' Was it Arceus who called him? '

Lin Qiong bent down, put his elbows on the fence of the balcony, and looked curiously at the two legendary Pokémon in the courtyard.

"Did you fight with Dialga again in the gap of time and space recently?"

"Have I told you many times-time and space, time cannot be separated from space, and space cannot be separated from time!"

"So you will inevitably run into each other in the space-time gap, can't you just pretend you didn't see each other?"

"We have to fight! We have to fight! We have to fight!!!"

"Can't you two cause less trouble for me?"

'It looks like Palkia is being scolded? '

Lin Qiong showed a subtle expression. He looked at Palkia's height of four meters, and then at Arceus, who was lying on the ground and was less than two meters tall. The illusion that the cub was reprimanded by Lolita's mother? '

Lin Qiong shook his head quickly, and threw out the disrespectful thoughts in his head-he was worried that if such thoughts entered his mind, he would really have no way to call him brother hunchback in the future, but could only call her mother hunchback Li!


After turning over and jumping off the balcony, Lin Qiong grabbed his hair and walked to the two legends, and said, "Brother Tuozi, why are you scolding Palkia so early in the morning?"

"Because this guy doesn't give me peace of mind at all!"

The hunchback stared at Palkia, who was shrinking his head, with a submissive expression, and said angrily, "In the early hours of this morning, this idiot and Dialga met in the gap between time and space—"

Lin Qiong nodded his head: "Yeah, and then?"


"Then? Then it's not simple?"

Arceus glared at Palkia again, "'What are you looking at', 'What are you looking at', 'Try another look', 'Just look at it', and then they started fighting."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He glanced at Palkia who looked away guiltily, and then said with the corners of his mouth: "To be honest, if this incident hadn't happened this morning, I would definitely wonder if you did it to prevent them from seeing each other again." It was only after the fight broke out that I forced me to take Palkia away."

Arceus was silent for a few seconds, and said, "At least, I didn't have this idea before this morning."

Lin Qiong was also silent, and he asked: "That is to say, you have it now?"

"Be considerate of me, these two guys are too noisy."

Arceus coughed dryly, and then whispered: "Besides, aren't you planning to go to Kyurem? Just take this idiot as a free thug!"

Lin Qiong looked at the tall and burly Palkia, and asked curiously, "Has Palkia beat Kyurem?"

Arceus said indifferently: "Don't you still have Phoenix King?"

"Turtle, the righteous Ultra gang fight?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but took a breath, then looked at Arceus with admiration on his face, and said, "As expected of the hunchback brother, he actually said such a righteous act without changing his face - if this is the case, then I have another Bold idea."

"Wait wait! From what I know about you—"

Arceus twitched the corner of his mouth, and then said with a little hesitation: "Your so-called bold idea, maybe, maybe, it seems, it shouldn't be to wake up Reshiram first, right?"


"Hey what the hell!"

Arceus sighed helplessly and said, "I know I shouldn't put too much hope in your integrity."

"I think the main responsibility lies with you, who was the first to bring justice to the Ultra gang fight."

After Lin Qiong calmly tossed the pot away, he said seriously: "So, do you agree with my proposal?"

Arceus hesitated for [-] seconds, then nodded reservedly and gracefully, and said, "Why not?"


Hello everyone.

My name is Kyurem.

Known as one of the three dragons of the Hezhong, I am undoubtedly the strongest and invincible white dragon, sweeping the sky with a jet of destructive white light, unrivaled!

Do you understand the gold content of the ice dragon?

Just... ugh...

Sorry, I yawned.

But, for some unknown reason, the number of bugs (referring to humans) who came to challenge me has increased a lot, and I haven't been able to get a good night's sleep.

Damn, so annoying!

OK, it's decided!

The next lucky guy to challenge me, you'll meet a furious, all-out Kyurem!

Jie Jie!


very good!

Come on, little humans...


"... Prepare to meet the wrath of the ice dragon!!"

When Lin Qiong rode Millerton to the giant cave where Kyurem lived, he heard the roar of Kyurem from inside.

"What's going on with this guy? He's so angry so early in the morning?"

Lin Qiong stopped on the cliff, couldn't help but scratched his head, and said to Feng Wang on his shoulder, "Could it be that someone threw Kentaro's poop into the giant's cave while he was sleeping?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

Phoenix King trimmed his beautiful feathers with his bird's beak, and then muttered: "I didn't throw Kentaro Baba into his nest."

"Forget it, let's give him a good beating first, and then we can ask him questions after that."

Lin Qiong chuckled, then turned the accelerator, rushed out of the Giant's Cave on his Milton motorcycle, landed on the ground, and said loudly: "Kyurem, I'm here to challenge you!"

"Very well, brave human!"

Kyurem's expression is very ferocious, the kind that can make a child cry "Wow" with just one glance, "Jie Jie Jie! The great Kyurem will meet your challenge!"

Then, let you realize your own weakness and experience deep despair!

Jie Jie, delicious, that expression is really delicious!

"The great Mr. Kyurem——"

Lin Qiong raised his voice and said loudly: "You are a legendary Pokémon. You shouldn't mind that a weak human like me sends multiple Pokémon to fight you at the same time, right?"

"Hahahaha! No matter how many Pokémon you have, release them to your heart's content!"

Kyurem let out a powerful, domineering laugh, "The great Lord Kyurem will make you realize that numbers are meaningless in the face of legends!"

"it is good!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but jumped off Millerton's motorcycle, patted the back of Millerton's motorcycle, and said, "Get on, Millerton!"


Millerton's motorcycle form transformed into Millerton's combat form in a burst of white light, and then floated in front of Kyurem with a fighting spirit on his face, exuding his own breath.

"Oh? Good momentum, but not enough!!"

Kyurem showed a ferocious smile at the corner of his mouth, and then exuded a more terrifying aura that belonged to the real and legendary Pokémon, and shouted: "But, does the first Pokémon have this aura? ? Boy, I'm looking forward to your next member—come on! Let me see your background!"

"it is good!"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand with a serious face, then slowly clenched his fist, swung it downward vigorously, and shouted: "Come on, Dragon of Truth, Reshiram!!!"

Kyurem: "!"

What did this human being say just now! ?

His eyes narrowed sharply, then he raised his head and looked towards the sky——accompanied by the roar of the air, a very familiar breath was rapidly approaching here.


The next moment, the real dragon, wrapped in white feathers, flapped its wings and landed gently in front of Lin Qiong. He looked at Kyurem and said in a soft royal sister voice: "We meet again, Kyurem. .”

"Reshiram, is he the real person you have chosen?"

The corner of Kyurem's mouth drew a dangerous arc, and he grinned and said, "However, you have obtained your approval to challenge me? The person you chose is too confident!"

Reshiram: "..."

She actually wanted to tell Kyurem that this boss was not the real person she chose, but the person appointed by Arceus to control the gods, and he did not only have one legendary Pokémon on hand, but …

But Kyurem can be seen deflated, so why not?

This is also a real (dog head.

So she replied softly: "I have confidence in him."

"Jie Jie Jie, it's useless for you to have confidence in him?"

Kyurem let out a piercing laugh, and he said domineeringly: "Who do you think I am? I am the invincible Kyurem!!"

"So, Mr. Kyurem is good at fighting?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then glanced at Feng Wang on his shoulder, and said, "Unfortunately, it's about the background!"


Accompanied by a crisp bird song, Feng Wang changed back to his own body under Kyurem's astonished eyes, and then landed in front of Lin Qiong with his wings fluttering.

"Light can hit? That's a fart!"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and snapped his fingers smartly, a pink space crack appeared in front of him, and Palkia with a fierce face slowly stepped out of it.

Kyurem: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth, then looked at Millerton, Reshiram, Hooh and Palkia in front of him, and couldn't help swallowing.

"Then, let me appreciate the power of the strongest dragon!"

A joking smile appeared on the corner of Lin Qiong's mouth, and then he waved his hand and said, "Let's start! Our righteous Ott group fight!"

"Wait, wait a minute, I have something to say..."

Kyurem looked at the few legendary Pokémon that were getting closer, and couldn't help crying without tears: "Don't, don't slap your face!"

"Tsk, tsk, I thought it was so powerful——"

Lin Qiong looked at Kyurem, who was beaten and rolled all over the ground with his head in his hands, and couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and sighed: "So, it's a little fan!"

Kyurem is wronged, it's obviously because you don't talk about martial arts!

Chapter 0500 Phoenix King Miserable

"Isn't this behavior too much?"

Kyurem squatted in the courtyard of Sky City with a bruised nose, sucked his own nose, and then stared at the legendary Pokémon lined up in front of him with sad, desolate and hesitant eyes——

Reshiram, Hooh, and Palkia who beat him up mercilessly just now;

Arceus who projected the battle process with his ability and broadcast the whole process live;

And in the courtyard of the Sky City, the three holy dogs witnessed the whole process;

Ah, it's so embarrassing, I don't want to live anymore.

Kyurem has a desire to turn into Gulardo, and then hide in the magma without seeing anyone for a lifetime... Wait, it seems that Gulardo can't fly?Forget it, it's still a flame bird.

Groudon: "?"

"I can't help it. According to the records in the illustrated books and ancient books, Kyurem is the strongest and the most arrogant one among the three dragons?"

Lin Qiong sighed, and then said in a tone of "I am heartbroken but I have to do it", and said painfully: "It is said that the only way to get Kyurem's approval is to defeat him, so I can only go out This is the next move!"

"Actually, with your lineup, you can just stand there without playing..."

Kyurem wanted to say that, but considering that Lin Qiong had just flattered him, the great, smart, wise, and arrogant Lord Kyurem could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

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