"Hoo... 役... ph..."

A Sanjing Renji, who was still in the state of initial solution, was panting heavily, while Masco, who was in front of him, had a bored expression on his ears, and complained dissatisfiedly: "I said, you red-haired Is your brat too weak?"

"Yes, damn it!"

A Sanjing was so angry that he almost changed from a red-haired baboon to an orangutan. He firmly held the handle of Sheweiwan, gritted his teeth and said, "For example, if it can be undone..."

At this moment, with the sound of Shunpo breaking through the air, Kuchiki Byakuya, wearing only the Death Battle suit, appeared in front of Renji Abarai, making him look surprised: "Team, Captain!? Are you? Already defeated..."

Before Abarai could finish his words, he saw Ace chasing after Byakuya Kuchiki - this scene seemed like Byakuya Kuchiki was defeated and being chased by his opponent, which made the surprise on his face freeze. Living.

Just when he was about to ask Kuchiki Byakuya what happened, Kuchiki Byakuya spoke first: "Renji, I'm going to use the swastika—"


Renji Abarai's eyes widened and he said hurriedly: "Wait, wait! Captain! According to the last words of Vice Captain Sparrow, they——"

"They have the ability to seal the swastika, right? But through the battle just now, you must also understand that they are not opponents that can be defeated without using the swastika."

Kuchiki Byakuya calmly held Senbon Sakura with his backhand, then glanced at him, and said, "That's why I came to your side! If my swastika is sealed, then the rest will be left to you— —Observe and find out how they seal the swastika, and break it!"

"Team, Captain..."

After hearing Kuchiki Byakuya's words, Asai Renji immediately blushed and showed an excited and happy expression - this is the captain's trust in his strength! ! !

"I see!"

Abarai Renji's expression suddenly became firm, and he said with sharp eyes: "Captain, please give it a try! Then, leave the rest to me!"

"very good."

Kuchiki Byakuya nodded in satisfaction, he lightly let go of Senbon Sakura's right hand, then turned his head, stared at Ace and Masco who were staring at him with cold eyes, and said coldly: "If you have any means, just use it! Otherwise, Senbon Sakura and I will defeat you in an instant!"

"——Swastika Senbonzakura Kageyan——"

Accompanied by Kuchiki Byakuya's confident voice, Senbon Sakura, who was loosened by him, slowly fell into the ground, and then turned into huge blades and emerged behind him.

"—are you ready to meet my blade?"

"It's been a long time since I—"

Ace Nott flipped his right hand and took out a silver crest, then pointed it at Byakuya Kuchiki's body and said, "Finally, I'll wait until you release the swastika!"


The next moment, the pupils of Byakuya Kuchiki and Renji Asai shrank to the size of a pinprick.


[Bound Tao 77. The sky is quite empty! ]

[I am the deputy captain of the [-]th division, Matsumoto Rangiku!Colleagues, please take note! ]

[The Quincy Master is not sealing the swastika, but taking away the swastika! ]

[repeat! ]

[Once the swastika is used, it will be taken away by the Quincy Master! ]

[Please note, absolutely, never use the swastika! ! ]

As of the first official attack of [Invisible Empire] against [Soul Society], 10 minutes after the start of the battle——

Captain of the second division, Broken Bee;

Captain of the third division, Ichimaru Gin;

Captain of the Sixth Division Kuchiki Byakuya;

Vice-captain of the Sixth Division, Asai Renji

Captain of the [-]th Division: Hakumura Left Front;

Captain of the [-]th Division: Toshiro Hitsugaya.

Above, a total of six Shinigami, their swastikas were taken away!

Ichimaru Gin and Hakumura left, slightly injured;

Renji Asai and Toshiro Hitsugaya were seriously injured;

Byakuya Kuchiki is dying.

Chapter 0463 Rescue

"The so-called captain, after the swastika was taken away, was vulnerable..."

Ace Nolte looked at Byakuya, the dead wood lying in a pool of blood, with a careless disdain in his eyes, while Musk, who was beside him, laughed and said: "Hahahaha, the captain of the soul world If they are all at this level, it will be too easy!"

"But... damn..."

Asai Renji, who was lying on the ground, stared at the two Quincy in front of him with resentful eyes——

After taking away Kuchiki Byakuya's swastika, Ace ruthlessly beat Kuchiki Byakuya's body into a honeycomb with Senbonzakura Kagegen. After seeing this, Renji Abarai became angry. I subconsciously used the swastika interpretation, and then...

As a matter of course, it was taken away by Musk.

'I'm sorry, Captain, I failed your trust in me...'

Abarai Renji clenched his fists and showed a regretful expression, 'Don't let anything happen, captain! ! '

"But it's an unexpected bonus."

Masco touched his chin and showed an expression of "I don't know what happened, but I am very lucky" and said: "Didn't you say that only the captain has mastered the swastika? How come he has mastered it as well as the vice-captain? "

"Idiot, have you read the information provided by His Majesty?"

Ace glanced at Musk, and said coldly: "A few vice-captains have also mastered the swastika, and he is one of them."

"Well, why bother so much?"

Ma Si Ke threw away the star in his hand, and said indifferently: "Anyway, the swastika is also in hand, so it's useless for them to keep it?"


Ace raised the star medal in his hand, and cherry blossom petals poured out from behind him.He looked at the two people who fell on the ground with emotionless eyes and said softly: "Then, let's use their deaths to celebrate the attack of the Invisible Empire!"

The next moment, the cherry blossom petals all over the sky rolled towards Byakuya Kuchiki who was lying on the ground, and Renji Asai who was lying beside him like sea waves.

'Is it the end? '

Asai Renji looked at the petals getting closer and closer, as if a revolving lantern appeared in front of his eyes.

"Swastika, Overlord Zero Type, Angry Beast!"

"Soul-suppressing roar!"

"Swastika Poseidon Poseidon Flower!"

"Sea Dragon!"

In the next moment, the two shocks falling from the sky will be completely defeated by the petals of Qianben Sakura Jingyan controlled by Ace.


Ace looked at the two figures in black and gold-patterned uniforms appearing in front of Kuchiki Byakuya and Asai Renji, and couldn't help but squinted his eyes, and doubts flashed in his heart: "It's not in the information." people who exist? '

"Hima-san, Captain Kuchiki and Captain Abarai are leaving it to you——"

Zhiba Haiyan, holding the Sea God Trident, stared at Ace Nott in front of her, and said in a deep voice, "Leave these Quincies to me and Yami!"


Wearing heavy armor, Fang Mi showed a ferocious smile like a rampant heavy truck. He stared at the tall Masco and said, "Wan Shui No. [-], leave this big man to me!"

By the way, the number one water player is Harribel.

"Yes Yes Yes--"

Zhiba Haiyan chuckled and said: "Then this gloomy man who looks uncomfortable is my opponent?"

"Gloomy man..."

Ace looked at Shiba Haiyan with a gloomy look, and whispered: "You said something that is not allowed...! Die!"

Thousands of Cherry Blossoms!

"Although I don't know what happened, but a new enemy has appeared, right?"

Masco showed an expression of surprise. While moving his limbs, he said to the short, fat, and particularly funny-looking little man lying on him: "Then, support me! James!" !”

"Oh! Of course I will! Sir!"

The short "Boiled Egg" waved his right hand excitedly and said, "Mister is the strongest! Sir, come on!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Masko laughed heartily. He gently put James on the ground, then showed off his muscles like a fitness enthusiast, and said: "So, evil enemy! Get ready to be beaten by the superhero." Master Masco, are you defeated?"


Yami plucked his ears, then blew on his fingers with a look of disdain, and said casually: "What roast chicken vendor? I don't understand this kind of vocabulary!"

"It's a superhero!"

"Chicken are you too beautiful?"

"Super hero!!"

"Fried chicken dipping sauce?"

"Oh oh oh! You did it on purpose!"

Masco immediately rushed towards Yami angrily and shouted: "How dare you mock a great hero, you criminal!"


Yami looked at Masco who was rushing towards him, and immediately clenched his right fist, then swung it out with wide eyes and roared: "Idiot who speaks loudly, watch me beat you down with one punch!! "



"What an idiot..."

Kuchiki Hima, who was wearing a silver-patterned uniform, landed next to Kuchiki Byakuya and Abarai Renji, looking at the dying Kuchiki Byakuya with a distressed look on his face.

"Is it... Fei... Fei really... is it..."

Byakuya Kuchiki, whose vision had begun to blur, raised his left hand and said in an unprecedented, weak and feeble voice: "Hug, I'm sorry! I can't let you see my handsome side."

"It will not happen--"

Kuchiki Hima reached out and took Kuchiki Byakuya's hand, then pressed it to his forehead, and said in a low voice: "No matter when, no matter where, no matter what dress, no matter what situation, Byakuya is always in my eyes. , are the most handsome."

"is it?"

Kuchiki Byakuya's lips moved a few times and he made a weak voice, "That's really, really good."

"Byakuya, stop talking."

Kuchiki Haizhen gently placed Kuchiki Byakuya's left hand on his side, then took out a bottle of purple solution from his arms and whispered: "I will help you treat him now."

Kuchiki Byakuya closed his eyes peacefully, showing unprecedented trust: "Yes."


Kuchiki Haizhen unplugged the cork of the glass bottle, and then poured the purple solution on Kuchiki Byakuya's body - the hundreds of penetrating wounds on Kuchiki Byakuya's body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his original His face, which was so pale that no blood could be seen, was gradually stained with a healthy blush.

"All right."

Kuchiki Haizhen gently lifted Kuchiki Byakuya's head, then placed it on his knees, caressing his face quietly, and said: "Have a good rest! Leave the rest to my companions Bar!"

Asai Renji lying on the side: "..."

That, that, the team, Mrs. Captain, I, I'm injured too, okay?

Save, can you save me?



"Ola Ora Ora Ora—"

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