My heart was full of complicated emotions, but Aizen still showed a gentle smile, and said: "Cultivating the Cangyan Saber Ghost and letting it challenge Shigekuni Yamamoto is just an idle move in itself - success will bring me great rewards." Pleasure, it doesn’t matter much if it fails.”

What's more, Aizen firmly believes in one thing, that is, in so many different worlds, there will always be a way to make Cang Yan Saber stronger than Shigekuni Yamamoto.


Lin Qiong nodded with a subtle expression, and then said with a little curiosity: "Speaking of which, how did you have no elves to subdue these little guys? Could it be that you used a poke ball to knock them unconscious, and then successfully subdued them? "

It’s like the Seicui area (laughs).

"Hehe, my method of subduing this child is very simple - I just showed off my sword skills near the group of Cang Yan Saber Ghosts, and then told them that I am going to subdue a Cang Yan Saber Ghost and teach it sword skills, but Only the strongest one..."

A smile appeared on the corner of Aizen's mouth. He glanced at the Cang Yan Blade Demon beside him and said softly: "So, a civil war broke out among the Cang Flame Blade Demon clan, and the one who won in the end was the one next to me. Only."


The Cangyan Saber Ghost standing next to Lan Ran waved his hands proudly, showing a proud expression: "That's right! Only the strongest Saber Ghost himself is qualified to follow Master Lan Ran !"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Is it my illusion?I feel like I saw Hinata Ver. Pokémon?

Aizen, you are really a fucking brainwashing genius, I would like to call you Orochimaru of the Soul World!

Chapter 0498 Cyber ​​Motorcycle

After Aizen confessed his method of subduing the Cangyan Blade Ghost, the other three also talked about their experiences of subduing them.It's just that their experience is much more ordinary than Aizen's.

First up is Nilu.

She came near the dream monster's group and played with the first dream monster who was willing to contact her for a long time before she successfully won the dream monster's "heart";

Then there's Grimmjow.

He rescued the seriously injured Zoroark from Moon Ibrahimovic's crushing attack, and took care of him for a period of time before he won his "heart";

The last is tooth density.

The process of him taming the Abandoned Monkey was simply unpretentious and without any storytelling—he just swaggered to the habitat of the Abandoned Monkey, and then, as if destined, he saw the Abandoned Monkey right.

Seen in Lin Qiong, Nilu and Yami's experience has nothing to say, but Grimmjow...

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect our Ge Baobao to have such a tender and tender side?"

Lin Qiong elbowed Grimmjow's abdomen with a teasing face, and joked: "This is a hero saving the beauty? If it were a fairy world, she would have to become a human to repay her favor——Hero The little girl has nothing to repay her life-saving grace, she can only promise it with her body!"

"Qianjun, have you forgotten that you are a person who travels through the world?"

Aizen laughed lightly, and reminded her very "kindly": "You can take this Zoroark to a world where it can be transformed into a human form, and help her repay Grimmjow's kindness."

"That's right! As expected of Alan, he has a very good brain!"

Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, and then he said happily: "Don't tell me, in a world called One Piece, there really is a 'Human Fruit' that can turn the eater into a human form—if Ge Baobao needs it , I can get it for you~"

"Grimmjow, Lord Qiong is a man of his word——"

Lan Ran chimed in and said, "As long as you open your mouth, he will definitely help you realize your wish."


Grimmjow, who had been growing veins on his forehead since just now, roared angrily: "Labour and management don't need that kind of thing!"

"Eh? Really don't need it?"

"No need!!"

"I just asked Brother Hunchback, and he told me that in terms of Zoroark's aesthetics, your Zoroark can be regarded as a beautiful girl in the Zoroark tribe who only meets once in 4000 years. ? If she eats the fruit of everyone, she will definitely become a super beautiful girl! Are you really not tempted?"


"Ge Baobao! Don't be shy! If you have love, you have to say it out loud. Don't miss the opportunity just because you are shy for a while!"

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

"You can't beat me."

"I fucking—"

Today's victory and defeat.

Grimmjow's defeat—

You can't beat it, you can't talk it.

Hardened, Grimmjow's fist was hardened.

Hi, I'm so angry!


After dinner.

Lin Qiong came to the yard alone, and found Millerton lying in the corner with his eyes closed and resting.


who is it?

Sensing that someone was approaching, Cybercat immediately opened his eyes vigilantly. When he discovered that the person approaching was Lin Qiong, his tense body relaxed and he came over obediently.

"Yoxi yoxi, good boy—"

Lin Qiong stroked Millerton's chin with a smile on his face, feeling the magic of the paradoxical Pokémon-although Millerton's body had a metallic luster, it felt very good to the touch, as if he was stroking a child wearing latex. Like a beautiful girl in a suit.

Lin Qiong didn't know whether this feeling was shared by Paradox Pokémon, or if Millerton deliberately adjusted it to make Lin Qiong feel more comfortable.

"Has your body recovered?"

Lin Qiong looked at Millerton in front of him, and asked softly, "Is there any discomfort on your body?"

Millerton shook his head lightly, and replied: "The treatment of the flower therapy ring is very effective, and I have fully recovered."

"Really? That's fine."

Lin Qiong smiled and nodded, then patted the bamboo basket in his left hand, and said with a smile: "I remember you didn't come over for dinner, so I brought some food for you."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Master—"

Milton lowered his head in embarrassment and explained: "Because I haven't gotten over the fear yet, so I'm still not used to being in crowded places."

"It's okay, I can understand."

Lin Qiong put the bamboo basket on the ground, opened the lid, took out the sandwiches inside, and said, "You were kicked out of your original territory by another Millerton on your front foot, and you were kicked out of your original territory by the Phoenix King on your back foot." It's normal to have a beating, some stress response."

Millerton was so embarrassed that he couldn't speak, so he lay down on the ground, covered his face with his paws, and let out a mournful sound.

"Okay, let's have a taste of Erina's craftsmanship."

Lin Qiong held back a smile and handed the sandwich in his hand to Millerton's mouth, and said, "It is no exaggeration to say that Erina's cooking skills are definitely the best in the world!"


Milton couldn't help but let go of his hands after smelling the fragrance, raised his head and sniffed the sandwich in Lin Qiong's hand carefully, then showed a shocked expression, seeming to ask Lin Qiong, "Does such delicious food really exist in this world?" ?" Same.

"Isn't it very fragrant? Its taste is definitely worthy of its fragrance!"

Lin Qiong sent the sandwich forward with a smile, and said, "Eat it! Only when you are full will you have strength, right?"


Millerton nodded lightly, then avoided Lin Qiong's fingers, carefully bit the edge of the sandwich, and waited for Lin Qiong to let go of his fingers.

Seeing this, Lin Qiong smiled and let go of his right hand, watching Millerton raise his head, swallow the sandwich into his mouth, and then started chewing frantically.

It’s so delicious⑧!It’s simply a sound of nature!Shall we have dinner together?Let’s be school ricers together!

After watching Millerton swallow the sandwich, Lin Qiong passed another sandwich and asked, "How is it? Does it still suit your taste?"

Milton didn't want to stop chewing, so she could only nod her head desperately to express her love for this sandwich - at the same time, there was a trace of sadness in her heart.

Master, if you had thrown out this basket of sandwiches instead of Feng Wang when you subdued me, I wouldn't have had to suffer that beating.


In less than 10 minutes, Millerton ate up a large basket of sandwiches (for about three people) brought by Lin Qiong, and then lay on the ground with a happy face, touching his round belly with his paws .

"Eat so much, I'm not afraid to hold on."

Lin Qiong gently stroked Millerton's head, and asked with a smile, "How about taking a walk with me after dinner? Can you still deform?"


Millerton nodded lightly, she put her front paws on the ground, and in a burst of white light, she transformed into a futuristic cyber locomotive.

"Tsk, tsk, he's really handsome!"

Lin Qiong caressed the seat of Millerton's motorcycle with glowing eyes, and then straddled it impatiently, stretched out his hands to hold the handlebars, and said, "Let's go! Let me see what you think Proud speed!"


Millerton let out a low growl, her eyes suddenly became sharper, and then the tires under her body spun crazily, carrying Lin Qiong to a catapult start.


Feeling the oncoming wind pressure, Lin Qiong let out a cheer, and then asked Millerton under him: "Can you hurry up? My body is completely fine!"


Milton let out a soft groan and gave Lin Qiong an answer.

The next moment, the already exaggerated speed of the Millerton motorcycle was further increased, to the point where normal and ordinary cyclists were terrified.

"Millerton, you are so wonderful——"

Lin Qiong lowered his head gently, lay on Milton's motorcycle, stroked her body with his hands, and said with a smile: "I'm glad that I chose you instead of Milton."

Millerton: "!"

She was surprised at first, and then she was secretly glad that Lin Qiong chose her, otherwise wouldn't she have to miss out on such a delicious...I mean such a good owner?

Damn Guluton, next time we meet, I will not have your good juice!

"Okay, let's stop first."

Lin Qiong gently squeezed the handlebar and signaled Milerton to slow down, "The garden in Sky City is still a bit small. When you have the opportunity in the future, I will find a spacious place for you to have a good run."


Millerton let out a happy cheer, and then changed back to a fighting posture in a burst of white light, wrapped around Lin Qiong's body intimately, and rubbed his head against Lin Qiong's face.

"It seems that you are getting along very well."

Arceus came out of the dark place with a smile, looked at Lin Qiong and Millerton who were interacting closely, and said, "Then I can rest assured."

"Millerton was a good boy."

Lin Qiong stroked Millerton's head and asked Arceus, "What can you do with me?"

"How did you think about my previous proposal?"

Arceus landed on all fours, knelt down beside Lin Qiong, and said softly, "Are you going to take those legendary dragons there?"

"Hey, if I want to bring it, I choose Palkia, Kyurem and Reshiram—"

Lin Qiong struggled for a while, and gave the answer, "Palkia is good for long-distance movement, and Reshiram can be combined with Kyurem—as for why he didn't choose Zekrom, it's because he and Secret Like Luton, they are all electricity/dragon attributes."

"I see, it's a very rational judgment - if Zekrom knew what happened today, he would definitely shout that he was wrong, right?"

Arceus chuckled, then turned his head to look at the Hezhong area, and said softly: "Let's invite Kyurem that day! I hope it will welcome us."

Kyurem: Don't come here! !

Chapter 0499 The Justice of Ultra Group Fight

The next day, morning.

When Lin Qiong yawned and lifted the eldest lady's legs off him, and then walked to the balcony while rubbing his eyes, he immediately saw Palkia standing in the yard.

Didi, Palkia, and Space Pokémon, are known as one of the shameful Legendary Pokémon because of the space storm destroyed by subspace cutting.

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