Thinking of this, she turned her head away with a "hum", and put on a high-minded look - but, her movements of glancing at the know-it-all cat from time to time still exposed her Cha Lemon's psychology at a glance.

"Hum, don't eat—"

After gnawing half of the dried fish, Maomao lazily pushed the dried fish forward and said, "The part with the best taste has been eaten, and I don't want to eat the rest."

Ye Yi: "!?"

At this time, she was completely shocked: "Wang Defa! ?What did my wife hear?The place with the best taste is gone, so don't eat the rest?Is this what the fuck a cat said? ? '

Please, she just ate all the dried fish—even chewed and swallowed the fish bones—but you turned around and told me that you only ate the part of the fish with the best taste! ?

Is there such a luxury in this world?

For a moment, Ye Yi Maomao, whose world view was shocked, froze on the coffee table, as if she were looking at a fish stone - what kind of family could let her say such a thing?The gap between cats is really bigger than that between humans and dogs!

Immediately afterwards, Yoruichi saw something that made her pupils tremble——

After hearing what Know-It-All Maomao said, Lin Qiong actually reached out and took the dried fish she handed back, and then... then he actually threw the remaining half of the dried fish into the trash can! !

No!Don't be reckless! ! !

Honorie! !

Just when Ye Yi almost couldn't help stepping on Shunpo to snatch the fish, Mao Mao, the know-it-all, made a move.

She stretched out her cat's paw and grabbed Lin Qiong's sleeve, and said, "There's no need to throw it away! It's too wasteful, save it for stray cats to eat later."

One cat at night: Σ( ° △ °|||)

She looked at Lin Qiong in a daze, then at the know-it-all cat, and then stared suspiciously at the coffee table in front of her, lost in thought.

what did i hear?

What am I seeing?

What happened to this?

I am Nima!

"You're right."

During Ye Yimao emo, Lin Qiongxin happily put the small dried fish (residual) back into his pocket, then took out another small dried fish (new), and put it in the know-it-all cat cat With a smile on his lips, he said: "I remember that Yami has a dog? Give it to eat later."

Yoichi Cat: ヽ(Д)ノ

'Give me something to eat——'

She almost yelled like this spinelessly, but in the end she suppressed this desire with great willpower.

'I always feel that if I yell that sentence, I will lose my dignity as a human being! '

Yeyi Maomao showed a painful expression. She held her head with her hands, revealing Wukong's movements when he was being chanted by the master.

Woo, Kulusi!

"Yiichi like this is so interesting—"

Kisuke Urahara looked at this scene with both surprise and regret. The surprise was naturally to see Yoruichi whom he had never seen before, but unfortunately he regretted that he didn't bring a camera, so he couldn't capture Yoruichi's reaction at this time, so that he could relive it later.

'What a pity, what a pity! '

Kisuke Urahara showed a heartbroken expression. It felt as if you had obtained a ticket to Two-dimensional and could go to Two-dimensional to enjoy a beautiful life. However, due to the new crown, you had to be quarantined at home, so the ticket expired. It was as heartbreaking as that.

'Onolie! '

Urahara Kisuke was very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, but at this moment, he suddenly saw Lin Qiong winking at him desperately.

Kisuke Urahara: "?"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and pointed to the corner of the room.

Urahara Kisuke turned his head to look over, and then suddenly showed a surprised expression - he saw it, photo!picture!head!

Could it be that.Could it be that!Could it be that?

He looked at Lin Qiong in surprise.

Lin Qiong gave him a thumbs up sassyly and nodded.

Urahara Kisuke quickly showed a flattering expression, and raised his right index finger, indicating that Lin Qiong's giegie is the best, so why don't you copy it for others?

Lin Qiong made a "completely O98 Bang Bang K" gesture.

Urahara Kisuke raised Lin Qiong's status in his heart to T0 without hesitation, and wrote him a note——

This person can get along with me, he is my good half-brother!

Aizen who was busy recording the experimental data: "..."

He pushed his eyes silently, then shook his head: "Kisuke Urahara, you let me down so much!"I didn't expect you to be influenced by Aqiong so easily!It seems that in this world, I am the only one who can stick to my heart in front of Qiongjun—”

The master is lonely!


At this time, Yeyi in Sifengyuan was almost numb.

She watched helplessly as the white cat who sold himself for fish ate six small dried fish in a row—and it was the kind that only ate the most essence and the best taste.

Envy, jealousy and hatred alone are not enough to describe Sifengyuan Yeyi's mood at this time, she can't wait to slap the table and shout: "A catty of pears! You are too extravagant!"

However, what qualifications and position does she have to talk about Lin Qiong?

In Sifengyuan Maomao's notes, Lin Qiong took out the seventh Xiaoyu Brother You, and then handed it to the mouth of the all-knowing cat, but this time the all-knowing cat chose to refuse: "I'm full. I don’t want to eat it! Give it to the black cat over there, her saliva is almost flooding the laboratory.”

"Who, who is drooling! Who is greedy!"

Maomao in Sifengyuan took a deep breath subconsciously, and then said in an unreasonable and confident manner: "I am the original owner of the Sifengyuan family, and I have never eaten anything delicious! I will greedy you for a small Dried fish!"

Lin Qiong handed out the dried fish and asked, "Then can you eat it?"

The cat from Sifengyuan replied instantly: "Eat!"


Lin Qiong, Maomao, Master of Everything, and Kisuke Urahara all squinted at this Maomao who didn't even hesitate.

She poked her neck and said, "I'm just saving food! I've taken out everything, what a waste if I don't eat it?"

Urahara Kisuke thought for a while, and said weakly from the side: "Yoichi-san, let's say is there a possibility, that is, if you don't eat it, can the dried fish be put back?"


Shifouin Yoruichi glared at Urahara Kisuke in embarrassment and fierceness. The look was so sharp that Urahara Kisuke subconsciously shuddered, then made a zipper movement on his mouth, and offered a A flattering smile.

Otherwise, he was worried that Sifengyuan Yeyi would sneak into his bedroom tonight, and then while he was sleeping, he would turn on the instant coax and hit his crotch with a fierce tiger kick.

"Ahem! This little dried fish has been taken out, it has come into contact with the air, it is not clean!"

Sifengyuan Yoruichi turned his head and said seriously: "So I can only reluctantly eat it for you! It's really just reluctant!"

When you gnawed on that little dried fish just now, that's not what you meant.

Lin Qiong squeezed the dried fish in his palm and played with it, then looked at the cats in Sifengyuan with a smile on his face, and said, "It's not impossible to feed Ye Yijiang, but..."

"Don't even think about it!"

Sifengyuan Maomao refused straight away: "We are not such casual cats!"

Want to buy us off with just a piece of dried fish?Give up!

"Oh, that's a pity."

Lin Qiong sighed, then casually threw the small dried fish to Maomao in Sifengyuan, and said, "Fortunately, I have a know-it-all cat, so I can lick her as much as I want."

Sifengyuan Maomao: "?"

Although, after I rejected you, you didn't regret it at all, which made me feel that I was not taken seriously at all, okay?

Sifengyuan Maomao thought to herself, while picking up the dried fish, but before eating, she thought of a serious question that was related to her face.

'I just ate it all like I did just now. '

'Or like her, just the best part? '

'If I eat them all, will I be looked down upon by a white cat who only eats the best parts?So do I lose as a cat? '

'However, it would be a pity to eat only part of it, right?I don't want to be like her, there are so many small dried fish that can support such a luxurious way of eating. '

'But, damn it, it's so tangled! '

At this time, Maomao in Sifengyuan became in the same mood as her favorite ball of wool.

Chapter 0471 Aizen: Do you want to see hell?

Sifengyuan Maomao lay on the coffee table, staring at the small dried fish exuding an attractive fragrance, and fell into a deep entanglement.

Lin Qiong was stroking the know-it-all cat lying on his lap with his left hand. He was holding his cell phone with his right hand and reading the light novels stored in it. He didn't seem to be bothered at all because he couldn't touch the cat of Sifengyuan.

Kisuke Urahara looked at Maomao, and then at Lin Qiong. After realizing that he would not be able to see the fun in a short time, he smacked his lips in pity, then walked to Aizen's side, and opened the experimental data recorded by the other party. , looked at it - of course, this kind of fun behavior of fishing naturally aroused Aizen's contemptuous eyes.

I, Alan, a model worker, make money!

"As expected of our host, as stable as Mount Tai~"

Know-it-all Maomao enjoys Lin Qiong's superb cat stroking techniques that reach the first level in the universe, and said happily: "It seems that you still understand the saying 'I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry'!" '

'That is!Don't even look at who taught me? '

Lin Qiong conveyed a proud emotion and said triumphantly: "The cat in Sifengyuan is in the [sage state] after just eating dried fish. Although the dried fish at this time is tempting to her, But not enough! '

'So, we need to hang her out for a while, so that she will miss it more and become more greedy because she can't eat the dried fish, right? '

The know-it-all cat quietly scratched the back of Lin Qiong's hand with its tail, and said with a wicked smile: "You are so bad!"I like it so much~'

'Ahem, it's not bad!This is called cat taming method! '

Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, and said, "Please call me a cat taming expert!" '

The Know-It-All Cat thought for a while and said: 'So the Cat from the Four Maple Gardens is Toothless, and I am the light evil? '

'No no no, I don't want you Lily! '

Lin Qiong shook his head hastily, interrupting the spellcasting of the know-it-all cat: "You are all my cats!" '

'The scumbag made a speech! '

'Where is the scumbag? '

'It's like a cat who bought expensive canned cat food that he usually wouldn't buy to feed cat coffee, but found that the other party was tired of eating, so he took it back to feed his own cat. '

'What you said seems to make sense, but I won't go to a cat cafe, okay?Because the cats in my house are a hundred times cuter than those in cat cafes! '

'Hmph, you can talk! '

Know-it-all Mao Mao stretched comfortably, and then closed his eyes.

Delicious small dried fish fills the stomach;

A skilled host is giving a massage;

The temperature of the laboratory is also just right.

Could it be that there is a more perfect nap time than this time?

Maybe, but right now, the timing is perfect.



'It's completely eaten——'

Lin Qiong watched the cats in Sifengyuan eating with a smile.

At first, she wanted to be like a know-it-all cat, eating only the most essential parts in a reserved and elegant manner, but when she realized it, she had already eaten a whole piece of dried fish—— The kind that didn't even let go of the crumbs that fell on the coffee table.

'Jie Jie——'

Looking at this scene, Lin Qiong whispered in his heart, "Maomao Sifengyuan, you are now in the shape of a small fish!"Hehehe, I want to see how long you can bear it! '


While Lin Qiong was observing the movements of the cats in Sifengyuan, his attention was immediately attracted to the test bench with a cheer from Kisuke Urahara.

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