"Don't be too complacent, Aizen Soyousuke!"

Being ridiculed again and again, Yuhabach also showed a gloomy expression. He raised his right hand and said, "Could it be that you have forgotten my power? Wait for me to use the power of Lijie Barrow Give it to Askin, Gerrard, and Peneda, and they will become stronger—come on, Lijie Barrow! Contribute the last part to my ambition..."

Just when Yhwach extracted Lijie's power and was about to distribute it to the remaining three guards to increase their strength, he suddenly discovered...

# When I was about to increase the strength of my subordinates, but found that they were all dead, what should I do?Very urgent, waiting online#

"Ha ha, what happened?"

Aizen couldn't help laughing, he looked at Yuhabach with a mocking face, and said, "Don't you want to improve the strength of your subordinates? Please - are you worried that Kurosaki and I will attack you? Don't worry We won't do anything during this time."

"Yes, yes! Indeed—"

Kurosaki Ichigo also showed an unscrupulous smile, he simply poked Tiansuo Zhanyue on the ground, then put his hands on his chest, looking like he was watching the show, "Please, let's increase the strength of your subordinates!"

Tititi, Tittiti, Titneyma, it’s a hammer lift!Dead!All dead!All dead!

Yhwach was so angry that he almost had high blood pressure. He gritted his teeth and looked at Kurosaki Ichigo and Aizen Sosuke, and said: "So what if all my subordinates die?? As long as I am alone, it is enough. ——”

The spiritual storm visible to the naked eye condensed in the palm of Yuhabach's right hand. He concentrated the power of Hasward, Lijie, Gerald, Askin, and Penida in one breath, and then...

"I am the king of Quincy, all Quincy in this world..."

Hearing Yuhabach's speech, Ishida Uryu, who was sitting next to Lin Qiong and eating millet crisps, immediately stood up and said loudly, "Dissenting Ali! All the strength in me What I cultivated by myself has nothing to do with you!"

Yhwach's mouth moved, and then he continued: "I am the King of Quincy, and all the people in this world..."

Ishida Uryu continued to interrupt: "Don't come with me!"

Yhwach's eyelids twitched, and then he said in a deep voice: "I am the King of Quincies, and the power of all Quincies in the Invisible Empire is given by me!"

Hearing Yuhabach's change of words, Ishida Uryu nodded with satisfaction, then sat down again and ate the delicious millet crispy rice.

Yuhabach took a deep breath and continued: "Since I can bestow or redistribute their power, I can naturally recover this power—now, what you have to face is to recover this world... ...is the one who recovered all the Quincy powers of the Invisible Empire, the supreme and strongest King of Quincy!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo picked out his ears and said, "I don't care what you do, you can see if I chop it up or not, and you're done!"

Complete Holy Swastika!

God's Edge · Sky Lock Zhan Yue!

A trace of disdain flashed in Aizen Soyousuke's eyes: "Yuhabach, don't speak wild words easily, it will only reveal your weakness."

Complete Holy Swastika!

Illusion of God·Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in the Water!

Chapter 0489 Is it too late to change the world now?

"Crescent Moon - Tian Chong -!!"

Accompanied by Kurosaki Ichigo's energetic and angry roar, he vigorously swung the sky lock Zanyue in his hand—the black and red crescent moon shot up into the sky, and pulled out a streak on Yuhabach's chest. Deep bone wounds are visible.

"No, it's impossible..."

Yhwach clutched his chest and took two steps back, then looked at Kurosaki Ichigo and Aizen Sosuke in front of him with a shaken expression, and asked: "Why!? Why can't my omniscience and omnipotence see your actions!? "

"Oh, Yuhbach, you're mistaken—"

There was a hint of mockery in the corner of Aizen's mouth, as if a cat was teasing a mouse, "It's not 'you can't see' our actions, but 'I've made you invisible' our actions."

Yuhabach looked at Aizen and whispered, "What do you mean?"

"My initial interpretation, the mirror flower and the water moon, can let the enemy see the corresponding illusion according to my will—"

"My swastika, Flowers in the Mirror, Moon in the Water·Ming Jing Zhishui, can be based on the enemy's subconscious mind, allowing the enemy to weave the illusion that best suits their self-cognition—"

"My Perfect Saint, Swastika, Illusion of God, Mirror Flower, Water Moon, can deceive the whole world by myself - even the world will be hypnotized by my Mirror Flower, Water Moon, let alone you?"

"Just one, Juhabach—"

Aizan lowered his eyelids and whispered, "Kurosaki Ichigo, end this battle! I have lost all interest in the so-called King of Quincy."

Originally, after hearing about the existence of Yuhabach, Aizen was somewhat interested in it, but when he saw the Quincy Queen with his own eyes, Aizen felt an indescribable disappointment.

"This kind of thing, even if you don't tell me, I will do it!"

Kurosaki Ichigo turned his head and glared at Aizen, and said angrily, "You don't need to point fingers here!"



"Chew, chew—"

Lying on his side on the stairs, Stark, who was holding the Spicy Chicken Leg Burger in his right hand, said lazily: "I feel that Yuhabach is dying, can we help him prepare the coffin?"

"What kind of coffin do you want? It takes up space—"

Bai Legang, who had just finished eating spicy chicken wings, had a bone in his mouth, and said with a defiant face, "Let the old man do it, and he will throw away the ashes!"

"According to the legend circulating in the invisible empire, after Yuhabach was killed by Shigekuni Yamamoto a thousand years ago, it took 900 years to regain his heartbeat, 90 years to regain his consciousness, and 9 years to regain his power, then—"

Ishida Uryu pushed his glasses, looked at Bailegang, and asked, "After being killed by Kurosaki and Aizen this time, will he score twice and be resurrected again?"

"It's okay."

Sitting aside, Ulquiola slowly put Wangzai's steamed bun into his mouth, and said, "Just kill it again."

"That's right! After 1000 years, everyone will definitely become more powerful!"

躺在林穹的大腿上,享受着林穹“爱之摸摸头”的妮露挥舞着自己的右手,说道:“到时候可能都不需要一护和蓝蓝出手,我都能揍他了! "

"One thing to say, indeed."

Ishida Uryu thought about it and found that what everyone said made sense, so he said with some expectation: "I hope Yuha can be resurrected! Then I can shoot him."

Stark thought for a while, and said: "Speaking of which, if it weren't for Yuhabach's troubles, I wouldn't be forced to confront that birdman, and I wouldn't have had no choice but to complete the Holy Swastika. It will be sore all over - so it's Yuhabach's fault no matter what you think, right? Then add me."

Bai Legang spat out the bones into the trash can, then pondered for a few seconds, and said, "A real man should beat up the boss of the enemy, and add me as well."

Lin Qiong: "?"

Guigui, if Youha hears your discussion, I’m afraid you will choose Karma if you can be resurrected—it’s not true that someone is willing to be resurrected once in 1000, just to get beaten, right?No, no, no, no!


"Crescent Moon Celestial Duo!"

With the crescent moon wrapped around the blade, swing out another crescent blade, and then combine the two crescent blades into one!


The black and red crescent soaring into the sky enveloped the seriously injured Yuhabach, and the sharp sword energy broke through his crumbling static blood suit, extinguishing his last flame of life.

"Kurosaki Ichigo, Aizen Soyousuke—"

Yuhabach, who started to dissipate from the toes, looked at Ichigo and Aizen unwillingly, and roared: "This time I failed! But don't be complacent! I will definitely come back..."

Before he could finish his words, he saw Ishida Uryu, Stark, and Bailegang over there sitting up from the ground with excited faces as if they had touched some key word.


Juhbach fell silent.

Kurosaki Ichigo looked puzzled at Yuhabach, who was only half-spoken, and couldn't help but ask, "What are you talking about? I don't understand it!"

Yuhabach sneered and said, "I won't come back and let you continue beating me!"

Grandfather is not resurrected! !


The next moment, Yuhabach's remaining body exploded completely, turned into fine black spirit particles, and gradually disappeared into the air of the Spirit King's Palace—not even a single residue was left.


Kurosaki Ichigo maintained the posture of waving the crescent moon, stared blankly at the disappearing Yuhabach, and said, "So, this is the end?"

"Good job, Kurosaki!"

Ishida Uryu came to Kurosaki Ichigo's side, patted him on the shoulder with a smile on his face, and said, "It's over! It's your victory!"


Kurosaki Ichigo let out a long breath, then stood up straight, and murmured with a slight smile, "Mom, I avenged you."

"Okay, everyone—"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands, attracting the attention of the members.

"The battle has come to an end, what are you going to do next?"

"Is it going to Seireitei to help Death clean up the remaining Quincy?"

"Or go back to the virtual circle, start a post-war summary, and eat something to rest?"

"Or, come with me to meet the King of Souls?"

Ishida Uryu shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in Ling Wang—I want to go back to this world and tell Long Xian the news."

Kurosaki Ichigo also stated: "I'm not interested in the Spirit King either! I'm going back to Sky Castle and telling my parents the news."

Stark, Nilu, Balegon, and Ulquiorra also expressed their desire to return to Sky City—as for helping Seireitei?

Bailegang said: "Help the Seireitei? We solved Yhwach, right? We also solved the strongest God's Pardon Guards in the Quincy, right? If we can't even solve the remaining kittens and puppies, , then the Lingling Court will be destroyed."


"So, it's just us—"

Lin Qiong looked at the Sifengyuan cat on his shoulder, then at Ah Lan, who was looking forward to it, and said with squinting eyes: "Alan, don't be surprised when you see the Spirit King later. "

"Surprised? Lord Qiong, you underestimate me too."

There was a smile on the corner of Lan Ran's mouth, he gently pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his fingers, and said, "No matter what the image of the King of Ling is, I will never show a surprised expression."

Lin Qiong nodded with a weird smile, then comforted the Si Fengyuan cats who were looking forward to Aizen's embarrassment, raised his feet and walked towards the stairs, saying: "Let's go! Let's see this person again. The most noble spiritual king——"


Lingwang Palace.

Aizen: Σ( ° △ °|||)

When he saw the Spirit King who had lost his arms and legs and was sealed in the crystal like a stick, he showed a surprised expression.

This is, King Ling! ?

This is the soul king who is regarded as the supreme existence by the Seireitei, and who will be guarded to the death! ?

"In order to stabilize the balance of the Three Realms, the Tsunayashiro family, one of the five nobles in the Soul Realm, sealed the Soul King in the crystal, making it a wedge to stabilize the Three Realms—during this process, the Soul King saw something In the future, I chose self-sacrifice and did not resist."

Lin Qiong walked up to the Soul King, folded his arms and said calmly: "Although the Soul King has been successfully sealed, it has achieved its goal, but the Tsunayashiro family still doubts the Soul King and is worried that he will break free of the seal on his own, so They cut off his hands and feet, and hollowed out his internal organs - they used this method to desperately weaken the Spirit King's power, trying to keep him firmly within their control."

"Insanely stupid, short-sighted, and self-righteous! This kind of family has been passed down to the present..."

Aizen used three derogatory words to express his disdain for the Tsunayashiro family, "The Soul Society is indeed full of filthy evil."

"Don't worry, the Tsunayashiro family won't be able to dance for long."

Know-it-all's cat's voice came from behind the Lingwang crystal, and she lightly jumped onto the top of the Lingwang crystal, and then lightly jumped to Lin Qiong's right shoulder, saying: "O host, Ready to cause change in the world?"


Lin Qiong blinked his eyes in a daze, and said a little unsteadily: "No! My dear Miss Passport, can you tell me what exactly you and Mr. Ling Wang said?"

"Hey, it's just some irrelevant questions."

Know-it-all Mao Mao shook his tail with a smile on his face, and said in a very casual tone: "For example, the future of this world, and so on."

Aizen: "..."

Sifengyuan Maomao: "..."

Lin Qiong: "..."

"I'm a bitch, you guys even discussed the future of this world without me knowing?"

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "So what is the future that you discussed? Could it be that only males will be born in the world, and after the age of 16, males and males can draw out their own holy swords for holy battles?" In such a duel, the side whose holy sword is cut off is the loser, and will become a woman who fits the victor's aesthetic—is this a world?"

Aizen: "Qianjun, don't play around..."

Know-it-all Maomao thought for a while and said, "If you wish, it's not impossible."

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