Aizen: "?"

Is it too late to change the life of the world now?

Chapter 0490 Bullet Saint is not advisable

virtual circle.

Castle in the Sky.

in the bedroom.

Lin Qiong reclined on the sofa without any image at all, while Fairy Ibrahimovic lay beside him, resting his chin on his right leg, yawning lazily.

"Well, so what did our know-it-all lady say to Mr. Soul King?"

Lin Qiong lowered his head, glanced at Miss Wanshitong, who had returned to her human form, and was gracefully crossing her legs, clicking back and forth on the virtual screen, and said, "Hmph, I will work here when I come back. Qiongqiong is not happy~”

"Oh, I'm not doing this for you?"

Miss Know-It-All stopped the work at hand helplessly, then crossed her fingers with her hands, raised them above her head, and stretched her palms upward in an unrestrained manner - as she raised her hands, the hem of her clothes moved up slightly, revealing a The dazzling slender waist as white as snow, the hot waistcoat line, and the cute belly button.

Lin Qiong thought: "I have something to say, I want to lick—"

"Phew, I've been staring at my belly button, do you want to lick it?"

Miss Know-It-All put down her hands, then rolled up the hem of her clothes, and said jokingly, "Would you like to try it?"

"Ahem, forget it, now is the time to do business."

Lin Qiong blushed, and then pretended to be serious and said: "Miss Wanshitong! Please report to work seriously, and don't molested your boss, Smecta!"

"Yes yes yes~"

Miss Know-It-All sat back on the chair with a smile, and then asked: "The reason why King Ling voluntarily turned into a wedge is because he saw that Yuhabach killed him, and then he was beheaded by Kurosaki Ichigo, and finally became Shin The future, and he can use this opportunity to let go of the burden, reincarnate comfortably, and start a slow life."

"No, no, wait a minute."

Lin Qiong rubbed his head and said with a speechless face: "Why does your last sentence sound like a toilet paper light novel? I have already thought of the title for you. "As the Soul King, I was reincarnated after being killed. "Start a Slow Life", is that what it looks like?"

"Hahahaha, as expected of our host, I feel that way."

Miss Passerby let out a pleasant laugh, "It's just that the above situation is when we didn't participate. After we participated, King Ling has another choice."

Lin Qiong nodded, rua rubbed the ear of Rua Fairy Ibrahimovic, and let it shake his head: "That's what you mean by cooperation?"

"That's right! I helped King Ling perfect some rules of this world and put forward new ideas."

Miss Wanshitong thought for a while, and said: "In short, now the King Ling doesn't need to be a wedge anymore, and he can keep the Three Realms in balance. Rather, when the new rules come into effect, the Three Realms will become more stable than before."

"Good guy, you have transformed yourself into a half-god of creation?"

Lin Qiong was stunned for a moment, then rubbed his chin with a strange look on his face and said, "Do I have to call you Arceus Cat form from now on?"

"No, no, it should be in Arceus Lin Qiong's form."

Miss Wanshitong looked at Lin Qiong with a smile on her face, and said, "Don't forget, my current essence is your avatar, so my credit should be placed on you."

When Lin Qiong heard this, he immediately covered his chest with grief, and said, "Ah, Xiba'er! Why doesn't the world of realms have the prehistoric luck setting? Otherwise, I will take off directly in this wave, how can I repair it!"

"Hahaha, are you trying to laugh at me to death and inherit our knowledge?"

Miss Wanshitong curled up on the chair with her stomach in her hands, and laughed loudly: "Host, don't forget that there is a gap between the prehistoric and the wild! Be careful that you went to a low-level martial arts prehistoric place, and the saint walks [-] meters..."

Lin Qiong scratched his head vigorously, then looked at Miss Wanshitong, and said, "Oh my god, don't talk about it, don't talk about it! Bullet sage or something, I feel my scalp numb just thinking about it."

"Don't worry! Although I can't help you reach the sky in one step, I have also obtained quite good benefits for you——"

Miss Wanshitong put up her thumbs up with a sassy face, and said, "Besides, even if you really reach the sky in one step, do you think that door will admit it?"

"Hiss, it seems to make sense! According to the urine nature of that door, [-]% will not admit it."

Lin Qiong took a "inside look" at the world-transmitting gate in his soul sea with a look of disgust, then looked at Miss Wanshitong, and asked, "So, our smart, virtuous, gentle, lovely, beautiful and generous Miss Wanshitong has won for me What good?"

"Hmph! Host, you should know that the core of the realm world is the spirit king, which means that all the power in this world belongs to the evolution of the spirit king's power, right?"

Miss Wanshitong held her chin, looked at Lin Qiong with a smile, and said: "And the benefit I won for you is that after you escape, the Spirit King will serve as your master and teach you various abilities - —That’s something the rest of us can’t teach you.”

"That is to say, in the future, I will be able to use Spicy Tiansai with one hand and hit Varudo with the other?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but said happily: "Isn't that so handsome that everyone loves it, flowers bloom when flowers bloom, and tires blow out when cars see cars?"

Miss Wanshitong waved her hand pretending to be unhappy, and said, "Where is it! Now our host is loved by everyone, the flowers bloom when the flowers bloom, and the car blows out when the car sees a tire?"

"Hey! Well, please stop praising me for a while! I suddenly thought of a small problem just now—"

Lin Qiong coughed twice pretending to be serious, then blinked, and asked curiously: "If King Ling can really foresee the future, if he is ignorant, why do you need you to help him perfect the rules of this world?"

"The reason is simple: King Ling's omniscience and omnipotence are based on the foundation of the realm world, but how can he know the knowledge outside the world?"

Miss Know-It-All smiled lightly, then propped her chin, full of intellectual beauty.

"Give me a simple example!"

"Suppose there is such a human being, he is an experienced Minecraft player, he is proficient in thousands of MOD methods and synthesis tables."

"Then, for Minecraft, his existence is equivalent to the all-knowing and all-powerful Spirit King."

"But outside of Minecraft, is he still omniscient?"

Hearing Ms. Wanshitong's explanation, Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression, and said, "That's it! It's indeed the cat star person I'm proud of, with an external thinking circuit, an external IQ bonus, and no hair loss. I love it the most. Dear Miss Know-It-All! Sparsi!"

Miss Wanshitong smiled and said, "You can praise me even more!"


Lin Qiong decisively made an OK sign and said: "Miss Wanshitong is so cute and beautiful. I want to kiss her, hug her, lift her up high, and then prpr..."

The following omits about [-] words, and I will give you a silver bracelet when I hear the note.

Miss Wanshitong applauded gently with admiration on her face, and said: "As expected of our host, you can speak out such questions without blushing!"

Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, and said with a serious face: "Miss Wanshitong, I said these words because I hope to see your shy expression, not because I want to see you applauding with admiration here, expressing my perverted strength. sure."

"But, my dear host, you need to know one thing."

Miss Passionate showed a tangled expression, and she said: "I know which books you have guided, and the content of those books shouldn't require me to repeat them again?"

Lin Qiong crossed his hands under his nose. After cosplaying Commander Ikari for a while, he whispered, "Miss Know-It-All, when will King Ling begin to teach me the power of the rule system?"

This wave, this wave belongs to changing topics flexibly and avoiding topics that are not good for you.



After Yuhabach's death, King Ling began to re-edit the rules of the realm world based on the ideas provided by Ms. Passenger—during this process, he even had no intention of resurrecting the members of the Zero Division.

"By the way, young master! We have been in this world for about two years, right?"

The secretary who was giving the eldest lady a massage looked up, looked at Lin Qiong who was teasing the fairy Ibrahimovic with a cat teaser, and asked, "Aren't we going to the next world yet?"

Hearing this, Lin Qiong asked curiously, "Why do you care about these things?"

The secretary replied with some embarrassment: "The main reason is that when I was in the realm world, I was always in the virtual circle, and I got tired of it."

"I'm sorry, I neglected this issue! The specific length of stay depends on Mr. Soul King's progress - if he gets things done quickly, I guess I will have to stay for a while longer."

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose apologetically, and suggested: "If this is the case, why don't I send you to another world to play for a while? So you don't have to stay here forever."

"What silly words are you talking about? How could I leave you to train alone and perform alone?"

The eldest lady propped up her upper body, making the heart on her chest extremely eye-catching, "If you want to train with King Ling, you will definitely be physically and mentally exhausted every day! At this time, it is even more necessary for me to provide you with delicious food that can heal your body." Cuisine with the soul!"

The secretary also put his hands on his hips to express his anger: "Missy is right! Young master, who do you think we are?"

"Okay, okay, my fault, my fault, I admit it!"

Lin Qiong raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, dumbfounded, and said, "I shouldn't have said those words, okay? Then I look forward to eating Erina's love feast at the end of the training."

"Although I know it's not right to interrupt your love at such a time, but your expectations may come to nothing—"

Miss Know-It-All who appeared on the window sill lightly jumped onto Lin Qiong's shoulder, then flicked her tail, and said in a slightly excited tone: "I just came back from Lingwang Palace, according to his current remodeling progress, It will take at least a year or so to reset the underlying logic of the entire Realm World—that is, we can go to other worlds to stay for a year before returning to the Realm World for training!"

Chapter 0491 Everyone's Choice

"Can you go to another world to stay for a year?"

Hearing what the know-it-all Maomao said, Lin Qiong held her up in front of him, dumbfounded, and said, "No wonder you have an uncontrollable excitement on your face, I'm afraid your heart would have flown to the new world long ago."

"Hey, after all, for me, the new world means brand new knowledge, the unknown!!"

The know-it-all cat jumped off Lin Qiong's shoulders, and before it landed, it turned into a figure in a white dress with bare feet. Then, it held its hands in front of its chest, turned around on the spot, and said excitedly : "The unknown is really great—ah, God, why am I so lucky to meet my host? This feeling of being able to explore the unknown world infinitely is so, so, so, so great!"

"Yes, yes, my dear Miss Know-It-All, I know you are very excited, but please calm down!"

With a look of helplessness, Lin Qiong comforted Miss Wanshitong, who couldn't help but tap her excited little feet on the ground, and said: "The most important thing now is not to go crazy here, but to discuss it - since we can go to other worlds to stay Last year, then where is the appropriate place to go in the next world?”

What Lin Qiong didn't expect was that the one who raised his hand first was neither the impatient Miss Know-it-All, nor the vigorous secretary, but Yoyo, who had been staying in the room all the time, studying the spell model: "I, I, I! I have an idea! "

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and said, "Okay! Student Yoyo, please speak!"

"Hi! Thank you, Teacher Qiong!"

Youyou also cooperated in changing the name of Lin Qiong from "Qiongni-chan" to "Teacher Qiong", "If possible, I would like to go to a fantasy-style world, that is, a world where magic and dragons exist! "

Lin Qiong looked at Miss Wanshitong: "Magic..."

Miss Know-It-All looked at Lin Qiong: "The dragon..."

The two said in unison: "Fairy Tail!"

Fairy Tail, the full name of Fairy Tail, also known as "In my BGM, no one can beat me", "When the slogan is shouted, the music is played, the world is invincible" and "The protagonist's mysterious fighting power".

"Indeed, when it comes to dragons and magic, my first reaction is also Fairy Tail."

The eldest lady put down the tablet computer in her hand, then supported her chin, and said, "But when are you going?"

The plot of Fairy Tail is mainly divided into two nodes——

One is 400 years ago, which was the era of humans and dragons, and also the era when Natsu and others were born. However, in order to defeat the black dragon Akunologia, Natsu and others were sent to the 400 years later;

The second is 400 years later, which is also the real beginning of the Fairy Tail plot. In this era, magic has reached its peak, and all kinds of strange magic fills the whole world.

"Hiss! This is indeed a problem! The chaos of dragons dancing 400 years ago and the prosperity of magic 400 years later are very yearning."

Lin Qiong crossed his arms and fell into deep thought with pain on his face, "However, staying in the Fairy Tail world for 400 years, no matter how you think about it, it's impossible—it's hard to make a choice, it's really too hard to make a choice!"

"I said, host, have you forgotten something?"

At this time, the Miss Passer-by at the side stretched out her hand helplessly and pulled Lin Qiong's cheek, and said, "A friendly reminder to you of five names—Naz, Wendy, Gajeel, Stringer, and Rogge."

After hearing the names of these five people, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary all let out soft "ah" voices at the same time.

The three looked at each other, and then said in unison: "The Gate of Eclipse!"

"That's right! The answer is correct desu!"

Miss Wanshitong raised her finger with a smile and said, "We can go to the era 400 years ago first, and then follow the eclipse gate to the world 400 years later."

"Hiss, it seems possible? This way, you can tame a group of giant dragons 400 years ago, and you can also collect magic 400 years later..."

Lin Qiong stroked his chin, but he suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but said, "Wait a minute, I suddenly thought of a very problem..."

"Let me guess, host, are you going to say—"

Miss Know-It-All put her hands behind her back, leaned her upper body forward, put her face in front of Lin Qiong, and said with a smile: "Naz and the others came to 400 years after passing through the eclipse gate, and lived for seven years before the plot officially started? "

"Ahem, for those who know me, Miss Know-It-All--"

Lin Qiong smiled, then looked at Miss Wanshitong pitifully, and said, "So, my dear Miss Wanshitong, what can you do?"

"My dear host, have you forgotten one thing? In the story of Fairy Tail, the gate of the eclipse was opened once after the story started—"

Miss Wanshitong raised her finger with a smile, and said, "That part of the plot is exactly the dance between the Dragon Slayer Mage and the dragon."

"Aww! I know what plot you're talking about!"

Lin Qiong showed a suddenly realized expression, he patted his forehead, and said: "But I remember that when Naz destroyed the Eclipse Gate, didn't all the dragons that came over from 400 years ago go back? "

"According to my guess, the time travel of the eclipse gate requires two anchor points to be able to travel stably - for example, Naz and the others, the first anchor point is the 'gate 400 years ago', the second anchor point Point is the gate of '777th July 7', so their time travel is stable."

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