"Hmph, even though you are driving the legend, you did beat me in a head-on battle—"

Kyurem snorted coldly, and then said a little arrogantly: "In this case, then I recognize you! Let's celebrate, you will become the trainer approved by Kyurem, who is the most powerful, kind, proud, and crazy. Got the power to drive it!"

At this moment, Reshiram at the side flapped his wings lightly, and asked in a low voice, "It's as if you don't approve of him, and he can't drive you."

Kyurem: "..."

He glanced at his immediate boss standing behind Lin Qiong—Arzeus—and then said with a stiff neck, "Why? Just because he is someone approved by Arceus? Let me tell you..."

Arceus raised his eyelids slightly: "Huh?"

Kyurem changed the subject: "Even if he is not approved by Arceus, he can still drive me!"

Arceus nodded with satisfaction: "Yes."

Reshiram sighed softly and said: "Kyurem, I still like your unruly look."

Kyurem bared his teeth at Reshiram, why didn't he realize that this guy is so annoying?

"Okay, okay, stop arguing."

Lin Qiong clapped his hands helplessly, and he showed the brand-new hot Gene Wedge that Arceus had given him, and said, "I was expecting you to evolve into a Flame White Kyurem! The relationship you have now makes me feel embarrassed to use this thing."

"Hey, don't worry! No matter how bad my relationship with this guy is, it won't affect your use of this thing."

Kyurem shook his head, and said humbly: "It's neither me nor Reshiram that takes over Yanbai Kyurem's body, but the newly born consciousness—so you don't have to worry because we Disagreement will affect combat power."

"I'm not worried about this, but to put myself in the position and think about it—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "If I were allowed to fit with the guy I hate so much, I would definitely be unwilling."

Unless the wife is in danger, you say yes, Vegeta.

"You're the first guy to think about something like this—"

When Kyurem heard Lin Qiong's words, he couldn't help but open his mouth, then showed a strange expression and said: "Don't worry, my relationship with Reshiram is... um..."

While Kyurem was thinking about the wording, Reshiram on the side said calmly: "You can understand the writing enemy among humans as a friend."

"Tch, who is your friend?"

Kyurem snorted arrogantly, and then said in an extremely reluctant voice: "Anyway, anyway, that's what happened."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked at Kyurem with a delicate and complicated expression, and complained: "Kurem, has anyone ever said that it is a disgusting thing for a rough-voiced old man to be arrogant?"

Reshiram: "Puff puff puff—"

"We have a legend that the gender of Pokémon can be changed according to one's wishes!!"

Kyurem grinned at Lin Qiong, then gritted his teeth and said, "I was a man before, just because I think a man's voice is more majestic and more in line with my identity!"

In the first half of the sentence, Kyurem’s voice is still a violent man’s voice (Ryo Horikawa), but in the second half of the sentence, Kyurem’s voice has become a high-cold royal sister’s voice (Sawashiro Miyuki) .

Hearing Kyurem's changed voice, Lin Qiong couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "One thing to say, your feminine voice, or your masculine voice would be much better."

It's not that I don't like the voice of speed party prince Vegeta, but Mrs. Miyuki is number one in the world!

"Is this empathy?"

Miss Wanshitong jumped down from the balcony on the second floor, lightly landed on Lin Qiong's shoulder, and said, "I just said it before, my favorite is my voice."

"Who told you I've moved on?"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said confidently: "Your voices are my wings!"

"mine too?"

The Sifengyuan Maomao, who followed closely behind, landed, then lazily yawned, and said, "Damn it, my head hurts—"

"You're really good at—"

Lin Qiong looked at Sifengyuan Maomao speechlessly, counted her crimes, and said: "The night before I left, I drank three jars of Erina's wine in one breath, and then I was so drunk that I fell asleep. More than 30 hours - if it were a person with an average physique, he would probably die."

"You can't blame me for this kind of thing, can you?"

The Sifengyuan cat stretched out its pink tongue and licked its paws, and said, "Who told the eldest lady that the wine she brewed is so delicious? After one sip, I can't stop drinking it!"

Lin Qiong shook his head and said helplessly, "You drunk cat."

The eldest lady on the side looked at Lin Qiong's dress up and down, and then said with a subtle expression: "Qiong, don't you think your current look is, um, very... very impressive?"

very powerful?

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady blankly, why is my look so good?Aren't I just a white cat who knows everything on my left shoulder, a black cat on Sifengyuan on my right shoulder, and a phoenix king on my head...


Lin Qiong slapped himself on the face and said, "I'm fully armed with feelings, right?"

The secretary smiled sweetly and said, "Master, this proves that you are very fond of small animals!"

"Secretary, do you call them—the three of them—little animals?"

Lin Qiong raised his finger and pointed at the two cats and one bird on his body, and said dumbfoundedly: "If the small animals are at this level, then this world will be too scary."


The secretary recalled the fighting prowess of these three men, couldn't help but sneered, and said, "Okay, Master, just pretend that I didn't say that."

"Okay, okay, let's talk about business."

Lin Qiong waved his hands, then looked at Reshiram and Kyurem, and said with a smile: "Actually, I have one thing I want to ask you two..."

Before Lin Qiong finished speaking, Reshiram said eagerly, "Who do you want to beat? Gulardo or Kyoka?"

Hearing Reshiram's words, Kyurem's eyes lit up, and he said a little excitedly, "Nekrozma or Promise?"

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth——

Rashiram, you're the righteous Ott gang-fight addict, aren't you?

Kyurem, you also want someone to carry your bag of rice a few floors, right?

"Can't you think of something else?"

Lin Qiong looked helplessly at Arceus, and said, "Brother Tuozi, you should explain."


Reshiram, who heard this name for the first time, looked at Kyurem in horror, and then looked at Lin Qiong in horror—I thought you were just a human being approved by Arceus, but now it seems , are you afraid that he is not Arceus’ biological brother? ?

Kyurem is even more wronged. If you have such a relationship with Arceus, can't you just say it directly?I promise to bow down and say goodbye, right?It's not shameful to hang out with Arceus' brothers!

"give it to me."

Arceus bent his eyes, then looked at Kyurem and Reshiram beside him, and said in a low voice, "I have summoned you this time to give you a difficult but glorious task."


The eyes of Kyurem and Reshiram suddenly froze, and the two Pokémon immediately stood up straight to express their inner sanctity.

"very good."

Arceus nodded with satisfaction and said, "All of this starts with Aqiong's identity..."

After some explanations, Kyurem and Reshiram were already stunned by the information revealed by Arceus—may, people who travel through the world! ?

Incredible, really incredible!

"Hmph, as a senior, I am very responsible to tell you that there are many benefits to following A Qiong!"

At this time, the Phoenix King Bird jumped on Reshiram's head and introduced it with a proud face.

"First of all, the food here at Aqiong is super delicious! I guarantee that after you eat it, you will be like me, and you won't want to leave!"

"Secondly, the knowledge of other worlds will gradually complement the priesthood in your body, allowing your strength to evolve without knowing it!"

"Finally, with Archion's protection, Arceus won't dare to deal with you, Jie Jie!"

Arceus: "?"

Good boy, you are so arrogant.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He took two steps back, then made a "please" gesture to Arceus, and said, "As long as you don't kill him, you can do whatever you want—even if you kill him, it doesn't matter, please pull a well-behaved one in the parallel world." The Phoenix King is here."

Arceus nodded reservedly and said, "Good."

Phoenix King: Σ( ° △ °|||)

She looked at Arceus who was getting closer and closer in a panic, and screamed: "Aqiong! You can't do this, Aqiong. I have shed blood and sweated for you. I have worked hard without credit. Wow, don't slap your face!!!"

Miserable Phoenix King Joy!

Chapter 0501 Fairy Tail World Opening

Coordinates: Fairy Tail World.

Time: X377.

Location: Ishgar Continent near Doragunov Country.


Standing in the garden of the Sky City, the secretary took a deep breath, then opened his eyes with a little excitement, and said to Lin Qiong and the eldest lady beside him: "As expected of a world where magic prevails, I feel the magic in the air They all smell like magic!"

"Hey! Secretary, did you know that what you just said was very similar to that-"

Lin Qiong looked at the secretary with disgust and said: "I just took a plane to the Ugly Country. After getting off the plane, I breathed in the air full of gunpowder smoke and posted a reply on Bihu: 'Thank you for the invitation. I just got off the plane. In Ugly Country, the air here is filled with the smell of freedom'——people!"

Secretary: "???"

Angrily, she raised her fist and hammered Lin Qiong's chest twice, and said dissatisfiedly: "Master! Your statement is too much! That kind of guy is exactly what you call a Muyang dog, Master? I'm not that What kind of people—"

I was born as Missy's person, and I will die as Missy's soul!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! The main reason is that the speech just now was too déjà vu."

Lin Qiong smiled sarcastically, then pinched the secretary's face, and said, "Don't be angry, I'll send you a picture of Erina picking her nose back."

Missy: "????"

Before the secretary could react, she grabbed Lin Qiong's collar with a flushed face, and shouted in a low voice, "What are you talking about! Me, when will I..."

She pays attention to her manners, she must not pick her nose in front of others, okay? ?

"Hmph! Erina, after falling asleep, people do things that they wouldn't do normally?"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said with a proud look on his face: "I squatted with my phone for four hours before I caught a picture of you picking your nose!"

"What kind of pride is there in such a thing!!"

The eldest lady pressed her forehead against Lin Qiong's forehead in shame and anger, and said through gritted teeth: "And four hours!? Your behavior has gone beyond the scope of hentai!"

Thinking of her lover squatting beside the bed with her mobile phone, ready to snap a picture of herself picking her nose after falling asleep, the eldest lady felt completely overwhelmed.

So speechless!

Lin Qiong gave a serious thumbs up and said, "But the four hours of waiting are worth it!"

Worth a hammer! !

"Ahem, Qiongjun, and Miss Nakiri——"

At this time, Lan Ran coughed twice, and reminded with a smile: "Although I'm sorry to interrupt the emotional communication between the two of you, it seems that some unfriendly guests have come."

"Thief ha ha ha ha! See what this uncle found?"

Accompanied by a wild laugh, a dark gray dragon hovered above the sky city, and shouted to the sky not far away: "Come and see, a group of little bugs are actually flying here!" In the stuff, hahaha!"

Lin Qiong: "Huo—"

Following the call of this dark gray giant dragon, three or four more giant dragons hovered above the sky city, and then discussed with unscrupulous voices——

"It's really interesting, how did the little ants make this kind of castle that can fly in the air?"

"Hahaha, maybe it's stealing the secret treasure of our Dragon Clan!"

"No, no, no, they must have stolen the secret treasure of our dragon clan!"

"That's right! Take back the secret treasure that belongs to us——"

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