Buzzby pushed away from the room with a look of rage, then took a murderous look at the crowd who were chatting happily and gossiping, and retracted his upper body again.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

This time, hearing the laughter coming from behind him, Buzzby shook the braids hanging on his chest behind his head with a sullen face, and then walked towards his room cursing.

Gan Linniang's Ishida Uryu!Don't be caught by me, or you won't have your juice! !



Yuhabach sat on the throne, looked at Ishida Uryu who was kneeling in front of him on one knee, and asked softly, "I heard that you had a conflict with Buzzby?"

"It's just a small lesson given to him."

Ishida Uryu kept his head down, and said calmly with a trace of reverence: "I am the heir chosen by His Majesty, and if he doubts me, he is questioning His Majesty—this kind of disrespectful thing is absolutely not allowed. !"

"Haha, Ishida Uryu, you did a good job."

Hearing Ishida Uryu's words, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Yhwach's mouth: "From now on, no matter who questions your identity and qualifications, you can prove yourself in this way."

Ishida Uryu said in a firm tone: "I understand! Your Majesty, I will do my best to prove that your vision is correct!"

"Hahaha, my child, you said it very well!"

Seeing Ishida Uryu's attitude at this time, Yuhabach Long Yan Dayue said, "Do you know why I asked you to come here this time?"

Ishida Uryu hesitated for a few seconds, and asked, "Could it be because my subordinate accidentally destroyed a nearby building when he was fighting Buzzby, so..."

"I'm not going to blame you for this kind of thing."

Juhabach shook his head lightly, and stated his purpose: "The Quincy of the Invisible Empire can obtain the special power called 'Holy Text' from me! And I summoned you this time for the purpose of I bestow upon you the Holy Word—"

"Your holy text is the same as mine, ah!"



In Zai Linqiong’s daily cat licking.

On full alert in Soul Society.

In the full cultivation of the Lingwang Palace.

Yulhabach finally regained his power completely.

"The time has come!"

Yuhabach stood on the throne, looked at the 22 (including Ishida Uryu) members of the Star Cross Knights, and hundreds of holy soldiers below, and said loudly: "Today, it is time to attack the world of corpses and souls." Days! Gentlemen, follow me to attack!"



"This feeling of being on tenterhooks all day is really uncomfortable."

The god of death, who was on patrol, complained to his companions with a tired face: "During this period of time, when I was sleeping, I was terrified. Karma."

"Fuck, don't say such horrible things!"

The good engine oil next to him shivered, and said with an uneasy face: "I can't sleep at night when you say that! Fuck, no matter how you think about it, it's scary."

"Le! I can't sleep, why do you sleep?"

Playboy A showed a gloating expression at the time, and said, "Maybe there is a Quincy squatting in your toilet right now, waiting for you to shit, and directly poking your asshole with a hammer!"

"Fuck! You fucking..."

Actor B's whole body felt bad. He stretched out his hands and pinched Actor A's neck, and cursed: "You bitch, can you be a human being? I didn't let you grow up by feeding you shit and piss." You...hey, hey, what's your expression?"

"You, behind you, behind..."

"No, you're not going to tell me that the captain is behind me, are you?"

"Don't be mentally handicapped at a time like this!"

Trooper A hurriedly pulled apart Trooper B's hand, then pulled out his Zanpakutō and shouted loudly: "The Quincy!! The Quincy is coming!!!"

Chapter 0479


In the [-]th squad and the Technology Development Bureau.

A harsh siren sounded in the room, and all the staff looked at the screen in front of them in horror.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

The green-skinned, chubby Bulbulus tapped on the keyboard in front of him with a broken face, and shouted hysterically, "Why did this happen!? Why did Seilingting disappear in front of us!?"

Just like changing the textures of a low-quality online game, the entire Seireitei was replaced by a pure white town in just ten seconds. This change is not just as simple as "changing the map", but also means Many things prepared in advance in Soul Society have become useless.

"Calm down, Bulbulus!"

Deputy Director Akon, who had one or three small horns on the left and right on his forehead, also had an unconcealable anxiety on his face, but he still tried his best to comfort his colleagues around him: "What we have to do now is to detect the Seirei as soon as possible. The reason why Ting disappeared and how to solve this situation!"

"I, I see—"

Bulbulus clenched his teeth, then wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and quickly checked the data on the Lingzi detection device—but, the more he looked at it, the more desperate he felt, because the current data was completely inconsistent with the previous data ! !

It's like fucking time-traveling.

At this moment, a scene that made Bulbul state even more desperate happened—the Technology Development Bureau, which had set up various barriers and deployed various defensive methods, was replaced by a pure white town under their noses.


Bulbulus waved his hands wildly in mid-air, as if he could get back the instruments, screens and equipment that disappeared without a trace.

Ah Jin looked at the panic and said loudly: "Calm down, Bulbulus!"

The big man turned his head to look at Ah Jin, and shouted in panic and collapse: "Calm down, how can you tell me to calm down!? What else can we do now, just tell me!!"

"Of course, you can still die honestly -"

At this moment, a gentle and lazy voice sounded in the empty room, which shocked the members of the Technology Development Bureau.

"You, who are you!?"

Member A's face was covered with cold sweat: "What do you want to do?"


Akon glanced at the colleague who asked the question, and said with hatred: "The pure white uniform, and the familiar spiritual pressure - what is his origin, do you still need to ask?"

"Oh, oh, it's amazing! You can see through my real identity all at once, it's amazing!"

There was a surprised expression on the man's face, he clapped his hands with a smile, and said with a friendly face: "Hey, let me introduce myself, I am a member of the Invisible Empire, a member of the Star Cross Knights, and Yas of the Holy Text [D] Kim Nacroval—Okay, the self-introduction is over, can I trouble you not to resist, so that I can complete the task quickly?"

Just as everyone in the development bureau showed despairing expressions, a strange voice reached everyone's ears.

"Oh my, what an incredible speech—"

An invisible door appeared in mid-air, and when it opened, two jumpsuits that looked fluffy and radiated strong light walked out, "It's too embarrassing for a mere Quincy to speak nonsense in my territory!" Put me in your eyes, right?"

Ah Jin: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Bulbulus: ヽ(Д)ノ

Collection: 0

Everyone stared dumbfounded at Nirvana Yuri who looked like a light bulb in a night light—Captain!Director!What kind of look do you have?

"Wow, it feels like a very troublesome guy has appeared on the stage..."

Askin looked at Nirvana Yuri who appeared on the stage with a strange expression, and muttered, "Is this the kind of clothes that are popular in the soul world now? Sure enough, I don't know much about fashion."

Yazhou: I, I don’t quite understand either!

Ah Jin: Captain, ah, you have misunderstood the taste of the soul world!

"Hmph, do you have any opinion on my dress? Or are you afraid?"

Nirvana narrowed her eyes, showed a sarcastic smile, tilted her head and said: "After all, my dress means that I have seen through your Quincy's method of invading Soul Society - it's a shadow, right? "

"Amazing! As expected of the captain, I can't hide it from you."

Askin clapped his hands, then scratched his hair in distress, and said, "Oh, I'm really not interested in an opponent like you who seems to be troublesome—or, let's pretend that we don't How about seeing each other?"

Nirvana Yuri looked at the other party and asked provocatively, "Does this mean that you are preparing to escape?"

"Ahaha, that's about it."

Yaskin completely ignored Nie Shuli's provocation. He turned around, exposed his undefended back to Nie Shuli, and walked cheerfully towards the door, waving his right hand. Said: "Slip away! Goodbye, Flash Man."

"whispering sound--"

Seeing the back of Askin leaving, Nirvana Yuri curled her lips in disdain, and muttered, "Shining Man? What a tasteless name."

However, he did not prevent Askin from leaving, because at this time he had not collected Askin's spiritual pressure data, and naturally he could not come up with a means to refer to the other party in general.

This is the difference between his and Urahara Kisuke's fighting styles——

Urahara Kisuke is more inclined to "unknown". He will assume various situations that will be encountered in the battle in advance, and then solve them. When fighting him, you will never know what means he will prepare;

Nirvana is more "known". He will collect the target's data in advance, and then make targeted countermeasures. When fighting him, you will find that all your methods have been cracked.


"Hey, why is the big dog I saw last time gone?"

Bombieta stood on the top of a five-storey tube building, looked at the gods of death below with dissatisfaction, and asked, "Where's the big dog? I can't wait to tear him apart with his swastika !”

"Because there's no need for Captain Bocun to deal with a small character like you!"

Tetsuzaemon, who looks like a big brother of the Yakuza, raised the Zanpakuto in his right hand, pointed at Bambiaita with the sword, and said in a cold voice: "The thief who took away Hakumura's captain Shijie, you The opponent is me!"


Bombieta put her right hand flat in front of her eyebrows, looked up and down at the shooting range, waved her hand in disappointment, and said, "You don't even have white feathers on your body, which means you're not the captain at all, right?"

Shooting Field responded: "I am the vice-captain of Team Seven!"

"Vice-captain? No! I don't want to fight with the vice-captain! I'm too weak to be motivated! Hurry up and let the big dog come to see me, otherwise..."

As Bambietta said, he raised his right hand and showed a tyrannical smile, threatening: "I'll blow up all of this place!"

As if to enhance his persuasion, Bambietta also condensed a small ball of spiritual pressure on his fingertips, as if he would throw it to the ground below at any time.

"I'll say it again—"

Shooting Field kept pointing at the Quincy Master, and said loudly: "If you want to see Captain Bocun, pass my level first!"

The smile on Bambietta's face froze, she raised her left hand to press the military cap on her head, then threw the Reiatsu ball in her left hand to the ground below her, and said in a low voice, "Why don't you understand people? What about it? If that’s the case... Let’s all! Destroy! Destroy! Let’s go!”

At this moment, a voice that made Bambietta show a surprised expression came from below.

"Swastika! Solution—"

'Swastika...swastika?Doesn't it mean that only the captain has mastered the swastika?He is obviously a vice-captain...'

Looking at the shooting range below, Bambietta showed a violent smile again, and said excitedly: "Hahahaha! You should say it sooner if you have mastered the swastika! It seems that in the next period of time, you won't feel bored." What—hey, don't die!"

Knights of the Star Cross, holy text [E], Explode (explosion), Bambietta Basta's marriage.


"That kid captain, isn't he here?"

Aangdu looked at Matsumoto Rangiku in front of him and asked with an indifferent expression: "Could it be that after I took away the swastika, he ran into his mother's arms alone, crying with snot all over his face?"

"You guy, how dare you say—"

Matsumoto Ranju looked at Cangdu in front of him unkindly, and said with a sneer, "It's a pity, you guessed wrong! It's just that our captain thinks that we don't need him to deal with a thief like you who steals other people's fortune tellers." .”

"Then he really trusts you."

Cangdu raised the star medal in his hand indifferently and whispered: "I hope you won't fall in a pool of blood because of this trust later."

"Here's my line—"

Matsumoto Rangiku waved the Zanpakuto in his hand, and said in a low voice, "Speak softly, gray cat!"


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