Lin Qiong waved his hands, looked at Millerton who was lying on the side, and said, "Let's deal with this guy first."


After seeing Lin Qiong staring at him, Millerton immediately showed a nervous expression, shaking his tail uneasily.

It has accepted the fact that it has been subdued, but it doesn't know how its future master will treat itself - plus it was beaten out of its territory by the second Millerton not long ago, Emotions are at an extreme.

"Don't worry, I won't bully you—"

Lin Yiqiong raised his hand and gently stroked Millerton's jaw, and said with a chuckle, "Does the injury still hurt? Can I ask someone to heal you?"


Sensing Lin Qiong's kindness, Millerton lightly rubbed his head against Lin Qiong's palm, and then made a joyful sound—his eyes also turned into arcs representing happiness and pleasure.

"By the way, what about Millerton's treatment?"

Lin Qiong turned his head, looked at Arceus at the side, and asked, "Could it be that if it gets injured in the future, it needs to be dismantled and replaced with various parts like a maintenance robot?"

"Is this the first time you've seen a Pokémon with a mechanical appearance?"

Arceus looked at Lin Qiong helplessly, and asked, "How are the self-explosive magnetite, gear monster, and golden monster treated after they were injured?"

Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression, he waved to the secretary at the side, and said, "Secretary, please take care of your flower therapy ring."


The flower therapy ring worn on the wrist by the secretary showed a shocked expression. She never thought that besides being a raw material supplier for scented tea, she has other uses now?


As a result, the flower therapy ring immediately flew to Millerton with a face full of fighting spirit, first unfolded the green grass field, and then used the flower therapy skills with all the effort——the light pink energy in the flower therapy ring Under the control of the ring, it flocked to Millerton's wound, quickly repairing its injury.

'Okay, that's awesome—'

Millerton opened his mouth wide in surprise, and he could clearly feel that the energy belonging to another Millerton that was entrenched near his wounds and hindering their self-healing had been completely dispelled. clean.


After the treatment was over, Hua Huanhuan snorted with vigor, and then flew back to the secretary's wrist cheerfully, chirping for help.

"Huanhuan did a great job, it's amazing—"

The secretary stroked the flower therapy ring on his wrist with a smile, and of course got the little guy's happy smile.

"Okay! Now that Millerton's injury has been healed..."

At this time, Arceus leaned over gently, and said in a low voice next to Lin Qiong's ear: "Should we discuss that you just threw Feng Wang out, so that she can take the opportunity to find Rocky?" How should we deal with Ya's trouble?"

Lin Qiong: "Karma—!"

West, West Malaysia is great!exposed!

Chapter 0497 Everyone's Pokémon

"Ahaha, ahahaha——"

Lin Qiong looked at the garden next to him, and laughed with a guilty conscience, and said, "You, what are you talking about? I, my signal here is not very good, listen, I can't hear clearly—— "

Excellent reading, unparalleled excellent reading, even better than Poyin Ji's dubbing when she debuted.

Arceus looked at Lin Qiong's appearance, and couldn't help complaining: "Act, continue to act! I want to see what you want to act—with your face, even if I expose it, you won't be so guilty."

"Damn it, have you been seen through?"

Lin Qiong suddenly showed a hateful expression, and said unwillingly: "Hateful! It's really too hateful—it's even more hateful than not having stockings in the suitcase!"

Missy: "Hello!"

Arceus poked Lin Qiong's head with his mouth again, and said angrily: "Don't try to change the topic! I am very firm in punishing Phoenix King!"

"Oh, don't be like this! The hunchback brother is the best--"

Lin Qiong stroked Arceus's back with a smile, and said, "No way, you don't know Feng Wang's temper. If she is not allowed to go, that guy will probably stay with me for a while. The chattering in my ear annoys me!"

Lugia: You are amazing, you are noble, you are not the one who was beaten, right?

"That's true, that guy is becoming more and more like a child now."

Arceus sighed softly, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Forget it, let's take it as an example!"

"Wuhu! I knew Tuozi brother was a good and understanding Tuozi!"

Lin Qiong patted Brother Tuozi's back with a smile, and then said thoughtfully: "Speaking of which, do you want to prepare a big meal for Feng Wang to celebrate her successful revenge and come back from a big victory?"

Arceus: "..."

He pulled the corner of his mouth and sighed: "Just spoil her."


After half an hour.

"Wuhu, I'm fucking awesome!"

Accompanied by King Feng's cheers, a red shooting star pierced the sky, and then landed precisely on Lin Qiong's shoulder, chirping with excitement.

"A Qiong, you don't know how happy I am today!"

"Then Rogia has no power to resist in front of me, do you know that?"

"I chua rushed over, and a divine bird attacked and knocked her to the ground!"

"Then a paw stepped on her neck, making it impossible for her to get up!"

"In the end, I used peck to make her head full of pimples!"

"Thief haha, that's how it feels, it's so refreshing!"

While listening to Feng Wang's chirping voice, Lin Qiong rubbed her fingers on the soft face of her chest, and joked: "It seems that our Master Feng Wang has finally vented the grievances that have been suppressed for hundreds of years today. Bar?"

"That's right, so cool to fly!"

Feng Wang jumped up and down on Lin Qiong's shoulder happily, and said, "Hi! Aqiong, you are my half-brother! It's not in vain for me to feed you with shit and pee." big!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

His movements paused, and then he opened his hand suddenly and grabbed Feng Wang in his palm, and said with a (yao) face (ya) and (qie) kindness (chi): "Negative son! Risking everything for the father!" The risk of being punished by sanctions and pebbles sends you out, so you will repay me like this, right?"

"Wrong, wrong! Don't pinch, don't pinch—"

Helplessly, Feng Wang screamed in Lin Qiong's palm: "I'm going to vomit, I'm going to vomit! If I pinch it again, I'm going to vomit!"


Lin Qiong let go of his right hand with some disgust, and said, "It's alright, alright! You can do whatever you want."

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to stay quietly by Aqiong's side~~"

Feng Wang obediently landed on Lin Qiong's shoulder, then blinked his big watery eyes, and said, "Qiaoqiong is the best! Don't drive him away——"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Resisting the desire to spit it out, he raised two fingers.

"First, Brother Tuozi already knows what you did just now, and he also said that he won't settle accounts and punish you later."

"Secondly, Erina is preparing a feast in the kitchen to celebrate your successful revenge."

"so you……"

Before Lin Qiong finished speaking, Feng Wang rushed into the air with a serious face, and then broke through the sound barrier with a "bang", and flew towards the kitchen, and her voice was faintly transmitted to Lin Qiong at this time. In his ear: "Erina, you are my half-sister!!"

Lin Qiong raised his head speechlessly, then sighed heavily, and said, "This is the legendary Pokémon in the city, Phoenix King? I've learned a lot—"

Hearing his words, San Gouzi, who was resting on the ground, looked at each other, then lowered his head in shame, and raised his hands to cover his face.

I'm sorry, the three of us have no face to face the younger generation of the ethnic group.

"Tsk, I really don't know which unscrupulous bastard educated Feng Wang like this?"

Lin Qiong shook his head with some resentment, and cursed: "This Phoenix King is also, I am such a good young man who is honest, trustworthy, upright and kind-hearted, so why don't you learn from me? Hey——"

The secretary, who happened to pass by while carrying the ingredients, staggered at that time, and almost dropped the vegetables in his hand to the ground.

After she stabilized her figure, she immediately looked at Lin Qiong with terrified eyes: "Master, is your psychology real, a little bit, a little bit, not even a little bit!" ? '


When dinner was approaching, Aizen and others who went alone to capture Pokémon finally returned to Sky City and showed Lin Qiong the Pokémon they captured.

Aizen Soyousuke, Cangyan Sword Demon.

Nelliel, the Dream Demon.

Grimmjow, Zoroark (looking like Emerald).

Tooth dense, abandoned monkey.

"Why are they all from the ghost department?"

Lin Qiong rubbed his chin, and said with a delicate expression: "Should I say that you are worthy of coming out of the realm world? Even if you are fleshed, you still can't forget your previous identity, right?"

"I'm not that naive!"

Yami snorted, then stretched out his hand and rubbed the head of Abandoned Monkey, and said, "I just think this guy is very similar to me!"


Lin Qiong recalled the introduction about the Abandoned Monkey in the illustrated book——

Forsaken Monkey is a Pokémon evolved by leveling up Fiery Monkey who has used Fist of Rage twenty times!It will condense the anger hidden in the heart into its fist, and its power can penetrate deep into the bone marrow of the opponent.

He nodded involuntarily, and said, "Indeed, just like your Angry Beast, it turns anger into its own strength."


Yami grinned, then sat on the grass, and said, "The first time I saw this kind of Pokémon in the illustration book, I fell in love with him!"

"So, the Pokémon they chose are similar to themselves—"

Abandoned Monkey, like Yami, turns anger into its own strength;

Dream Monster is as naive and mischievous as Nilu (small), but when she grows up (evolves into Dream Monster), she is gentle and reliable;

Like Grimmjow, Zoroark in the Emerald region is tricky and terrifying as an enemy, but extremely reliable as a companion.

"Then the question is—"

Lin Qiong looked at the Cangyan Sword Ghost standing quietly behind Lan Ran, and couldn't help but said, "Why did you catch a Cangyan Sword Ghost?"

"Don't you think Cangyan Saber Ghost looks like a person?"

There was a malicious smile on the corner of Aizen's mouth, and he said softly: "Reminder, flame and sword."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He froze for a moment, then gradually opened his mouth wide, and said in disbelief: "Hold the grass, you don't mean Old Man Shan's?"

"Qianjun, I will nurture her carefully."

The malice at the corners of Lanran's mouth further expanded, "Then, take her to challenge the Chief Captain—I don't know what kind of expression he will have when he loses to Cang Yan Saber Ghost?"

"Good guy, I'll call it a good guy — other people's Pokémon are targeting me, but you are targeting Old Man Shan, right?"

Lin Qiong looked at Cangyan Saber Ghost standing next to Lan Ran, and warned, "But let me remind you in advance that Old Man Shan's strength is almost the ceiling of death in the Realm World. You want Cangyan Saber Ghost to surpass him , the difficulty is not generally high."

On the surface, Lord Qiong is reminding, but in fact he is warning - he is worried that I will abandon Cangyan Saber Ghost because I can't cultivate it enough to defeat Shigekuni Yamamoto. '

Aizen pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, with a complicated look on his face: "Qiong Jun, you are really a naive and kind person. '

If there is no lady know-it-all escorting him, with his character, sooner or later, he will be swallowed up by malice, and then there will be nothing left of his bones, right?

What Lan Ran doesn't know is that perhaps it is because of Lin Qiong's "innocence" that he was able to form a fate with Miss Wanshitong.

"Relax, Lord Qiong."

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