Lin Qiong put the jack-of-all-trades who was awakened by Urahara Kisuke's cheers on the sofa, then walked behind the two of them, and asked, "Is the badge analysis successful?"

"That's right! We have already understood the reason why the Quincy took away the Swastika! It can only be said... a very bold idea!"

Urahara Kisuke raised his head and looked at Lin Qiong. Through his joyful eyes, Lin Qiong seemed to be able to feel his joyful heart because he had overcome the problem, "Next, we only need to reverse the deduction, and we can It's easy to find a way to crack it!"

Lin Qiong blinked and thought: "It's a different solution from the original book——"

He remembered that in the original book, Kisuke Urahara got inspiration from "the swastika that the Quincy couldn't take away Kurosaki Ichigo", and then came to the conclusion that "the spiritual pressure of the void is very poisonous to the Quincy" In conclusion, the "Shadow Invasion Medicine" that "mixes part of the virtual spiritual pressure into the swastika" was invented to break the Quincy Master's method of taking away the swastika.

However, in this world line, because of Aizen's intervention, he seems to have cracked the secret of Xingzhang from another angle?

'Well, it doesn't matter!Anyway, it’s good to solve the Xingzhang—”

Lin Qiong supported Urahara Kisuke's chair, and said curiously: "According to the current progress, how long will it take to invent the 'vaccine'? The Quincy may launch a second official attack at any time, and it will be bad if it is too late." gone."

"No matter how overtime you work, it will take about a day—"

Kisuke Urahara frowned, and then said worriedly: "The calculation of the data is second. The main reason is that the reverse operation of the Reiatsu requires very delicate operations, so we can only do it slowly."

"Hehe, Kisuke Urahara, your current vision makes me feel ridiculous—"

At this time, after hearing Kisuke Urahara's words, Alan pushed his glasses indifferently, and then let out a chuckle: "Is this level of Reiatsu operation "fine" in your eyes?"

Kisuke Urahara: "?"

He looked at Aizen in a daze, then tapped his head with a folding fan, thinking a little distressed where he had offended this old man.

no wow!

I didn't stuff firecrackers in the toilet when he went to the toilet;

Nor did he sprinkle tickle powder on his underwear while he was in the shower;

I haven't added chili essence to his soup when he eats.

So why is he hostile to me?

Urahara Kisuke thought for a while, then hammered his palm, and said with a smile on his face: "Ex-captain Aizen, are you jealous that I'm more handsome than you?"

Aizen: "?"

He couldn't help but summoned his own Kyoka Shuigetsu, and said, "Kisuke Urahara, I'll give you another chance to reorganize your language—you don't want to see a bunny girl wearing fishnet stockings doing a pole dance in front of you, right?" ?”

Lin Qiong: Σ( 侉° △ °|||)

He widened his eyes, and couldn't help asking: "Then, that, Ah Lan, where did you learn to use the mirror like this?"

Is it my illusion?I feel she is crying!She was lamenting that the way she used it was not like this!

"Qianjun, have you forgotten?"

Aizan pushed his glasses with a smile on his face, but for some reason, his reflective lenses made people feel terrified: "During the decisive battle in Karakura Town, you once said something similar to the captains of the soul world. if……"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He tilted his head to recall, then realized that was what happened in Chapter 388.

Looking at Lin Qiong's stunned eyes, Lan Ran couldn't help showing a refined smile, and said, "Thanks to the reminder from Lord Qiong, I realized that there is still such a way to use my magic mirror."

Lin Qiong couldn't help looking at Hua Shuiyue again, he always felt that if the Huashuiyue in the mirror was sobbing just now, then it is now two arc-shaped jet tears.

Miserable · Flower in the Mirror and Moon in Water · Miserable.

Lin Qiong glanced at Kisuke Urahara, who was looking at himself with sad eyes, and conveyed the message "So the culprit is you", he couldn't help but suck his teeth.

"Ahem, it was just an accident."

Lin Qiong said with a subtle expression, "I didn't expect that Alan would really accept my proposal!"

Ah Lan, Ah Lan, why did you become so unscrupulous?Which bastard made you like this! ?Give me back that hairspray, Alan, who no one loves, stands in the sky, and is invincible!

"In general reason—"

Aizen calmly picked up the water glass next to him, took a sip of the 82-year-old boiled water gracefully, and said, "This method of using the mirror in the mirror is not very glorious, but the effect is outstanding."

Kisuke Urahara: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, then rubbed his head and said, "That's true."

To be reasonable, if he suddenly saw the scene that Aizen just described when he was fighting the enemy for [-] rounds, he would definitely spit out a mouthful of old blood with a "wow", and then wished to snap out his eyeballs as glass beads .


Seeing Kisuke Urahara agreeing with what he said, Aizen smiled at him and said, "Are you going to cherish this opportunity to organize the language?"


Urahara Kisuke rubbed his hands with a smile, and then said enthusiastically: "Oh! Captain Aizenhara is saying that there is no chance, why can't I understand? Wow, Mr. Aizen is so handsome! It's me He's completely unmatched in handsomeness, I'm so envious—"

Lin Qiong grabbed his throat with both hands and made a retching expression.

Even Aizen has the expression of a subway old man's mobile phone.jpg, he never thought that Kisuke Urahara, who can compete with him in intelligence, would be such an unscrupulous guy.

Careless, no flash.

"Ahem, alright, alright! Let's stop this matter for the time being—afterwards, you can discuss slowly, whether it's the pole dance with Hishitsusai, or the striptease with Yamamoto Motoryuzai."

Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, interrupted Kisuke Urahara's "heart-wrenching performance", and asked, "In short, I will leave the operation of Reiatsu to Alan! Try to make the vaccine in the shortest possible time, is that okay?"

"No problem! Lord Qiong, you can rest assured."

A domineering and unparalleled smile appeared on the corner of Lan Ran's mouth, and he said softly: "We are invincible in front of us! Cricket Quincy, you can suppress it with just a few gestures!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Look at what you said, those who don't know think you are the leader of Sky City, and I am the weak-spirited little follower who follows you and is worried all day long!

The more you think, the more angry you are!

Lin Qiong: "Next time you squat in the pit, I will throw twenty thousand whips into your pit!"

Aizen: "?"

I'm destroying other people's morale and raising my own prestige, why are you blowing me up?

Are you both sick again?

Chapter 0472 Questions

Kisuke Urahara is deriving the program of Xingzhang in reverse to develop a vaccine.

At the same time, he was holding back a laugh.

Aizen Soyousuke was performing precise Reiatsu operations on Urahara Kisuke with a dark face.

At the same time, he has cat ears on his head.

It's a pity that Chu Sentao went back with the captains to support because of the attack on the soul world (after all, she is the vice-captain), otherwise she would definitely hold her heart and show a peaceful expression when she saw this scene.

As for Lin Qiong?

He was admiring the "Record of Cat's Epilepsy" performed by Maomao in Sifengyuan with a gloating face, the essence of which was probably——

(Holding head silently), (Twisting), (Dark crawling), (Rolling) The following is a little...

"At this time, the reaction of the cats and cats in Sifengyuan fully proved to us, when a woman has a pig addiction but cannot eat delicious food, what kind of reaction is she?"

Lin Qiong crossed his legs, gently stroked the soft white hair of the know-it-all cat in his arms, and said, "I have to say, this mime has a bit of a show effect, hehehe." '

'You're so bad~'

The know-it-all cat flicked Lin Qiong's arm lightly with its tail with a smile, and then suggested: "Tell me, if you take out other snacks and feed them to me at this time, how will she react?" '

'Good guy, you still call me bad! '

'Hey, I'm bad too!Then do you like me? '

'You are so bad!I really like--'


Lin Qiong's mind echoed the joyous laughter of the know-it-all cat, and then he reached into his pocket and fumbled out a small bag of braised beef.

When he opened the paper bag outside the stewed beef, a scent that seemed to directly impact the soul of the person burst out from the paper bag, filling the entire laboratory in a short moment, making the maddened four Kaedein Maomao and Urahara Kisuke, who was doing the experiment, suddenly fell into a daze.

Miss: Do you understand the gold content of the spice inequality?Tactical back.jpg

"That, that, master—"

Kisuke Urahara turned his head stiffly, and asked tremblingly, "This, that, the one in your hand, what is it?"

"This? The beef jerky I packed in the cafeteria this morning."

Lin Qiong casually squeezed a piece and threw it into his mouth. While chewing, he said, "Ask Alan if you don't believe me."

Kisuke Urahara: "?"

Sifengyuan Maomao: "?"

The two turned their heads and looked at Aizen.

"Today's breakfast menu does have stewed beef."

Aizan recalled it for a while, and then said softly: "But I still eat Japanese food, so I didn't take it."


Kisuke Urahara rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "I mean, is that thing a regular breakfast with you?"


Aizen nodded, and calmly said on the Vernon track: "As long as you can finish eating, you can take as much as you want-in the canteen of Sky City, it's not wrong to be able to eat, but to waste food."

i fuck...

Kisuke Urahara and Maomao of Sifengyuan looked at each other, and they stayed where they were in a daze—at this time, the two of them deeply realized one thing, that is, the difference between this person and the person. Sometimes it is really bigger than people and dogs.

"do you want to eat?"

Lin Qiong handed the stewed beef in his left hand to Kisuke Urahara, and said, "Although the taste has dropped a lot because of the cold, it's still okay to use as a snack?"

Snacks, you call them snacks...

At this time, Kisuke Urahara has a deep understanding of what is called "the unevenness of the world" and what is called "the gap between people".

Anyway, it was quite uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that he lost his appetite.

Lin Qiong asked again: "Why not?"

Kisuke Urahara said, "Yes."

Um?Did I just say something?Illusion!

So, under the gaze of the cats in Sifengyuan, Kisuke Urahara took two slices of beef from the paper bag and stuffed them into his mouth, and then chewed with relish—the point is that this bastard is eating while eating. Food review, I heard Sifengyuan Mao Maoqi was stunned.

'Really, is it really so delicious?Can it be better than the small dried fish just now? '

She subconsciously stood up from the coffee table, then grabbed the hem of Kisuke Urahara's clothes with her cat's claws unsteadily, and said, "Kanhara! Give me a whole piece!"

"Sorry, Miss Yeichi~"

Kisuke Urahara opened the fan in his hand with a snap, and then blocked his gloating face, and said in a regretful voice that he squeezed out with all his might: "This stewed beef is made by Master Qiong." ! If you want to eat, you have to get his permission~"

There is one thing to say, if Lin Qiong hadn't seen Urahara Kisuke's wrinkled expression from the side, he might really be fooled by Urahara Kisuke's tone of voice...


Those present who don't know that Urahara Kisuke is black in his heart! ?He will feel sorry?

Even Kurosaki Ichigo won't believe it!

"You! Think! Do I believe it?"

Sifengyuan Maomao rushed towards Urahara Kisuke angrily, but the store manager with quick eyes and quick hands grabbed the nape of Destiny's neck, and then carried it in mid-air. He could only wave his claws impotently and furiously, shouting : "Let go of me! You kind of let me go! Honorie—"

'I'm not stupid!Let go of you now, I'll just wait for my face to bloom—'

Urahara Kisuke held the cat in his left hand, and gently waved the fan with his right hand, and negotiated, "Yeichi-san! Of course it's okay to let you go, but you are not allowed to attack me!"

Sifengyuan Maomao fell silent, and then let out an innocent "meow".

"It's no use pretending to be cute, huh? I won't let you go unless you promise!"

Urahara Kisuke stared at Sifengyuan Maomao, God knows how many times he was scratched?Cats are full of bad thoughts!

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