"For me, I just found my favorite Pokémon by looking at the illustrated book in the Partia area."

Aizen had the same smile on his face as before, then bowed slightly towards Arceus and said: "Lord Arceus, please send me to the habitat of the Blue Flame Blade Demon, thank you."

Then, Nilu, Grimmjow, and Yami all mentioned the types of their favorite Pokémon, and asked Arceus to send them to the corresponding area.

"Then, let's go too—"

After seeing off the four members, Arceus looked at Lin Qiong with a smile on his face and asked, "Are you going to go directly to Milton, or are you going to visit the scenery and features of the Padia region?"

"Go straight to Millerton—"

Having said that, Lin Qiong saw that Arceus's expression became volatile to the naked eye, and the aggrieved look really made people's scalp tingle, so he changed the subject and said: "——It's too wasteful, brother hunchback The Padia region has been carefully created! So let's take a good look at it?"

"Is it is it!"

Arceus suddenly showed a joyful expression, and the hunchback brother happily lowered his head, rubbed Lin Qiong's head with his chin, and said, "Then let's go!"


"Unlike other regions, most of the trainers in the Partia region are enrolled in orange or grape academies."

Arceus stood beside Lin Qiong and explained softly: "Among them, the Orange Academy mainly studies the paradoxical Pokémon of the ancient species, while the Grape Academy mainly studies the paradoxical Pokémon of the future species."

The paradox is a special kind of Pokémon from the super ancient/ultra future - although they have a similar appearance to modern Pokémon, they have powerful powers that modern Pokémon do not have.

Because they are too powerful, they have been blocked inside the giant pit of Padia located in the middle of the Padia area-after all, the paradoxical species that are too powerful can easily destroy the ecological balance of the Padia area.

"I remember you said that Guleton and Millerton were the first paradoxical species in this world to be summoned to modern times, right?"

Lin Qiong looked at Arceus beside him, and asked, "Are they the paradoxical species of motor lizards?"

Arceus nodded and said: "That's right, the old one is a motor lizard from ancient times, and the Milton is a motor lizard from the future——"

"Wait, I seem to have discovered something..."

Lin Qiong hesitated for a few seconds, and then asked weakly: "I remember that the motorcycle lizard is not a very rare Pokémon, right? Could it be said that in ancient times and in the future, the Padia region was full of Guleton, and Millerton Not as good as the dog's situation?"

"Although it is true, don't say it so badly, okay? Besides, I have to explain—"

Arceus blushed, coughed dryly, and then explained solemnly: "Although Guleton and Millerton are known as legendary Pokémon in the Padia area, they don't actually have priesthood! In other words, they are more similar to creatures like 'Ultra Beast' than legendary Pokémon."

"When you put it this way, it's easier to understand -"

Lin Qiong rubbed his chin, and muttered, "Although the ultimate beasts seem rare, they are actually rotten in the ultimate space."

"Okay, let's talk about Millerton—actually, there are two Millertons inhabiting the Padia area now, one of which was summoned a long time ago, and the other It has only recently appeared on this land."

Seeing that the topic was getting farther and farther, the hunchback brother couldn't help introducing the situation of Millerton aloud, "The second Millerton is not only stronger than the first one, but also has a much more violent temper than the first one, so when it comes Afterwards, because of the territorial dispute, they launched an attack on the first Millerton."

Lin Qiong asked, "So the first one lost?"

"Not only did you lose, but you lost badly." Brother Tuozi nodded and continued: "The first one was beaten all over by the second one, which even affected its body function—it can't even transform now. arrive."

"It doesn't matter, I still value character more than strength."

Lin Qiong smiled and shook his head and said, "Let's go to the habitat of the first one. I don't really like irritable little guys."

Arceus nodded lightly, and said with a smile: "As you wish! Then, let's get ready to go—"


Padia region.


"After the first Millerton was driven out of its original territory, it fled here—"

After Arceus brought Lin Qiong to Millerton's hiding place, he asked curiously: "Speaking of which, how do you plan to capture this Millerton? Do you want me to come forward to persuade you, or use a food guide, or Conquer through battle?"

"Brother Tuozi, you are really serious, why do you ask such unnutritious questions?"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and said confidently: "This is the world of elves! Of course, we must use the orthodox Pokémon battle to catch the Pokémon you like!",

"Then I'm looking forward to your battle... Oh, by the way, which Pokémon are you going to use to fight Millerton?"

Arceus smiled, and asked casually: "According to the principle of mutual restraint of attributes, I suggest you go to Fairy Ibrahimovic—if you are worried about lack of strength, I can help her improve her strength for a while."

"Thank you for your kindness, but no need."

Lin Qiong shook his head and rejected Arceus' cheating behavior. He said confidently: "As a Pokémon trainer, how can I rely on such external tricks?"

"You still have this consciousness?"

Arceus couldn't help being shocked, he glanced at Lin Qiong in surprise, and muttered, "Maybe I should re-evaluate your integrity?"

"Humph! That's inevitable——"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand, gently teased the Rocket Sparrow on his left shoulder, and said, "I'm a good man daze with integrity!"

"Okay, okay! Then, good man full of integrity, let's watch your performance next——"

Arceus laughed lightly, then looked at the cave not far away, and said, "Millerton is hiding in this cave right now, come on!"

"Don't worry."

Lin Qiong stretched his shoulders, then walked into the cave with big strides, and said with a grin: "I will definitely give Millerton an unforgettable battle experience!"

Arceus stood there watching Lin Qiong's leaving back, thinking with full of expectation: "Then let me see, which Pokémon you will send to fight Millerton—"

A few minutes later, Lin Qiong's passionate voice came from inside the cave: "Okay! Then it's up to you—go up, Phoenix King!"

Arceus: 6

Chapter 0496 West Malaysia, exposed!

"I think I should really re-evaluate your morals—"

Arceus stared speechlessly at Lin Qiong, who carried the fainted Millerton out of the cave, and then looked at Lin Qiong, as if he had won a battle, arranging the feathers on Lin Qiong's head arrogantly. Feng Wang couldn't help but said: "Are you going crazy with him too?"

"I can't help it either! Master Arceus, you know that my lifeline (referring to three meals a day) has been controlled by this man—"

Phoenix King looked at Arceus with an innocent and aggrieved face, and said: "I can only do whatever he says, and I have no way to resist him! Hey, hey, I'm so pitiful——"

Arceus looked at Feng Wang unmoved, and asked, "What's on your mind?"

"I can't beat Rogia, so beat Millerton and get familiar with the current power."

Feng Wang bowed his head with low eyebrows and said in a low voice, "Be gentle, don't slap your face."


Arceus shook his head, looked at Lin Qiong helplessly, and said, "Look at what you have taught Phoenix King to be? Does she still look like the legendary Pokémon?"

"A legendary Pokémon?"

Lin Qiong pointed at the "Iron Serpent" lying on the ground, his whole body filled with cyber wind, and said, "Is this what you are referring to?"

Arceus looked silently at Milton who had his tongue hanging out, and said harshly: "Millton, Milton is not a legendary Pokémon!"

"It's also—"

Lin Qiong nodded thoughtfully, then bent down suddenly and grabbed Mashaduo out of the shadow. After a while of kissing, hugging, rubbing, rubbing, and raising it high, he stuffed the dizzy Mashaduo back into his chest. Back into the shadow, "Or like this?"

Arceus was silent for a few seconds, and said: "Mashado...Mashado can only be regarded as the messenger of the Phoenix King, and there is still a distance from the legendary Pokémon."

Lin Qiong glanced at Arceus and said, "Thank you Arceus for still talking about the super rocket, thank you Arceus for still talking about it."


Arceus gritted his teeth, then looked at Millerton who was put on the ground by Lin Qiong, and asked, "Why didn't you put it in the ball?"

"When I was about to take out the ball, I realized that I didn't have any extra poke balls on me."

Lin Qiong touched his head in embarrassment, and said, "It's not a big problem, just go to the store and buy one later."

"Do you look down on me?"

Arceus rolled his eyes and said, "With me in front of you, you are actually going to buy an ordinary poke ball?"

The next moment, accompanied by the radiant fir fruit, a red elf ball with a black decoration in the middle fell in front of Lin Qiong.

This is a precious ball.

"Oh! Thank you boss Arceus for the precious ball!"

Lin Qiong picked up the elf ball with a look of surprise, and put the unconscious Millerton into the ball, and then continued to flatter, saying: "The boss is generous, the boss is healthy, and the boss has a long life of a billion years! "

Arceus: "?"

He couldn't help poking Lin Qiong's head with his mouth, and said angrily, "Are you cursing my short life?"

Lin Qiong: Σ( ° △ °|||)

No, I said billions...

Oh, God of Creation, it's all right.

"Then I wish the boss to restrain all his powers as soon as possible, so that he can freely use his body to have fun in this world, is that okay?"

Lin Qiong patted Arceus's body helplessly, and continued: "Okay, let's go back to Sky City—heal this guy."


Castle in the Sky.


Looking at Millerton released by Lin Qiong from the red precious ball, the eldest lady and the secretary surrounded it curiously, looking at this cyberpunk iron snake——

The surface of his body has a lustrous metallic feel. His eyes are not the eyes of a living thing, but are structured like electronic neon screens. Behind the eye sockets, there are eyelashes that look like lightning.

"It feels like, rather than saying that he is a creature in reality, it is more like an electronic creature in a cyber game—"

The eldest lady looked at Milton, who was curled up in a ball, looking a little scared, and couldn't help but ask: "But why does it look so frightened?"

"Actually, it's because there are two Millertons in this era..."

Lin Qiong told about the fact that this Millerton was beaten and fled because the second stronger and more violent Millerton grabbed the territory, and then added: "Of course, maybe I will also tame it with me. It has something to do with the Pokémon used being Ho-Oh."


The young miss staggered, she looked at Lin Qiong squatting on Lin Qiong's head speechlessly, with a look of——

"I'm fucking awesome! You still don't come to praise me? Compliment me for my beautiful feathers, for my beauty, for my strength in fighting—anything is good, praise me, praise me, praise me—"

——The Feng Wang, who looked like a man, said: "How did you convince Feng Wang to accompany you to make trouble together?"

"What do you mean by persuading Feng Wang to accompany me? Am I that kind of person?"

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady pretending to be dissatisfied, and said humbly: "Obviously the Phoenix King heard that his strength has become stronger, and he is going to ask Millerton to verify his strength, and take the initiative to apply for an attack, okay? I just shouted It's just a slogan, and the moves are all played by herself."

The eldest lady shook her head and said, "I don't believe it! Based on what I know about Phoenix King, what will she specify? Do you want to experience the feeling of commanding Phoenix King to fight and subdue the legendary Pokémon? Now, for a limited time, As long as I provide ice cream for three days, I can satisfy you——something like that.”

Lin Qiong: "..."

He glanced at Feng Wang, who was covering his face with his wings and curled up into a ball, and couldn't help laughing: "Hahahaha, look, Feng Wang, everyone knows your peeing nature clearly! Don't talk about me! Throw your old Diha—"


Feng Wang flew up angrily, then rushed towards Lin Qiong with gritted teeth, and shouted: "Damn Lin Qiong, how dare you laugh at the great Feng Wang! Welcome to my ultimate nirvana—see the move, Ultimate Heaven, Earth, Mysterious Universe, Prehistoric, Crazy, Big Bang, Shuttle White Hole..."

"So the front shake is too long! Where did you get the sandwich sauce!"

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand and caught the Feng King with a slight catch, then turned 360 degrees in the direction of her flight, and with one last forceful throw, he said: "Let's go! The Feng King is setting off -"

"call out--"

The next moment, Feng Wang turned into a bright meteor and disappeared from everyone's sight, leaving only a shout of "I will definitely come back—" echoing in the air.

"Hmph, cricket is a phoenix king, dare to make trouble in front of me?"

Lin Qiong patted his hands proudly, then put his hands on his hips, and said happily: "I've got it!"

Millerton: Σ( ° △ °|||)

It was dumbfounded to watch Feng Wang, who had beaten him up just now, being easily suppressed by Lin Qiong, and his whole body showed an expression of admiration—this human being who subdued him is too powerful, right?

"Okay, don't worry about Feng Wang—"

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