The next moment, a soaring beam of light rose from the team building of the first team, and at the same time, the back figure that appeared in front of Shan Jiang completely shattered the last trace of luck in his heart.

The owner of that back is none other than Yuhabach.

Chapter 0465 Cooperation

Juhabach looked at Lloyd whose abdomen had been chopped open and lay dying on the ground, and said softly, "Well done, Lloyd."

After hearing Juhabach's praise, Lloyd immediately showed a gratified smile, and he murmured: "You said that I... did a good job... I... am honored..."

Looking at Lloyd who had only his last breath left, Yuhabach slowly raised his right hand, and completely wiped out the opponent's life with a holy killing arrow.

Rest in peace, Lloyd.


Looking at Yuhabach standing in front of him, Shigekuni Yamamoto's eyes were full of anger after being fooled, "Shameless, what do you want to do?"

"Hehe, Shigekuni Yamamoto, you might as well recall what is under the first team's team building."

Yuhabach turned his head back, looked at the wide-eyed Yama-chan, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and continued: "It seems that you have already reacted! That's right, I'm here to find Aizen Soyousuke—— I came to invite him to join me, but unfortunately, he refused!"


After hearing Yuhabach's words, Yamachan was silent for a few seconds, then slowly assumed a fighting posture, and said coldly, "Are you finished?"

"Hehe, are you planning to drag this tired body to fight me?"

Ha Jiang chuckled, and quietly put his right hand into his pocket under the cover of the cloak, "You who used the swastika once to kill the counterfeit, how much strength do you have left?"

"It's more than enough to kill you!"

After being irritated by Ha-chan's words, Shan-chan immediately raised the Zanpakuto in his hand, and said angrily: "——卍解·火火..."


The next moment, in Shanjiang's astonished and shocked eyes, thunderous black lights from the star badge in Ha Jiang's hand entwined on his flowing blade, and then...

Take away his swastika.

"Hehe, Shigekuni Yamamoto, what gave you the illusion that your swastika cannot be taken away?"

Holding the star medal that has absorbed the remaining fire sword in his right hand, the corner of Ha-chan's mouth showed a smile of victory, "It's over, Shigekuni Yamamoto!"


Shan Jiang clenched Liu Ren Ruo Huo with anger and rushed towards Ha Jiang, "Even if there is only Shi Jie, this old man can kill you!"

Ha-chan raised his right hand calmly and said loudly: "Yamamoto Shigekuni! You who cannot understand the swastika are nothing to be afraid of!!"

Holy Slayer!

The huge Lingzi Longbow floated above Ha Jiang's head, and a large two-meter-long sacred arrow shot out from the bowstring and flew straight towards Shan Jiang.


Without hesitation, Shanjiang waved the flowing blade Ruohuo in his hand, and used the blade to meet the sacred arrow in front of him, but...


At the moment when the razor-like blade touched the sacred arrow, the sacred arrow that seemed to be able to penetrate everything exploded like a balloon, and thousands of miniature sacred arrows shot out from it, piercing through everything. The body of the mountain sauce.

"Interesting attack, isn't it? I got the inspiration from a weapon called 'fragment grenade' in this world - human beings are really interesting, they don't have great power themselves, but they are hot They are constantly inventing various weapons to hurt each other."

With a confident smile on Ha-chan's face, he stepped in front of Yama-chan, who was covered in blood, and said contemptuously: "You are careless, Yamamoto Shigekuni."

The muscles and joints of the limbs were pierced, and Shigekuni Yamamoto, who could only lie on the ground weakly, looked at Yuhabach standing in front of him with a unwilling face: "Despicable person!"

"Despicable? I would rather you call it fighting wisdom!"

Yuhabach laughed. He raised his right hand, pointed his index finger and middle finger at Shigekuni Yamamoto on the ground, and said, "It's okay to defeat you head-on, but I want to see your unwilling expression even more—— Farewell, Shige Yamamoto... eh? This is—”

Just when he was about to release the sacred arrow to pierce Yamamoto Shigekuni's heart, black energy spread from his feet, rapidly corroding the surrounding space.

"His Majesty!"

The head of the Star Cross Knights, Hugelan Haswald, appeared beside Juhabach, and said softly: "Your time outside the Shadow Domain has reached the limit, please return to the Invisible Empire immediately!"

"It should be a while...I see! Was it Aizen Soyousuke's hand and foot?"

Juhabach narrowed his eyes and murmured: "As expected of someone I value, did it affect my judgment of time after only a few minutes of conversation? Why didn't you remind me, Hasward—— "

Hasward replied calmly: "Because in my judgment, even if you remind His Majesty, it will not stop His Majesty's behavior."


Yuhabach laughed, then glanced at Shigekuni Yamamoto, whose breath was getting weaker and weaker, and said, "I wanted to send you on the road with my own hands, but it seems that you can only lie on the ground and wait to die now - what a sad way to die Ah, Shigekuni Yamamoto!"

Under Yamamoto Shigekuni's gaze, he turned around, and then gradually disappeared into the shadows with Hasward.

The invisible empire, the first invasion of the soul world, is over.



"Old man bald, you lost so badly this time—"

Lin Qiong sat cross-legged on the chair, looked at Yamamoto Shigekuni, who was wrapped in bandages and sitting on the hospital bed, and asked: "Do you really not need the treatment we provide? I guarantee that you will be alive and kicking soon?"

"Compared to such a trivial matter, the old man hopes to get an explanation from you."

Yamamoto Shigekuni looked at Lin Qiong in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Can you fulfill my wish? Lord of Hueco Mundo."

Lin Qiong scratched his head innocently, and said, "Old man, what are you talking about! I don't understand!"

"When the old man was fighting Yuhabach, he told the old man that he had been to the Mao underground prison under the first team building, trying to win Aizen into his command."

Yamamoto Shigekuni ignored Lin Qiong's pretending to be stupid, but looked at him calmly, and said, "Can you tell me why Yuhabach's cognition is so wrong?"

"This is not a shocking secret. It's okay to tell the old man. Thousands of years ago, Yuhabach was defeated by the old man, but he didn't die at that time. He just lost his heartbeat, consciousness and strength."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, then showed a recalling expression, and said: "In the Quincy community, there is such a legend that the sealed Quincy King spent 900 years to regain his heartbeat and 90 years to regain his consciousness. , regained strength in 9 years—Old man, you should understand who you are referring to, right?"

Shigekuni Yamamoto nodded silently.

"Yuhabach's ability is all-knowing and omnipotent, so before he completely regains his power and can move freely, he uses this ability to observe the world."

Lin Qiong leaned back in his chair, looked at Shigekuni Yamamoto who was silent in front of him, and continued: "This also gives us an opportunity to take advantage of it—before his strength returns to its peak, we can use specific means to Misleading the results of his observations..."

Having said that, Lin Qiong raised his hand to pick up the apple in the fruit basket, wiped it with his clothes, took a big bite, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it: "For example, in Juhabach's understanding , Castle of the Sky has never existed from the beginning to the end, and most of the ten blades of the virtual circle died in the decisive battle in Karakura Town that year——As for Aizen, after he was defeated by Kurosaki Ichigo, he was killed He was imprisoned in the Mao underground prison."

By the way, the power to shield Juhabach's omniscience and omniscience is provided by the alpaca, and the masks used by the Guardian Shield are weakened versions of the shielding devices reproduced by Miss Know-it-All.

Shigekuni Yamamoto was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Lin Qiong, and asked, "From what Your Excellency Qiong said just now, you seem to have known about the existence of Yuhabach very early—at least before the decisive battle in Karakura Town. Yeah?"

"That's right! Sky City has been on guard against the existence of this Quincy King from the very beginning! He is far more harmful to this world than Aizen."

Lin Qiong began to lie without blinking his eyes, "Actually, I also thought about whether I should tell you in advance, but I don't think the stubborn old man will listen, and maybe he will think that I am scaremongering and shaking the morale of the army."

Shan sauce: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, then sighed, and said, "Your Excellency Qiong is right! It is the old man's stubbornness that caused the current situation."

Lin Qiong lowered his head subtly and continued to nibble on the apple - he couldn't accept this, and it was not easy to accept, so he let the old man speak for himself.

"Your Excellency Qiong, I am very grateful to Xu Quan for helping the Soul Realm during this incident of the Quincy's invasion."

Mr. Yamamoto lowered his head slowly, expressing his gratitude to Lin Qiong, but just when he was about to raise his head to continue speaking, Lin Qiong raised his hand to stop him.

"I said, old man, are you planning to say something like 'The battle between the Shinigami and the Quincy has nothing to do with Hueco Mundo, please don't interfere'? I think you don't understand the dangers of Yhwach at all" Sex!”

Lin Qiong looked at Shanjiang with a face of "how did you know I was going to say that", and complained: "His purpose is to replace the Spirit King as the only god in this world, and then completely destroy the soul world, the world and the virtual circle, Constructing a new world—did you hear me? Among his goals of destruction, there is my virtual circle, how could I stand by in this battle?"

"Ah this..."

After the old man heard Yuhabach's purpose, he immediately showed a shocked expression - he thought that Yuhabach was at most trying to avenge his revenge thousands of years ago, but he didn't expect the other party's plan to be so big?

But there is one thing to say, if Yhwach is really ready to destroy the three realms, then he really has no position to stop Hueco Mundo from joining the battle - because at this time Yhwach has become the common enemy of the three realms.

Chapter 0466 Oh, go to hell

Although the first official invasion of the Soul Realm by the Invisible Empire only lasted about half an hour, the damage to Seilingting Court was huge—under the protection of the captain and the rapid support of Sky City, the number of casualties was overwhelming. Not very serious, but it will take at least three years for the damaged buildings to be rebuilt.

"Oh, I didn't expect to lose so badly."

Sitting on the floor of the team building, Jingle Chunshui touched his right eye, and said with some lingering fear: "The enemy's strength is really terrifying! If I hadn't reacted a little faster, I'm afraid I would have been shot in the head .”

He originally lost his right eye and ear, but under the treatment of Inoue Orihime, the lost organs have been restored to their original state.

"Sorry, captains—"

Sparrow Minister Jiro, who was revived by Lin Qiong, knelt on the ground, put his head on the floor, and said in a deep voice: "Because of my incompetence, I sent a wrong message, which led to the current result."

"Vice Captain Sparrow, you don't have to."

Kuchiki Byakuya lowered his eyelids, and said in a deep voice, "Using the swastika in front of the enemy is our own judgment! The result will naturally have to be borne by us."

"Captain Kuchiki is right. We used the swastika after we heard the news from you."

Hitsugaya Toshiro shook his head with a feeling of loss, and said softly: "In other words, when we used the swastika, we were already mentally prepared that the swastika would be sealed—but what we didn't expect was that, The other party is not sealing the swastika, but taking away the swastika."

"Okay, okay, the most important thing now is the sharing of information, not the review meeting—"

Lin Qiong, who was sitting next to Shanjiang, clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention, and said, "If you want to hold a review meeting, let's wait until you defeat Yuhabach, and then everyone will review themselves slowly."

"Haha, Aqiong is right! Vice-captain of the Que Department, now is not the time for self-examination."

Standing up, Jingle Shunsui helped Sparrow Minister Jiro up with a smile, and said softly: "We still have a tough battle to fight."

"The question now is how to solve the means by which the other party can take away the swastika."

Hirako Mako tapped her knee with her hands a little irritably, and said, "If we can't use the swastika, the battle situation will be quite unfavorable to us."

“If it’s about this matter, we in Sky City are already conducting research!”

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and said, "According to the information provided by the captains, the Quincy captured the swastikas of the captains through a metal emblem, and it just so happened that our sky city captured a Quincy. Among the trophies he got, there are unused and blank coats of arms."

"Huh, Ah Qiong is still as reliable as ever."

A Sanjing breathed a sigh of relief, and said with some expectation: "It would be great if I can find a way to crack it! When I get back the swastika, I must beat that nasty big man out of shit!"

"Wait for me! Mr. Qiong, can you answer a little question for me?"

At this moment, Nie Yuli walked in front of Lin Qiong very gloomyly, stared into his eyes, and said with an extremely unhappy face: "Can you tell me, who is studying that coat of arms in your sky city?" ?”

"Uh, this is..."

Lin Qiong (intentionally exposed) looked away guiltily, and said in an erratic tone: "Well, this is an enthusiastic and highly skilled researcher who does not want to be named."



"The researcher's name!"

"Uh, this..."

"Say it!!"

For some reason, the aura exuded by Nie Yuli at this moment even surprised the captain next to him.

"Uh, it goes without saying? He's just a grocery store owner who doesn't want to be named!"

"Is that Kisuke Urahara?"


"is not it!"

Lin Qiong nodded embarrassingly, and said, "Well, it is indeed him."

"Why! No! Find! Me!"

Nie Shuli's expression became distorted. He grabbed Lin Qiong's collar and said sternly: "I am the director of the Technology Development Bureau. Do you have any dissatisfaction with my technology!? Yes?!"

At this time, Nirvana Mayuri was like Nobuyuki Sugo who saw Ito Makoto lying in Sawagoshi's arms, wishing to pull out the chainsaw from his crotch and start a massacre.

"No, no, why am I dissatisfied with Captain Nie's skills?"

Lin Qiong raised his hands innocently, and said: "The main reason is that Captain Nie is from the Soul Realm. It would be somewhat inappropriate to stay in the Void Circle for research, right?"

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