Soon, the giant dragons who reached a consensus landed in the courtyard of the sky city one after another under the indifferent gaze of everyone.

"Hey hey hey-"

The leading dark gray dragon patted the ground under him, grinning and said: "Small human beings! I am the great graphite dragon Kalimedaya. Do you know that the castle beneath you is a great castle?" The belongings of the Dragon Clan?"

"As a small human being, you dare to invade the dragon clan's property——"

The other red dragon bared its sharp fangs and sneered, "The great rose dragon Premida will eat you all one by one!"

"Hahaha, thief, of course you can also choose to escape -"

The third green dragon let out a joyous grin: "If you think you can escape from the hands of the great moss dragon Babista!"

"Hahaha, be gentle, don't scare these cute little things—"

The fourth blue dragon looked at his companions condemningly, then suddenly showed a distorted smile, and said, "If you scare them to death, then the great coral dragon Joleth won't be able to play well with it." Are they? Jie Jie Jie—”


Immediately, the four dragons all laughed happily, as if Lin Qiong and others standing in the garden were already their meal and could be played with as much as they wanted.

"Hey, young master, do you mean that the dragons in this world are all such mindless creatures?"

Yami twisted his neck gloomyly, then grinned with a dangerous expression, and said, "What a bunch of unpleasant reptiles, I can't help but want to tear them apart!!"

After Yami said this, the four-headed dragons who were happily spanking and chatting were stunned for a moment, they subconsciously looked at each other, and then burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, you, did you hear it?"

"Listen, I heard hahaha—"

"This, this little bug, said he was going to tear us apart?"

"Hahahaha, this is the funniest joke I've heard this year - no, I want to record it and tell it to others!"

"Hahahaha——" x4

Hearing the nonchalant attitude of the four dragons and the sharp laughter, blue veins visible to the naked eye popped out of Yami's head.

You know, he directly called the other party "reptile" just now, but this group of giant dragons didn't respond with any anger. What does this mean?

It shows that in the eyes of these giant dragons, human provocation, human existence, and human value are all like dust, so that they will not even get angry when they are angry.

This is really...

"It's unpleasant—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand lightly, and said, "Yami and Grimmjow are two, just pay attention to being beaten to death, and you can do whatever you want."


After receiving the order, Yami's mouth suddenly showed a ferocious smile, he looked at the four dragons in front of him, grinned and said: "Then, great dragon, is it best to prepare for missing arms and legs?" ?”

"If you don't do it right, it won't matter—"

Grimmjow moved his fingers, unbridledly exuding the violent aura of an apex predator, "Because, even if you kneel down and beg for mercy, we will not show mercy!"


The moment Grimmjow's momentum broke out, these dragons could no longer laugh - they just looked down on humans and regarded humans as insects, food and playthings, but it did not mean that they were mentally retarded, even if it was so obvious I can't even feel the momentum.

"Hey! Kalimetaya! This is different from what you said -"

Rose Dragon glanced at Shi Molong, and said a little irritably: "This guy's aura is obviously not a bug that can be killed casually!"

"So what? Humans are humans after all, and their magic can't defeat dragons——"

The moss dragon took a deep breath, then opened its mouth wide, and roared, "The moss dragon's roar!!"

"Swastika Lightning Leopard King!"

Grimmjow, who was covered in lightning all over his body, also opened his mouth wide, laughing wildly: "Wang Xu's flash!!"


A blue beam of light shot out from Grimmjow's mouth, easily shattering the moss dragon's roar.


Seeing the bad situation, the Moss Dragon hurriedly stopped roaring, and then moved its body to the side with all its strength.But even so, most of his right wing was turned into powder under Wang Xu's flash.


Accompanied by heart-wrenching screams, the Moss Dragon's body whirled to the ground like a fat Scottish chicken with a round face with broken wings, splashing large amounts of soil - making the maids watching on the side show expressions of pain. expression.

It seems that I have to work overtime to tidy up the garden.

"Hey! What's going on here?"

The coral dragon's expression was no longer calm, but looked at the other two dragons in a panic, and said, "Didn't it mean that human magic can't break through the defense of dragon scales? Why didn't Babista hold back even a single blow?" ?”

"How the hell do I know?"

Graphite Dragon's expression was also a little uneasy, with a trace of cold sweat on his face, and he said: "These guys obviously don't exude the smell of that damn dragon-slaying magic!!"

"What the hell is going on then?"

Rose Dragon screamed: "Kalimedaya, it was your idea to attack this castle. Please take responsibility for me!"

"I know this even if you don't tell me!"

Shi Molong showed a determined expression. He flapped his wings and said loudly: "Premida, Qiao Leisi, delay me for 20 seconds, I want to accumulate energy!"

"If you dare to take the opportunity to escape, I will kill you!"

Rose Dragon stood in front of Momo Dragon with an irritable expression, then opened his mouth wide and roared angrily, "I'll only block for 20 seconds, and I'll run when the time is up—"

"Don't worry, as long as you can delay for 20 seconds, the matter will be resolved—"

Looking at the rose dragon in front of him, Shi Molong's mouth showed a sinister smile, he exchanged a look with Coral Dragon, and then raised his claws in unison.

"Graphite Dragon's—"

"Coral Dragon's—"

"Sharp slash!"

"Furious impact!"

The next moment, amidst the surprised expressions of everyone, Shi Molong's slash cut off his two wings at the same root, while Coral Dragon's impact hit his back, causing him to quickly fall to the ground.


Rose Dragon turned his head in astonishment. He looked at the two companions who flew away without looking back, and immediately understood something - when escaping for their lives, they did not need to run faster than the enemy, they only needed to be faster than those around them. If people are quick, that's enough.

"Hahaha, hahaha——"

Rose Dragon let out a hysterical laugh: "This is a dragon, this is a dragon!! Hahaha——"

Chapter 0502 Am I despised by the cat?


Rose Dragon was laughing at the desolation that was nothing more than death, when suddenly he was slapped on the face by a big bag.


He lowered his head blankly and looked at Lin Qiong standing in front of him.

"Stop making noise pollution, okay?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Rose Dragon, then picked up the hot towel handed over by the maid next to him, wiped his right hand, and said, "Don't worry, you four will all die today. I can't keep you guys."

'What does he mean by wiping his hands? '

Rose Dragon stared at Lin Qiong's actions in a daze, and when he reacted, he suddenly felt a huge insult flooding his brain - this human being clearly despises himself! ?


Rose Dragon opened his mouth wide with scarlet eyes, and then bit Lin Qiong fiercely.

next moment--


A dozen figures appeared around Rose Dragon's body, pressing his body firmly to the ground, and he lost even the strength to move his tail—if you look carefully, you can see more than a dozen finger-sized The mechanical device is surrounding Lin Qiong's body, unfolding the magic energy shield.

"How dare you attack the young master—"

Kyle used his demon weapon, the Starfire Talisman Blade, to press against Rose Dragon's teeth, and then said with cold eyes: "Just dismember him here?"


Diana, who was holding the Demon Armament and Eclipse Silver and pinning Rose Dragon's palms to the ground, said with a gloomy face: "We should deal with him using Lingchi's method - scrape the scales while ensuring his life and consciousness. , the operation of sliced ​​meat!”

"I think it's okay—"

Shivana, who was wearing the devil's armed flame dragon's teeth in both hands, held the rose dragon's neck firmly, grinning and said: "It's enough to make him feel the pain that goes deep into the bone marrow!"

"Hey Hey hey--"

Lin Qiong looked at the excited guardians dumbfounded - wait a minute, Nilu, why did you get in there too - and said, "Is your reaction too exaggerated? This dragon can't hurt me."

"Master, you can't say that—"

Xia stepped on Rose Dragon's head, pulled away the demon weapon in her hand, Evening Star Feather, pointed an arrow at the opponent's eyeballs, and said with a murderous expression: "This man-eating dragon dares to attack the young master. crime!"

"Since it's a crime—"

Syndra held her own demonic weapon, Dark Star Guardian, and let a huge black magic ball get stuck in Rose Dragon's mouth, making his mouth unable to close. "Then we have to liquidate!"

"Sister Syndra is right—"

Gwen opened and closed his scissors angrily, making a clicking sound, and said in a gloomy and cold voice, "Let me separate with conviction and castrate him!"


The men present shuddered.

"Ahem, don't be anxious about this now, don't be anxious about it yet -"

Lin Qiong comforted the excited guardians and said, "Sindra, please take off his ball first, otherwise how can I ask questions?"

He knew in his heart that this group of girls were so excited, it should be because they have been holding back for too long in the realm world - after all, in the realm world, he would either fight in the sea by himself, or let the holy shield take action, there is no such protection at all Opportunity to appear.

"All right--"

Syndra moved her fingers, and the dark magic ball in Rose Dragon's mouth disappeared immediately, allowing Rose Dragon, who was covered in cold sweat, to breathe a sigh of relief—the conscience of heaven and earth, in his perception, the black ball stuffed in his mouth was just like Like a high-explosive grenade.

"Then next...huh?"

Just as Lin Qiong was about to ask questions, he heard movement in the distance. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "It's really lively today, and the dragons are coming one after another—hey, do you know what these dragons are? backing?"

Rose Dragon's eyes moved slightly and looked at the three-headed dragon hovering in the air.

"The Wise Dragon Belserion."

"Wind Dragon Arakis."

"Obsidian Dragon Kolista."

Rose Dragon called out the name of the three-headed dragon and said: "They are different from us. They are dragons close to humans."

"Xianlong? So that's the case—"

Lin Qiong showed a stunned expression and said, "That dragon from the Doragunov Kingdom, right?"

"You know it?"

Rose Dragon was stunned for a moment, then showed a bewildered expression and said, "No wonder you appeared near the country of Dragunov. You came just for Berserion, right?"

"Shut him up."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, Syndra's fingers moved slightly, and a dark magic ball appeared in Rose Dragon's mouth again, making him afraid to move.

"Hey, hey, how come in the blink of an eye, another three-headed dragon appeared?"

At this time, Yami, who was chasing the graphite dragon back, was carrying the bones of his limbs that were broken. Kalimetaya, who could no longer move, stood near the three giant dragons who were looking at the Sky City with doubtful eyes, grinning and saying: "An enemy again?"

"No, no, no, strong human being, please don't misunderstand——"

Looking at the Graphite Dragon dragged in the air by Yami, and the Coral Dragon and Rose Dragon lying on the ground, Xianlong shook his claws hastily and explained: "We are the giant dragon who is close to humans, and the one below is hostile to humans." The dragons are different."

"Tch, it's really boring—"

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