Stark raised the gun in his hand with a smile on his face, pointed the muzzle at Lijie, and said in a low voice: "Paralysis——"

"Bang bang bang-"

A false flash entwined with traces of electric light spewed out from Stark's muzzle, and after hitting Li Jie's body, his body was immediately paralyzed.









One after another, false flashes with various abnormal states sprayed out from the muzzle of the gun, making Lijie feel unprecedented pain and collapse.

"How? My swastika power."

Stark's voice was filled with a trace of joy, and he said softly: "If you like, I can give you another abnormal state gift package."

"Oh Nori! Oh Nori!!"

Lijie roared incompetently and furiously in mid-air, and the half-light wing behind him suddenly lit up with a dazzling golden color, "Sanctions! I must punish you, a heinous and unforgivable person!!"

"If you can do it, come and try it!"

Stark lightly tapped his feet on the ground, so that his eyes were at the same level with the tall Lijie... No, he rose a little higher, looked down at the Lijie in front of him, and said, "How? 'Professing' Lord God, Isn't it pleasant to be looked down upon by mortals you look down on?"

It can only be said that after spending a long time with Lin Qiong, an old onmyoji, Salted Fish Stark is also good at mocking the enemy.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Sure enough, after hearing Stark's taunt, Lijie almost roared like crazy, "I! Want! You! Pay! Pay! Price!"

The next moment, a dazzling golden light lit up from the halo above Lijie's head, and the white cocoon on his body also lit up - it felt like he had emerged from a cocoon and turned into a butterfly.


"Wow, what is this..."

What appeared in front of Stark was a huge, strange creature with a bird's head, a long neck, eight hole-shaped wings, and four legs - it made people's hair stand on end.

"This is God's Judgment Final Form!"

Lijie's voice had a hint of echo, but the anger in it did not diminish at all, "Mortal, my anger will be washed away with your blood!!"

Judgment is bright! !

The golden long arm extended from Lijie's bird body and raised it above the head. A giant penetrating optical fiber shot out from the arm, enveloping Stark.

"Infinite reloading virtual flash, cluster type, [-] rounds!"

Stark's two guns were crossed in front of him, and a crimson flash condensed in front of him, and then shot out with a "boom", colliding with the sharp light of judgment.

After two light cannons, one red and one gold, were in a stalemate in mid-air for several seconds, the red flashes gradually suppressed the golden judgment in Li Jie's unbelievable expression.

Seeing Stark's false flash getting closer and closer to him, Lijie screamed hysterically: "Impossible! This is impossible!! My judgment, my light of judgment, actually lost to the light of sin. Disciple!! No——!!”

The next moment, a red flash pierced through the sky, submerging Lijie.

Litje Barrow, confirmed to be dead...oh, not dead yet!

Chapter 0488 What should I do if everything is gone?

A few seconds later, the red flash that pierced the sky gradually disappeared, and the figure of Lijie Baro who was shrouded in it also appeared.

"Wow, you're not even dead?"

Stark looked at Li Jie, who looked like a half-melted wax figure, and couldn't help sighing, "This vitality is even more exaggerated than Varstord."

There is a saying, even if the power of the clustered virtual flash is mostly offset by Lijie's Judgment Light, the aftermath can definitely kill Vastod ten times. As a result, Lijie was able to withstand it, and...


Li Jie, who still had half his head left, seemed to be in a daze, mechanically repeating the word "impossible", and accompanied by his cry like a crowing rooster, his broken body was moving at a speed visible to the naked eye. regenerated.


Stark raised the pistol in his right hand, pointed it at Lijie's head, and fired a virtual flash with the attribute of silence - after the red light flashed, the world became quiet.

"Huh, it's much more comfortable."

Stark raised his hand and plucked his ears, and then looked at Lijie who had completely recovered in just five or six seconds, couldn't help biting his teeth, and complained: "Master, you arrange for me Your enemies are really troublesome!"

This vitality is comparable to that of Xiaoqiang.


After his body was repaired, Lijie raised his hands high above his head and tilted his body upwards. The visible spirits gathered in front of him and condensed into a huge, golden trumpet.

"Hey, please spare me -"

Although I don't know what Li Jie, who was in a silent state, was talking about, it can be seen from the scale of the spirits he used at this time that this move is probably not more exaggerated than the Judgment Light just now.

"Why is Ishida Uryu's opponent so easy to deal with, but my opponent is so troublesome—"

Stark made an expression as if he had eaten the juice of Coptidis bitter gourd, then quickly raised the pistols in both hands, pointed the muzzle at the big horn in front of Lijie, and shouted: "Infinite Reload False Flash Cluster Type One hundred thousand rounds!!"

I'm fucking giving it my all! ! !


Accompanied by traces of electric light, a thick red beam of light appeared in front of Stark, and it collided with Lijie's God's Horn in the next moment, causing the spirits in the air to vibrate.


"Hey, is that too exaggerated?"

The panting Yaskin glanced in the direction of Stark and Lijie. After feeling the exaggerated spirit fluctuations, he couldn't help showing a scared expression, "Oh my god, it's a good thing my opponent is not him. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be blown to pieces."

He is not like Li Jie, who has a two-stage transformation, and has both flesh and output, which can be called a BUG.

A skeleton wrapped in purple-black flames: "?"

The old man Bailegang smashed the ax in his hand to the ground, then opened his mouth and asked: "Boy, what do you mean, the old man's deterrence is not as good as that guy?"

Although his ranking is indeed higher than the old man, but the old man is a fierce skeleton in charge of time, can others compare?

"Oh, that's not what I meant."

Askin waved his hands with a smile, and explained helplessly: "I just feel that, in comparison, the old man's abilities seem to be within my range!"

Balegon: "?"

"It seems that the old man hasn't put enough pressure on you, right?"

Bailegang sneered, and he raised the double-edged ax in his right hand with ease, pointed it at Yaskin in front of him, and said with a grin: "In that case, I will let you see my true strength!!"

Askin: "..."

Yabai, seems to have said the wrong thing? ?

He looked at the purple-black flames rushing towards him, turned and ran without changing his face, and shouted: "The situation is not good! Tactical retreat!!"



Stark wiped his forehead, pretended to be struggling, and complained: "Really, I have been assigned such a troublesome opponent. It is unreasonable not to pay overtime when I go back this time."

"Unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable—"

The strange bird Lijie floating in the air repeated these two words in a dazed manner. His appearance at this time was no longer the aloofness before, but the same as when Aizen was broken by Muzuki Ichigo. "I want to give you sanctions! Sanctions! Sanctions sanction sanction sanction sanction—"

"It's starting to make noise again, can't you please make my ears quieter?"

Stark showed a painful expression. He couldn't help but put the gun in his right hand under his left armpit again, then used his right little finger to dig out his ear, complaining: "Have you become a chicken? I don't want to Listen to the rooster crow—”

"Unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable—"

The rooster Lijie spread his wings and roared to the sky: "Puwa!! I need a stronger Pow!! I need to sanction all Piaowa——"

The next moment, the golden halo above Li Jie's head shone with dazzling light again, and his body was divided into two, and then into four...

"Hey, this isn't fun at all—"

The corners of Stark's eyes twitched as he looked at the eight strange birds, Lijie, who surrounded him, and said with a painful expression: "Master, what kind of enemy did you find for me!!"

If there were only eight sharpies, Stark wouldn't be in such pain, but the problem is that these eight sharpies are constantly repeating the line "unforgivable, unforgivable" - eight times the weight of mental pollution. , who can stand this? ?

Just think about it, if one day you open your eyes and see——

I found eight Manaka Kengo looking at you with smiles on their faces and saying "Smailusmailu" to you;

Or the eight Agamus are looking at you with bewildered faces, saying "flowers, trees, sky" to you;

——If it were you, would you be able to withstand it?

I can’t stand it, brother!Who can stand this? ptsd is almost black-faced, okay?

"Punishment, punishment, punishment, punishment -" x8

The eight strange birds Lijie sang in unison. They raised their hands and heads at the same time, and condensed their trumpets.

"Now, I have to use that trick—"

Stark made a sad face and muttered: "If possible, I really don't want to use up the Holy Swastika! After using it, all the muscles in my body will be sore and painful, just like having an erection. Please spare me—— "

Complete Holy Swastika!

Sky-plundering Wings·Fight the Wolf King!

"Infinite reloading of false flash, mystery, unlimited shooting!"

The next moment, an overwhelming red flash filled Lijie's vision of eight strange birds.


Nilu: "!"

Gerald: "!"

Balegon: "!"

Askin: "!"

Ulquiorra: "..."

Penida: "Dead again!"

With the death of the No. 2 personal guard, the remaining three Guardian Shields seemed a little irritated - although they knew very well that Lin Qiong would not value anyone more because of who killed the other first, but the problem was that there was In such a sentence, whoever is slow will be embarrassed!

"For Aqiong's reward!"

Complete Holy Swastika!

Blank Spear Rider Antelope Knight!

"Even that girl...huh! I can't play anymore—"

Complete Holy Swastika!

Skeleton Timepiece Skeleton King!

"In that case..."

Complete Holy Swastika!

The original beginning·Black Winged Demon!


"Yuhabach, it seems that your subordinates are nothing more than that—"

Sensing the death of the No.2 pro-guards, the corner of Aizen's mouth showed a hint of sarcasm, "Your confidence, your strength, and your vision all make me feel ridiculous."

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