Chapter 0494 Gulardo can also fly?

"Good guy, aren't we being too arrogant like this?"

Sitting in the courtyard of the Sky City, Lin Qiong raised his head and looked at the hunchback who was lying on the ground basking in the sun, and couldn't help asking: "Go directly to drive your own castle to catch the legendary Pokémon—I have a kind of The feeling of transforming into Gilruta.”

"Mrs. Gillu?"

Arceus' eyes were confused for a moment, but he quickly searched for the name from the history of the world relying on the power of the Creator God, and then joked: "That's not the same, Gilluta was captured by the power of technology. Stupid...cough, three holy birds, and you captured Millerton by the power of the background."

"Did you just say that? Tsk tsk, even the Creator God knows the name of the three silly birds? I don't know if they will be ashamed to death when they hear it."

Lin Qiong shook his head and sighed, then squinted at the hunchback beside him, and said, "But explain to me what is the background? Is it the Phoenix King on my shoulder? Or the hunchback next to me? Or me The three idiots lying down behind you...the three holy dogs?"

Emperor Yan: "?"

Suicune: "?"

Lei Gong: "?"

The three dogs looked at each other, and then looked at Lin Qiong with mournful eyes—Master Qiong, you still said that Mr. Arceus, didn't you just talk about it yourself?

"Ahem, don't get me wrong, I was influenced by Arceus just now!"

After slandering Arceus without changing his face, Lin Qiong quickly changed the subject and said, "Compared to these, brother hunchback, please explain to me, what is my background?"

Arceus thought to himself: 'It's the influence with which you can make everything comedic. '

Arceus said, "It's your wife's cooking skills! No Pokémon can resist the smell."

"Can no Pokémon resist?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, hesitant to speak, hesitant to speak, boldly conjectured, and mustered up his courage: "Brother Tuozi is also a Pokémon, right?"

Arceus: ?

Phoenix King:? !

are you crazy!You actually directed your attention to Arceus' head! ?You are not afraid that he will send you a sanction stone when he raises his head...

Arceus thought for a while and said, "If it's just a clone, it's not impossible."

Phoenix King:? ! ? ! ? ! ? !

Are you crazy, am I crazy or Arceus is crazy?What the fuck did I just hear! ?Wow grass!

Lin Qiong also looked at Arceus with a question mark on his face, and said, "Are you joking? Don't talk nonsense, it's the people of Kazakhstan!"

"It's just a clone, not the main body."

Arceus shook his head gently and said softly: "Aqiong, don't underestimate your position in my heart."

"Hiss, this sentence is a bit touching—it's a pity for the hunchback brother who said this sentence."

Lin Qiong rubbed his arms, and then said with emotion: "It would be great if a loli with a height of 1.4 meters, brown skin, waist-length silver hair, red vertical pupils, and animal ears and tails could say such things."

Arceus hesitated for a while, then said, "It's not impossible."

Everyone: "???"

Feng Wang couldn't help flapping his wings and flew up, saying: "Master Arceus, don't you spoil this guy too much???"

"It's true, but he deserves it. By analyzing the gift brought back by Aqiong, the strength of my body has been enhanced, but the influence on the outside world has been reduced a lot."

Arceus said with a serious face, "If you continue at this pace, sooner or later, I will be able to appear in front of you in my real body."

Feng Wang stared at Lin Qiong beside him in astonishment.

As a legendary Pokémon created by Arceus, she knows many secrets that outsiders don't know - for example, Arceus's body is too powerful but cannot control its own power, causing every move he makes. It has an impact on the outside world, so his body always stays in the creation room and lets his clone act on his behalf.

This is also the reason why Brother Hunchback was hit half to death by a meteorite.

'Aqiong can actually help Master Arceus to restrain the power in his body! ? '

Feng Wang stared at Lin Qiong who was drinking black tea with a reserved face, and muttered, "So A Qiong is so powerful? I can't tell at all—"

"Didn't you find that your current strength is at least 5.00% stronger than that of yourself two years ago?"

Arceus glanced at the stupid Phoenix King helplessly, as if he were looking at a stupid girl who married into a wealthy family and wore tens of thousands of handmade custom-made clothes every day without knowing it, "With your current size, this 5.00% The strength can at least allow you to push Lugia to the ground... What are you doing?"

"Suddenly I heard Lugia's name from your mouth, and I realized in a trance that I haven't seen her for a long time, so a feeling of longing suddenly gushed out from the bottom of my heart!"

Changed back to her real body, Feng Wang flew into mid-air and flapped her wings excitedly, explaining: "So I'm going to meet her to see how she's been doing recently, how she's eating, what she's wearing. Good."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He tugged at the corner of his mouth and thought: 'King Gou Feng, do you think I believe the bullshit you said?You fucking mentioned Lugia every once in a while in Hueco Mundo, and even forcibly changed Bayeri's name to Lugia - and then you told me that you only heard Lugia's name from Arceus' mouth. Feelings of longing emerged? '


Although Arceus didn't know how Ho-oh behaved in the Sky Castle, he was not a fool like Aqua, so he could naturally infer what Ho-oh was thinking from her reaction.

A dog thing.

"You'd better just be a Rocket Sparrow—"

Arceus shook his head helplessly, and with the surge of his power, Phoenix King's body suddenly lit up with a burst of white light, and then turned back into a cute rocket sparrow, and fell down with a dazed expression.

"Do you think you deserve it? When you heard the news that you could hold down Lugia and fight, you couldn't wait to find trouble - even a pig can see that you have evil intentions, let alone Brother Hunchback?"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand to catch Feng Wang, dumbfounded, and complained: "Can't you wait patiently for a few days? When we are about to leave, you will find an excuse to go home and turn off the gas, and then take the time to beat Lugia After a meal, run away immediately after the fight?"

Phoenix King: Σ( ° △ °|||)

She widened her eyes, looked at Lin Qiong with admiration, and said, "So that's how it is! It's you who have learned new knowledge!"

Arceus sighed helplessly, and said, "Aqiong, you should teach her less! If this continues, Phoenix King's rainbow-colored feathers will be dyed black."

Lin Qiong quietly glanced at the feathers on the back of Feng Wang's buttocks, then breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's not a big problem, it's still a shining iridescent feather."

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Feng Wang, who was still a little guilty at first, couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, then put his wings on his hips, and said confidently: "My heart and actions are as clear as a mirror! How can it be possible to dye black and iridescent feathers?"

Arceus sighed.

Sure enough, no matter who it is, as long as it gets along with A Qiong for a long time, it will become strange...

Except me, of course.

I, Arceus, are clearly connected from the beginning to the end!



Padia area, nearby airspace.

"Alan, Alan—"

Seeing that he was about to reach his destination, Lin Qiong immediately waved to Lan Ran and said in a low voice, "Come here, come here, let me tell you something."

Lan Ran came over strangely, and asked, "Qianjun, what do you want to tell me so furtively?"

"Cough, that's it."

Lin Qiong coughed twice, and then said seriously: "Let's just say that Pokémon are partners and family members. Don't treat the Pokémon you caught as experimental materials—you understand what I mean?"

"Relax, Qiongjun."

Lan Ran pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said softly: "Since I chose to join your command, I will naturally abide by your rules - I will only use villains as experimental materials."

"It's very kind of you to think so."

Lin Qiong reached out and patted Lan Ran's shoulder, and then said with a smile: "Tell me what Pokémon you see later, and I will ask Arceus to help you choose the one that suits you the most!"

Lan Ran nodded with a smile, and said, "Then there will be Mr. Lao Qiong."

At this moment, the eldest lady's surprised voice came from the castle wall: "Qiong! Come and see what I found—"

"hold head high?"

Lin Qiong couldn't care less about communicating with Lan Ran, he quickly jumped up the fence, landed beside the eldest lady, looked at her and asked, "Erina, what did you find?"

"Over there over there—"

The eldest lady pointed to the sky not far away and said: "Look at that Pokémon!!"

Lin Qiong squinted his eyes and looked in the direction the eldest lady pointed, then his eyes widened and he exclaimed, "Hold the grass! What the hell is this!?"

In his line of sight, about 500 meters away, there is a Pokémon that looks like Derby flying in the air - the reason why he uses "seemingly" to describe it is because this Pokémon although The appearance is the same as De Ruby, but the body performance is like a cut diamond, with sharp edges and sparkles.

"I'm super, I'm super, what the hell is this?"

Hearing the movement, Feng Wang also yelled out in shock, "How can Dai Rubi fly? No, the key is why does Dai Rubi look so strange??"

"Because the Tailubi's Taijing attribute is flight, so after it becomes Taijing, it can use the energy of the flight system to fly."

Arceus lightly landed on the wall beside Lin Qiong, and said with a smile on his face: "How? This is a unique phenomenon in the Padia area, too crystallization-it can temporarily change the Pokémon own attributes, so that the battle becomes more colorful."

"Let Pokémon temporarily change its attributes..."

Hearing Arceus' words, Lin Qiong was stunned for a moment, then exaggeratedly widened his eyes, and exclaimed: "I see! Doesn't that mean that Gulardo can also become a flying system? Could it be possible that he will never be able to fly again?" There is no way to say that it can’t fly??”

Arceus: "?"

No, isn't your focus a little bit weird? ?

Chapter 0495 Paradoxical Pokémon

"Too crystallized, it is a specialty of the Padia region."

"It can change the attributes of Pokémon without changing the characteristics of Pokémon, making the battle more diversified..."

Arceus stood proudly in front of Lin Qiong, and introduced to him his newly created terra-crystallization system that belonged exclusively to the Padia region.

There is one thing to say, Lin Qiong is not aware that he is not a Pokémon trainer, and his own Pokémon is also a salty fish, so he was not prepared to listen to this knowledge, but...

"Obviously, the new region, new system, and new Pokémon created by others with great difficulty..."

"It turned out that I didn't have any interest at all. This is too much to dampen people's enthusiasm..."

"It's too much, crying..."

Facing Arceus who didn't even squeeze out a single tear, but was pretending to cry non-stop, what else could Lin Qiong say?

A 10-minute class is a 10-minute class!

"The above is my newly created Taijing system, how about it?"

Arceus withdrew his gaze contentedly, then looked at the audience in front of him (almost all the members of Sky City), and asked, "Isn't it amazing?"

"That's pretty awesome!"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands without hesitation, and said with admiration: "Being able to continue to develop the ninth area while already creating eight areas, this creativity is really amazing!"

"Hmph, good, I'm very satisfied—"

Arceus nodded with satisfaction, then shook his head and said, "Then let's go find the Pokémon we like together, right?"

"Qianjun! We have a large number of people. If we act one by one, it will inevitably waste a lot of time."

Lan Ran stood beside Lin Qiong with a smile on his face, and said softly: "Why don't we split up? Let Lord Arceus send us to the habitat of the favorite Pokémon, and then catch it by our own ability."

"Well, it's not impossible, but..."

Lin Qiong looked at Grimmjow and Yami with worried eyes, sucked his teeth and said, "I'm a little worried that these two guys will start killing after they get out of sight."

"Don't worry, Qiongjun. I believe they will be sensible—"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Aizen's mouth, he turned his head to look at the two people standing beside him, and said softly, "Am I right? Grimmjow, Yami."

"Tch, don't look at us with that look—"

Grimmjow stared at Aizen with a displeased face, grinned and said, "Wherever we are, we must abide by the rules. We understand this simple truth!"

"Grimmjow is right, don't take us for fools—"

Ya Mi also looked at Lan Ran with extremely displeased eyes, and said with a gloomy face: "Since we followed A Qiong and left the virtual circle, we will naturally abide by the rules he set!"

Faced with the extremely bad attitude of the two colleagues, Aizen did not show displeasure, but nodded contentedly, and said softly: "You two can think so, it is really very happy."

"Okay, okay! Is it okay to stop this topic?"

Seeing the atmosphere froze, Lin Qiong stood up helplessly and interrupted the conversation, saying, "Since we have decided to split up, do you have any Pokémon you like? past--"

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