"Yo, Camel, I'm back!"

Lin Qiong enthusiastically waved to Arceus who appeared in mid-air, then pointed to Aizen, Nilu, Ulquiorra, Grimmjow and Yami beside him and said, "Look, this is me. A new companion brought back from another world."

"A new companion?"

Arceus lowered his head slightly, approached Aizen and the others, and said in a low voice, "It's our first meeting, I'm Arceus, just an insignificant character."

'Hey, what are you kidding...'

Grimmjow stared at Arceus in front of him with wide eyes. He felt as if he was looking directly at some huge terror. The trembling from the depths of his soul made his body begin to tremble involuntarily, 'trembling...trembling' ……can not stop……'

If the little leopard could move at this time, he would find that his companions all showed the same posture - even those as strong as Aizen had lost control of their bodies under the pressure of Arceus.

"Qianjun, you really are, you have refreshed my understanding of you time and time again——"

Aizen raised his head and looked at Arceus in front of him, and couldn't help but a drop of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, "Is this horrible existence even your friend?" '

"Okay, Brother Tuo, don't scare them."

Lin Qiong patted the alpaca's thigh and said, "Don't scare them, it won't be fun."

"Aqiong, you misunderstood me. I just wanted to say hello to your new companion, and I didn't mean anything malicious."

Arceus straightened up and smiled at Lin Qiong, then looked at Aizen and the others beside him, and said softly, "That's right, isn't it?"

"Mr. Arceus is right."

Aizen smiled and pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, and said in a low voice, "He just greeted us very friendly."

"Okay, okay, let's end this topic."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, decided not to dwell on this issue any longer, and then said to Arceus: "Tuo Tuo, do you see what special product I brought you from the Realm World?"


Arceus squinted his eyes and approached Lin Qiong, looked at the faceted crystal in his palm, and murmured: "It's a very strange thing. It contains a kind of 'full' power, but the strange thing is that this A 'full' power is 'incomplete'."

"After all, the essence of Bengyu is to imitate the power of the Spirit King. It's just that the person who made it has limited ability and can only restore part of the power."

Lin Qiong threw the Bengyu in his hand, and explained: "Oh yes, the Spirit King is equivalent to Arceus in the Realm World."


As soon as King Ling said these words, several members from the Realm World suddenly showed expressions of astonishment—except Aizen, who showed the expected expression.

"Aqiong is so awesome!"

Nilu looked at Lin Qiong with a look of admiration, and said, "I have such a good relationship with the Lord Spirit King of this world!"

"That's right! Brother Tuo and I have such a good relationship!"

Lin Qiong put his arms around Arceus' shoulders proudly, and said, "To tell you the truth, Aincrad was made by Brother Tuo for me!"

"It's just a small gift."

Arceus raised his head slightly, showing a proud expression, but his tone was extremely humble, and said: "Compared with the gifts that Aqiong brought me, these toys that can be made with a little effort are not worth mentioning. .”

For the first time in history, Aizen Soyousuke experienced what it was like to be called Versailles.

Chapter 0493 Who Can Resist Electronic Cats?

"Lord Phoenix, you are so cunning——"

San Gouzi lay on the ground, looked sadly at King Feng in front of him, and said, "Two years! For two full years, we were actually allowed to pass once."

"Ahem, unexpected accident! The main reason is that you are too busy there, you know? Next time, definitely, next time—"

Feng Wang coughed twice and tried to explain, but facing the suspicious eyes of the three holy beasts, she suddenly became angry from embarrassment and said, "What kind of eyes do you have? Could it be that my majestic Phoenix King can still lie to you?"

Emperor Yan: "If it was the previous Lord Feng Wang..."

Suicune: "That won't deceive us..."

Lei Gong: "But after getting along with Master Qiong..."

Sangou: "Lord Feng Wang's integrity is already in the shape of Lord Qiong!" '

Of course, although in his heart he was madly slandering the unreliable Master Feng Wang, on the surface Sangouzi still nodded his head honestly and said in unison: "Of course Master Feng Wang will not lie to us!"

"You are not in that world, so naturally you don't know what Aqiong and I have done."

Seeing the three idiots...I mean the three simple dogs believed his words, King Feng nodded in satisfaction, and then said in a serious manner: "Ah Qiong is in that world, but he is the son of King Heling. It’s been a big battle—the Spirit King is the Arceus of that world, do you understand?”

Emperor Yan's eyes widened in surprise, and he exclaimed: "In other words, Lord Qiong had a battle with the son of Arceus?"

Shui Jun said with a look of admiration: "As expected of Master Qiong, you can easily do what we can't do!"

 Pi Leigong asked curiously: "Master Feng Wang, what is the result of this battle?"

"Just ask stupid questions! If A Qiong loses, how can he get back?"

Feng Wang glanced at Lei Gong with contempt, and said, "If you lose, you will die!"

Lei Gong widened his eyes in surprise, and said, "So it's not a sparring, but a battle of life and death?"

Suicune also opened his mouth wide, and said in admiration, "As expected of Lord Qiong, if you killed Arceus' child, can you still get away with it?"

Emperor Yan sighed: "It's too strong!"

Arceus in the distance: "?"

Are you sick?What A Qiong killed was the Spirit King's child...ah, it was obviously A Qiong's subordinates who killed him, what does it have to do with me.



"I see, is the next world a world of dragons and magic?"

Arceus heard about Lin Qiong's arrangement for the next world, so he couldn't help showing a mischievous smile, and said, "Aqiong, are you interested in taking the dragon I created to touch the dragon in that world?"


Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then rubbed his head and asked, "You mean, let me bring late-blooming dragon-type Pokémon like Kuailong and Tyrannosaurus?"

"No, no, no! Ah Qiong, although your proposal is good, but I think it's a little bit off-"

Arceus raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then said in a slightly hostile tone: "The ones I want you to take over are Rikkakuza, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Dialga, Pa Lucia and Giratina."

"I see through!"

After Lin Qiong heard the name from Arceus, he spat out a mouthful of old blood. The corner of his mouth twitched and looked at Arceus, and said, "Brother hunchback, don't make trouble! I'm afraid it's time to bring the seven dragon gods there. Bullying children!"

The upper and lower limits of the dragons in the Fairy Tail world are very high, but even if Akulonokia, who is at the top of the dragon, or even the five dragons that appeared in the hundred-year mission, don’t even think about causing trouble when facing the real dragon gods in the elf world. storm.

"Don't you want to drive the dragon in the elf world to defeat the dragon in another world?"

Arceus bewitched Lin Qiong with a voice full of laughter, and said, "I remember you said - what kind of dragon messenger is A'Du? A real dragon messenger should drive the dragon god, right?"

"Hey! Brother Tuozi is really a villain!"

Lin Qiong let out a mournful cry, then fell into the arms of the eldest lady beside him, and said, "No, no, no! It's too exaggerated to bring seven dragon gods there! How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer??"

"Then bring a few less~"

Arceus said indifferently: "For example, Palkia, the dragon of space, is very useful for traveling?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "If Palkia knew that he was a tool dragon in your mind, he would probably cover his head with the quilt and cry a lot at night, right?"

"It's okay, it will get used to it after crying!"

Arceus shook his head extremely unscrupulously, and then said with a smile: "How about my proposal? Then how about bringing Kyurem with you? Oh yes, do you want to play fusion? I can give you a gene wedge !"

The function of the Gene Wedge is a prop that allows Kyurem and Reshiram (Jekrom) to fuse into Flame White Kyurem (Dark Kyurem)—of course, if the Gene Wedge is used again after the fusion, it will The two dragon gods can be separated again.

In short, this is a prop that can produce the phenomenon of "transformation" and "fitting", which is irresistible to men-please, this is much more handsome than two toy cars colliding together and turning into a unicorn, okay?

'It seems like he really wants to try Pokémon fusion, but he's so confused. '

Looking at Lin Qiong's tangled expression, the eldest lady couldn't help showing a dumbfounding expression, "The last time I saw Qiong's expression was when I asked him whether he wanted me to wear white or black—"

By the way, in the end, Lin Qiong chose white silk on the left leg and black silk on the right leg, double the color, double the happiness, and double the duration... Ahem, this cannot be said.

"It seems that you like the setting of shape change quite a bit?"

Looking at Lin Qiong's appearance, Arceus couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "In this case, you should be interested in Guleton and Millerton."

"Guleton? Millerton? What kind of Pokémon is this?"

Lin Qiong's attention was attracted by two names he had never heard before. He looked at Arceus with a confused face and asked, "So Luerton...could it be Gulardo?"

"No, it's just that the pronunciation is similar."

Arceus shook his head, and explained with a chuckle, "It's a legendary Pokémon that I newly created, from the Padia region."

"Eh? Eh!? Eh!"

There were endless question marks and exclamation marks on Lin Qiong's head. He widened his eyes and said in astonishment: "Wait, wait!? New creation!? What's going on? Why all of a sudden..."

"Didn't you bring me many gifts from another world? I have always been gaining new inspiration through the power contained in those items."

Arceus' voice was filled with a faint smile, "And recently, I finally turned those inspirations into reality and created a brand new area."

"Good guy! The birth of this new area of ​​emotion is due to me, right?"

Lin Qiong sat up from the eldest lady's arms, and then said with some curiosity: "So the Gullerton and Milerton you just mentioned - these are the two names, right - can they also change their shapes?"

"of course."

Arceus nodded, his eyes lit up with a faint light, and two light screens appeared in front of him, playing the scene of Guleton and Millerton transforming from Pokémon sexual form to motorcycle form, and then advancing .

"How? Which one are you interested in?"

Arceus looked at Lin Qiong, who was staring straight at the eyes, and said with a chuckle, "Gulton is of the dragon fighting attribute, and Millerton is of the electric dragon attribute."

"For comfort, I choose Millerton—"

Lin Qiong looked at the electric dragon-type sci-fi motorcycle that could levitate, and said, "Also, I'm a little curious. Why does Guleton have wheels on his abdomen, but he needs to use his limbs when running? Then the meaning of this wheel is Decoration?"

Gu Luton: The wheel is just a decoration, and the big people above will not understand it.

"Then you'll have to ask Gullerton yourself—"

Arceus shrugged his shoulders and said: "Although I have created them, what character and habit they will develop in the end depends on their own development."

Although Arceus can set up the Pokémon he created in detail so that every word, deed, and action he makes conforms to his own wishes, Brother Hunchback is unwilling to do so because he feels that doing so will stifle the growth of the Pokémon. ——In His words: "They are not my works of art, but my children, and children just need to grow up freely! What? They are crooked and disobedient? Just give them a beating."

"Okay, I will when I get the chance."

Lin Qiong nodded, and then said impatiently: "So, when will we go to the Padia area? I can't wait to see my new equipment-"

Phew, who can resist a cybernetic cat that turns into a hoverbike?

Can you?

I can not!

"If you wish, we can go there after dinner—"

Seeing Lin Qiong's impatient expression, Arceus couldn't help but bend his eyes, and said, "I'll be your tour guide myself, how about it?"

"I think it's okay!"

Lin Qiong nodded impatiently, and then said to Aizen and the others who were eating at another table: "Alan, Nilu, are you interested in Pokémon? These creatures are very cute—— "

"Boui Boi!"

Hearing Lin Qiong's comment, the fairy Ibrahimovic, who was curled up on his lap for a nap, moved her ears, then raised her head proudly, and let out a sweet cry, "Boy!"

There is no doubt that she is the cutest Eevee in the entire Pokémon world, and it is more appropriate to describe her as the "Teruhashi Heart Beauty" in the Pokémon world - after all, Arceus is watching her.

Lan Ran glanced at the fairy Eevee on Lin Qiong's knee, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Is it a Pokémon? It's a very novel creature, and I'm very interested."

Nilu also nodded expectantly, and said, "Yes! I want to catch a Pokémon as cute as Eevee!"

"Okay! Since everyone is interested, let's go to the Partia area after dinner!"

Lin Qiong put his arms around his chest and nodded in satisfaction, then changed the subject and said to Nilu: "However, it's impossible to be as cute as Ibrahimovic—my Ibrahimovic is the cutest in the world!"

Fairy Eevee: Booy/(/ /o/ω/o/ /)/

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