The great sword crossed Qilin Temple's chest without hindrance, easily cutting his body in half from left shoulder to right waist.

Senjumaru's eyes suddenly shrank and he exclaimed: "Kirin Temple——"

"Hey, woman, now is not the time to care about others!"

Li Jie raised the sniper rifle in his hand, quickly aimed at Senjumaru's forehead, and pulled the trigger, "You should care more about yourself!"


Looking at Senshou Wan who lost one-third of his head, Li Jie said with a look of disdain: "However, you probably won't have this chance either."

"Eh, eh? No way, why are you one more fierce than the other? How embarrassing for me—"

Askin scratched his head speechlessly, and said helplessly, "But the so-called Zero Team is a little too weak, right? They don't even have the ability to resist?"

"Hmph, don't forget that our power is bestowed by His Majesty."

Gerald showed a domineering smile, looked at Askin, and said proudly: "Then, what's so great about beating a few members of Team Zero?"

Li Jie nodded lightly and said, "That's the truth."

Yaskin scratched his face and said helplessly: "Okay, okay! It looks like I have to perform well in the next battle."

"It should be so! You are a member of His Majesty's Divine Forgiveness Guards, if there is no result—"

A smile appeared on Gerald's face again. He looked at Askin and said, "Then what qualifications do you have to bear this title? At that time, I don't need the enemy to take action, and I will kill you myself!"

Askin rolled his eyes, raised his hands in fear, and said, "I know, I know! Please spare me—"

Ah, so I hate this kind of muscular brute.

"Well, now is not the time to chat."

At this time, Lijie interrupted the conversation between Gerald and Askin with a gun in his hand, then looked at Juhabach, and said, "Your Majesty! The way ahead is clear, please pass."

Yuhabach did not respond to Lijie's words, but looked indifferently at the empty front.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Suddenly, the surrounding scenery shattered like a torn curtain, causing the three members of the pro-guards to express surprise.

Askin: "What, what, what's going on?"

Gerald: "What happened?"

Li Jie: "Who is playing tricks again?"

When the broken curtains around them disappeared completely, the people on Yuhabach's side discovered that they were actually trapped in a "tree cage" made of tree roots, and Kirin Temple and Senjumaru, who were supposed to die, at this time Standing outside the tree cage watching them.

"I just deceived your vision with the fake Spirit King Palace..."

Senjumaru had a faint gale on his face, "Then I just watched you step into the cage and fight our phantom."

"Cage? A cage made of wood with such a large gap, also want to trap us?"

Li Jie raised the sniper rifle in his hand with a look of disdain, pointed the muzzle at the members of the Zero Division in front, and said in a low voice: "No one can escape my attack——"


Accompanied by the flames ejected from the muzzle of the gun, one after another bullets condensed by ultra-high-concentration spirit particles shot towards the forehead of Zero Division, but just when they were about to pass through the gap of the tree cage , but was blocked by the branches that suddenly grew from the wood that made up the tree cage.

"Hey, don't try to cross it and attack us."

The inventor of the tree cage - Kiryu Hikifune - let out a light laugh, and she said with a little satisfaction: "My 'delivery' is a glutton! It will never give up bullets like yours. Delicious food with a high concentration of Reiatsu."

"Hahaha, it seems that your attacks are not very good either."

Seeing his companion deflated, Gerald immediately made a mocking voice, "Li Jie, you will lose your reputation of mastering everything!"

Li Jie ignored Gerrard's ridicule, but looked at the members of the Zero Division in front of him with cold eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.


At this moment, with a soft sound, Nimaiya carrying a transparent water tank landed in front of several guards.

"I am the leading creator of Zanpakuto in the soul world, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, and then two—Meiya Wang Yue! Next, it's my turn la! "

Ermeiya gently put the water tank in his hand on the ground, then pulled out a Zanpakutō placed in the water tank, looked at the members of the pro-guards in front of him with a cynical face, and said frivolously: "Mie Excuse me, yo! Are you ready for La to be killed by me?"

"I will open the way for Your Majesty to move forward!"

Gerrard laughed loudly, then held a shield in his left hand to block in front of him, and held a big sword in his right hand, and rushed towards the second house—this is his usual posture, and it is also the most commonly used attack routine. fight back.

"Too slow lela~"

Fujiya waved the Zanpakuto in his hand very casually, from bottom to top, the light of the sword flashed past, and Gerald's dashing body was neatly divided into left and right halves, and then fell to the ground with one left and one right .


The few remaining members of the pro-guard immediately showed astonished expressions, and Li Jie asked nervously, "What did you do!?"

"I just simply waved the knife!"

Nikaiya casually waved the Zanpakuto twice more, then looked at Li Jie and said with a smile: "The next target is your turn lo!"


He lowered his body and ran towards Lijie quickly.

"Bang bang bang-"

Seeing this, Li Jie hurriedly picked up the sniper rifle in his hand, pulled the trigger one after another, and shot bullets one after another at the forehead, throat, chest, heart and other vital parts of the two Wu Wangyue.


Ermeiwu quickly waved the Zanpakuto in his hand, easily and happily sliced ​​through the bullet shot by Lijie, and came to him, with a single blow!

"Hey Hey hey--"

Askin's expression changed at that moment. He looked around anxiously, then raised his hands and said, "Could it be that the next one is—"

Before he could finish his words, Nimaiya used Shunbu to come behind him, and then cut his neck with a knife.

The heads of the two personal guards flew high one after the other, and after drawing a parabola in the air, they fell to the ground. After rolling a few times, they stared at Ermeiwu who attacked again.

"Although I don't know who you are, I still trouble you to die -"

Nigaiya threw the Zanpakuto with great force with his right hand, and the "chua" pierced through the head of Penida, who had never spoken or made a move since his debut.

"There's only one person left lo—"

Looking at Penida who fell on the ground, Ermeiya bent down and picked up the knife stuck in his forehead, then carried the back of the knife on his shoulder, tilted his head to look at Ishida Uryu, grinned and said: "Get ready Ma?"

Ishida Uryu pushed his glasses calmly, then looked at Yuhabach in front of him, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, is the level of the God's Forgiveness Guards you are so proud of? You can compare them to zero." Fan team, it will be broken at the first touch?"

"Hey, hey, you brat with glasses, we are big shots in Team Zero!"

Qilin Temple squatted on the branch with a bamboo stick in its mouth, and said dissatisfiedly: "Isn't it a matter of course to be killed by us?"

"Hehe, Ishida Uryu, you're right! My God's Forgiveness Guards, of course, have more than that—"

Juhabach grinned, and he slowly opened his hands, with traces of bright blue light blooming on his hands: "Wake up, my personal guard! Then, open the way for me to move forward! "

The next moment, more than a dozen blue beams of light shot out from the corpse and soul world below, quickly gathered in his hands, and then divided into four and poured into the bodies of the four God's Forgiveness personal guards who fell on the ground.

The first chapter of 0483 soldiers guard a soldier, dispatched!

"This time, it's really over."

Under the power of Yuhabach, the revived Lijie put down the sniper rifle in his hand, and then looked at Ergaiwu, Qilin Temple and Senjumaru, which fell in a pool of blood, and fell on the branches, only half of them were left. Kiryu Hikifune, who was tall, said calmly: "Your Majesty, the road ahead is clear, please proceed with confidence."

"Very well, this is the strength my personal guard should have."

The corners of Yuhabach's mouth curled up slightly, and he took a slow step, passed one corpse after another in the Zero Division, walked out of the tree cage destroyed by Penida, and came to the monk sitting at the end, asking Said: "Your companions are all gone! Then, can you let me go? The main soldier is a soldier guard."

"It's really unpleasant that you called out my name casually."

The kind smile on the monk's face gradually faded, he slowly got up from the ground, then took off a huge writing brush on his back, put it on the ground, tilted his head unhappily like a big brother on the road, and said : "I can't help but want to crush you like an ant."

"Heh— crush me? How are you going to do it? Let me see—"

Faced with the monk's cruel words, Yhwach grinned and ordered to the guards behind him: "Guards, you are not allowed to take action from now on."

"Yes——" xN


The monk drew a horizontal line at the foot of Yuhabach with a brush, then ran back about 20 meters, drew a horizontal line again, and looked at Yuhabach at the position of the second horizontal line The first horizontal line under my feet, said: "From that line to this line under my feet-I will defeat you within this distance."

"Well, it's quite a distance."

Yhwach looked at the black line under his feet, then stepped forward and walked forward, joking: "Is it because you don't have enough confidence in your own strength? Ichibei, the commander of the army -"

"Should I have said that just now?"

The monk's originally displeased expression suddenly turned gloomy and angry. He suddenly stretched out his right hand and shouted angrily, "Don't call out my name casually! You don't deserve—"


The next moment, mixed with a deafening roar, a huge right palm emerged out of thin air, and slapped Yuhabach head-on, who had just stepped a foot across the line—as if he was slapping an insect. Habach flew out.

"Thousand Li Tongtian Palm—"

The monk used Shunpo to follow Yuhabach, who was flying backwards quickly, raised his right hand indifferently, pressed down hard, and said, "Reflect on yourself below, Yuhabach!"


A huge slap appeared out of thin air again, but this time it slapped Yuhabach who was flying backwards from top to bottom, reaching on his body and slapping him to the soul world below him.

There was a trace of pain on Juhabach's face, but it was more of a kind of excitement - excitement about his own strength - he quickly stained the blood at the corner of his mouth with his fingers, and then said in a low voice: "I have given myself [voice], and then…”

Under the slightly surprised gaze of the monk, a giant Lingzi longbow appeared under Yuhabach, and the large sacred arrow shot from above pierced Yuhabach's chest, and flew him back to the palace of the Soul King. on the ground.

"I told you not to call my name, but you called it twice; I told you to go back down and reflect on yourself, but you shot yourself back here with an arrow..."

The monk looked at You Habach, who was squatting on the ground with his hands on his chest, and the black pupils in his eyes were gradually infiltrated with white, "You are such a big man, why can't you learn well? If you do this, I have no choice but to be ruthless." Come and kill you here!"

After the words fell, the monk raised the writing brush in his hand, and rushed towards Yuhabach on a stepping step. Facing the menacing monk, Yuhabach drew a long knife from his waist and greeted him not to be outdone.


A fierce collision sounded in front of the two, but in such a fierce battle, Yuhabach continued to tease the monk: "Your expression, the difference between the front and the back is really big! Could it be that you felt my strength, so you lost Are you in a relaxed mood?"

"is it?"

The monk looked at Yuhabach unmoved, and said coldly: "Do you think so? Really, it's a ridiculous idea!"


As soon as the words fell, the monk took the brush and slashed at Yuhabach's body twice in a row, then retracted the brush and retreated behind the black line.

"There is a soldier in the main army, it seems that my judgment is not wrong! Your slash is nothing more than that, there is no need to dodge at all—"

Yuhabach looked at the unscathed body, and taunted: "What a weak slash! Even my static blood suit can't be broken. Is such a strength worthy of being a member of the Zero Division?"

"He called out my name again and again, and satirized my honor as a member of the Lingwang's Familia, the Zero Division—"

The monk's pale eyes without black stared at Yuhabach in front of him, and said in a cold voice: "Youhabach, your sins are unforgivable! I will cut off half of your spiritual pressure and half of your muscle strength here. "


After the monk's words fell, Yuhabach's body trembled suddenly, because he found that his body muscle strength and spiritual pressure in his body were really as the monk said, only half of the peak period remained.

"How do you feel? The King of Quincy with only half of his power left—"

The monk's face was full of jokes, "Now, do you still have the guts to be as arrogant as you were just now?"

"You ask me how I feel? Hehe, I can't feel better!"

Juhabach laughed. With a wave of his right hand, he pointed the blood-covered finger on his chest, and said in a deep voice, "So what if I cut off half of my strength? I rely on my own strength, and I can easily cut off half of my strength." Its restored!"

Granted spiritual pressure!

Muscle empowerment!

With the mobilization of Yuhabach's power, his momentum, which had already fallen, returned to its peak visibly with the naked eye.

"See? My supreme power!"

Yuhabach showed a mocking smile, and said: "With your strength, you can't influence me a little bit, and there is a soldier in the army!"

"Again, I called out my name! Yuhabach, you are unforgivable—"

The monk's eyes turned pure white again. He raised his brush with murderous intent and said angrily: "This time, I will take away all your power and see how you recover!! Dye it black, One word!!”

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