Wan Shitong sat gracefully on the chair, and explained in simple and easy-to-understand terms, "The time travel of the seven dragons in the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Chapter only has the anchor point of 'the gate of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Period', so When this anchor is destroyed, they are forced back to their original point in time."

"I understand the time jump principle of the Eclipse Gate."

Lin Qiong crossed his arms and said with distressed expression: "But the problem is, if we enter the eclipse gate opened 400 years ago with Naz and the others, we should be sent to 777 together, right?"

"My dear host, have you forgotten something?"

Miss Know-it-all raised her right hand, stretched out her index finger and tapped Lin Qiong's forehead, and said, "You have mastered the power of time now, so when you enter the gate of solar eclipse, pluck the string of time a little, and the Wouldn't it be enough to switch the 'end point' from 'the gate of the eclipse in 777' to 'the gate of the eclipse of Damo Dou Yanwu'?"

Lin Qiong: Σ( ° △ °|||)

He opened his eyes wide and leaned back his upper body, exclaiming: "I Tooru! Can you do this kind of thing? Don't kid me, this is a 400-year time travel!!"

"This is not for you to travel through 400 years by yourself, but for you to use your own power of time to influence the boat of time when there are two end points in the first place, so that its docked position will start from the first end point. becomes the second destination."

Miss Wanshitong shook her head helplessly, and said: "What's more, even the 'second end point (the gate of the eclipse of Damo Dou Yanwu)' has already been prepared for us, so the consumption in it is probably less than The cooldown time of the Accelerated Resurrection Scepter is still small.”

"Oh! Is it so simple? Yada thief!"

Lin Qiong let out a cheer. He raised his right hand high, pointed at the sky with his index finger, and said excitedly: "Then, the next stop is confirmed! The goal is the world of Fairy Tail 400 years ago!"

"Oh oh oh!"

The eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo clapped their hands very cooperatively, and all three of them also showed expectant expressions.

400 years ago...

Is it the age of dances of man and dragon?

Really looking forward to it!

"So, one more question..."

The secretary looked at the heated discussions that had already begun——

"By the way, there were good dragons and evil dragons in that era, right?"

"It seems so."

"Then can we kill a few evil dragons and roast the dragon meat?"

"Oh! Dragon meat!"

——The four people who asked this question said: "That is, do you want to take the members of the Holy Shield and go together?"

Hearing this question, Lin Qiong stopped discussing the topic of dragon meat, then thought for a few seconds, and said, "Let's leave it to them to decide for themselves!"



"Another...another world?"

Hearing the name from Lin Qiong's mouth, the members of Jin Wen, Silver Wen and Bronze Wen in front of him all showed dumbfounded expressions.

"Master, you are not joking with us, are you?"

Ishida Uryu pushed his glasses, and said: "—Although I really want to ask this question, but the young master shouldn't be joking about this kind of thing."

"That is to say, there really is a different world?"

Kurosaki Ichigo widened his eyes, and then said wakuwaku: "And it's a different world of dragons and magic! It's so exciting..."

"No, Kurosaki-kun!"

At this time, Ishida Uryu who was beside him calmly patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't forget, we are in the third year of high school, it is impossible to take a year off from school to follow the young master to another world."

Kurosaki Ichigo: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Our little strawberry classmate suddenly showed a desperate expression of lovelessness.

The cruelest thing in this world is not that there is no paper in the toilet, but that when you know that there is a world, you miss the other world because you are in the third year of high school.

Woo, Kulusi!

"Pfft, high school students are really miserable, especially those like you who have to inherit the family business."

Hearing the discussion between Ishida Yulong and Little Strawberry, Lin Qiong couldn't help showing an unscrupulous smile, then he looked at Stark and the others, and asked, "What about you? Are you ready to go with me?" ?”

"Master, the old man has a question."

Bailegang showed a sly smile, and he grinned and said, "You are going to leave with Sky City, right?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "That's for sure."

"Jie Jie Jie, that is to say, after you leave, Xuquan will once again fall into the situation of leaderless dragons!"

Bailegang showed an ambitious smile, his eyes glowing scarlet, and said: "I want to stay in Hueco Mundo! The position of the next king of Hueco Mundo belongs to me - this time, there will be no one." Compete with me for this position! Hahaha——"

Chapter 0492 Brother Hunchback and I are close buddies!

"Hahahahaha! Hahahaha——"

"My time has come!"

"Jie Jie Jie, the King of Hueco Mundo still belongs to me after all!"


In the meeting room, everyone looked at Bai Legang who was going mad with "→_→" expressions.


Stark, who couldn't stand it anymore, sighed, he rubbed his head helplessly, and said, "I also choose to stay."

Bailegang: "Haha... Karma? Cough cough——"

A mouthful of saliva got stuck in his throat, and he almost choked the (future) (possible) king of the virtual circle to death.

"Damn it Stark!"

Balegang looked at Stark who was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and playing with NS with an annoyed look on his face, "Are you going to hinder me again?"

"What's 'again'? Did I get in your way before?"

"What a shame you dare to say this? If it weren't for you, I would have been the No. [-] Blade!"

"You can't beat me, blame me?"


"Okay, don't worry! I'm not interested in the position of the king of the virtual circle."

Stark waved his hand, and said indifferently: "I'm just worried that you will mess around in the virtual circle and ruin the situation that the young master has finally stabilized."

Bailegang raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "Huh? In your eyes, is this old man the kind of guy who will mess around in his own territory?"

Stark nodded: "Yes."

Lilinette asked back: "Otherwise?"

Nilu smiled awkwardly: "It seems like this."

Harribel said angrily: "When you were the King of Hueco Mundo, didn't you know what Hueco Mundo was like?"


Faced with the joint doubts of several people, Bailegang showed a frustrated expression, and then shouted in despair: "No road game, no road game, no road game! Anyway, the next king of the virtual circle after the young master left is Old man! No one is allowed to compete with this old man!"

"It's too shameless for you to cheat at your age!"

"Swastika Evil Spirit Skeleton Emperor Skeleton!"

After Bailegang unfolded his swastika, he pointed at his skull face and said, "I only have a skull and no face!"


After a second of silence, everyone couldn't help but focus on Lin Qiong.

Lin Qiong was laughing: "?"

He stopped, then looked at the others with a question mark on his face, and said, "Why are you looking at me?"

"Qianjun, you are really amazing."

Lan Ran looked at Lin Qiong from the bottom of his heart, and said with emotion: "To be able to turn Bailegang into what it is today - is this one of the charms of Lord Qiong?"

"Indeed, with him, unconsciously, I changed myself."

There was a smile on the corner of Harribel's mouth, and she said softly: "Looking back, comparing the current self with the past self, I don't feel like the same person anymore."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He couldn't help but rolled up his sleeves and said, "I feel like you guys are trying to conceive me like crazy! If you don't give me an explanation today, I'll let you know why the flowers are so red."

"Master, you misunderstood."

"That's right, how do we connotate you?"

"Don't worry, Aqiong! We like you?"

"That's right!"

Listening to the rainbow farts of this group of people, Lin Qiong showed an embarrassed expression, and said: "Oh, I am not as good as everyone says-do you think I said that! You are definitely connoting me Let's go! Iron baa!"

Suddenly, the conference room of Sky City became lively again.



Elven world.


top layer.

"Okay, that's awesome—"

After seeing the Sky City embedded into the top floor of Aincrad, Nelu couldn't help but exclaimed: "Aqiong is really amazing, there is such an amazing building!"

"This scale, it shouldn't be called a building..."

Aizen recalled the scale of Aincrad he saw when Sky City landed just now, and couldn't help sighing softly: "The existence of such a scale can already be called an independent small world. "

"Isn't it amazing? Aincrad was originally built with the goal of being an independent world."

Lin Qiong first showed a complacent expression, and then said with a frustrated face: "It's just that the steps are too big, so even though it has been built, there is no suitable energy to drive it! So I can only put it in the This is used as a decoration... Damn it!"

"Relax, my dear host—"

Know-it-all Maomao blinked at the side, then looked at Lin Qiong with a smile, and said, "Actually, I already have some ideas about the energy issue of Aincrad."


Lin Qiong showed a surprised expression. He turned his head to look at Miss Know-it-all on his shoulder, and asked, "What is it? Tell me—"

"Ahem, I'm going to ask you to seal a star in the universe and make it into Aincrad's driving energy after you have enough strength."

Miss Know-It-All coughed twice and said seriously: "If one is not enough, just two, if two is not enough, then three - if it is a star in its prime, it should be able to provide energy for a long time."


After hearing Miss Pass's proposal, everyone present showed dumbfounded expressions.

"I, I heard right..."

The secretary's eyes started to circle around, and she stammered, "Just now, just now, what Miss Passionate said was a star? Is it the star I understand?"

"Yes, it should be, right?"

The eldest lady twitched the corner of her mouth, then raised her right hand to support her forehead, and sighed: "Although I knew that Miss Wanshitong's vision is different from ours, but this momentum of using stars as energy is really impressive. admire."

"Oh, don't praise me like that~"

Miss Wanshitong waved her right hand with a smile, and said with a natural expression: "When you grow up, you will naturally eat stars as snacks like me."

'Eating stars for snacks...'

Lan Ran glanced at Ms. Wanshitong, and then said with emotion from the bottom of her heart: "It seems that Ms. Wanshitong's real strength is far beyond my imagination—"

"As expected of Miss Know-It-All, what a surprising speech—"

At this moment, a smiling voice came from the sky, "Using stars as the energy source to drive Aincrad? This is indeed a feasible solution."

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