergency has occurred..."


The next moment, the second team's Zhanfei had already crushed the pager in his hand with a gloomy expression, then looked at Kirujie who was kneeling on the ground with a ferocious expression, and asked: "What happens in the Soul Society belongs to you. Did your companion do it?”


Ji Lujie showed a provocative smile, and asked back: "Is it true? I also have this question..."

Before he could finish his words, Zombie, who had used Shunpo, stepped on his chest and trampled him under his feet. Then he glared at him and shouted in a low voice: "I'm not in the mood to waste time with you. answer my question!"

Kirujie didn't speak, but continued to maintain that mocking expression, as if to say "If you have the guts, you will trample me to death".

"You bastard..."

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