
Team Six.

Near the team building.

"Then, what kind of monster is that!?"

Seeing the enemy who just approached and took away the lives of one team member after another, the remaining members of the No. [-] team suddenly yelled in fear, "Our attack has no effect at all, but his attack has no effect. Can easily kill us..."

How to defeat this kind of enemy! ?

"Let's scatter, Senbon Sakura—"

Just when the team members were in panic and fear, an elegant and steady voice sounded above the damaged wall.This voice was like a booster, causing the players below to look surprised.

"Captain Deadwood!"

"team leader--"

"It's saved! If the captain takes action, it will be fine!"

team leader?

Hearing the voices of these players, Ace Nolte of the Star Cross Knights immediately set his sights on Byakuya Kuchiki, and a gleam of joy flashed in his heart.

I am so lucky, I bumped into a captain after only a short time since I acted. I am indeed the lucky one to be watched by His Majesty, right?

"Hahaha! Looks like you're lucky, Ace Nolte!"

At this moment, accompanied by a rough and bold voice, a muscular man wearing a mask fell from the sky and landed on the floor next to Ace Nolte.


Ace glanced at Masco who fell beside him, then indifferently withdrew his gaze, and looked at Kuchiki Byakuya in front of him again.

"Hey, I know, I understand!"

Seeing Ace's reaction, Masco grinned, then turned his attention to Asai Renji who appeared beside Kuchiki Byakuya, and murmured: "Then, my target is this guy, right? "

"What nonsense are you talking about? Whether it's the thieves around you or yourself, you don't need me alone to stop—"

Kuchiki Byakuya raised his eyelids and said in a cold and arrogant voice: "There is no need for anyone else to intervene in this battle."


Musko grinned, put his hands next to his ears, and pretended to be surprised and said: "Wow, wow, it sounds so powerful and domineering! But, can you do it?"

"Don't you know if you try it?"

Byakuya Kuchiki held the handle of Senbon Sakura, and waved his right hand indifferently—with his movement, hundreds of cherry blossom petals immediately enveloped Ace and Marcus.

Facing Kuchiki Byakuya's menacing attack, the two members of the Star Cross Knights responded in the same way—they stood unmoved and let Senbon Sakura's attack land on them .

'Are these two people crazy? '

A Sanjing on the side saw this scene, and looked at Ace and Masco in shock—this was Captain Kuchiki's attack, and they didn't dodge or evade, and were ready to resist?Crazy?

The next moment, in the strange eyes of A Sanjing, the petals of Senbenzakura enveloped Ace and Masco.The moment the blade approached, the expressions of the two Quincy masters who had been careless and even sarcastically changed suddenly.


The spiritual pressure visible to the naked eye spread from the bodies of the two Quincy Masters, shaking off the cherry blossom petals embedded in their bodies.

"What's wrong? Weren't you very arrogant just now?"

Renji Asai immediately let out a mocking voice, "Don't you think that you can resist Captain Kuchiki's attack with the static blood outfit?"


Hearing A Sanjing's words, the two Quincy Masters were surprised. It seemed that they didn't expect that Death God would know one of the Quincy Master's secret skills.

Lin Qiong: Don't thank me, I have hidden merit and fame!

"Hmph, being able to break through a low-strength static blood suit is indeed something you should be proud of!"

Feeling a little embarrassing from his appearance just now, Ma Si Ke clenched his fists, puffed up the muscles in his hands, and said, "But I have adjusted the strength of the static blood suit! Your next attack will have no impact on me. like water off a duck's back."


Ace glanced at Masco blankly, but didn't say anything, but raised his right hand self-servingly—energy crystals emerged one after another in mid-air, and then "swish swish swish " flew towards Kuchiki Byakuya and Asai Renji who were standing on the wall.

"Hey! Want to attack Captain Kuchiki, did you ask me?"

A Sanjing frantically waved the Shewei Pill in his hand, as if the snake-belly-like blade accompanied his swing, smashing several crystals in the air with ease.


Looking at this scene, Ma Si Ke showed a surprised expression. He turned his head to look at Ace beside him, and laughed: "Your attack is not very good! Do you want me to help you?"

"Need not."

Ace replied in a low and decadent voice, "The attack just now was just a test!"

"Oh alright."

Ma Si Ke shrugged his shoulders, then swung his right hand and rushed towards A Sanjing, laughing and said: "Hahaha, but I will deal with my opponent myself!"

"Captain, leave this big man to me—"

Asai Renji looked at Masco who was rushing towards him, worried that his battle with the other party would affect Byakuya Kuchiki, so he immediately took him to a distance and said, "That guy who doesn't look right is here. give it to you!"

'It's superfluous—'

Kuchiki Byakuya withdrew his gaze, then tightened the hilt of the knife in his hand, put his gaze on Ace, and said coldly: "Quinni, be prepared to take on the responsibility of invading the Seireitei and killing the Gotei. Is it the responsibility of the members of Team [-]?"

What Kuchiki Byakuya responded to was several energy crystals that shot out.


Byakuya Kuchiki waved his right hand, and after destroying the crystal fired by Ace with Senbon Sakura, he said coldly, "Is this your answer? I understand—"

crush you!

Chapter 0462 The swastika that was taken away

"Bang bang bang-"

Accompanied by the sound of collisions, Byakuya Kuchiki and Ace exchanged several moves in a blink of an eye.It's just that the attacks of the two seem to be unable to defeat each other - Ace's crystal shots are often smashed by Kuchiki Byakuya's Senbon Sakura in mid-air.Kuchiki Byakuya's Senbon Sakura will also be offset by Ace's crystal shot.

The two sides are subtly caught in a kind of balance—although, this is only temporary.

"Ha ha--"

A few crystals were fired again, and after defeating Senbon Sakura's blade, Ace suddenly let out a few deep, half-dead laughter: "Byakuya Kuchiki, the time for testing is over, it's over—"


Kuchiki Byakuya stopped and continued to attack, but said in a disapproving tone: "Your tone is as if you have figured out my strength."

"you are right."

Ace raised his right hand again, but unlike in the past, he unfolded a longbow of spiritual particles with his right hand, "Byakuza Kuchiki! Although your strength has improved a lot compared to the information given by His Majesty, But that’s all there is to it in the end.”

"You said...'that's all it is'?"

Kuchiki's white expression became gloomy, and he looked at Ace in front of him indifferently, and asked, "The Quincy is like you, do you like to talk big?"

"Jie Jie—"

Ace aimed his longbow at Byakuya Kuchiki, and said with a stern smile, "Is it brazen or not, just use your body to experience it for yourself!"

Holy Slayer!

At the next moment, the long arrow of spirit son, which was not at the same level as the crystal just now, shot out from the longbow, easily piercing through the defense line under Kuchiki Byakuya's Senbon Sakura cloth, piercing through his...


"Secret Steps, Four Maple Trees, Three - Kong Chan——"

Kuchiki Byakuya appeared behind Ace, looked at the longbow in his hand with serious eyes, and said in a low voice, "So this is his sacred arrow of destruction? I didn't expect the power to increase so much all of a sudden. "

Kuchiki Byakuya had to admit that he underestimated Ace a little bit.

"Just like this, can't you bear it?"

Ace looked at Kuchiki Byakuya in front of him, a trace of mockery flashed in his eyes, he put down the longbow in his right hand, and then asked in that half-dead voice: "Kuchiki Byakuya, do you feel the terror?"


Kuchiki Byakuya narrowed his eyes, and said in a cold voice, "With this level of power, why are you brazenly saying that you want me to feel terror?"

What are you kidding, who do you think I am?

"Jie Jie, what I said is not this kind of feeling——"

Ace's eyes became slightly distorted, he tilted his head, and said, "I am the Knights of the Star Cross, Ace Noether, code-named 'F'——Fear, which means..."

Ace's next words seemed to ring in Kuchiki Byakuya's ears, making his nerves a little tense.


Ace's eyes curled up, he walked slowly towards Kuchiki Byakuya, and said in a low voice: "Fear is the instinct of living beings, and facing me who has mastered 'fear', you have only one solution: defeat! "


Kuchiki Byakuya looked at Ace Noete indifferently, and said mockingly: "How many difficulties do you think I have overcome since I fought so far? I am so scared, what can I do..."

At this moment, Kuchiki Byakuya flashed a picture of him being seriously injured, and Kuchiki Hima and Kuchiki Rukia stood in front of him in order to protect him, and was beaten into a hornet's nest by the holy Mieya of the Quincy.


After seeing the picture of the two most important to him lying in front of him covered in blood, Kuchiki Byakuya subconsciously took half a step back.


After seeing Kuchiki Byakuya's actions, Eston showed a satisfied smile. He felt like a cat teasing a mouse, "Kuchiki Byakuya, you already feel the fear, don't you?"

"It seems that your ability is to induce other people's feelings through hallucinations, allowing them to see pictures that they don't want to see in their hearts—"

Kuchiki Byakuya stabilized his mind, stared at Ace in front of him with cold and sharp eyes, and said, "But, the hallucinations are just hallucinations after all!"

"Really? Really? Do you think so? How naive, Kuchiki Byakuya——"

Hearing Kuchiki Byakuya's analysis, Ace's eyes curved into playful arcs, "Don't you feel that your heartbeat is accelerating, your hands and feet are becoming numb, and breathing is becoming difficult? These are all you Evidence of fear—”


Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes shrank suddenly, because he found that whenever the enemy in front of him said a "phenomenon", his body would faithfully show this "symptom"-his heartbeat was speeding up, his hands and feet Going numb, he's having trouble breathing!

'What exactly is his ability?Is it through words to affect other people's bodies?No, it's not that simple...'

Kuchiki Byakuya took a few steps back, and after pulling away from Ace, he tried to use Reiatsu to suppress the symptoms in his body, but found that no matter how he raised Reiatsu, the symptoms of numb hands and feet and difficulty breathing did not disappear , which made him feel more and more irritable.

"Why are you rejecting me? Is it because of fear?"

Ace's voice rang in Kuchiki Byakuya's ears, making his skin crawl.

'When did he come behind me? '

'If he didn't speak in my ear, but attacked...'

'Have I fallen? '

Such thoughts couldn't help appearing in Kuchiki Byakuya's mind, but he immediately reacted, and subconsciously waved the handle of the right hand, controlling Senbon Sakura to roll towards Ace Nolte behind him.

'Damn, can't think about these things!It's his ability, it's his influence on me—'

'Focus on the battle, on the enemy! '

Byakuya Kuchiki couldn't help but gasp for air, trying to use deep breathing to relieve the strangeness in his body, but his reaction at this time made Ace even more happy.

The prey is already hooked.

"It's weird, it's weird—"

Ace dodged Kuchiki Byakuya's attack with his flying feet, and asked in confusion, "Captain, didn't you brag about defeating me just now? Why are you like a trembling little meow now~ "

Kuchiki Byakuya who heard the other party's provocation was silent for a few seconds, then turned around without hesitation, and ran in the direction of Asai with Shunpo.

'Ran?Is it a trap? '

Ace showed unexpected eyes, but he used Fei Lian's heels without hesitation, "Even if it's a trap, what's the use?" '


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