"call out--"

A crystal-clear sacred arrow shot towards Harsward's chest. He subconsciously raised the spiritual long sword in his right hand and slashed towards the arrow body——when the long sword touched the arrow body, At that moment, the Holy Mie Arrow burst suddenly, splitting out nearly a hundred tiny Holy Mie Arrows.

"It's the same move as His Majesty's Explosive Holy Arrow—"

Hasward's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he raised the scapegoat in his left hand without hesitation, and then curled up his body while opening the static blood suit to the maximum.

One and a half seconds later, Harsward, who was no longer as elegant as before, stood up from behind the shield. Several bloodstains had appeared on his body, and his originally neat hair was now a little messy.

"Aren't you ready to enter the Eucharist?"

Ishida Uryu did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but maintained a posture of drawing the bow, stared at Hasward and said, "You are not my opponent now."

'He showed mercy, and his purpose was to allow me to enter the Holy Eucharist——'

A flash of insight flashed in Hasward's heart, "His purpose is to defeat me in the strongest form!" '

Really, what an arrogant thought!

"Then I will satisfy you."

Hasward took a deep breath, then clenched his right hand and placed it in front of him, whispering, "Complete the Eucharist God's Adjustment!"


A blue circle of light decorated with crosses floating around appeared above Hasward's head, and two wings of light composed of crosses also spread out behind him.

"Ishida Uryu, this is my perfect holy body, the check and balance of God."

Hasward looked at Ishida Uryu calmly, and said softly: "Your goal has been achieved, but I hope you don't regret it."

"Regret? If I can't beat you here, I will really feel regret."

Ishida Uryu drew his longbow with sharp eyes, and shouted: "Holy arrow destroyer, energy-gathering arrow, profound meaning, archery revolution!"

The blue spiritual pressure visible to the naked eye is condensed on Ishida Uryu's longbow, and a huge sacred arrow of destruction floats on its spiritual longbow.But the most eye-catching thing is the two blue wings that are flapping on both sides of the arrow feather.


Accompanied by Ishida Uryu's low shout, the wings on both sides of the arrow feathers flapped rapidly, and the giant sacred arrow shot towards Hasward's chest.

"It's useless, Ishida Uryu! It was your biggest mistake to allow me to enter the Eucharist."

Hasward calmly raised the spirit long sword in his hand, waved it lightly in front of him, and easily cut off the giant sacred arrow in front of him, "After I enter the holy body, It is invincible."

"You speak with confidence."

Ishida Uryu slowly put down the longbow in his left hand, and asked, "It seems that your perfect holy body has given you a lot of confidence?"

"My ability to reconcile the world, it allows me to give the target 'unfortunate', and the things that are given 'unfortunate' will become fragile, and the side effect is that I need to bear the same degree of 'unfortunate' myself."

Hasward raised the shield in his left hand and said: "However, because of the existence of the scapegoat shield, the 'misfortune' that I should have suffered was transferred to it and converted into damage to the target. "

"I didn't expect that you have thick eyebrows and big eyes, but your acting style is very shameless."

Ishida Uryu raised his eyebrows, then looked at the scapegoat with some cracks on its surface, and said, "However, there should be a limit to the 'tragedies' it can endure? These cracks are the proof! "

"You are right. There is a limit to the 'misfortune' that the scapegoat can bear. If it exceeds this limit, it will be broken into pieces, and I myself will suffer even stronger 'misfortune'."

Under Ishida Uryu's surprised expression, Hasward let go of the shield in his left hand and threw it to the ground, "However, I don't need it now—I can leave my Reiatsu permanently on In the bodies of other living things, after I enter the Eucharist, these living things with my Reiatsu in their bodies will become my 'scapegoat'."

You can tell from the name that the role of the "scapegoat" is to replace the scapegoat and become a "substitute" for the side effects of Hasward's ability.

Ishida Uryu took a deep breath and asked, "How many scapegoats do you have now?"

The corner of Hasward's mouth raised slightly, and he said, "The current number is 18 people."

Hearing this number, Ishida Uryu was silent for a few seconds, and said in a low voice, "In other words, did you involve 18 irrelevant people in this battle?"

"Ishida Uryu! At this time, do you still care about the lives of other people?"

Hasward raised the Reiko sword, pointed at Uryū Ishida, and said, "In that case, then put down your weapons and surrender."

"Surrender? This option will never appear in my choice—"

Ishida Uryu lowered his eyelids and said in a low voice: "Harsward, I already know how to crack your ability!"

Complete Holy Swastika!

God's Purification Silver Ridge Sparrow!

A rhombus-shaped halo appeared above Ishida Uryu's head, and a pair of gorgeous wings appeared behind him.

'Sure enough, has he also mastered the Eucharist? '

The vigilance in Hasward's heart rose to the limit, and he stared at Ishida Uryu's every move with his eyes, and at the same time guessed how the other party would crack his ability.

"It's actually very simple to crack your ability! If I'm not mistaken, the medium through which your ability is activated is the spiritual long sword in your hand!"

Ishida Uryu did not pull away the Silver Ridge Sparrow, but stretched out the thumb, index finger and middle finger of his left hand, and said in a low voice: "Then, you only need to let your Lingzi long sword not be released until I released it. Attack, that's all."

"Ishida Uryu, you are too arrogant!"

A trace of anger flashed in Hasward's eyes. Holding the sword in both hands, he rushed to Ishida Uryu first, and said in a low voice, "If you can do it, let me see it!"

"as you wish."

Ishida Uryu dodged Hasward's thrust sideways, and then pulled out the "soul piercing thing" from his back, raised his hand, and cut off Hasward's arm.

The above process takes 0.43 seconds.

Then, in Hasward's slightly widened eyes, Ishida Uryu stepped forward, put his left hand on his side, and whispered, "It's over, Hasward."

Small Holy Arrow · Gathering Arrow · Spiral Storm.

The energy-gathering arrow mixed with the spiral momentum pierced Hasward's condensed static blood suit in an instant, and then twisted his entire upper body into nothingness, while his remaining lower body swayed and fell on the ground. on the ground.

Hugelan Hasward, confirmed dead.

Chapter 0487 I am a god


The moment Hasward's spiritual pressure disappeared, the Star Cross Knights who were struggling under the offensive of the Holy Shield suddenly showed expressions of astonishment.

Lijie: "That Harsward is actually dead? It's unbelievable..."

Gerald: "Hathward is actually dead? It's useless! It depends on the miracle brought by my hero!"

Yaskin: "Hey, hey, are you lying? This is not funny at all!"

Penida: "Dead... dead...? Dead! Dead!!"

"How? Juhabach—"

Kurosaki Ichigo held the handle of Tiansuo Zhanyue with both hands, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "The head of the Knights you are proud of has been defeated by Ishida!"

Well done Ishida!He is truly one of my best brothers!

"Hehe, it seems that your Star Cross Knights are nothing more than that."

Lan Ran elegantly held Mirror Flower Shuiyue·Mingjing Zhishui, and said with a low smile: "After all, it is an organization led by a blind frog in the well, so I can understand it."

"Heh! Kurosaki Ichigo and Aizen Soyousuke sang together in front of me. It seems that your relationship seems to be very good?"

Yuhabach sneered, he slowly stretched out his right hand, twisted it in the void, and said in a low voice: "Harsward! Since you are dead, let's use your last value!"

He held a fluctuating blue spiritual pressure in his palm, and then turned into four beams of light and merged into the bodies of Lijie, Gerrard, Askin, and Penida.

The next moment, the aura of the four suddenly rose to a higher level.

"Didn't you think so? The Quincy Master, who I have bestowed with holy text, will use its power for me!"

Yuhabach showed a smug smile, "I have now distributed Hasward's power to the four of them. Facing them who are further strengthened, how will your companions win?"

One of Yuhabach's goals is to use this method to break the confidence of Kurosaki Ichigo and Aizen Soyousuke, so that there will be holes in their hearts, but...

"What a ridiculous remark, Juhabach, you and your speech make me feel ridiculous."

Aizen Soyousuke lightly touched the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his middle finger, and then whispered: "You look down on the shield of the saint too much, and you look too high on your knights—even if the ants become stronger, you can't do it. Still just ants."

"My companion will not be defeated by this level of strengthening!"

Kurosaki Ichigo raised his hands above his head, then rushed towards Yuhabach, roaring: "Compared to other people, you should take care of yourself-Yueya Tianchong!"

Crescent in hand, I have the world!



Feeling the surge of spiritual pressure in his body, Li Jie couldn't help exhaling, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty is bothering you again! As the captain of the personal guard, I am really negligent of my duty."

"Dereliction of duty? How about I give you an idea?"

Stark tilted his head, looked at Lijie in front of him, and said softly: "Kill yourself, it's a decent death."

"Oh, humble creature! If your purpose is to anger me, congratulations on your success."

Li Jie stared at Stark in front of him and whispered: "Perfect Holy Body·God's Sanction!"

Accompanied by the golden spiritual pressure soaring into the sky, a huge golden halo appeared above Li Jie's head, and eight golden wings with three circular hollows emerged from behind.

"See? My sacred and beautiful posture—"

The whole body was wrapped in a white pupa, and only the head was exposed under the protection of the collar armor. Lijie floated in mid-air, looked down at Stark below, and said proudly: "Thank you! Go! Otherwise, you will never see such a magnificent figure in your life."

"You call it divine? Beautiful? Magnificent?"

There was an undisguised dislike on Stark's face, he raised his hand and rubbed his arm, complaining: "One thing to say, how ugly is your appearance at this time, is it true? What kind of desperate aesthetics can you say that this ghost looks beautiful?"

Lijie: "?"

"By the way, you actually feel ugly yourself, right? But you can't admit the tragic fact that you are ugly."

Before he could say anything, Stark continued to complain, "So you just deceive yourself and say that your posture is beautiful - you can deceive yourself, but you can't deceive others!"

"Unforgivable! Unforgivable!!"

Li Jie's expression became ferocious, and the holey wings behind him began to flap rapidly, and one after another golden balls of light gathered around him, "How dare you insult my sacred posture?" , death penalty, I judge you, death penalty!!"


From the ball of light behind Lijie, golden streamers emerged one after another, overwhelmingly attacking Stark.

"Under the sanction of my god, destroy it!"

Lijie shouted in an angry voice: "All things are connected, the rain of sanctions!"

"Unlimited Reload False Flash · [-] rounds!"

Stark raised his hands calmly, and lightly pulled the trigger. A crimson flash from bottom to top, covering the entire sky, shot out from the muzzle of his gun, and shot out together with Lijie. The streamers collided together, causing a violent explosion.


At this time, the remaining false flash broke through the smoke from the explosion and hit Li Jie's body, causing his body to sway in the air, looking a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, it seems that your Rain of Sanctions is no match for my Infinite Reload False Flash."

Stark's voice came from below, he raised the muzzle of his gun and gently blew on the non-existent gunpowder smoke, looked at Lijie, whose face was sinking like water, and said, "It seems that your complete body is not How is it?"

"Unforgivable! Only you, unforgivable—"

Lijie's voice was full of anger, even giving people a kind of hysterical madness, "Mortal, do you think this is all my power? No! I am a god, I am the highest, the strongest, the best, the most beautiful god !!"

"God? How dare you call yourself a god?"

Hearing Lijie's words, Stark couldn't help but sneered, "What's more, when did you have the illusion that I used all my strength?"

Aizen in the distance: "?"

No, all of you are endless, right?

Hearing Stark's words, Li Jie narrowed his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Mortal, what do you mean?"

"My initial solution, named Wolves, has the ability to infinitely recharge the virtual flashes——according to the upper limit of my spiritual pressure output, I can release multiple virtual flashes at the same time."

There was a frivolous smile on the corner of Stark's mouth, he gently swung the pistol in his hand, and said softly: "Have you noticed? I said 'Shijie', not '卍jie'—then The question is, what is my swastika ability?"

Hearing Stark's words, Lijie Barrow couldn't help being stunned for a few seconds: "If it is said that the ability of infinite flashing that he showed from the beginning to the end was provided by Shijie, then his ability of Xijie ,what exactly is it? '

"the answer is……"

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