"Then you can send the coat of arms to the Soul Realm... Forget it."

Nie Yuli was halfway through speaking, and then loosened Lin Qiong's collar without hesitation, and said to himself with a gloomy face: "After that bastard obtained the actual coat of arms, the research difficulty must be lower than mine. I can't waste any more time here!"

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly left the meeting room, leaving Lin Qiong and the other twelve captains looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Ahem, this, cough, this style of behavior is very, very in line with Captain Nie's character."

After Ukitake Shishiro coughed hard a few times, he said with a weak face, "Compared to this, Your Excellency Qiong, let's start sharing information."

"Captain Ukitake is right."

Kuchiki Byakuya was as cold as a materialized Hirinmaru, and he whispered, "The most important thing now is to share information, find out the enemy's weaknesses, and then..."

He clenched his fist and said word by word: "...revenge!"

Shame, so shameful!

As long as Kuchiki Byakuya thinks that he was defeated by Quincy without any resistance, he will feel deeply ashamed and angry - what's more, his embarrassing scene was actually seen by Feizhen!

in the riverNot in the river!

Can you bear it?Can't bear it!

Revenge, must be revenge!

"The captain is right!"

Abarai Renji angrily hammered the floor beneath him, then gritted his teeth and said, "That hateful big man! If I take back the swastika, I will kill him to pieces with a baboon bone cannon!" !"

Hitsugaya Toshiro also said harsh words: "That steel bastard! I must use Hyōrinmaru to completely freeze the water in his body!"

"Okay, okay, I know that the captains who have taken away the swastika are very angry, but please calm down a little bit."

Chief Jingle Chunshui let out a breath, and reminded in a low voice: "After all, your Excellency, the most irritable captain, hasn't spoken yet."

Hearing what the leader of the Beijing band said, the captains who were aggrieved after being taken away from the band came to their senses—yes, the head leader was not only robbed of the swastika, but also recruited a big fake monkey!

How angry is this?

Shan sauce: "..."

He was quite okay at first, with only a trace of heavy heart, but after Jingle Chunshui's words came out, there was a triple jump at that time-this dog disciple didn't open any pot, right?

Do I still need you to emphasize my embarrassing record again and again?Is it itchy again recently?

Seemingly sensing the faint murderous intent of Old Man Shan, Jingle Chunshui immediately cast a look of begging for help at Lin Qiong——

Good brother raise your hand, I will treat you to drink flower wine next time!

"Ahem, then let me announce the information I have collected so far!"

After Lin Qiong received the message from Jingle Chunshui, he coughed lightly and said, "First of all, the real identity of the invisible empire that attacked the Soul Realm this time is Quincy, and the Majesty they are talking about is Yuhabach... …”

After Lin Qiong told all the information that can be revealed so far, the expressions of the captains were obviously much more serious than before.

"In short, until Kisuke Urahara deciphers the reason why the Quincy took away the Swastika ability, I hope all the captains can stay calm."

Lin Qiongqiu glanced at the captains in front of him, and said seriously: "Once you find a way to crack it, it's time for a counterattack!"

"If the enemy forces attack again during this period, the god of death who has mastered the swastika is absolutely forbidden to use the swastika!"

Old Man Shan poked the floor with a flowing blade like fire, and said in a deep voice, "The meeting is over!"




Eighth squad.

"Thanks, Aqiong."

Kyōraku Shunshui sat next to Lin Qiong, holding a glass of wine in his hand, and said with emotion: "If there was no assistance from Sky City this time, the entire Soul Society would have suffered heavy losses."

"Hey, you don't know how many times I thank you."

Lin Qiong waved his hands indifferently, and said, "There's no need to deal with this! After all, I still understand the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold."

"It's a pity that you don't drink alcohol, otherwise I will specify to drink a few bottles with you."

Kyoraku Shunsui smiled, drank the wine into his mouth, then fell down on the corridor, looked at the ceiling and murmured: "There are too many things happening these days, right? The Aizen incident has just ended, and there is no peace. Two years later, the Quincy invasion happened - shouldn't you have started again after finishing the Quincy, Aqiong?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He held a squid tentacle in his mouth, looked at Kyōraku Shunsui with a blank expression, and said, "What kind of state of mind are you in to say such a thing?"

"Because Aizen is the god of death, right? It's the Quincy who made trouble this time, right?"

Kyōraku Shunsui smiled and raised his fingers, "According to the order, it should be Xu's turn to cause trouble next, right?"

"Hiss, what you said makes sense."

Lin Qiong touched his chin, and said in a serious manner: "Okay! It's decided! After the Intangible Empire is resolved, I will start a war between the virtual circle and the world of souls - Jie Jie, I will kidnap all the female gods of death !"

Jingle Chunshui: "..."

He hesitated for a few seconds and reminded: "Um, Ah Qiong, many of the female Death Gods currently serving are old ladies - do you want to kidnap these too?"

Lin Qiong: Σ( ° △ °|||)

He coughed dryly twice, and said, "That won't work, we only kidnap young and beautiful ones—Jie Jie, such as Nanao Ise!"

Jingle Chunshui couldn't help but sat up, put his arms around Lin Qiong's shoulders, and said in a low voice, "If I jump back and join the virtual circle now, can I let Xiao Nanao wear JK after kidnapping her?"

Lin Qiong gave Jingle Chunshui a thumbs up: "JK plus pantyhose!"

Jingraku Shunshui also gave a thumbs up: "Aqiong, you are my half-brother!"

Nanao Ise, who was preparing snacks for the two of them: "..."

She looked at the snacks and snacks in her hand, and silently took out a tube of mustard from her pocket.

Hehe, go to hell!

Chapter 0467 Arrival of Team Zero

The realm of shadows.

Invisible Empire.

"Hiss, hiss—"

Ma Si Ke rubbed his red and blue face, and said cursingly: "That nasty guy! If it wasn't for taking away the swastika and making it impossible for me to use up the holy body, I must not have as good juice as him."

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Bambietta, who has the most irritable personality, stomped his feet again and again, and said incompetently and furiously: "That hateful blind man! If my old lady's complete holy body can be used, I will definitely blow you to pieces!!"

"Me too."

The dark-skinned fat man——Pepe—rubbed his face and said sullenly: "If I can finish using the Eucharist, I must let that skeleton feel it, my love!!"

Compared with the noisy three, Cangdu, Ace, and Nain next to them were much quieter—they were quietly treating their wounds like wounded beasts.

"You guys, why are you in such a mess??"

At this time, Robert of the holy text N (network jump) on the side—that is, the elderly man who took the right eye and ear of Jingle Shunsui with a gunshot—looked at his companion who was in a panic, and couldn't help frowning Asked softly: "Why did you make it like this when you took away the team leader's swastika?"

"It seems that you are different from us, you have not encountered enemy reinforcements"

Cangdu glanced at Robert coldly, and said with a displeased face: "Xingzhang can only take away the Swastika of a captain, and it will also prevent us from using up the holy body, so facing the reinforcements who have mastered the Swastika , I suffered a little bit at a disadvantage when I was not familiar with the swastika of taking it away."

"Hmph, to put it bluntly, I still don't have enough strength."

Gerald of Holy Text M (Miracle) leaned against the pillar, looked at his companions who were beaten up by Hueco Mundo's reinforcements, curled his lips and said, "If I were the one dispatched this time, I would never be in such a mess."

"What did you say!? Wabi"

Bambietta immediately looked at Gerald furiously, and shouted: "Do you have the guts to say what you just said again?"

Gerald glanced at Bambietta, and said with disdain: "You can say it as many times as you want! If it's dispatched..."


At this moment, with the sound of footsteps, Yu Gelan's figure appeared in front of the members. He glanced indifferently at the members of the Knights in the hall, and said: "This time, the members who will follow His Majesty to attack the Soul Realm Come out, His Majesty wants to see you."

Bambietta, Pepe, Cangdu and others looked at each other and followed them silently.


before the throne.

Yuhabach looked at the six members kneeling below, grinned and said, "I heard the report, it seems that you all suffered a lot from this attack on the Soul Society."

The six members knelt on the ground tremblingly, not even daring to take a breath. They didn't have the vigor of fighting in the hall before—especially Bambietta, who was about to urinate at this time.

"Tell me one by one, what's going on."

Juhabach tapped the throne's deputy lightly with his fingers, and said, "Let's start with Ace."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Ace Noether of Holy Text·F (Fear) stood up, took a step forward and then knelt down on one knee again, lowering his head and said: "In this operation, I successfully took away Kuchiki, the captain of the Sixth Division of the Soul World." Bai Zai's swastika, but when I was about to kill him..."

After Ace Noether finished his narration, Yuhabach asked Masco to tell the story by name, followed by Cangdu, Bambietta...

After the six Star Cross Knights reported the battle situation, Yuhabach waved them away from the throne like a ruthless scumbag.

"Huge Lan—"

Yhwach looked at the leader of his knights, narrowed his eyes and said, "Have you heard the information they reported? Do you have any clues?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, according to their narration, the supporters of the soul world seem to have died in the second, third and tenth blades in the decisive battle of Karakura Town, but..."

Yu Gelan bowed slightly to report, but he frowned halfway through the speech, "However, according to His Majesty's ability, more than half of the ten blades in Xuquan should have been killed or injured, and Pomian can't master the Swastika of Death." ..."

Weird, weird, weird.

"The analysis is good, my leader."

Yuhabach grinned, rubbed his chin, squinted and said: "It seems that the background of Soul Soul World has exceeded our expectations."

Yu Gelan: "Your Majesty, do you want to adjust the battle plan?"

"It's okay! It's just a few gods of death who have mastered the swastika! Just let the members of the other knights take away their swastikas in the next attack, and they won't be afraid—"

Yuhabach waved his hand casually, and said, "The only thing that worries me now is those special fighters——Yu Gelan, report their situation."

Yu Gelan nodded and replied: "Yes! First of all, Kurosaki Ichigo, according to Kirujie's report..."



Soul Realm.

"What, what, what is written here?"

Lin Qiong looked at Shanjiang who was sitting behind the desk holding the letter motionless, and couldn't help but said, "Is this a glimpse of ten thousand years or something? Could it be that your first love wrote you a love letter, telling you that April is yours?" Pancreas, we still don't know how fast the cherry blossoms fell that day?"

Do you understand what a master of tricks is?Do you understand the gold content of the four stalks in one sentence? (Tactical back.jpg

Shan Jiang raised his head and glanced at Lin Qiong, and said in a deep voice, "They are coming."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He tilted his head and said, "Who? Who? Da Lie Da? Devil man?"

Shan Jiang ignored Lin Qiong's trickery, but put the letter paper on the table, and said in a deep voice, "Squad Zero!"

"Oh wow-"

Lin Qiong couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and then looked at the letter paper on the table.

The translation of the above words is——

Under the order of the Reiwang, let Suho, Ichimaru Gin, Kuchiki Byakuya, Asai Renji, Hakumura Sajin, Hitsugaya Toshiro, and Kurosaki Ichigo go to the Reiwang Palace for special training.

Lin Qiong squinted his eyes, because he found that in the letter written by Team Zero to Shan Jiang, it mentioned the invasion of the Quincy Division, and mentioned that they knew that the captains had been captured and raised. When they arrived at Seireitei, they suffered heavy losses...

However, there was no mention of Xuquan's support, the existence of Sky City, or Lin Qiong's existence.

'Is it because I didn't mention it on purpose and ignored Hueco Mundo's role...'

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