"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! It's not good—"

The junior soldier looked at the extinguished green dot on the screen, and couldn't help saying in a panic: "The knights, the vital signs of the masters of the knights are disappearing fast!!"

"Lord Ace Noether is confirmed dead!"

"Master Cangdu confirms his death!"

"Master Nain confirms his death!"

"Master Pepe is confirmed dead!"

"Sir Robert is confirmed dead!"

One after another, death battle reports came out of his mouth, and big drops of sweat covered his forehead.

How, how could this happen! ?The adults of the Star Cross Knights, shouldn't they be the ace?Why do they die one after another?

"They died from underestimating the enemy and being careless."

Yuhabach looked at the screen without any fluctuations in his eyes, and even wanted to laugh, "However, this is enough! It is enough——"

As he said that, he couldn't help but raised his head and looked up to the sky—others might not be able to see it, but his eyes allowed him to clearly see that the barrier surrounding the Lingwang Palace has now been broken from the inside!

In other words...

"The time has come! Hasward—"

There was a mad smile on the corner of Yuhabach's mouth, he turned around without hesitation, strode towards the outside, "Call the members of the God's Forgiveness Guards!"


Harsward bowed slightly, and he straightened up again after Juhabach's figure disappeared in the room, and then slowly began to summon the members of the God's Forgiveness Guards.


virtual circle.

"It's almost time for us to take action."

Lin Qiong moved his shoulders, then looked worriedly at the members of the Holy Shield behind him, and said, "Is it really okay for you to be so excited? Even if the group of Quincy masters have finished opening the Eucharist, it's not enough." You beat me up."

"Hmph, Ah Qiong, I think you don't understand at all!"

Yami looked at Lin Qiong speechlessly, and said angrily: "It's one thing to be able to enjoy yourself to the fullest, but another thing to be able to grow big—you know that we are busy growing mushrooms in Sky City." gone?"

"Okay, okay, I've wronged you."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, and said helplessly: "If there is a chance, I will find a suitable opponent for you."

Yami's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Oh! As expected of the young master! I love you so much!"

Tsk, he was A Qiong just now, but now he has become a young master?

Yami, you are really shameless now!

Lin Qiong curled his lips, and then officially opened the black cavity leading to the world of corpses and souls.


Lingwang Palace, outside.

"Is this the Spirit King's Palace?"

Walking out of the portal opened by Harsward, Juhabach looked at the surrounding scenery with great interest like a tourist, and commented: "It's really an architectural taste that people can't agree with. ! Just like the existence of the soul world and the spirit king, it is disgusting."

"Hey, hey, I can't pretend that I didn't hear what you said just now!"

Carrying a weapon that looked like a paddle, the airplane-haired Kirinji Tenshiro appeared in front of Yuhabach with his body (referring to the wooden stick) in his mouth, and said with a domineering and cool look: " The Lingwang Palace is not something you can judge at will, do you understand?"

"Sexy? Hehe, it's been a long time since I heard such an interesting comment."

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Yuhabach's mouth. He raised his head and looked at the Qilin Temple above, and said, "However, you don't think that with your strength, you can prevent me from going to the Lingwang Palace?"

Qilin Temple's face was full of confidence and arrogance, and he grinned and said, "If you don't try this kind of thing, how will you know the result?"

Kirinji's idea is very simple. Since Shigekuni Yamamoto was able to kill Yuhabach a thousand years ago, it shouldn't be difficult for him to defeat Yuhabach with strength beyond Shigekuni Yamamoto, right?

"Hahaha, let's try it!"

Youhabaha opened his hands, walked forward with a smile on his face, and said, "Let me see how you can stop me!"

"Stop it, you bastard!"

Holding his Zanpakutō in hand, he leaped high and said, "Shine, Kinpi(pi)ka!"

The shining golden blade swung down heavily, beheading all the holy soldiers behind Yuhabach, and a large number of Quincy corpses fell from the Palace of the Soul King to the Soul Realm below like insects sprayed with insecticide. ,but……

'What happened? '

Qilin Temple maintained the posture of swinging the knife, standing on the ground with an unbelievable face, a drop of cold sweat was running down his cheek: "Why didn't my knife hit him?" '

"What's wrong? Aren't you trying to stop me?"

Yuhabach looked back, looked at Qilin Temple standing behind him, and asked, "But why didn't your knife hit me? Could it be that you were afraid of my power, so you subconsciously avoided it?" my body?"

"Go, what are you kidding!?"

Qilin Temple turned around, waved the Jinbijia in his hand with an angry look, and roared: "Watch me cut you into pieces!"

"is it?"

Yuhabach looked at the Kirin Temple that appeared in front of him with his back turned to him, and asked, "Then why did you avoid me on purpose?"

Sweat, streaming down.

Qilin Temple turned his head with a shaken face, looked at the calm Yuhabach behind him, and asked, "You, what did you do?"

"This question is really funny! I didn't do anything!"

There was a hint of mockery on Juhabach's face, "If you're not going to stop me, then I'll move on."

After finishing speaking, Yuhabach continued to walk towards the Lingwang Palace with steady steps, as if the Kirin Temple did not exist, and just when his feet were about to step on the stairs, Shutara Senjumaru appeared on the stairs top of the .

"Long time no see, Yuhabach—"

Senjumaru stood on a high place, looked down at Yuhabach below, and said, "I haven't seen you for a thousand years, but you still exude the same disgusting evil aura as always."

"Hehe, I haven't seen you in a thousand years, and you still look down on others like this."

Yuhabach was not angry because of Senjumaru's attitude, but instead showed a mocking smile and said, "If your emotion is over, get out of the way, I'm going over."

"Uninvited guests are not within the reception range of the Soul King Palace——"

Senshoumaru snorted coldly, she lightly waved her right hand, and ordered to the ten soldiers in black uniforms standing behind her, "Go!"


The magic soldiers stepped on Shunpo and appeared in front of Youhabach, and then stabbed out the blades in their hands-the next moment, they were like dancers, forming a circle around Youhabach with the sword. circle.

'what happened?What happened? '

Senjumaru's eyes narrowed slightly, she carefully recalled what happened just now——

The magic soldiers stabbed the knives in their hands towards Yuhabach, and then they found a strange deviation in their action trajectories.

"what have you done?"

Chishoumaru couldn't help asking.

"Heh, it's the same problem again! The level of Team Zero is just that—"

There was a mocking expression on the corner of Yuhabach's mouth. He ignored the magic soldiers around him, stepped up the stairs, and then slowly passed Senjumaru's side, and said in a low voice: "Depending on you, It can't stop me!"

"Ridiculous! Blameless!"

Senjumaru dodged to block Yuhabach again. She raised her right hand and said in a low voice, "Breaking the Way 88. Flying dragon strikes thief and shakes the sky!"

The blue-white beam of light shot straight towards Yuhabach, while Senjumaru stared at the trajectory of this light cannon.

near, near--

Under the gaze of Senjumaru, the moment the beam of light was about to hit Yuhabach, it bypassed Yuhabach's body in a weird trajectory, as if unwilling to hurt him.

"This is, the distortion of space?"

Senjumaru showed a dazed expression, she showed a dignified expression, and said: "Yuhabach, you have distorted the space around you, so our attacks follow the distorted space and bypass you! "

"Hee hee hee, you discovered it? You are right! As long as I have my ability, no attack can hit His Majesty—"

At this time, accompanied by a mocking voice, a young man with disheveled hair and dull eyes came out from the shadow of Juhabach, grinning and said: "I am the Knights of the Star Cross, Holy Text [W ], Nyonso Huasuo of Wind (Twists and Turns), as long as the attack is launched by the "enemy I see", it will automatically twist and go around my body."

What is noticeable is that there are two tongues in his mouth, one left and one right sticking out of his mouth at this time, matching his lifeless eyes, looks like a dementia.

"So that's why, neither the blade nor my Kido can hit Yuhabach——this is indeed a very powerful ability, but you have revealed your own weakness——"

Senjumaru looked at the opponent calmly, and said in a relaxed tone: "As long as it is an attack from an 'invisible enemy', this ability will not work, right?"

At the same time, three divine soldiers appeared behind Niangsuo, silently swung the blades in their hands, and slashed towards his neck.

"When I say 'the enemy you see', I don't mean seeing with your eyes, but the 'enemy you see instinctively'."

When the blade was about to hit Nyosso, it bent strangely like a resin figure under high temperature, "Even if you don't see it with your eyes, the enemy is still an enemy, and their attacks will be distorted—very Is it difficult to understand?"

After finishing speaking, with a light wave of his right hand, he cut the waist of the divine soldier who attacked just now in two.

"No, it's easy to understand. I have already understood the meaning of what you said—it's just that you don't seem to be able to understand what I just said."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Senjumaru's mouth, and she said softly: "The 'invisible enemy' I mentioned in my mouth does not refer to the magic weapon you killed, but to this thing in you. A piece of clothing?"

"What did you say?"

Niangsuo lowered his head in astonishment—only then did he realize that the team logo of Team Zero had appeared on the pure white uniform he was wearing, "When did you... Gu... "

Before he finished speaking, a large number of spikes strung him into a hedgehog from the inside of his clothes, and blood spurted from his body like a fountain, staining the surrounding ground red.

"When? Oh, just at the moment when you were playing with the magic soldier~"

Senshoumaru walked up to Nyansuo who had lost his anger, looked down at him, and said softly: "After all, one of the advantages of being a concubine is the flexibility of hands and feet."

Chapter 0482

"it is good!"

After sighing with a strong taste, Kirin Temple stood in front of You Habach again with his oar knife on his shoulders, and said with a domineering and cool look: "The guy who got in the way has disappeared! You Ha Bach, don't even think about getting any closer to the Palace of the Soul King!"

'Useless trash—'

Yuhabach glanced indifferently at Nyanso's body lying on the ground, then looked at Qilin Temple and Senjumaru who were standing in front of him, and said with a sneer: "You don't really think that, with your Power can stop my progress, right?"

As soon as the voice fell, the shadow under Juhabach's feet spread towards the surroundings, and five figures in white hoods emerged from it, standing around Juhabach.

"To deal with the spirit king's divine soldiers, I sent my own holy soldiers! Then to deal with the spirit king's personal guards..."

You Habach's eyes clearly revealed a kind of disdain for the Zero Division, "Naturally, it needs to be handed over to my personal guards!"

Knights of the Star Cross——

Holy text [A], Antithesis (completely opposite), Ishida Uryu.

Holy Text [C], Compulsory (enforcement), Penida Pacaja.

Holy text [D], Deathdealing (lethal dose), Askin Nacroval.

Holy Text [M], Miracle (miracle), Gerald Valkyrie.

Holy text [X], X-axis (all things connected), Li Jie Barrow.

"Five personal guards, duel, five zero teams, 5v5, it's fair, isn't it?"

Yuhabach strode forward and said confidently, "You can't stop me!"

"Stop for me!"

Qilin Temple held up the oar knife in his hand, and swung it towards Yuhabach vigorously, but a tall and thick figure had already blocked him with a shield.

Gerrard, he is dressed like a gladiator in the arena, full of exaggerated muscles all over his body-if he goes to the gym to train, then he is definitely the most attractive guy of the same sex.

"Reaper, you are blocking His Majesty's way—"

With a domineering and confident smile on Gerald's face, he raised the big sword in his right hand, swung it towards Qilin Temple's body, and said, "So, die honestly!!"


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