With a soft sound, the Zanpakuto's blade turned into a cloud of gray smoke and flew towards Aangdu ahead.

"What can such a weak primordial understanding do?"

Cang Du raised his right hand indifferently, and said in a low voice, "Take a good experience of the Swastika of your Captain Death God!"

Freeze it!

"Did you know? The swastika you took away is the swastika of Gotei [-]th Team, Captain of the [-]th Division, Hitsugani Toshirō!"

Rangiku Matsumoto's voice rang in the air. She held the gray cat's sword hilt with sharp eyes and said to Cangdu: "And I am the deputy captain of the [-]th Division - this means that in the entire Soul Society, except for Japan, Captain Bangu himself, no one else knows Hyōrinmaru better than me!”

Cangdu asked confusedly: "What then?"

"Don't you understand yet? It's precisely because you understand the properties of Hirinwan that..."

Matsumoto Rangiku showed a smile at the corner of her mouth, she suddenly swung down the hilt of the knife in her right hand, and shouted: "I know best how to counter him!!"


The next moment, a wound visible to the naked eye appeared on Cangdu's shoulder accompanied by splashed blood, and against the blood was his astonished eyes.

Chapter 0480 The Horn of the Counterattack

'What happened? '

'How am I hurt? '

'did she do anything? '

'How did she do it? '

Confusing thoughts filled Cangdu's brain, and he looked at Matsumoto Rangiku in front of him in astonishment - he couldn't understand how this seemingly weak woman could break through his defense.

"Isn't it strange, how did your own defenses be broken?"

With a teasing smile on the corner of Matsumoto Rangiku's mouth, he said, "But it's a pity, this is my business secret, so I can't tell you."

"You woman..."

Cangdu's face showed a hint of anger, he raised his right hand, and said: "I will freeze you into an ice sculpture, and let that kid regret it after seeing it!!"

"Oh, that's really scary—"

Matsumoto Rangiku disturbed the condensed ice in Cangdu with the smoke formed by the gray cat, while pretending to be relaxed and said: "Just, I hope you can really do it, otherwise it will be too embarrassing!"

Although he looked relaxed, in fact Matsumoto Rangiku was not at all relaxed at this time: "As expected of the leader's swastika, this exaggerated amount of ice production..."

The amount of ice created by Daigurian Hyōrinmaru can be described as overwhelming and endless. If Matsumoto Rangiku interferes or the transfer speed is slower, it will be frozen by the ice created by Aodu.

Cangdu looked at Matsumoto Rangiku who was struggling under his attack, and couldn't help but said in a cold voice: "It seems that your strength is not enough to support your speech just now."

"Indeed! With just the Shi·Jie, I really can't fight against you who has the 卍·Jie—"

Matsumoto Rangiku exhaled slowly, then looked at Cangdu with a slightly relaxed expression, and said, "So, I also wisely use the swastika to fight against the swastika."

"...From what you said, it seems that you have also mastered the swastika?"

Cang Du squinted his eyes, calmly passed the news like a companion, and said, "But I remember, the swastika should be a secret that only the captain can master, right?"

'The swastika is solved here, only one, anyone who wants to come quickly--'

"Who knows such a thing?"

Matsumoto Rangiku slowly raised the Zanpakuto in his hand, and said in a low voice: "卍解——"



The junior soldier in charge of communications raised his head in astonishment and reported to Yhwach behind him: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty! The attack on Soul Society has encountered unprecedented resistance!!"

"The Star Cross Knights, what are they doing?"

Yhwach frowned. He turned to look at the lower-level soldiers and said in a deep voice, "Does it mean that they can't even defeat the God of Death who has been robbed of his Swastika?"

"No, it's not! Your Majesty, the star is invalid!"

Looking at the information on the screen, the junior soldier hastily replied, "The battle report from the front line - the Swastika of the God of Death, can no longer be taken away!!"

"Has it been cracked?"

Yuhabach was silent for a few seconds, and murmured, "Did you do it? Urahara Kisuke——"


"What's the matter? Aren't you still very arrogant just now? Why are you lying on the ground now?"

The vice-captain of the third team, Yoshikage Kira... I mean, Kira Itsuru looked down at the Quincy with the starfish hairstyle standing upright and the braids on the tip of the tentacles in front of him, and said indifferently: "Didn't you keep saying that?" Speaking of which, do you want me to experience the power of Quincy? Then let me see it."

"Yes, damn..."

Nanana, who was lying on the ground, raised her head with difficulty, and said with a look of disbelief: "Why can't my star badge absorb your swastika? This is the power bestowed by His Majesty—"

"This kind of question, you should ask your majesty, not me, right?"

Kira Yizuru walked forward slowly, then stepped on the top of Nanana's head, and said indifferently: "So, are you ready to become a headless corpse?"

"Go, what, are you kidding?"

Nanana put her hands on the ground, and said in a low voice: "Don't you think that if the Quincy can't take away the Swastika of Death, we really have no power to fight back?? Don't get too complacent, grim Reaper!!"

Complete Eucharist · God's Anesthesia!


Kira Yizuru quickly retreated, and then looked at Nanana in front of him with a vigilant face - a ball of light appeared on the top of the five small braids on his head, and behind him, two square pieces of hair appeared. , Light wings composed of a large number of grids.

"The Holy Body, this is the ultimate secret of our Quincy——"

Nanana floated in mid-air, looked down at Kira Izuru, and said in a cold voice, "Do you think that the Quincy took away the Swastika because he was worried that he would not be able to defeat the Grim Reaper? No! Taking the Swastika away would make him Let us not be able to use up the holy body, and our strength will not increase but decrease!"

'Is this the enemy's strongest form? '

Kira Yizuru let out a breath slowly, and then said in a low voice, "Fortunately, it's still within my handling range."

Sorry, but you still have to...





Accompanied by Buzzby's loud laughter, the flames he swung unscrupulously burned in the town, causing the surrounding gods of death to retreat again and again.

A sense of loneliness that was too cold to be at the height enveloped Buzzby, and he couldn't help shouting: "Where's the captain? Where's the vice-captain!? Why is there a group of useless fish in front of me?" !"

Miscellaneous Fish No. [-]: "..."

Miscellaneous Fish No. [-]: "..."

Miscellaneous Fish No. [-]: "..."

Hi, so angry!

"Crush him! Batterer!"

"Cut him off! Switchblade!"

"Sing it! Wild Rose!"

In an instant, several gods of death unfolded their initial interpretations, and then rushed towards Buzzby stepping on Shunpo.

"This kind of rookie, don't appear in front of my uncle—"

Buzzby waved his right hand unhappily, and the flames engulfed the gods of death in front of him in an instant—it's a pity that what he pursued was the achievement of killing the captain, not this kind of unparalleled mowing kill. The coolness of the soldiers.

"Tsk, how boring!"

Buzzby clicked his tongue in displeasure, then turned his gaze to another battlefield, and said in a low voice, "...let's go and have a look elsewhere."

Just as he was about to step on his feet and leave, a deep voice sounded in the sea of ​​flames below: "Are you going to escape like this? Quincy—"


Buzzby turned his head, squinted his eyes at the trash below, and said, "Who is talking?"


Accompanied by a sound of breaking through the air, a figure in white haori appeared in front of Buzzby.

"Captain of the [-]th Division, Toshirō Hitsugaya!"

Holding the handle of Hirinmaru with both hands, Xiaobai stared at Buzzby in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "It's the name of the person who defeated you!"

"Captain? Haha, it looks like I caught a big fish!"

Buzzby looked at Dong Shilang in front of him, and immediately showed an expression of ecstasy, and he said impatiently: "Then what are you waiting for? Use your swastika quickly!!"

"Swastika? Sorry, my swastika has been taken away by someone else."

Dongshiro looked at Buzzby and replied, "The only means I can use now is Shijie."


Buzzby was stunned for a moment, the excitement in his eyes was extinguished visible to the naked eye, replaced by undisguised disappointment: "Isn't that a defective product? Boring!"

Dong Shilang said coldly: "Is it a defective product, you can use your own body to taste it."

"Then let you feel my flame!!"

Buzzby's fingers were entwined with scorching flames, "My uncle is Star Cross Knights, holy text [H], Heat (hot) Buzzby! Remember it well!"

Burning Fingers One!

After firing the fiery light beam, Buzzby jumped off the roof without looking back, and said with a bored face: "Really! Fighting with the captain who can't solve it, I can't get excited at all! "

"I'm going to leave without even confirming the result of the attack. Don't you look down on me too much, Quincy?"

Hitsugaya's voice sounded behind Buzzby, stopping his progress, "I wonder if cutting off your arm can give you some fighting spirit?"

"Huh? Looks like you're not as useless as I thought—"

There was a hint of excitement on Buzby's face. He moved his fingers and said, "Although it's a little disappointing that I can't understand the swastika, it should be fine if I have a little fun, right?"

Hitsugaya rushed towards Buzzby with a knife in his hand, and said in a low voice, "Then you have to be careful, don't overturn the car with me!!"


"This spiritual pressure is the captain's return! No, no! Everyone is back!"

After feeling the familiar spiritual pressure, Matsumoto Rangiku first showed a joyful expression, then looked in front of him, Cangdu, who was bound by the smoke and passed out, said: "Then I will also do more on my side." Jin, get rid of him quickly, and then go to the support team... huh?"

Matsumoto Rangiku was stunned for a moment, then murmured: "Wait? It seems that this Quincy is the one who took away the captain's swastika, right? Doesn't that mean that if I kill him, the captain's swastika will go back? Ehh! Then don’t you need my support!!”

West, West Malaysia is great!

You can also stage a wave of handsome galactic girls saving the scene by yourself, isn't this a waste of time?

"Damn it, why were you the one who stole the captain's swastika!"

Matsumoto Rangiku stretched out his right hand with an angry face, pointed his palm at Cangdu, and said angrily: "I hate it to death! Go to hell!"

Ash Burst Funeral! !

With the activation of Matsumoto Ranju's spiritual pressure, the gray mist surrounding Cangdu was compressed inwards visible to the naked eye—as if feeling the squeeze from his body, Cangdu, who was in a coma, woke up with a start. Tried to say something, but it was too late.


With a miserable cry, Cangdu turned into Cangdu-chan under the accumulation of gray mist - only the explosive blood could prove that a Quincy had died here.

"call out--"

A ray of blue light emerged from the gray fog, and then turned into a meteor and flew towards the place where Hitsugaya was, making Rangiku look a little disappointed when he saw this scene.

'wrong! '

Suddenly, she reacted, 'I can't save the captain, but I can save Yin?Oh ho ho ho ho!Silver sauce, your cute and sexy girlfriend is here to save you~~'

Chapter 0481 Battle of the Zero Team

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