Urahara Kisuke wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said with a dry smile: "Well, well, our family is still waiting for me to carry on the family, so we don't think about it... Oops! I forgot, there is a kettle in my room, It would be bad if the toilet was clogged!"

After finishing speaking, he fled towards the door without looking back, making Sifengyuan Maomao, who was held in Lin Qiong's arms, show a look of contempt.

Hmph, spicy chicken!

"By the way, when are you going to touch it?"

After Urahara Kisuke escaped, the Sifengyuan cat immediately showed its true nature. She looked at Lin Qiong who was holding her, and said with a groan: "You don't even want to help me teach that guy Urahara a lesson, and you still touch him like this." I!"

"Oh, what's the matter—"

Lin Qiong hugged Sifengyuan Maomao with his left arm with a smile, then took some fish meat with chopsticks in his right hand and put it in front of her, lowered his head and said, "West Lake Vinegar Fish, do you want to eat?"

Sifengyuan Maomao hesitated for half a second, then opened his mouth with peace of mind, and said, "Let's taste it then!"

Anyway, it's meal time anyway, so let him touch it!

Besides, it's me who is cool!



Go back in time a few days.

Invisible Empire·Ice Palace.

"Next, I will take you to meet the ancestor of all Quincy and our Majesty, Lord Yhwach."

Hasward, who was walking in front, stopped, then turned around to look at the newcomer behind him, and said, "Are you ready?"

"There is nothing to prepare for this kind of thing."

Ishida Uryu, who was wearing the white uniform of the Star Cross Knights, pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose indifferently, and said, "Or should I prepare a gift in advance? What do you think of men's perfume? Or is it more kind to give pajamas. "


Hasward withdrew his gaze, walked forward again, and said, "I hope that after you meet His Majesty, you can still have such a sharp tongue."

Ishida Uryu followed the opponent's footsteps, and said indifferently: "I hope so too."

Following Hasward, Ishida Uryu raised his hand and touched the bracelet on his wrist—it was given to him by Miss Know-it-All, and its function was to cover up the abnormality on his body and let an omniscient and omnipotent annihilator The Master King couldn't perceive the sky city behind him through Ishida Uryu's abnormality.

He still remembered the instructions Lin Qiong gave him before he left: "In the Star Cross Knights, if you want to fish, you can fish! If you want to beat people, beat them! As long as it does not affect Yhwach's plan, you can do whatever you want. How to play."

'You can't even see through the young master's plan, and dare to claim to be omniscient? '

Ishida Uryu put down his right hand, then slightly lowered his eyelids, thinking: "Poor Yuhabach, you don't know the future you see, but the future that the young master wants you to see, right?" '

Under the leadership of Hasward, Ishida Uryu walked into the innermost room and saw Yuhabach sitting on the floating throne.


Yohbach looked at the indifferent person who came in behind Harsward, with a smile on his lips: "Ishida Uryu."

"first meet."

Ishida Uryu suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, controlled his body and knelt on the ground on one knee, and said softly, "Your Majesty Yuhabach."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Seeing Ishida Uryu's appearance at this time, Yuhabach smiled happily. He showed a domineering smile and said, "Very good, my child! You have chosen the right path!"



Ice Palace · Great Hall.

"Star Cross Knights, all members——"

"His Majesty Yuhabach..."


Under the leadership of the remaining 21 Star Cross Knights, hundreds of ordinary Quincies stood upright in the hall, paying high respects to their supreme leader.

Under the admiring gaze of everyone, Yhwach walked to the center of the high platform in front with his head held high, then grinned and said: "Are all the Star Cross Knights here? Very good!"

There was not the slightest noise in the team of hundreds of people, and everyone was quietly waiting for His Majesty's order.

"I have something to convey to you."

Yuhabach turned his head to look at the side door and said, "Come here!"

Ishida Uryu, who was playing with the bracelet with his head down, raised his head when he heard the words, then stepped out of the door indifferently, and came to Yuhabach's side - his behavior made the members of the Quincy below show incredible expressions .

Who is this young man?What qualifications does he have to stand on the same high platform as His Majesty Juhabach? ?

"His name is Ishida Uryu, he is the last Quincy Master who survived in this world."

Yohabach looked at the members of the Knights in the audience and said in an unquestionable tone: "And, I will name him as my successor!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was as if a bomb had exploded in the sky, making the Quincies in the audience feel their brains buzzing.

What did your Majesty just say! ?successor! ?

His Majesty's successor! ?

"Please wait a moment, Your Majesty!!"

The next moment, Buzzby, who was the most irritable, took a step forward and said angrily, "This kind of thing..."


Hasward stretched out his hand to stop Buzzby from speaking, he looked at his childhood sweetheart calmly, and said, "Your Majesty must have deep meaning in doing this."

"You are not allowed to doubt, and there is no need to doubt!"

Yhwach completely ignored the commotion after dinner, and did not even look at Buzby. He said as if he was just giving notice: "He will definitely show his strength in the next battle that will convince everyone!"


after the meeting.

"What the hell is Your Majesty doing!? *dirty Quincy swearword*!"

Buzzby kicked the wall next to him angrily, and then said with a grumpy face, "Why do you appoint a person whose origin is unknown and who has never even heard of it as his successor? Why should he??"

Masco, who snatched the Shebiwan: "Why?"

Nain, who snatched away the bee: "Because it was appointed by His Majesty."

Cangdu who snatched the ice wheel pill: "..."

Looking at the reactions of his companions, Bazbi felt even more anxious.

He stepped on the window sill beside the corridor without hesitation, and then jumped down vigorously.Seeing his movements, Ma Si Ke hurried to the window and shouted: "Hey, Buzzby, what are you going to do?"

"Is there still a need to ask? Of course I have to ask His Majesty for clarification!"

Buzzby landed on the ground, and said with a rebellious face: "In my heart, there is only one person who can become His Majesty's successor—it definitely won't be that eye-eyed boy who appeared out of nowhere!"

After saying that, Buzby turned and ran towards Yhwach's palace, leaving a stunned Masco - he was like a good student in the class who heard that the bad boy was going to spill it into the class teacher's tea. Croton powder is as shocking.

How dare you?Are you so brave?

However, before Buzby could run far, two figures stood in front of him under the gazes of Masco, Nain and Cangdu.

"Hugo, there are newcomers."

Buzzby looked at Ishida Uryu who was beside Yu Gelan, and said with disgust, "What qualifications do you have to be His Majesty's successor? Are you worthy?"

"Hasward, after seeing such a scene, I don't think you should have any reason to stop me?"

Ishida Uryu ignored Buzzby's provocation, but looked at Hasward beside him, and said calmly: "If I don't prove myself, they will question the greatness again and again. His Majesty's wise decision."


Hasward was silent for a few seconds, then said softly: "I understand! Then, do as you said."

Chapter 0477 Duel

Invisible Empire.

Great square.

The area where junior soldiers were usually trained was completely vacated by the members of the Star Cross Knights at this time, leaving it to the two people standing in the center.

St. Text H, Budsby.

Holy Text A, Ishida Uryu.

"This is really interesting—"

Standing on the stands, Bambietta stepped on the railing, moved her fingers excitedly, and said, "I didn't expect Buzzby to meet that newcomer."

"I heard that the newcomer initiated the battle on his own initiative."

The petite Litoto held a snack in his mouth, and said clearly, "Where did he get his confidence?"

"Tsk tsk, an active attack?"

Gadis, who was good at using thunder, grinned and said, "I hope he can survive Buzzby's attack, and then he will have energy left—I'm also itchy."

"Let's just say, is there a possibility..."

Minina, who had pink hair and great strength, said in a low voice, "The loser is Buzzby? After all, Ishida Uryu doesn't look like someone who can't see the difference in strength between the two sides."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" x3



"Don't die later!"

Buzzby moved his fingers, and said with a tyrannical expression: "The position of His Majesty's heir is not so easy to sit in!"

'Can I say that I actually have no interest in this shit heir? '

Ishida Uryu looked at Jiguantou in front of him expressionlessly, and said: "If I lose, I will take the initiative to apply to His Majesty, and hope that he will take it back."


After hearing Ishida Uryu's words, both Buzby and the surrounding Star Cross members showed expressions of astonishment.

"Very good! Hahahaha——"

After Buzzby heard Ishida Uryu's words, he smiled madly: "Then don't blame me for going all out!!"

"But relatively, if you lose, you will also be punished."

Ishida Uryu raised his right hand, gently pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said, "Let's think about it—it's better to shave your head and wear the wig I provided for the next half a month." ,how?"

Buzzby: "..."

The unruly look on his face gradually faded away, replaced by a look of confusion - exm?What did you say?Shave your head and wear the wig you provided? ?

No, this, me, you...

"Why, aren't you afraid?"

Looking at the bewildered Buzzby, Ishida Uryu raised his eyebrows and said, "Arrogant and domineering came to challenge, but are you scared when you hear the punishment?"

"Huh? Scared!? Are you kidding me!?"

Buzzby, who exploded at one o'clock, was on top at that time. He took a step forward, and then roared angrily: "Let the horse come! See how I burned you into coke!!"

"Then, the battle will officially begin."

Seeing that Buzby had taken the bait, Ishida Uryu suddenly had a smile on his face. He took out a coin from his pocket and said softly: "Let's get down to the ground and start fighting. Is that okay?"

Buzzby naturally had no objection: "No problem."

As a result, Ishida Uryu threw the coin in his hand under the gaze of all the Star Cross Knights—this coin, which affected everyone's comments, drew a parabola in midair, and then fell to the ground.

"Kill you instantly, end the battle—"

Buzzby stretched out his right hand with a domineering expression, aimed his index finger at Ishida Uryu, and shouted, "Burning Finger One!"

The blazing flame condensed at his fingertips, and then turned into an orange beam of light and shot straight towards Ishida Uryu's shoulder.

'Shoulders?It looks grumpy, but is it actually measured? '

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