With indifferent eyes, Ishida Uryu drew the longbow of Lingzi, pointed the holy arrow at Hasward's chest, and said, "I am the Shield of the Guardian, No.03, Ishida Uryu!"

"Even your level can become No.3. It seems that the shield of protection you talk about is nothing more than that."

With a flick of the long sword in Hasward's right hand, six sacred destroying arrows gathered from the top of his head, shooting towards Ishida Uryu's head, throat, heart, abdomen, etc., "The end of this battle, I can already met."

"When did you give birth to..."

Ishida Uryu chuckled, quickly drew the bow with his right hand, and shot down Hasward's sacred arrows one by one with burst shots, "Did I show the illusion of full strength in front of you?"

Swastika·Silver Ridge Arc Bird!

Aizen in the distance: "?"



"It's so troublesome——"

Stark clamped the gun in his right hand under his left armpit, then scratched his scalp with his right hand, looked at Lijie Barrow helplessly and said, "I said, little brother over there, can you Turn a blind eye and touch the fish with me?"

Wait, this person seems to turn a blind eye?

Stark stared at Li Jie's face in confusion - Li Jie's left eye was always closed, and there was a tattoo mark similar to a crosshair on the left eye.

'What does that tattoo mean?Does it mean 'hit here'? '

Stark couldn't help being suspicious; 'Weird, why would someone tattoo a crosshair on his left eye? '

"As the captain of His Majesty's Divine Forgiveness Guard, my duty is to open up a path for His Majesty and kill all the enemies who stand in the way—"

Li Jie picked up the sniper rifle in his hand with a cold face, and said to Stark: "I will kill you first, then your companions, and finally the master you follow."

"Huh, so that's the case, is that what you planned?"

Hearing Li Jie's words, the laziness in Stark's eyes gradually receded, replaced by the sharpness of a hunting wolf, "Then, there is no way to fish -"

After joining the Sky City, Stark really felt the meaning of the word "companion", and now if Lijie said that he would give all Stark's companions and even Lin Qiong who brought him his life today kill...

Quincy, you have touched the taboo of wolves.

"I am the Shield of the Guardian, No.04, Koyatai Stark—"

A deep blue lightning flashed in Stark's eyes, and he murmured, "Swastika - The Wolf King of History!"


A set of scarred leather armor appeared on Ke Yatai's body, and a device that looked like a combat measuring device in Dragon Ball appeared in his left eye.

"Ready to meet, are the wolves chasing you?"

Stark raised his two guns, pointed them at Li Jie, and whispered: "The pursuit of the wolves is a never-ending nightmare!"

"Pretending to be mysterious—"

Li Jie picked up the sniper rifle with a nonchalant expression, and said in a deep voice: "Whether you are a pack of wolves or a pack of dogs, you are only worthy of being my ghost!"


"Hahaha, is my opponent a weak little girl?"

Gerald looked at Niluelu who was standing in front of him, who looked particularly easy to bully, couldn't help laughing and said, "There's no way to show the strength of a hero to the fullest!"

"Well, it looks like I've been underestimated? That's not okay!"

Nilu puffed up her mouth, put her hands on her hips, looked at Gerald angrily, and said, "Big man, remember the name of the person who fought with you—I am the Guardian Shield, No.05, Nilu!" Luel du Odyshovanc!"

"Ha ha ha ha, the names of criminals cannot enter my ears!"

Gerald put on a fighting posture with the shield in front and the person behind, and said with a look of madness: "Die! The criminal who hinders His Majesty from ascending the throne!"

"Can't remember? Well, forget it."

Nilu sighed, pointed at Gerald with the Antelope Knight, and said in a low voice: "Swastika Zero Spear Knight Antelope Knight!"

Metal armor full of sci-fi style covered Nero's body, which turned into a centaur. From the gap between her bidding, one could see the shimmering spiritual pressure flowing in the air.

"Big man, are you ready?"

A slightly distorted voice came from the helmet, Nilu's "horse hoof" lightly stomped the ground, and rushed towards Gerrard, "I'm very strong!"

"Oh! Faced with such a monster-like appearance, it is more suitable for my hero status!"

After seeing Nilu who had entered the swastika, Gerald immediately showed an excited expression. He laughed and greeted him, and shouted: "Now, the hero is going to hunt down monsters—"


"Tsk, the twittering is so noisy."

Bailegang put the ax in his hand on the ground, then glanced at Gerrard who was yelling, and looked at Askin who had a bitter expression in front of him with an unhappy expression, and said, "Little brat! Is the old man ready to kill?"

"Hey, hey, this joke is not funny--"

Yaskin raised his hands in a gesture of surrender with a face full of tears, and said, "Please, why would a weak guy like me meet such a difficult opponent? Please spare me!"

"Don't worry, the old man will kill you in an instant, so that you won't feel the pain."

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Bailegang's mouth. He grasped the ax handle of Skull Earth and shouted: "Swastika·Evil Spirit Skeleton·Skeleton Earth!"

Black and purple flames rose from under his feet, completely burning the flesh and internal organs of Balegon, leaving only the white jade-like bones shrouded in flames.

"Hey, why is it getting more and more scary wow——"

Yaskin scratched his hair with a wry smile on his face, and said helplessly: "There is really no other way, I can only be a little more serious and deal with you."

"You guy, although you look timid, you are actually very arrogant."

Balegon's skeleton mouth opened slightly, and he let out a low voice: "But it's okay, you're crazy, this old man is even more crazy than you—remember, the person who killed you was the Guardian Shield No.06, Balegon Ruysenbang!"


The next moment, Bailegang jumped up high, raised the giant ax in his hand, and struck hard at Yaskin.


"My opponent, is that you?"

Ulquiola looked at Penida, who was covered in a raincoat-like hooded coat, and said softly, "I am the Guardian Shield, No.08. In the name of the young master, I will kill you."

"Kill you……"

Intermittent sounds came from the raincoat, as if a babbling baby was imitating someone else's speech, "Kill...you..."

"Swastika·Eternal Nightmare·Black Winged Demon!"

Ulquiorra entered the swastika under the dark green spiritual pressure package man.At this time, there are only two obvious differences between his shape and that of the second stage of returning to the blade. Firstly, the empty hole on the chest and the black pattern on the chest have disappeared; Clusters of dark green flames.

The next moment, Xiao Wu, who doesn't talk too much, flicked his right hand, summoned the Thunder Spear, and rushed towards Penida.



"The Arrancar actually used Swastika?"

Looking at the broken faces who were fighting with his personal guards, Yuhabach's eyes flashed a moment of surprise: "So that's the case! Were you the reinforcements in the Soul Realm back then?"

"Hey, have you been found?"

Lin Qiong stroked the cats in Sifeng Courtyard, pretending to be puzzled and said, "However, it's so strange! Isn't His Majesty the great Yuhabach all-knowing and omnipotent? How could he not know about our existence?"

' Indeed, why can't my omniscience see them? '

Such doubts also arose in Yuhabach's heart. He unconsciously looked in the direction of the Spirit King's Palace and murmured, "Could it be that you are interfering with me? My father——"

"Mr. Yuhabach, I think what you need to think about now is not why you don't know our information, but..."

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Aizen's mouth, and he whispered, "It's about how you want to defeat us."

"Stop making me laugh, Aizen Soyousuke! You are not my match."

There was a disdainful expression on the corner of Yuhabach's mouth, and he said proudly: "Even with Kurosaki Ichigo, it's the same!"

"Stop talking nonsense, Juhbach—"

Kurosaki Ichigo pointed at Yuhabach's nose with the sky lock in his hand, and said with a calm face: "Because of your sanctification, I lost my mother! This grievance should be understood today!"

Shield of the Holy Guardian, No.01, Kurosaki Ichigo, is ready!

"Haha, Yhwach, do you still remember what you said to me in the Zhenyang underground prison?"

A slightly teasing smile appeared on Aizen's lips, "Let me see how you finish what you said."

Shield of the Guardian, No.02, Aizen Soyousuke, is ready!

"Kurosaki Ichigo, Aizen Soyousuke—"

Dense pupils appeared in Juhabach's eyes again. He grinned and said, "Since you insist on this, then I will show you the power of omniscience and omnipotence!"

The king of the Quincy, Yuhabach, is ready!

Chapter 0486 The Death of Hasward

"Chew, chew—"

Lin Qiong sat at the top of the stairs, eating snacks leisurely, looked down at the battlefield below, and muttered: "Although I feel a little sorry for the members of the Star Cross Knights, but as far as they are concerned, they are really not good enough. --What do you think?"

"Compared to this, I want to know why they can solve these—"

The Sifengyuan cat walked over from behind Lin Qiong, lightly jumped on his shoulders, jumped into his arms, squatted on his lap, looked at the battlefield below, and said: "In addition, , don’t you think the combat power of these original Arrancars is a little too exaggerated??”

Although Sifengyuan Yeyi has become a domestic cat (bushi), she is also the former captain of the second division, the former commander of the Xing Army's general army of the first division, and the former commander-in-chief of secret maneuvers. She still has a vision for things.

She can swear on her favorite cat meal that the combat effectiveness of these God's Forgiveness Guards located in the Lingwang Palace is not at the same level as those Quincy Masters in the Soul Realm - every Guard here needs Only when two or even more than three top captains team up can they win.

But what about today?These combat powers, which are superior to those of the captain, are being suppressed by Lin Qiong's shield of protection - it can be called Vegeta in the Realm World.

Domineering on stage, pretentious in the mid-term, bright in the later stage, and deflated in the final stage.

But the problem is, those who are suppressing these people are the Arrancars who were originally affiliated with the Ten Blades and later switched to the Holy Shield. To be honest, theoretically speaking, these Arrancars should no longer be able to keep up with the version. Bar?

Why is it so fierce? ?

"Hey, the strength displayed now is not their full strength—"

Lin Qiong gently stroked the hair on Sifengyuan Maomao's back with his hand, and said with a smile on his face: "I just don't know if the strength of these Quincies can force them out with all their strength."

The so-called full power is naturally the complete holy body plus swastika, although it will consume a lot of physical strength and spiritual pressure of the user, but the fighting power that explodes is definitely ten times or even nine times as much.

"Isn't that full strength? Are you kidding me?"

Sifengyuan Maomao turned to look at Lin Qiong with a surprised face, and couldn't help but said, "What did you do to these broken faces? How can you be so exaggerated?"

"Hey, this is a company secret~"

Lin Qiong took out a small dried fish from his pocket with a smile, then handed it to Maomao of Sifengyuan, and said, "Come on, watching them fight while eating the dried fish, it might be a beautiful thing ah!"

The Sifengyuan cat opened its mouth and bit the dried fish, and then gnawed it happily - the fighting power of the Arrancar is exaggerated?Gee, what does this have to do with cute cats?The cat doesn’t know it!



"Holy Arrow Arrow, Split Arrow, Storm of Arrows—"

Unlike shaped arrows that increase power, penetration, and lethality, the characteristic of splitting arrows is scraping.

Bad news: he's scraping.

Good news; scrapes quickly.

"What's the matter? Mr. Hasward, is your strength only at this level?"

Ishida Uryu stood where he was, looking at Hasward who was struggling under the rain of arrows in front of him, and said with a cold expression: "Your performance is not worthy of your speech, let alone your identity—— "


Hasward panted slightly, looked at Ishida Uryu with solemn eyes, and thought: "Do you want to finish unfolding the Eucharist?"However, if he also unfolded the holy body, wouldn't he enter the same reincarnation again? '

"Is there still time to think about unimportant things now? It seems that I haven't put enough pressure on you—"

Looking at Hasward's thoughtful eyes, Ishida Uryu narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice: "Mr. Hasward, please focus your attention a little...concentrate!"

Sacred Arrow, Energy Arrow, Burst Shot!

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