"Thanks for your hard work."

Lin Qiong gently closed the safe, and then said to Urahara Kisuke: "It's almost time, let's go have dinner together? After eating, we will send them to Soul Society together."

"Oh, is it the promised feast?"

Urahara Kisuke opened the fan with a smile, and said expectantly, "I've been looking forward to it all afternoon!"

"That's a must! I won't eat in the cafeteria tonight, I'll ask Erina to help you cook!"

Lin Qiong's face was filled with a warm smile, and he said in a slightly smug voice: "Although the craftsmanship of the maids in the cafeteria is also very good, they are far behind Erina - let's go, let's go!" Just go find her!"

So, Lin Qiong walked out of the laboratory swaggeringly with the know-it-all cat on his head, Kisuke Urahara on his left, and Aizen on his right.

Sifengyuan Maomao: "??"

What about me?

She hurriedly jumped off the coffee table, then ran to the door, and yelled "meow" to the three people in the corridor.

"Oops, almost forgot—"

When Urahara Kisuke heard Yoichi Sifuin's cry, he immediately turned around, waved his hand at her, and said loudly, "Yoichi-san! Today's dinner, please settle it yourself!"

Sifengyuan Maomao: "???"

She froze in place, staring blankly at the backs of Lin Qiong and the others as they gradually moved away.

No, I, that...




Lingwang Palace.

Through Shiba Kukaku's "Hana He Cannon", the Tenzhu Chariot carrying the special training personnel and the Zero Squadron was launched back to the Soul King Palace.

"So, isn't there a safer, gentler, means of transportation?"

After walking out of the Tianzhu chariot, A Sanjing Renji immediately supported the wall next to him with a livid face, as if he was about to spit it out at any time.

"Renji, you haven't exercised enough."

Kuchiki Byakuya looked at his vice-captain without changing his face, and said, "Look at the other captains, none of them show such impoliteness like you."

The other captains who were about to complain at this time: "?"

Kuchiki Byakuya, you sixth son!

Do you think we didn't see the way your legs gave way when you came down the stairs?

Zhibi snorted, then stepped on Shunpo and came to Kuchiki Byakuya.

Kuchiki Byakuya:"?"

He lowered his head and glanced at the broken bee who appeared in front of him, the tip of his nose was almost touching the skirt of his clothes, and asked, "Captain broken bee, what do you want?"

"What, what's going on? I was planning to move over there..."

Suifeng showed an unbelievable expression, she turned her head to look at the Tianzhu chariot behind her, then looked at the position behind Aizen, and said with an ugly face: "I made a mistake in judging Shunpo's distance? "


After hearing what Broken Bee said, the expressions of the captains changed.

As we all know, the entry threshold for the second team is the superb Shunpo level!But now the captain of the second team with the highest attainments in Shunpo, would actually make a poor mistake in judging the distance!

This has to make everyone wonder whether this is because of the reason that Suifeng's swastika was taken away, and the...

Worry about whether the same situation has appeared on them.

Chapter 0474

You must know that, except for the special case of Kurosaki Ichigo, the Shinigami who appeared outside the Soul King Palace at this time counted as one, because the swastika was taken away by the Quincy Master, so they had to come to the Soul King Palace to accept the special case. Training.

Since the Broken Bee is (possibly) abnormal because the Swastika was taken away, what about them?Will there be a similar situation?

Just when the expressions of the captains became serious, a burst of hearty laughter came from behind them.

"Hahahaha! Don't get me wrong! This happens to her because the concentration of spirit seeds in the Lingwang Palace is different from the outside world!"

The monk laughed loudly and walked out of the Tianzhu chariot, and said with a kind face: "The concentration of spirit cells in the Spirit King Palace is much higher than that in the outside world, so it is natural that everyone who has just arrived here will not adapt to it. !”

"Spirit, concentration?"

After hearing the monk's prompt, the captains calmed down and sensed the concentration of spirit particles around them.

"Indeed, the concentration of spirit seeds is much higher than that of Seireitei."

Hitsugaya Toshiro shook his fist, frowned slightly and said, "Is this the confidence of Team Zero?"

"Are you kidding, you little brat!"

Kirinji, who appeared behind Hitsugaya, did not hesitate to hit the back of Hitsugaya's head with the nose of his plane, causing Xiao Baiding to lose his balance and roll down from the Tianzhu chariot screaming. "Listen up! The concentration of spirit particles in the Lingwang Palace is higher the closer it is to the central area—that is to say, this place in the outermost area is the place with the lowest concentration of spirit particles in the Lingwang Palace!"

"This level of spirit particle concentration is actually the lowest concentration!?"

Bo Cun Zuozhen widened his eyes in surprise, and he subconsciously asked, "How exaggerated should the highest place be?"

"This ma, it's probably you guys who can't stand up!"

The black rap guy with an afro head—Ermeiwu Wangyue—came over with a sloppy face, and said, "Even breathing will become difficult!"

'Are you kidding me?We are the captain, how could it be possible that the concentration of spiritual particles is too high, so that we can't even breathe...'

Hitsugaya Toshiro showed an expression of dissatisfaction, but he didn't express it directly, but secretly prepared for it—he will definitely show a relaxed attitude in the area with the highest concentration, and come to hit Ermei Yawangyue's Face!

"Okay, okay! Let's talk about gossip later—"

The monk put his hands on his hips and said cheerfully, "Since you have arrived at the Lingwang Palace, there is no need to delay, let's start training now!"

"Oh! Are you finally going to start training?"

A Sanjing Renji's eyes lit up, he moved his shoulders excitedly, and said impatiently: "How should I do it? Running? Or sparring? Or carrying weights? Just let the horse come here!"

"Oh! You kid, you are very energetic!"

The aircraft head with the wooden stick in its mouth showed a playful expression. He patted Asani on the back vigorously, then turned around, ignoring Renji Asai who was coughing desperately behind him because of his slap, Loudly said: "The first part of your special training, I will be in charge of it! Let us together..."

In the comments made by the captains with burning eyes, the aircraft pointed its thumb at the Qilin Temple floating in the air behind it, and said, "...Let's soak in the hot spring!"

Everyone: "Huh?"


Kylin Hall.

"How is it, how is it!? This is the hot spring that I am proud of and proud of!"

Kirin Temple Tenshiro stood beside two hot springs, one white and one red, and said in a proud tone: "Isn't it spectacular? Isn't it handsome? Isn't it amazing!"

"Is this my illusion? Why does this hot spring look familiar to me?"

A Sanjing Renji scratched his face, then showed a subtle expression, and said, "It seems to be quite similar to Yuanyang Guo."


Hitsugaya Toshiro couldn't help but let out a light cough—one thing to say, he also felt that the structure of this hot spring was very similar to the mandarin duck pot that Lin Qiong invited him to eat!

By the way, he usually eats the bottom of a white mushroom soup pot.

Because the red soup was too spicy, he couldn't bear it.

Hitsugaya: Chili is spicy at both ends!

"Mandarin duck, mandarin duck pot?"

The rising momentum of the plane's nose suddenly stagnated, and he walked to the edge of the hot spring in a daze, then stroked his chin, staring blankly at the two-color hot spring in front of him.

'That's bad, now I think the Bone Hell and the Blood Pool Hell look like mandarin duck pots...'

'Fuck, how can I look directly at the work I am proud of in the future? '

Oh shit!Is it possible that I will introduce myself as "I am the man who invented the oldest mandarin duck pot in the soul world" in the future?

Don't do that kind of thing!


Looking at the nose of the plane that was exuding low air pressure and trapped in autism, Bocun Zuozhen couldn't help but coughed hard twice, which attracted his attention, "Well, seniors of Team Zero, can we Start training...uh...soak in the hot spring?"

"...Ah, you are right."

The plane, whose reaction was half a beat slower than usual, came back to his senses. He put the wooden stick in his mouth again, then put his hands on his hips, and said, "Let's start! The first and most important part of the special training is to reborn. !"


After a few minutes.

Under the leadership of the aircraft head, five captains, a deputy captain, and an outsider all entered the hot spring.

"I'm warning you! I'll poke the eyes of anyone who dares to turn around!"

Wrapped in a bath towel and sitting in the corner at the back, Zui Feng stared unfavorably at the men sitting in a row in front of him with their backs to him, and said sternly: "Don't think I'm joking!"

"Don't worry, Captain Broken Bee!"

Bo Cun Zuozhen said with a serious face, "We will never do such a disrespectful behavior!"

Jingle Chunshui, the only one who could do such a thing, was safe because the Xiejie was not taken away and was stationed at Seireitei.

Hearing Sui Feng's words, the aircraft head soaked in the hot spring with an unhappy expression on his face, and thought to himself in his heart, 'Are you still thinking about such things at this time?So saying women are troublesome will only affect my interest in hot springs——'

"That, Senior Qilin Temple."

At this time, Xiaobai, who had hesitated for a long time, raised his hand and asked with a puzzled face, "What do you mean by reborn?"

Hearing Xiaobai's words, the plane's head suddenly became refreshed. He stood up from the hot spring with a "shua", and said happily: "Thief hahaha! What a good question--Okay! Then let kono Qilin Temple Tian Lord Shilang, come and explain it to you carefully!"

Completely ignoring that his smooth butt was completely exposed to everyone's sight, the scene was really eye-catching.

Even a vixen like Ichimaru Gin couldn't help showing a disgusted expression.

"When you train and fight, the fatigue and injuries you have suffered can be healed by returning to the Tao, but they will eventually leave behind some difficult-to-repair residues."

The head of the aircraft crossed his arms and said in a complacent tone: "This kind of residue is often difficult to remove, but who is this uncle? This uncle can be Lord Tianshiro of Kirin Temple—this uncle invented this Hot springs, you can remove all the residues in your body! This is reborn!"

After hearing the explanation from the aircraft head, the eyes of the captains looking at the hot spring below them suddenly became hot-the more militants, the more they understand how important a healthy body is!And now the hot spring I soaked in can actually give the body a reborn treatment?


'That's it? '

Kurosaki Ichigo raised his right hand, looked at the milky white liquid in his palm, and thought with a subtle expression: "I remember that the healing in Sky Castle is all based on the complete recovery technique. Is the answer in Soul World so good?" '

It's so hip!



Mandarin Duck Pot...

I mean the hot springs at Kirin Temple——

White soup can squeeze the spiritual pressure and blood of the soaker. During this process, the residue left by fatigue and injuries in the soaker's body will be discharged along with it.

The red soup can replenish the soaker's spiritual pressure and blood. In this process, the brand new spiritual pressure and blood will make the soaker heal like a new life.

"Oh oh oh!"

After coming out of the red soup and putting on the Death Fighter costume, A Sanjing Renji picked it up on the spot, and then let out a shout like an atavism: "It's amazing! The body can be so relaxed and flexible!"

"Unbelievable! I've never felt any sluggishness in my body before, but now..."

Broken Bee also moved her body in shock, and said to herself: "I actually feel that my body is more flexible than before!"

It's like upgrading from a 15ms network delay to a 5ms network delay.

"It's really easy."

Bocun Zuozhen couldn't help exhaling a breath, and then said with emotion from the bottom of his heart: "As expected of Team Zero, this kind of means is really amazing!"

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