'Or, is a certain existence deliberately concealing our existence? '

Lin Qiong raised his head, glanced meaningfully at the direction of the sky, and a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

'If it's the latter, it seems that King Ling has his own thoughts. '



Soul world, the outskirts.

Lin Qiong sat cross-legged on the ground, with a jack-of-all-trades cat hat on his head, looked at the Tianzhu chariot descending from the sky, and said, "Oh, my lord, Team Zero is here—"

Know-it-all Maomao glanced at the five members of Team Zero, and said, "Well, the strength of Team Zero has indeed surpassed the limit of the god of death. It's just that it's still within our grasp."

"Oh? In other words, if the monk can be crushed to death by Wang Zha, the other four are not to be feared?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and said flatteredly: "In this case, apart from that mysterious Spirit King, this world is no longer something to be afraid of~"

"Hmph, of course! After all, the Spirit Race is the work we are most proud of since our travels!"

Know-it-all Maomao chuckled, and then focused on the communication between Team Zero and Team Goutei [-], and said: "Next, let's see if the adults of Team Zero know about the existence of Sky Castle. It's-"


"Yo! Ha!"

Accompanied by a loud cry, Tianshiro Qilin Temple, who was carrying a large flag and combed the pointed nose of the plane, said with a domineering and cool look: "Hey, hey, hey! Come on! Let's come! The big shots of Team Zero have arrived! Little ones, why don’t you come to see me? Hahahaha—”

Kurosaki Ichigo: "..."

The corners of his eyes twitched a few times, and then silently clenched his fists.

Originally, he was happily staying in the sky city for training, but he was called to the virtual circle by a phone call. Before he could catch his breath, he was pulled over to meet some big shot from the Zero Division...

In the end, why do you feel that you are more funny than the members of Sky City?

'No, you can't say that, the young master should be funny than the ceiling—well, probably at the level of the moonless form. '

Kurosaki Ichigo glanced at the five members of Team Zero——

Walking in the front is a fat monk with a bald head and a beard;

Next to it is a female tank with purple hair and an even bigger body shape;

Behind him is the bad boy with the head of the plane;

Behind it is the RAP brother with an explosive head;

At the end is the tall and cold black-haired Yujie.

'Why does it feel that only the last sister Yu is a normal person. '

Kurosaki Ichigo rubbed his forehead, and then watched blankly as the members of Team Zero found their old acquaintances and started chatting——

The aircraft head approached Uzhi Hualie, and at this time he was using the hooked aircraft nose in front of him to hook the back of Uzhihualie's head—are you really afraid of being beaten by Sister Hua?She is so fierce now that she can chase Rogia with a smile on her face;

The fat aunt with purple hair slapped Mako Hirako on the back of the head, then laughed and asked about Hiyori's whereabouts - by the way, you are not afraid of slapping Mako Hirako's wig off, revealing the fact that he is bald. ?

"I said, the captains of Team Zero—"

Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't help but scratched his head, and then said a little speechlessly: "It's fine if you call the captain of the Gotei Thirteen Team, why even call me over? I don't seem to be the Gotei Thirteen Team member? Should it be considered an outsider?"

"Hahahaha, what are you talking about! Kurosaki boy! You are the proxy god of death in the soul world, of course you are one of your own!"

The monk crossed his arms and let out a hearty laugh like a hero: "Besides, you are the strongest trump card to defeat Yuhabach—it's just that your current strength is still a little short!"

Chapter 0468 - Spirit King's Response


After hearing what the monk said, everyone present showed a look of astonishment, as if they didn't expect him to say such a thing.

'Reaper... proxy? '

Shishiro Ukitake glanced at Kurosaki Ichigo with doubts, and thought in his heart: "However, since Kurosaki Ichigo joined the Guardian Shield, he resigned from the position of representing Shinigami. '

However, thinking of Lin Qiong's previous instructions, the captains including Shishiro Ukitake exchanged glances, and chose to watch their noses, noses, noses, and hearts - there is no way, the cannibalism of the mouth is soft, and this group of captains Eating and taking, naturally it can only be short and soft.

Compared with the members of Gotei Thirteen, Kurosaki Ichigo was even more confused.

What is this fat monk talking about, why can't I understand?You have the guts to make Juhabach stand in front of me now, and you can see if I cut him or not, it's over!

Although he wanted to complain, but considering his young master's orders, Kurosaki Ichigo could only pretend to be full of fighting spirit and confident in his own strength, and said, "Hey? So, you are very strong?"

"Hahaha, very dynamic question!"

The monk seemed to be amused by Ichigo's question, he raised his hand with a big laugh, patted Kurosaki Ichigo's shoulder lightly, and said kindly: "Actually, we are just a little bit stronger than you by hundreds of millions. That's all!"


The next moment, the captains of the thirteenth team of the court all showed shocked expressions.

'Gang, what just happened? '

A drop of cold sweat slid down Sapphire's forehead to her chin, "When did he appear behind Kurosaki Ichigo?"Why did I not react until he spoke? '

'It's so fast...'

Ichimaru Gin opened his eyes in surprise, just like when he saw Rankiku Naiko for the first time, "With this speed, even if my sharp gun can hit him, I can't lock him, as expected It's Team Zero. '

Kuchiki Byakuya also quietly clenched his hands.

As a little facial paralyzed who was once ravaged by Shun Shen Yayi with Shunpo, he thinks that Shunpo's attainments are not shallow, but now...

Can't see it, can't see it at all!

In the entire Thirteenth Guarding Team, Shanjiang is the only one who can barely catch a trace of a monk, but if you want him to react, it is probably impossible.

"Worthy of being a member of Team Zero, Shunpo's speed has already surpassed many members with golden patterns, but..."

Kurosaki Ichigo glanced at the hand on his shoulder, curled his lips with disdain in his heart, "Compared with the guardians, his speed is still too slow. '

Kurosaki Ichigo can swear by his good brother in this life - Ishida Uryu - that he can't find paper in the toilet in the next ten years. He can completely pat him on the shoulder before the monk's hand Then he grabbed his wrist with his backhand, and then gave him a gorgeous over-the-shoulder throw.

Come play, play, play, don't pat me on the shoulder!

Although, it still needs to be installed.


Kurosaki Ichigo seemed to be frightened, he turned around quickly, and then looked at the monk behind him who was laughing so hard that he couldn't beat him, and asked, "You, when did you run behind me? Of!? Just now you were still..."

"Hahahaha! Boy Kurosaki, do you know our strength now?"

After seeing the monk pretending to be a wave, Kirinji Tenshiro at the head of the plane came to the back of Kurosaki Ichigo with a shunpo, warmly hugging his shoulders, and said handsomely: "Don't worry! !Train with us for a while, and make sure you fight those Quincies as if you were playing!"

"It's like playing with them when I beat them now—"

Kurosaki Ichigo thought in his heart, "The speed of this aircraft head is so much slower than the fat monk, why is he still so arrogant?" '

He really, really, really seemed to poke his jet head off his forehead!


Immediately afterwards, the brown-skinned rap brother—Etsu Nimeiya—put his arms around Kurosaki Ichigo’s shoulder from the other side, and said with a face like a middle school boy returning to primary school outfit 13: “Don’t be scared To our Ichigo la! hahaha—"

And the way of speaking is so weird!

'Patience, patience—'

The corner of Kurosaki Ichigo's mouth was twitching crazily. He now felt that this Zero Division team seemed to be renamed "Freak Gathering Place" - why are they all freaks?Isn't there a normal person?

"How? Kurosaki Ichigo——"

At this time, the black-haired sister who was judged by Kurosaki Ichigo as "the only person in the whole field" - Shutara Senjumaru - looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with a reserved and elegant smile on her face , asked: "After seeing the strength of Team Zero, are you willing to practice with us?"

'Honestly, I'd rather not—'

Kurosaki Ichigo stared at a pair of dead fish eyes, and thought helplessly: "I feel that I don't even need to use the Holy Swastika, and I can kill five in and five out in Team Zero." '

Why five in and five out?Because there are only five people in the Zero Division team, five rounds will kill them all.

But, please, endure, endure!

Kurosaki Ichigo endured the surging desire to complain in his heart, tried to put on a cautious expression, and asked: "If I train with you, can I also reach your level?"

"a ha ha ha--"

The head of the plane laughed and patted Kurosaki Isshin's vest, then bit the wooden stick in his mouth with a face full of enthusiasm, and said, "Young people, don't be too ambitious! If you want to surpass us, you are still far behind! "

"That's right yo! Still work hard yo!"

On the other hand, the afro shook his finger with a grimace, and said, "You are still far behind!"


Well, think, hit, them!

"You say I'm the trump card against Juhabach, and you say I'm still far from reaching your level."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the members of Team Zero in front of him with a dark face, and said speechlessly: "In this case, why don't you just deal with Yuhabach?"

"Kurosaki is right!"

Suifeng also looked at the members of the Zero Division with some displeasure, and said, "Since Kurosaki is still far behind, why don't you directly deal with Yuhabach?"

After these people appeared on the stage, they acted like seniors, and they talked and acted like a fool. Why do they really treat themselves as uncles, right?

"Hey, little girl, did you make a mistake?"

The head of the aircraft stretched out his hand to hold Suifeng's shoulder with a speechless expression, and said in his ear: "The duty of our Zero Division is to guard the Soul King, and the duty of your Guarding Team Thirteen is to guard the Sei Lingting. ——If Yuhabach endangers the Soul King, then we will naturally take action, but now he only destroys Seireitei, so you should be responsible for the battle, understand?"

'Sure enough, I can't react at all...'

Broken Bee gritted her teeth, then forcefully pulled her wrist out of the hand of the aircraft head... pulled... pulled...

"You let go!"


After the plane's head let go of her hand, Suihou rubbed her wrist with her left hand with a flat chest and a flat face, and then walked out of the queue without saying a word - it seemed that she was ready to go to the Soul King Palace to practice.

Seeing that Broken Bee was convinced by himself, the head of the plane suddenly shrugged his shoulders towards the others indifferently, and said, "Okay, captains, do you have any questions?"

"My lords, I have a little problem! Why are only a few of us able to accept your special training?"

Bo Cunzuo raised his right hand and said in a deep voice, "If special training is required, wouldn't it be better for all members to do special training together?"

"Because your swastikas have been taken away, if you don't hurry up and train, it may be difficult to defeat the next enemy."

The monk crossed his arms, then looked at the big dog with a look of foolishness, and said, "As for why not all the staff train together—you—you have all gone to the special training, so who will guard the Lingling Court?"


The big dog blushed dryly and coughed twice, then walked to Suifeng's side without making a sound - I won't say anything, I'm waiting for training!Next time I'll slash that bomb girl!

"So, do the rest of you have any questions?"

The monk tilted his head and asked kindly: "If there are no more, then we are ready to go!"



"It seems that Mr. Ling Wang didn't convey all the information to the monk—"

Lin Qiong said to the jack-of-all-trades cat hat on his head, "In other words, Mr. Ling Wang should have seen something from us that can change his current situation?"

"After all, if there is no choice, who would be willing to be a stick?"

The know-it-all cat hat chuckled, followed Lin Qiong's gaze to look at the Lingwang Palace above her head, and said, "But, from this point of view, it seems that we and Mr. Lingwang can have a good chat."

After Miss Wanshitong said these words, Lin Qiong clearly felt a gaze without any malice, which was unabashedly falling on himself and Wanshitong Maomao.

"Yes, yes, I feel it, Mr. Lingwang! May I ask if we can touch you to meet you when Yuhabach attacks the Lingwang Palace?"

Lin Qiong raised his head with a smile, waved his hand in the direction of the line of sight, and said, "If you can, please look away."

After half a second, the line of sight left.

"It seems that I agree~"

The know-it-all cat patted Lin Qiong's neck with its tail and said, "Since Mr. Ling Wang is willing to cooperate with us, the next thing will be much easier."

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