'Have you started solving it? '

Yohabach looked at the brush in the monk's hand, focused on the tip of the brush, and thought: 'Has the tip become a blade?It looks like a very heavy blade, but I don't feel any pressure... huh? '

Under Juhabach's gaze, the thick blade seemed to turn back into the fluffy tip of the writing brush, which made him stunned for a moment.

"Is it the nib? Or the blade?"

The monk waved a word in his hand, grinning and said: "Isn't it clear? But it doesn't matter, soon you won't have the mind to pay attention to such insignificant little problems!!"

Instant step!

Swing the knife!

Facing the monk's menacing attack, Yuhabach raised the scimitar in his hand to defend without hesitation, and then he found that the monk's cutting power at this time was weaker than before, and it was easy to They blocked it.

"One Bingwei from the Bingzhu Department, after the first release, you seem to be weaker than before."

Juhabach couldn't help but mocked. He glanced at the writing brush in the monk's hand that was constantly spraying black ink during the collision, and said, "Or, your original ability is to spray these useless black inks. Mo Lai disgusts your opponent?"

"No effect? ​​Oh, so you think so?"

Hearing Yuhabach's provocation, the monk said with a smile instead of anger: "Youhabach, do you still remember the name of the scimitar in your hand?"

Yuhabach said: "Heh! This weapon has been with me for thousands of years. How can I not remember its name... What is its name?"

"Don't remember? Because, your knife has been stained black by me!"

The monk looked at Yuhabach without mercy, and said indifferently: "My power is 'black', and all the 'black' in this world belong to me - when your knife is blackened by me For a moment, its name, its power, and everything about it have been taken away from me!"


Juhabach's eyes shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously looked at his body—during the collision just now, the white uniform on his body had been unknowingly stained by the black ink sprayed by the brush in the monk's hand It became pitch black.

"That's right! Not only your knife, but even you have been blackened by my words—"

A tyrannical look appeared on the monk's face, he raised the Zanpakutao in his hand, and shouted: "卍解·白笔一文字!"

The tip of the brush turned into pure white.

"My initial interpretation has the power to take away the names of all things; and my swastika has the power to give names to all things."

The monk slowly walked up to Yuhabach, who had been completely blackened and lost all his strength, and wrote two words on the other person with a pen, "Now, I will give you the word 'black ant', and then , bearing the name of 'black ants', be crushed to death by me like 'black ants', King of Quincy Masters!!"


The next moment, two huge slaps, one on the left and one on the right, slapped Yuhabach hard.When the palms were separated, Yuhabach's body fell to the soul world below like a black ant that was shot to death. .

The monk stood on the edge of the Lingwang Palace, looked indifferently at the fading black spot, and said, "Everything is over."

"It's such a pity, Bingzhubu Ichibei! If you kill me with this force one minute earlier, everything will really be over."

A shallow whisper came from Yuhabach's mouth, which immediately attracted the monk's attention, "But it's too late now! Because, I have already opened my eyes—"

In the astonished eyes of the monk, a pair of shuddering eyes suddenly appeared on the face of the dark Yuhabach.

The next moment, Juhabach returned to the ground behind him.

Chapter 0484 Next, it’s our turn

"how is this possible!?"

The monk failed for the first time. He turned around in shock and looked at Youhabach who had landed on the platform. "You have obviously been reduced to a black ant. How did you get back here?"

"Hehe, you're surprised, aren't you? Then I'll answer your doubts—my holy text is [A], Almighty, all-knowing and omnipotent!"

Juhabach looked at Juhabach in front of him, his red eyes revealed a trace of sarcasm: "The moment I open my eyes, I can fully exert the power of omniscience - I 'dominate' the world All the 'strengths' that I 'understand' in the world, and this naturally includes your ability, the master of the army is Yibingwei."

With Juhabach's narration, the dark power stained on him is rapidly fading away, revealing his original appearance.

"Omniscient and omnipotent? Heh, what a shameless statement! If I can blacken you once, I can blacken you a second time!! And this time, I won't keep my hands—"

The monk's eyes turned white again, he held up his writing brush with both hands, and said coldly: "All the 'black' in this world belong to me——Xiao An, Chang An, come here..."

"Have I already said that? I've seen everything - naturally including your next moves."

There are dense eyeballs in the eyes of Juhabach that make the scalp of patients with trypophobia tingle, which is the characteristic of his mobilization ability, "Everything about you, in my eyes, there is no secret at all, everything is over !!"

In the next moment, several shots of holy destroying arrows shot out from the top of Yuhabach's head at an incredible speed. Under the astonished eyes of the monk, they easily broke through the defense he had set up, easily destroyed his condensed moves, and easily pierced through his tempered body...


The monk's body riddled with holes fell to the ground. Yuhabach stepped forward, waved the scimitar casually, and beheaded him.

"It's over, it's over! All the members of Team Zero have died, the road to the Lingwang Palace, and any obstacles—"

Even though Juhabach has seen this scene through the power of omniscience and omnipotence, his mood was still a bit agitated when it was actually achieved, "Members of the personal guards, follow me, and take this from the hands of King Ling!" World!!"

"In the legend of the soul world, the supreme zero team that surpasses the thirteenth team of the Godei, does it have only this level of strength?"

Ishida Uryu followed several other members of the Guards and walked behind Yhwach, then turned to look at the five broken corpses behind him, and said with a disappointed look on his face: "I thought they could stop you for a while longer. , Yohabach.”

"Ishida Uryu, pay attention to your attitude and words!"

Li Jie turned his head to look at Ishida Uryu, and said with a gloomy face: "Even if you are the successor appointed by His Majesty, you are not qualified to call His Majesty by his name directly!"

"Li Jie is right! You have to pay attention to your words and deeds—"

Gerald also leaned in front of Ishida Uryu with a displeased face, threatening: "If there is another time, I will crush your bones and let you know how to write the word respect!"

"Oh, oh, oh! All right, all right! Don't be so angry—"

Askin raised his hands dumbfounded, comforting Lijie and Gerald, then turned his head and winked at Ishida Uryu, and said: "Ishida-kun must have been careless too! Let him apologize , this matter is over, okay?"


Ishida Uryu couldn't help sighing, he stepped lightly, his figure had disappeared from the spot, and he came to the front of the passage—not only that, but what he was wearing originally symbolized the purity of the Star Cross Knights. The white uniform has now been changed back to the uniform with black background and gold pattern that symbolizes the shield of the guardian.

"Uryū Ishida, what do you mean!?"

Without hesitation, Li Jie raised the spear in his hand, pointed it at Ishida Uryu's head, and said sharply: "You actually took off the uniform that symbolizes the sacred! Are you going to betray?"

"Where did you hear this line? Forget it, it doesn't matter—"

Ishida Uryu chuckled, then pushed his glasses, and asked calmly: "Betrayal? This kind of word should be used for 'former companions', but I have not been your companion from the beginning to the end, so I naturally talk about it." Isn't it betrayal?"

"What did you say!?"

Hearing this, several members of the pro-guard immediately became furious, but before they could attack, Juhabach stretched out his hand to stop them.

"I'm a little curious about why you did this."

Yuhabach looked at Ishida Uryu in front of him, and said softly: "I knew you would betray, but I don't understand why you would choose to betray at this time."

It's as if you're going to be a scumbag, then you have to wait until you get the cannon to reveal your true colors, right?Why did you expose yourself before you even touched your hands when you just met?

"Just because the time has come."

Ishida Uryu glanced at Yuhabach, then turned his head, looked in the direction of the Lingwang Palace, and said with a slight complaint: "Master, you came too late, right? The members of the zero team are all Killed by Yhwach."

"Hahaha! If you think these guys from Team Zero die so easily, you underestimate them too."

Accompanied by Lin Qiong's laughter, his figure emerged from the top of the stairs, and then walked down slowly, "As long as someone calls the monk's real name, he can gain power from the name and be resurrected! Once the monk is resurrected, He can then call the names of the other Zero Division members and bring them all back to life."

"Wow, this ability is a bit too skinny, isn't it?"

Stark, who walked down behind Lin Qiong, scratched his ears, and said enviously: "As long as he is called by his name, he can be resurrected, so he can't die?"

"There should be restrictions, right? For example, requiring the caller's Reiatsu to reach a certain level."

Nilu gracefully followed Lin Qiong on the other side, tilted her head and guessed: "It's not like just calling his name by just anyone can revive him, right?"

"Tch, it doesn't matter whether he is resurrected or not—what, is resurrection very tempting?"

Bearing a big axe, Bailegang, who had pulled [-] million yuan, said with a displeased face: "Isn't it enough to kill him once in resurrection? Since you can kill him once, you can naturally kill him a second time!"

"Bailegang, he is not our enemy."

Ulquiorra walked behind calmly, and said, "Our enemy is the Quincy."

"That is, the broken face of Xuquan?"

Looking at the four faces behind Lin Qiong, Yuhabach couldn't help but widen his eyes, and murmured: "Why did they appear here? Shouldn't they..."

"'Shouldn't he have died in the battle of Karakura Town?'—Is that what you want to say, Yuhabach!"

Hearing this voice, Juhabach couldn't help turning around, but when he saw the scene behind him, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, showing a surprised expression——

Aizen stood on the left side, holding a mirror in his hand, with a playful smile on his face: "Why do you look at me with this expression? Could it be that your omniscience didn't see the picture of me appearing here? Or……"

Standing on the right side, Ichigo held the sky lock Zhanyue on his shoulders, with undisguised hostility on his face: "Or, did you not expect me to wear this uniform and stand in front of you with Aizen? Mie Que Lord of the Masters, Yuhabach."

"Why did Aizen Soyousuke and Kurosaki Ichigo join forces—"

Thinking of this, Youhabach hurriedly turned his head back, stared at Lin Qiong who was walking in front of the crowd, and asked, "Did you do it? Unite these people together."

"Oh, that's right! How about it, isn't it a surprise?"

Lin Qiong tilted his head, and showed a kind smile towards Youhabach, "Because my Miss Know-It-All is chatting with Mr. Lingwang, in order to prevent you from disturbing them, I had no choice but to stop you from moving forward."

"You just said, chatting with King Ling? Absurd!"

Juhabach's eyes were angry, and he said with a bit of anger: "How can the King of Spirits chat with others? He has already—"

Speaking of this, Yuhabach seemed to remember something, and the slightly agitated mood calmed down instantly, then looked at Lin Qiong with cold eyes, and said: "Since you want to stop me from advancing, there are my enemies over there." And my enemy has only one way to be defeated by me!"

"Then let me see how you can defeat me—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing when he heard Youhabach's words, and then looked at the members of the pro-guard behind him.

"Ishida-kun, Hasward is the head of the Knights, so I leave it to you, is it okay?"

With a flick of his left hand, Ishida Yulong summoned the long bow of Lingzi Arc Sparrow, and said proudly: "Naturally, that's no problem."

"Stark, Lijie Barrow also uses a gun, you have a good conversation with him."

With a helpless face, Stark turned into an old woman with two guns, and muttered: "This guy looks very strong, maybe I'm not his opponent."

"Nilu, that big man named Gerald will be handed over to you."

Nilu summoned the Antelope Knight's spear with a smile, and said softly, "Okay! I will defeat Aqiong's enemies!"

"In addition, Askin's ability is quite troublesome, so I leave it to you, Bailegang."

Bearing the Skull Earth on his shoulders, Bailegang said domineeringly: "No matter how troublesome the ability is, this old man will let him see the power of time!"

"Finally, Penida has the ability to control the body, you have to be careful, Ulquiola."

Ulquiola spread his black bat wings and said in a calm voice, "It's okay, I will win."

After assigning the opponents of the personal guards, Lin Qiong looked at Yuhabach with a gloomy face, and said with a chuckle: "As for our King of the Quincy, His Majesty the Supreme Yuhabach—I will leave it to you There are two of you, okay?"

Aizen chuckled lightly and said, "Qiong-jun, you think highly of him too much! I don't need Kurosaki Ichigo at all, I'm enough alone."

Kurosaki Ichigo glanced at Aizen and said, "This is my line! I don't need Aizen's help, I can defeat him by myself!"

"What do you take me for?"

Hearing the conversation between Aizen and Ichigo, Yuhabach raised his right hand, and the overwhelming sacred Mieya enveloped the two of them at the same time, "You guys go together! I will let you understand what is the difference in strength!!"

Chapter 0485 Spirit Race vs Quincy Division

"Ishida Uryu—"

Hasward drew out the long sword at his waist, looked at Ishida Uryu in front of him with indifferent eyes, and said in a low voice: "The criminal who betrayed His Majesty, you are not worthy to be called the Quincy Master."

"Ah yes yes yes—"

Ishida Uryu nodded perfunctorily, and asked back: "My mother lost all her strength because of Yuhabach's sanctification, and passed away after three months of support. I still have to thank him, right?"

Hasward was silent for a few seconds, and said: "Holy piety is the home of all half-blood Quincy..."

"Does that have anything to do with me? No?"

Ishida Uryu interrupted Harsward's narration, and said with a puzzled face: "Yuhabach has not given me the slightest favor, so why should I accept the favor he placed on my head? Does he deserve it? He doesn't deserve it. "

"It seems that words cannot make you realize the greatness of His Majesty."

Hathward sighed softly, then looked at Ishida Uryu with a hint of sadness, and said: "I am the head of the Star Cross Knights, holy text [B], The Balance (harmony of all things), Hugelan Hartsward."

"The greatness of Juhabach? I'm sorry, but I don't feel the slightest bit."

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