"Okay! Now that everything is done, let's go home!"

Lin Qiong turned around and opened the black cavity leading to the virtual circle. Before entering, he waved his hand in the air and said, "Then, see you soon, Mr. Lingwang."

A glance swept over Lin Qiong, and then disappeared quickly, as if it was just responding to Lin Qiong.

Chapter 0469 Cat Training Plan

virtual circle.

Castle in the Sky.


"Tsk tsk, Alan, you are really a hardworking old bee—"

Lin Qiong sat cross-legged on the sofa, pinching a dream dragon with his left hand, and stroking the smooth hair of the all-hands-on cat with his right hand, and said delicately: "Could it be that you started researching after you came back from the world of souls?"

"Hey, hey, young master, you can't selectively ignore my existence—"

The store manager who had already taken off his hat and put it aside looked at Lin Qiong with an innocent face and said, "You are just here eating snacks and petting cats like a jungler. Why do you still take credit for it?"

"Hey, Manager Urahara, you really misunderstood me!"

Lin Qiong looked at Urahara Kisuke with a heartbroken expression, and said, "Why would I agree to tie you to a tree and give you a white thunderbolt just because of the 'photograph of Master Yeda's childhood' promised by Miss Broken Bee? "

Kisuke Urahara: Σ( ° △ °|||)

With a flick of his right hand, the test tube in his hand fell to the ground.

However, at this time, he had already ignored the unimportant test tube, and instead hugged Lin Qiong's thigh with a fierce tiger, and said with a dry smile, "Master, you must be joking with me, right?"

Lin Qiong took a bite of the popsicle, then chewed silently.

Sweat, streaming down.

Urahara Kisuke's excited heart and trembling hands: "Young Master, you must be joking with me... right?"

Lin Qiong swallowed what was in his mouth, and then showed a meaningful smile.

Sweat dripped down.

Kisuke Urahara suddenly jumped up from Lin Qiong's legs, then appeared at the window with a whoosh, grabbed the black cat basking in the sun and appeared in front of Lin Qiong with a whoosh, and raised his face solemnly. He picked up the Yeyi cat in his hand, and said with a smile: "Oh, master, I'll give you Mr. Yeyi, so you can let me go, okay?"

"It's just a few steps, you actually used Shunpo..."

The corners of Lin Qiong's mouth twitched as he looked at Kisuke Urahara, who was holding Yeichi Maomao—how should I put it, the store manager at this time was like the kind of street vendor selling his own Dali Wan, which is easy to use, as long as one is needed, seven pills a night It's not like being tired for the first time.

He's a bit naughty and wants to beat him.

Ye Yimaomao: It doesn't matter, I will make a move!

"You idiot!"

The next moment, Yoichi Maomao struggled and jumped out of Urahara Kisuke's hand, and within half a second, completed a series of steps of "twisting waist, turning around, raising hands, claws, scratching" in mid-air—— In the end, that little cat's paw landed on Kisuke Urahara's face.


With a scream, Kisuke Urahara squatted on the ground covering his face, and said in pain, "Ye Yi-san, the attack just now was too much!"

"Is your behavior not excessive?"

Ye Yi landed on the coffee table with a black line on his face, then stared at Kisuke Urahara with unkind eyes, and said, "Why do you involve me in the conflict between you and Suifeng?"

"Hey, hey, this is too irresponsible, isn't it?"

Kisuke Urahara healed the scratches on his face with Huidao, and complained: "I don't believe you don't know why Suifeng is hostile to me! No matter what you think, it's your fault, right?"

"Yeyi is just a cat, what evil can a cat have?"

Ye Yi Maomao showed an innocent expression, and licked his cat's paw skillfully, and said: "Mao Mao doesn't know about the question you mentioned!"

"As expected of the willful Ye Yi-san."

Urahara Kisuke opened his fan with a smile, then looked at Lin Qiong with a regretful face, and said, "Master, I brought Maomao for you, but whether you can rua Maomao depends on your own means." Aww."

Aizen, who was recording the experimental data, glanced at Kisuke Urahara, then shook his head silently: "Idiot, how dare you question Qiong-kun's method of taming animals!" '

"Oh? That is to say, if I can tame Miss Yeyi, I can have two cats at the same time?"

Lin Qiong rubbed his chin, and then looked expectantly at Sifengyuan Yeyi in cat form who was licking his paws on the coffee table—Don’t tell me, Yeyi’s cat form is really a very beautiful black cat. The cat, with its curvaceous body, smooth and shiny hair and big yellow eyes...

Damn, I want to masturbate!

"Don't even think about it!"

As if sensing Lin Qiong's coveting gaze, Ye Yimao arched his back and issued a warning voice: "We won't let others touch us so easily!"

Super fierce!

'Gee, things seem to be going in an interesting direction—'

Urahara Kisuke covered his face with a fan with a smile, and followed the development of the situation with eyes full of expectation and gloating—an experiment?What test?Why don't Aizen just leave it there?Just look back at the experimental data!

"Ye Yisang, my cat-handling technique is superb!"

Lin Qiong raised his hands, moved ten fingers in mid-air, and said handsomely: "This is a cosmic-level cat-handling technique taught by the jack-of-all-trades personally and seriously!"

By the way, Lin Qiong's above statement was not an exaggeration, but Ye Yi Maomao didn't understand it.

"You think I'm stupid?"

Ye Yimao squinted at Lin Qiong, then turned his head, and said with a haughty face, "We won't let anyone rua!"

This is the pride of cats!

"Hmph, to deal with this kind of arrogant cat, I need to use my secret weapon that must kill!"

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand and groped in his bosom for a while, then lifted him up with a proud face, and said loudly: "Delicious fried small fish made specially by Erina!"


The moment the dried fish appeared, Ye Yi Maomao's head turned towards Lin Qiong's right hand bit by bit and unswervingly, as if it felt a magnetic field.

"Suck yo-"

The next moment, an extremely obvious sound of sucking saliva came from Ye Yi Maomao's mouth.


With a smirk on his face, Lin Qiong put the dried fish in his hand in front of Ye Yimao, gently shaking it from side to side, and said seductively: "Ye Yijiang, do you want to eat it? Let me touch it and eat it Enough!"

"Don't, don't try to tempt us! Suck—"

Yeyi's eyes moved left and right following the swing of the small dried fish in Lin Qiong's hand, and he said firmly, "We, we won't be tempted by this kind of sucking, low-handed tricks!"

Your eyes almost popped out of your sockets, and you still insist that you haven't been tempted?

Yoruichi-chan, you can lie to your brother, but don’t lie to yourself!

"Really, really, really-"

Lin Qiong deliberately made a voice full of temptation, and dangled the small fish in front of Yeyi's nose in an extremely vicious manner, "Do you really want to eat it?"


Yeyi's voice gradually became hollow, and she didn't even know what she was talking about—at this moment, only the small dried fish dangling in front of her was left in Yeyi's sight. Things are gradually going away.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore.


Accompanied by a lovely cry, Yeyi bit the crispy dried fish one by one, and then held the dried fish with both hands and gnawed happily.

Why, there will be, such delicious, dried fish!


Seeing that Ye Yi was completely obsessed with Xiao Yugan, Lin Qiong let out a cat slave's unique laughter, and then secretly stretched out his hand to Ye Yi in front of him, "Since Ye Yijiang ate my little fish. Dried fish, then you are my cat!"

As a result, Lin Qiong underestimated Ye Yi's cheekiness, and also underestimated the wild cat's aggressiveness and vigilance.


Accompanied by a shrill meow, Ye Yi bit into the dried fish while staring at Lin Qiong's hand warily - others refused to admit it even after they had finished eating it, and she started to refuse it before she even finished eating it. She is truly an extraordinary scumbag.

"Hey hey hey hey!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Qiong suddenly complained a little unsteadily, "You still have my small dried fish in your mouth, and you are about to start scratching me? Can you stop being such a scumbag!"

"Oh ho ho ho~ Master Qiong! If you want to touch Ye Yisang, it's not that simple~"

Urahara Kisuke saw Lin Qiong deflated, and immediately let out a smug laugh, "Yoichi-san is a woman who has brought the cat's willfulness to the extreme, and she can't be tamed by a small dried fish~"

Arch the fire and gloat!

As expected of you, clog hat.


Yeyi Maomao also waved its little paw very cooperatively, as if expressing the meaning of "look at me again, and I'll drink you up".

"Hey, my stubborn temper!"

Lin Qiong rolled up his sleeves at that time, and then said with a beard and staring eyes: "Master, I have to rua to see you, a wayward black cat today! Jie Jie, I want you to change into my shape, and I will never leave you again." Open my hand!"

The know-it-all cat lying on Lin Qiong's lap: "..."

Our dear Mr. Qiong, your speech is very problematic!

Hearing Lin Qiong's declaration, the clogs and hats immediately applauded cheerfully, like the most dedicated cheerleaders: "Oh oh oh! As expected of the young master, what a handsome declaration! Come on, come on!"

As for Ye Yimao who was "in the center of the vortex", he turned around with a "hum", pointed his butt at Lin Qiong, and flicked his tail disdainfully.

With the dried fish in hand, I have it all in the world!

I have a firm belief and stick to the bottom line, I can still be rua by you! ?

I, Sifengyuan Yeyi, the former patriarch of the majestic Sifengyuan clan, and the former captain of the second team, can I let you rua casually?

This is my dignity as a cat!

'At this time, there is no need to rush——'

Lin Qiong slowly picked up the hot cocoa in front of him, blew on the hot air, took a sip, and then squinted at Ye Yi Maomao who was happily tasting the dried fish, "Now Ye Yi eats She feels so good, tempting her with dried fish will have no effect, so...'

So, of course, I have to wait for her to finish eating, and then have a withdrawal reaction. She lays on the table and wails, "Little dried fish, I want small dried fish, I will die without small dried fish", and then take out her big one. Baby!

Jie Jie Jie!

Chapter 0470 Sifengyuan cats and cats tangled

The small dried fish that Lin Qiong took out were not big, so even if Ye Yimao "eat sparingly" and "chewed slowly", he quickly ate up all of it.

"Lick, lick -"

After eating, Ye Yi reluctantly licked his paws with his tongue, licking away the smell of dried fish sticking to his paws.

'about there--'

Seeing this scene, Lin Qiong narrowed his eyes, then raised his right hand in an extremely exaggerated movement, and slowly put it into his pocket under the gaze of Yoruichi and Urahara Kisuke.

"Hmph, although the dried fish is delicious, I won't bow my head easily—"

Ye Yi squinted at Lin Qiong, then proudly raised his cat's head, making up his mind that he must turn a blind eye to Lin Qiong's temptation later, and be a cat with integrity, dignity, and self-control cat!

As a result, Lin Qiong dismissed her!

Lin Qiong smiled and handed the new dried fish, which was twice as big as the one handed to Yeyi just now, to the know-it-all cat, and said in a petting voice: "Would you like to eat the small fish?" Dried fish~"

Miss Know-It-All: "..."

She glanced at Lin Qiong, and realized that this kid had regarded herself as a tool to hook up with wild cats, so she immediately stretched out her dead tail angrily, and patted the back of Lin Qiong's hand lightly.

Bad!Worthy of being our host!

She opened her mouth gently, then stretched out her head and bit the small dried fish in Lin Qiong's hand, and then ate it with relish, making Yeyi Maomao, who was lying on the coffee table, widen her eyes.

No, aren't you planning on robbing me? ?Then shouldn’t you give me your little dried fish? ?

Ye Yi opened his mouth blankly, watching Miss Wanshitong happily eating dried fish and enjoying Lin Qiong's body massage, he couldn't help thinking sourly: "Hmph!You have no feline virtue, and you actually sold your body for human men to play with in exchange for dried fish!I will never go along with such despicable things! '

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