Kurosaki Ichigo: It seems nothing has changed?But this hot spring is quite comfortable.

Unlike the excited captains, Kirin Temple was looking at the much clearer hot springs with a distressed look on his face at this time, crying in his heart: 'Me, my hot springs...'

The operation of everything needs to consume energy, otherwise Lin Qiong's Aincrad would not have to dock in the elf world as a decoration due to lack of energy.

In the same way, the "Yuanyang Hot Spring" that Kirin Temple is proud of relies on the spiritual pressure he pours little by little in daily life - but today's experience directly consumed the spiritual pressure accumulated over the years. A big half.

Do you think he feels distressed or not?

"Okay, okay! Now that the injuries are healed, let's quickly go to the next area!"

Qilin Temple waved his hands angrily and said to others: "Hurry up! God knows when those Quincy will come to attack?"


Accompanied by a uniform voice, everyone ran towards the "transportation device" leading to the next area without hesitation.

Chapter 0475 Ichigo, don't be too complacent, boy

It has been a week since everyone entered the Lingwang Palace for special training.

On the morning of the first day, everyone spent most of the day soaking in the hot springs in the Qilin Hall of the Qilin Temple to get rid of all the dark wounds and diseases in their bodies;

The next morning, everyone went to Hikifune Kiryu's crouching hall, and ate her special dishes, which improved the quality of Reiatsu.

In the afternoon of the next day, everyone went to the Phoenix Palace of Nimaiya Wangyue, and fought against countless Asagi under his instructions to improve their level of running-in with Zanpakutō—By the way, Kurosaki Ichigo jumped After passing this step, head to the next area first.

On the morning of the sixth day, after nearly four days of fighting, everyone who had a new understanding of their Zanpakuto came to Shutara Senjumaru, and she sewed a brand new, tailor-made knife for everyone. A more perfect dead bully outfit.

On the morning of the seventh day, without saying a word, everyone put on the brand-new death costume "made by being naked in front of Shutara and asked her to measure it", and came to the location of Ichibei, the head of the army.


The moment everyone landed on the ground, they collapsed on the open space in front of the hall with pale faces, breathing the air here with all their might.


Hearing the commotion outside, the monk who came out from the hall to check touched his bare head distressedly, and said: "I thought that after the previous adaptation, you can barely move around here! I didn't expect it to be so Is it down?"

When the captains came to the Lingwang Palace, the monk once said that the concentration of spirit particles in the Lingwang Palace is not at the same level as that of the outside world, and the closer to the central area, the higher the concentration of spirit particles will be—the monk is the leader of the zero team , the concentration of spirit particles in his main hall can be said to be second only to the Spirit King Palace in the Spirit King Palace.

The consequences of such a high concentration of spiritual particles appeared in front of the monk at this time, like a scene of "dead corpses everywhere".

"When Kurosaki Ichigo arrived here, he immediately started training alive and kicking. I thought other people could also adapt."

The monk folded his hands on his chest, and said helplessly to the captains who were breathing with all their strength: "Now you can only lie on your stomach here! When you get used to the concentration of spirit particles here, start the real training."

Yes, the previous content - healing, eating, sharpening the knife, changing clothes - can only be regarded as preparations before training, and the real training needs to wait until they get used to the spiritual concentration here before starting.

'Oh, damn it...'

The captains lying on the ground heard the monk's slightly disappointed voice and couldn't help but feel a deep sense of shame.

Broken Bee clenched her fists: 'Are you kidding me!As the captain of the Gotei Thirteenth Team, we are actually no match for Kurosaki Ichigo, a god of death who has become a half-way monk? '

Ichimaru Gin opened his eyes slightly: "Unexpectedly, after Aizen's cultivation and special training in Sky Castle, I couldn't even adapt to the concentration of spiritual particles here. '

Kuchiki Byakuya pursed his lips: "As the head of the Kuchiki family, he is lying on the ground without any image!"What a shame!This is a shame I want to bear in my heart! '

Bo Cunzuo bared his teeth: "What a powerless gesture!"Bocun Zuozhen, how can you protect Seilingting with you lying on the ground like this?How to uphold the justice agreed with Dongsen! '

Hitsugaya gritted his teeth: "Damn it!hateful!How can you just lie here like this?I have sworn that I must protect Tao Zi and never let her get hurt again! '

The monk, who was walking towards the main hall with his back to the captains, seemed to feel the reluctance of the captains behind him, and the corner of the monk's mouth couldn't help showing a smile.

That's it!

Explode in your unwillingness, grow, and become stronger!



Seeing that the monk closed the door of the main hall, Kurosaki Ichigo, who was resting, asked strangely: "What's wrong? Why don't they come in?"

Monk: "..."

How dare you say it!It's all because of you, a little monster, that made me think that these people are used to the concentration of spirit particles in the Lingwang Palace. What happened?Pounced in a row!

What a shame!

"They haven't adapted to the concentration of spiritual particles in my hall, so they are lying outside."

The monk stroked his beard and said helplessly: "It seems that they want to keep up with your training progress, and it will take a while... What are you doing?"

The monk looked at Kurosaki Ichigo who had walked to the gate, and asked with a blank face.

"Of course I went to condolences."

Kurosaki Ichiku opened the door confidently, then ran out joyfully, shouting, "Renji! Byakuya! Toshiro! I heard you're rushing to the street!"

Monk: "..."

He scratched the top of his head with a strange expression, and muttered: "Obviously he looks so old-fashioned when fighting, but he is usually so happy and relaxed, weird, weird!"

"Ichigo, Tieba!"

"Kurosaki Ichigo, don't be complacent!"

"You, you bastard!"

The three people who were named by Kurosaki Ichigo became angry at that time, but they couldn't adapt to the concentration of spirit particles, they could only lie on the ground weakly, enduring the behavior of Kurosaki Ichigo poking them.

'Here, let me wait—'

'After I get used to the concentration of spiritual particles here...'

'Be sure to beat up Kurosaki Ichigo! 'x3



virtual circle.

"Disappointed, so disappointed!"

Lin Qiong sat on the seat, patted the table angrily, and said angrily: "Does Ha Jiang know what he is doing? He is the king of the Quincy, and he is destined to destroy the world of corpses and souls, and then become the final king of the Soul King Palace." Boss! How could he be so slack??"

a week!

It has been a whole week since his last attack on the Soul Realm!

How do you sleep at your age?

"Grandma, thanks to my haste, Xijiang and Lanjiang worked hard to develop the vaccine. What happened?"

Lin Qiong hammered the table in grief, and said: "Ha Jiang! You don't even know how to chase after victory! A leader like you can't make a big deal!"

Urahara Kisuke weakly raised his hand and said, "Well, Master! If I guess correctly, the... uh... Ki-chan you are talking about, is referring to me?"

"Don't you like the title?"

Lin Qiong tilted his head and suggested, "Napu sauce? Original sauce? Or assistant sauce?"

"Why do you have to add the word sauce?"

Kisuke Urahara looked at Lin Qiong with a depressed face, and said, "You can just call me Puhara, I don't mind!"

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "Okay Xijiang, I understand Xijiang."

Kisuke Urahara shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and said to Maomao Sifengin who was lying on the window sill, "Probably, this is invalid communication?"

The cat in Sifengyuan glanced at him, then calmly licked the cat's paw, and said, "Hasn't the vaccine been completed a week ago? Then why don't you go back to the real world, but stay here for a long time?" Walk?"

"Oh! Ye Yisang, that's too much to say!"

Urahara Kisuke opened the fan to cover his face, and said in an aggrieved, innocent and helpless voice: "Could it be that you are willing to eat and drink here every day, and then throw me back to the present world alone to taste Tiezhai's food?" Craft?"

There is one thing to say, that Ling Teizhai has been able to serve as the "head chef" of the Urahara store for so many years, which is enough to prove that his craftsmanship is actually quite good-but how can mortals compare with gods?

Not to mention the eldest lady, even the meals provided by the cafeteria in Sky City are enough to open the distance of about [-] six carts from Lingtiezhai.

Can't go back, can't go back at all!Sorry, Tessai, my stomach is already shaped like a castle in the sky.

"Honestly, if you don't ask me, I haven't thought of this..."

After hearing Urahara Kisuke's "soul questioning", Maomao of Sifengyuan showed a thoughtful expression and murmured: "Now that I think about it, I seem to expect that you won't be able to eat the food here, and then you won't think about food." No, I ended up starving to death at the Urahara store.”

Kisuke Urahara: "!?"

His right hand that was fanning the fan stopped, and then he looked at the cats in Sifengyuan with a daze, and asked, "Ye Yisang!? We must have been friends for a long time, right?"

"It's because of old friends that I know how bad your nature is—"

The Shifengyuan cat stood up, looked at Urahara Kisuke condescendingly and with contempt, and said: "If you are like this, even if you are tied up, hung on a bipolar frame, and then eliminated with the Senju Kaiten It’s not an exaggeration to bombard little Ding Ding!”

"It's impossible! It's really impossible! It's going to die, it's really going to die!"

Urahara Kisuke was so frightened that he couldn't help but look at Lin Qiong tremblingly, and then whispered, "Yeichi-san! Be careful, be careful! Facing this, I really have nothing to do!"

Urahara Kisuke is indeed a very wise and almost demonic character. Even the reason why he was rated as one of the top five special memorandums by Yhwach Bach is because of his endless "means" - but unfortunately, in the face of absolute power in the true sense, All his methods are meaningless.

For now, the only person in the realm world who can suppress Lin Qiong is probably the complete Spirit King - note, it is the complete Spirit King!At this time, the Spiritual King, who was cut into pieces and turned into sticks, could not do anything.

Can't even cook.

"Oh, are you afraid too?"

Seeing Urahara Kisuke's nervous appearance, Maomao of Sifengyuan suddenly showed a playful smile, "The last time I saw your expression like this was when Aizen made a fuzzy time, right?"

"Ahaha, I am also human, so of course I will be afraid."

Urahara Kisuke laughed twice, then looked pitifully at the cats of the Four Maple Gardens, and said: "Yoruichi-san, for the sake of our friendship for so many years, please be noble!"

The Shifengyuan cat thought for a moment, then showed a bright smile to Urahara Kisuke and said, "I don't want it!"

Kisuke Urahara: "Huh?"

Under his dull eyes, the cat in Sifengyuan leaped high, then landed in Lin Qiong's arms, and said coquettishly, "I'll pinch meat balls for you, help me teach Kisuke Urahara a lesson Nasty fellow!"

Kisuke Urahara (Blood and Tears Version);Integrity, the integrity of the Patriarch of Sifeng Courtyard has dropped all over the place! !

Chapter 0476 Ishida Uryu in action

From the behavior of the cats in Sifengyuan, one can know that the relationship between her and Lin Qiong has undergone subtle changes during this week.

To be precise, it was Sifengyuan Maomao who completely abandoned his few morals and became a complete scumbag.

Only when she wants to eat or ask for something from Lin Qiong, will she jump into Lin Qiong's arms, giving full play to her advantages as a cute cat, acting coquettishly and cute in one go.

As for usual?

Hmph, I'm the proud Patriarch of Sifeng Courtyard, don't think you can touch me casually!

To Urahara Kisuke's surprise, the young master of Sky City not only did not show any dissatisfaction in the face of Sifengyuan's cats and cats' disrespectful behavior, but he was also extremely tolerant of Sifengyuan's cats and cats' disgraceful behavior.

Neither Urahara Kisuke nor Sifengyuan Maomao is clear. The reason why Lin Qiong would do this is very simple-Sifengyuan Maomao thought that the initiative was in her hands, but in fact she let Lin Qiong masturbate every time. After that, I will be more addicted to this kind of thing that is so comfortable that jiojio blooms.

Maybe she didn't realize that the time she let Lin Qiong masturbate had unknowingly extended from 5 minutes to 15 minutes.

"My lovely Sifengyuan Cat, I hope that next time you do something like this, you won't communicate with the person involved in front of me——"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and scratched the head of Sifengyuan Maomao, and said dumbfoundedly: "Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to connect your conversation just now with him bullying you."

"Young master, young master is really... perceptive!"

Urahara Kisuke pretended to show tears, then looked at Lin Qiong moved, and said, "If I were a girl, I would definitely marry the young master in return!"


Lin Qiong thought for a few seconds while stroking the soft hair of the Sifengyuan cat, and said, "Why don't I cut it for you?"

Kisuke Urahara's face turned green at that moment.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

The cat from Sifengyuan laughed without hesitation and said gloatingly: "Okay, okay! That's a good idea! Urahara, will you cut it? You and I will be sisters from now on - I've even thought of a name for you, just My name is Kita Kamanhara, how about it?"

"Ye Yisang, you are really unscrupulous in cheating your friends—"

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