"You are such a boring man!"

The cat from Sifengyuan waved his paw angrily and said angrily: "I'll just stop scratching you! Let me go!"

'Crisis averted! '

Kisuke Urahara put the Sifengin cat back on the coffee table cheerfully, and said, "Then, I'll continue working~"

Before leaving, he quietly gave Lin Qiong a look of "Come on"—Come on, Master Qiong!We also want to see the scene where Ye Yi-san is masturbated like a cat!

Lin Qiong immediately saluted him, and silently conveyed a message: 'Leave it to me!I will let you see, see the new world! '

Sifengyuan Maomao: "..."

Are these two people idiots?You must be an idiot!

"Hey, Ye Yichan, do you want to eat? Do you want to eat? Do you want to eat?"

Lin Qiong cheerfully handed the paper bag in front of the cats in Sifengyuan, and said in a seductive voice: "Just give me 5 minutes of masturbation, and I will let you eat enough! If you nod at this time , and a gift pack of ten small dried fish worth 118 yuan, how about it?"

Know-it-all Maomao showed a dumbfounding expression: "Host, what you said just now is exactly the same as the first charge advertisement in the money-for-skin mobile game. '

Lin Qiong chuckled and responded: "But our Sifengyuan cat seems to be very excited!" '

is not that right?

The whole cat's face was wrinkled, as if the angel cat and the demon cat were fighting in her mind——

Demon Cat: That's ten small dried fishes!What's wrong with letting him lick it?Have you forgotten the pain of not being able to eat the dried fish just now?

Angel Cat: Indeed

Devil Cat: You were originally a cat!Cats are born to be masturbated!And there are not only small dried fish, but also braised beef. Are you hesitating about chicken feathers?

Angel Cat: Indeed

Devil Mao Mao: Besides, he said it, just masturbate for 5 minutes! 5 minutes! You can change to such a great thing in 5 minutes, why hesitate?

Angel Cat: The Truth

Sifengyuan Maomao hugged her head vigorously, and roared in her heart: "Angel, what are you doing, Angel!Isn't your role to stop the devil from bewitching me?Why would you be a joke there! '

It hurts, it hurts!It hurts more than 1000-7!It hurts more than spicy Tiansai!

Kisuke Urahara looked on and broke into a cold sweat. He mentally cheered up the cats of Shifengyuan and said: "Yoruichi-san!"Face your inner desires, and then agree to the young master! '

If I send the video of the young master masturbating Ye Yisang to Sufeng later, the object of her hostility will definitely be transferred from me to the young master, and I will be safe by then~~

Fortunately, Sifengyuan Maomao and Lin Qiong didn't know about this guy's sinister intentions, otherwise they would have ordered him to drip spicy No. [-] on his toilet paper.

Aizen: "..."

He withdrew his gaze from Urahara Kisuke, then lowered his head expressionlessly, and continued to work——Urahara Kisuke, the moment the vaccine is developed is the moment you see the pole dancing with Hishitsuzai .

No one can keep you, I said it!


"Just, just 5 minutes!"

Finally, under the joint persuasion of the devil and the angel, the cat from Sifengyuan grinned at Lin Qiong and said, "Just 5 minutes! Not even one more second! And just this once!"

Lin Qiong nodded without hesitation and said, "No problem!"

Sifengyuan Maomao walked to the edge of the coffee table, then looked at Lin Qiong's knees with some hesitation, and reiterated: "I will stop in five minutes. If you dare to continue touching, I will scratch you!"

"No problem! If you say 5 minutes, it will be 5 minutes!"

Lin Qiong smiled and put the know-it-all cat on his lap on the sofa nearby, then patted his free knee and said, "Come on!"

Sifengyuan Maomao gritted its teeth and jumped onto Lin Qiong's knee, then slowly lay down.

"Good guy, are you too nervous?"

After Lin Qiong put his hand on Sifengyuan Maomao's back, he found that the black cat's tense muscles tensed up, so he gently scratched her chin and said, "Come on, put it on." Take it easy! Don't worry, you will feel comfortable soon~"

Know-it-all cat: "..."

Host, what you just said is very problematic!


She took another look at Sifengyuan Maomao lying on Lin Qiong's lap.

Kitten, from today onwards, you will become the host, and you will never be able to leave him again!

Wait, my speech is also very problematic!

Chapter 0473 Ye Yi-sang, please settle the dinner yourself

"Meow ow ow-"

Urahara Kisuke looked at Sifengin Maomao, who was lying in Lin Qiong's arms, making the ultimate clip sound, and his pupils were shocked by the magnitude of the earthquake.

Wang Defa! ?

This is Ye Yi-san! ?

This is that Ye Yi-san! ?

This is not a god of death, nor a face, nor a Quincy! !

To be reasonable, Kisuke Urahara has known Yoichi Sifengin for a long time, but from the first time he saw her, Yoichi Sifengin has always been in his memory that kind of doing whatever he wants, Reckless and unscrupulous "wild cat" character.

'It turns out that this woman can also show such a side! ? '

Kisuke Urahara looked at Yoichi Sifengin, who was happily licking Lin Qiong's finger, and then called "meow meow", and couldn't help opening his mouth wide.

Aizen: "..."

He silently added another sentence to the diary in his heart.

On X, X, X, when Kisuke Urahara was developing the anti-star vaccine, he deserted for the first time beyond count. I will remember this grudge!

Just wait, this time Lingtie Zhai will not only do pole dancing, but he will also wink at you and blow you kisses! !

Ai Ran, the mirror flower and water moon in the sea of ​​soul: "..."

Hey, master, that's not how I use it!

'Oops, it's been 5 minutes -'

Lin Qiong took the time to glance at the wall clock on the wall, and then looked at Sifengyuan Maomao, who was so addicted to massage that he completely forgot the passage of time, and was completely reduced to a plaything in Lin Qiong's hands. Wink!

The second stage, start!

Kisuke Urahara: "!"

Sir! Yes.Sir!

Urahara Kisuke saluted Lin Qiong, then squeezed his throat with his right hand, and coughed twice.

"Oh! Ye Yisang, did you forget to check the time?"

Urahara Kisuke showed a warm smile unique to a businessman, waved the folding fan in his hand cheerfully, and said: "The five minutes are up? Master, you can stop!"

"Oh? So it's been 5 minutes?"

After hearing what Kisuke Urahara said, Lin Qiong suddenly stopped what he was doing with a look of pity on his face, and said to the cats of the Four Feng Yard: "Look, I will stop when I say, and I will never take advantage of you!"

Sifengyuan Maomao: "..."

God knows how much she wants to turn back into a human body now, then activate the instant coax, and give the bastard Kisuke Urahara a set of Urarenka? ?

Asshole!Why do you interrupt him when I'm having a good time being masturbated! ?Can't you just pretend you didn't notice it?

*unspeakable cat screeching*

*Elegant and easy-going vulgar words in the soul world*

After being interrupted by Urahara Kisuke, Sifengyuan Maomao seemed to be stopped by an inch, and her whole body was filled with a sense of irritability, which made her look at Urahara Kisuke even more unkind.

'Whoa, whoa...'

A drop of cold sweat ran down Urahara Kisuke's forehead, he looked at Lin Qiong tremblingly, and sent out a distress signal: "Master!Master, give me a hand!Otherwise, I'm afraid that Ye Yisang will kick me into outer space in the middle of the night! '

Lin Qiong was like a 95-year-old guy who heard his 25-year-old richest man who has no children cough. The corners of his mouth twitched imperceptibly, and then he handed the braised beef and dried fish to the Sifengyuan cat. The cat said with a smile, "Ye Yichan, this is your reward."

Sifengyuan Maomao: "..."

She looked at the beef with its tempting aroma, and then at the dried fish that had fascinated her five minutes ago.

Is it my imagination?I always feel that the temptation of these two things is not as great as before? ?

Yes, damn it!

Suppressing the discomfort in his heart, Sifengyuan Yeyi jumped from Lin Qiong's arms to the coffee table, then sat down gracefully, waiting to see Lin Qiong put the beef and small dried fish in front of him.

"Hey, I only masturbated for 5 minutes. It's such a pity that Sifengyuan Cat Cat feels so good."

Lin Qiong sighed, then took the know-it-all cat back into his arms, and said in a coaxing tone: "Continue to pet our know-it-all cat, okay~~"

The know-it-all cat lay on Lin Qiong's lap without saying a word, then wrapped his tail around his wrist, took his hand and put it on his back.

Don't (No) say (B) words (B), touch (Kiss) me (Me).

Sifengyuan Maomao bit the beef in front of him in small bites, and then looked at Know-it-all Maomao with eyes of three parts envy, envy and jealousy, three parts contempt, and one part hatred.

Damn it, she must have enjoyed being slapped, right?It must be very cool, right? ?

How can it be repaired!

Sifengyuan Maomao immediately turned grief and anger into appetite, took a bite of the beef in front of him aggressively, felt the delicious taste spreading from his mouth, and felt that the discomfort in his heart was healed.

snort!Isn't that just a full body massage?Isn't it just free snacks?I eat and drink well now, so I'm not envious!



With the help of Aizen, Kisuke Urahara completed the development of the vaccine in only three and a half hours.

"As long as it is injected, the Shinigami no longer has to worry about being taken away from his swastika."

Urahara Kisuke put the vaccine in his hand on the table, and said a little tiredly: "The swastika that has been taken away will also return to the original owner's body."

"Thank you for your hard work, but I may have to trouble you to make a few more copies of these vaccines—"

Lin Qiong looked at Urahara Kisuke and Aizen, and said solemnly: "At least we must ensure that every god of death who has mastered the swastika is vaccinated with this vaccine."

"Don't worry, young master."

Urahara Kisuke raised his hands and rubbed his face, then sniffed, and said helplessly, "I know the importance of vaccines, so I won't rest until I'm fully prepared."

Lin Qiong wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes pretending to be moved, and said with a sob: "Mr. Urahara, I have really worked hard for you!"

Urahara Kisuke was also very moved, he said: "Young master, when you say this, wipe the potato chip scum around your mouth to make it more convincing."


Lin Qiong wiped the corners of his mouth, then patted Urahara Kisuke on the shoulder encouragingly, and said: "Come on! After the vaccine is settled, I will give you a whole meal!"


Urahara Kisuke thought of the beef that Lin Qiong shared just now, and couldn't help wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

The grass mud horse is on fire!

'Feast? '

The Sifengyuan cat, who was eating dried fish with his head down, twitched his ears and thought, "May I take this opportunity to have a meal too?" '

Naurahara Kisuke can eat it, but I, Sifengin Yeyi, can't eat it?

Thinking of this, she twisted her uncomfortable body, and happily ate the small dried fish in front of her.



Soon, before evening, a sufficient amount of vaccines were neatly placed in the safe in front of Lin Qiong.

"The quantity should be enough."

Urahara Kisuke breathed a sigh of relief and whispered: "I made it based on the number of Shinigami that I collected in front of me and that have mastered the swastika in Soul Society - of course, in order to prevent accidents from happening, I prepared five more vaccine."

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