Broken Bee showed a helpless and furious expression.

"Okay, Captain Broken Bee, we don't have time to waste on him—"

At this time, Jingle Chunshui came over, patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said softly: "The other side doesn't know when they will launch a second attack, we must hurry up and go back to protect Seireitei."

"I understand."

Broken Bee took a deep breath, then glanced murderously at Ji Lujie who was sneering, then turned around and followed Jingle Chunshui, joining the other captains.

"Aqiong, it seems that the happy party is coming to an end."

Jing Le Chunshui pressed the bamboo hat on the top of his head, and said softly: "Can I trouble you to open the black cavity to return to the world of souls?"

"no problem."

Lin Qiong raised his right hand, tapped his index finger in the air, and opened his black voice, "If you need help, please just ask - Sky City does not mind lending a helping hand to Soul Society."


Jingle Chunshui exhaled lightly, and then jumped into the black cavity first, using the Reishi to save a beautiful path under his feet, while Sui Feng, Uno Hanaretsu, Hirako Mako, Kuchiki Byakuya, etc. The captain, with a solemn expression, followed closely behind him and stepped into the black cavity.

Seeing the backs of the captains gradually disappearing in front of his eyes, Lin Qiong couldn't help touching his chin, and said to Lan Ran: "Alan, what do you think if I suddenly turn off the black cavity at this time and let them get lost in the dimensional crack? , is the soul world over?"

Aizen: "..."

Why is this kid so bad?I like!

"On the surface, it should be finished, but as long as Captain Yamamoto is safe for a day, then the [-]th Gotei team will not be able to fall." Aizen waved his hand calmly, and said softly: "In addition, even if the [-]th Gotei team It's down, and there's still the mysterious Zero Team guarding outside the Lingwang Palace."

"That's true—"

Lin Qiong yawned, then propped his face with his fists, looked at Jilujie lying on the ground like a dead dog, and said, "Ulquiorra, throw Jilujie into prison—— There is still a lot of valuable information on him, let us dig it out slowly."


Ulquiorra nodded expressionlessly, he walked towards Cherokee, bent down and grabbed his ankle, and then dragged towards the prison.

"Oh, right--"

Lin Qiong seemed to have remembered something and added: "Remember to take off his clothes, accessories and other things, and then put him into a prison uniform."


Ulquiorra paused for a moment, and then continued to walk towards the door—Although Cherrugi struggled angrily, he had no power to resist in front of Xiaowu after his spirit son was blocked.

"Okay, next..."

Lin Qiong moved his shoulders, looked at the original Ten Blades and the members of the original protagonist group below, and said softly: "It seems that there is a tough battle to be fought - everyone, are you confident?"

Nilu raised her right hand first, and said energetically, "Nilu will fight for Aqiong!"

Bailegang raised his head resolutely, and said ferociously: "The old man can't wait to crush the bones of those Quincies!"

Harribel crossed her arms and said handsomely, "Be prepared all the time."

Zhiba Haiyan: "Xihua and I are so hungry and thirsty!"

Grimmjow: "Let's go to war! I can't hold back anymore!"

Yami: "Crush them!"

Chadu Yasutora: "This time, I won't be powerless anymore."

Aizen Sosuke: "I also want to see how powerful the new Kyoka Suigetsu can be."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "It doesn't matter, I will take action!"



Soul Realm.

"...Captain, if my spiritual pressure test is correct—"

Nirvana Yuri looked at the tablet in his hand indifferently, and said, "The person who attacked us this time should be..."

Just when he was about to pretend to be 13, Jingle Chunshui walked in from the door and said, "Old Man Shan, the attacker is the Quincy Master!"

Nirvana Mayuri: "?"

Said your mother also!You stole my lines!

Yuan Liuzhai looked at the captains who walked in with a heavy expression, and said in a deep voice, "The Quincy?"

"That's right! The virtual circle was also attacked—"

Broken Bee knelt on the ground on one knee and said, "According to the information we have obtained, this time..."

After hearing the information reported by Zaifeng, Yuan Liuzhai's hand holding the crutch tightened for a few minutes.


His expression was gloomy, as if dripping water, "It's the old man's mistake, he couldn't get rid of him thousands of years ago, so Chojiro..."

Thinking of the fact that Jiro Sparrow, who has been following behind him since thousands of years ago, will close his eyes forever after mastering the swastika, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni felt unspeakable grief and anger in his heart. and self-blame.

its own fault.

If I had killed Yuhabach thousands of years ago, wouldn't today's disaster happen again?

"Old man Shan, there is still a way to remedy it."

Looking at Old Man Shan's gloomy and sad eyes, Jingle Chunshui couldn't help reminding: "Have you forgotten? Over there in the Sky City, there is the technique of resurrection."


Yamamoto fell into silence when he heard the words.

However, all the captains could feel that the captain's mood seemed to be less extreme than before - which made them heave a sigh of relief.

"Before those Quincy masters left, they once said—"

Yuan Liuzhai slightly raised his head, and said with cold eyes: "Five days later, the Soul Realm will be annihilated by the [Invisible Empire]."

"Five days... no, it's already the second day, so should it be four days later?"

Mako Hirako raised his eyelids and said in a low voice: "When those Quincy masters reappear, they must pay the price!"

"This kind of thing..."

Broken Bee shook his hair with cold eyes and said murderously: "There is no doubt about it!"

"Although everyone is full of momentum now, there is one thing I still want to remind everyone——"

At this moment, Nirvana Mayuri silently raised his hand, looked at the tablet in his hand, and said softly: "Before he died, Vice Captain Sparrow left a last word, and the content of the last word is—"

"——[They can untie and seal the swastika!]."

Chapter 0461 defeats you——


After hearing the news from Nie Yuli's mouth, the captains present all showed expressions of astonishment.

'Seal the swastika...'

Kuchiki Byakuya touched the long knife at his waist, then narrowed his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

"Captain Nie, what does unsealing the swastika refer to..."

Kyoraku Shunsui also showed a serious expression.

Swastika can be said to be one of the landmark achievements of the Shinigami, and it is also one of the important indicators for becoming a captain. Throughout the entire history of Soul Society, except for the monster Zaraki Kenpachi, which captain has not mastered swastika?

But now, the last words left by Sparrow Minister Jiro are actually the biggest trump card and hole card that the Quincy can rely on to seal the captains?

"There is a serious shortage of information at the moment, so I can't be sure what's going on."

Niryuuri snorted lightly, then turned his attention to Kyoryu Shunsui and others, and said: "Compared to this, didn't you also meet the Quincy in Hueco Mundo? The other party did not try to seal your Swastika. ?"

"This one……"

Several captains looked at each other, and then showed subtle expressions.

Unozhihuali lowered his eyelids, and said in a low voice with some shame: "The one who meets the enemy is the Quincy of the Holy Shield, so..."


Nirvana couldn't help but cover her forehead and muttered: "Forget it, for the sake of the other information you brought back, I won't care about your mistake this time -"

"Okay, okay! After all, it was in the virtual circle at that time, and we, the captains of the soul world, had no position to make a move—"

Jingle Chunshui comforted: "However, since Vice Captain Sparrow left a warning, it is better not to use the swastika if it is not necessary."

"For the time being, it can only be like this."

Nirvana Yuri nodded slightly, and said: "I will work overtime to do some research, and you must not mess around before I come to a conclusion!"

Jingle Chunshui nodded and said, "Don't worry—"


virtual circle.

"It should be almost time."

Lin Qiong threw the communicator in his hand to Lan Ran, and said with a chuckle, "A Lan, I will have to rely on your vision for the rest."

"Don't worry, Master Qiong."

There was a smile on the corner of Lan Ran's mouth, he pushed his glasses lightly, and said in a low voice: "We are invincible in front of us!"


Invisible Empire.

"Your Majesty, the first hunting unit of the expedition to Hueco Mundo is calling——"

"The commanding captain, Kirujie Opi, is now fighting Kurosaki Ichigo, one of the [Special Combat Forces]!"

After hearing the news, Yuhabach, who was sitting on the throne, couldn't help showing a smile, then stood up from his seat, and said loudly: "Send the order! Inform the Knights of the Star Cross that the [Invisible Empire] is now officially dealing with corpses." Realm, attack!"

"Ah, yes—"

The orderly at the rear showed a surprised expression, but out of a soldier's instinct, he still made him salute to Yuhabach, and then quickly passed on his order.

"Although I don't know why Kurosaki Ichigo appeared in the virtual circle, but since he is in a battle with Kirujie, it means that he can't get out of the world for the time being—"

A well-planned smile appeared on the corner of Yuhabach's mouth, 'So, is there a better time to attack than now? '

Ha ha ha ha--

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, the hatred from thousands of years ago, it's time for everything to be spicy!



Soul Realm.

Because of the death of the deputy captain of the Gotei [-]th Division, First Division, Takuchojiro, the atmosphere in the Seireitei today was a little duller than usual.

While many members of the thirteenth squadron of the Guardian Court were patrolling daily, blue pillars of fire rose one after another from the interior of the Seireitei, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"What happened?"

"Then, what is that!?"

"Is it an enemy attack? It is an enemy attack!"


All of a sudden, the ordinary members of the Guarding Team Thirteen were in a mess.


Looking at the mess of team members below, Hitsugaya Toshiro stepped on the wall and shouted calmly: "Don't waver! Follow the instructions of the chief and vice-captain!"


After a short period of panic, the team members immediately calmed down, and then turned their attention to the captains, vice-captains, and chief executives of each team.

Yes, just follow the captain!

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